1912 (15) �I ' c4 I i S r c4 a 3H i M z_ 1 4 Q V a, j' H ,I, N , . 1'. 1 J q q j, u \ e,i-z, J a v I , / o l , ,- „.1 , , w t 1. 1 3 0 , , ,,,, d I `� z I IIEIIf1SVUIIZ AS-' 30 01OI330 1 ■ 1 1 Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey jss' g R• f ^?'r 9 T' being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the newspaper known as the "ST. PAUL REVIEW" and during all said time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; that the said newspaper: the "ST. PAUL REVIEW," was during all the said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each aturday of every week; that the annexed printed notice of Il ' Clk'(k, 1 II\ # OkNAA \ i tkie6ktA:VY\ NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACA- TION. Vacation of Alley here o . tached and m.de part hereof, was cut and taken from the col- Notice is hereby given that the pets- umns • •: ■ ,e s'.pe , and was printed and published in aid newspaper tion of G. Sommers & Company, for the, for . `- consecutive eeks, once in each w• k—that the said vacation that all that part of the E. 2 notic printed and ubl•:h d in sal• news a.• on Saturday, the feet of that part of the alley in of St. P P Y. 3 of Bass Addition to the City of St: Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, ly- day of. ing between Lots 2 and 7 in said Block, has been filed in the office of the City A. D. 19.t. and was there er pri ted an4published in said newspaper �.D� Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minne- on eac n,�, "ry succeeds atu d.i til includi c Saturday, the sota, and said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen at day of.. ... A. D., a meeting thereof to be held in the 19.1.. , that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit Council Chamber in the Court House mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet and City Hall Building, on Thursday, Oct. 10, 1912, at 4 o'clock in the after- form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and mis- noon of said day. cellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language, at Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 30th day of n established office and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. Aug.., 1912. (IEORGE•T. REDINGTON, 141.East Fifth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Min- presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the newts., (Aug. same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, was (A 31-Sept. 7-14-21-1912a during all the said time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circu- lated in said city and state; that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county and state; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL REVIEW" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a dupli- cate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertise- ments, or either or any of them. That the Publisher of said newspaper, on June 10th, 1907, filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 5516 of the Revised Laws of 1905 of the State of Minne- sota. That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, I t, and that each and all thereof are ,k'e. � Ili, 1 M &)\(/ Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 1 day A. D. 19...t. L,7 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. "'4_ - I1 $u My commision expires 1/ p p-p' C. ►r. Cl. C) ° or. _ r+ O `e O '-r' o c, 0 `45 w n g in Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey J being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein Bd F No. 37701— mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the ' Whereas, There was heretofore pre- newspaper known as the "ST. PAUL REVIEW" and during all said time sented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Coun- was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper; cil of the City of St. Paul, the petition that the said newspaper: the "ST. PAUL REVIEW," was during all the of G. Sommers & Company, the owner said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the of the property adjoining and abutting on the alley hereinafter described, City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each praying for the vacation of the east Saturday of every week; that the annexed printed notice of two (2) feet of that part of the alley in Block three (3) of Bass' Addition to St. Paul, lying between Lots 2 and t in shown ' in said block, as showwn upon n the plat annexed to said petition, which said (66 petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and Whereas, Said Board deemed it ex- pedient that the matter therein re- ferred to should be proceeded with, • and ordered said petition and accom- panying plat to beypfiled of record in heret, hed and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the col- the office of the City Clerk of said city, and ordered said City Clerk to give umns . : ■-AN,-.aper, and was printed and published in said newspaper notice by publication in the official for ,,•, on--: • • -eks o -e in each week—that the said paper of said city in the manner and .... .. .. ....■for the time required by law, that said notice s/fi. printed and publi aid nnewspap)er on Saturday, the petition and the subject matter thereof �7)`If� � ����J✓"V would be heard and considered by the �V day of. Committee on Streets of said Board of 11 Aldermen at its regular meeting to be A. D. 19}...; and was thereafter printed and published in said newspaper held fn the Council Chamber in the on each and every succeeding Saturday until and including Saturday, the Court House on the 10th day of Octo- �- I^�_ ber, 1912, at four o'clock P. M., which • said notice was duly published and day of .A. D., given; and 19 • that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit Whereas, Said Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen did meet at mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet the time and place above mentioned form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and mis- and appointed therefor, and said Com- mittee did at said time and place hear cellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language, at all testimony and evidence adduced on an established office and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. the part of said petitioner and all other 141 East Fifth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper persons interested in the matter of presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and said proposed vacation, and did take g publishing the proof of the matters averred in said same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, was petition, and being of the opinion that during all the said time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circu- the prayer of said petition should be lated in said city and state; that said newspaper, for more than one year granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during to said Board of Aldermen, recommend- all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and ing the adoption of an appropriate circulated in said county and state; t,hat during all the said time said resplution declaring such vacation; i now therefore, it is hereby newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent Resolved, By the Common Council in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column of the City of St. Paul, that the east being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during two feet of that part of the alley in all said time said printer and publisher of the said "ST. PAUL REVIEW" Block three (3) of Bass' Addition to St. Paul lying between Lots 2 and 7 has printed, published and delivered,at each regular issue, more than two in said {dock, as shown upon the plat hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; annexed to said petition, be and the that said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a dupli- same is hereby vacated and discon- tinued as a public alley, subject, how- Cate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertise- ever, to the following conditions, that ments, or either or any of them. is to say: That the Publisher of said newspaper,a er, on June 10th, 1907, filed with the Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said petitioner County Auditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit setting forth the facts shall, before this resolution takes ef- required by Section 5516 of the Revised Laws of 1905 of the State of Minne- feet, pay into the treasury of said city sota. the sum of ten dollars this 0) ce addi- tion That affiant knows personal all the facts set forth in this affidavit, tion to the expenses of this proceeding, P y which is hereby fixed as the compensa- and that each and all thereof ar:- t u• i tion for said vacation. R� Adopted by the Board of Aldermen . • Oct. 15, 1912. .,`1 le ' Vv-N, Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 17, 1912. Approved Oct. 23, 1912. (Oct. 26, 1912.) Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ' day o . D. rq eld\745'\rIA:7;rb. - Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. `6 ' d �` My commision expires 1� , � '-) 7-- A ?7 cr oth CI -Ir �. O. P n C ° O O '"f' o 0 2 n ` P `- p... n lif Bd F No. 37701— Whereas, There was heretofore pre- sented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul,"the petition ,, of G. Sommers & Company, the owner of the ptoperty adjoining and abutting Villijr., _ 1 s on the alley hereinafter described, _'�3`"/■fF"*D praying for the vacation of the east `; 1 two (2) feet of that part of the alley ;x in Block three (3) of Bass' Addition to 2 St. Paul, lying between Lots 2 and in said block, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said 8 petition is duly verified as required WHEREAS, There waE by law and sets forth the facts and o the Board of Alder- reasons for such vacation; and Whereas, Said Board deemed it ex- 4 men one of the branches o f pedient that the matter therein re- n ferred to should be proceeded with, the City of St • Paul, and ordered said petition and accom- 5 panying plat to •be filed of record in the petition of G. Sommers the office of the City Clerk of said city, the property adjoin- and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publication in the official 6 paper of said city in the manner and ing and abutting on the al for the time required by law, that said i praying ing for the va- would be heard and considered by rthe 7 Committee on Streets of said Board of cation of the east two (2) Aldermen at its regular meeting to be a alley in Block three held in the Council Chamber in the 8 Court House on the 10th day of Octo- (3) of Bass' Addition to St ber, 1912, at four o'clock P. ah which said notice was duly published and 0 t 8 2 and 7 in said �. 9 given; and Whereas, Said Committee on Streets block as shown upon the 1 of the Board of Aldermen did meet at up p the• time and place above mentioned Lion, which said peti- 10 and appointed therefor, and said Com- mittee did at said time and place hear t i on is duly verified as re all testimony and evidence adduced on forth the facts and the part of said petitioner and all other 11 persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take reasons. for such vacation; proof of the matters averred in said 72 petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter WHEREAS, Said Boar stated, did duly report its conclusions at the matter therein 13 to said Board of Aldermen, recommend- .ing the adoption of an appropriate referred to should be proce resolution declaring such vacation; id petition and ae- 11 now therefore, it is hereby said Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that the east companying plat to be filed two of that part of the edalle in of the City Clerk of 15 St. Paul, lying between Lots 2 and 7 said City, and ordered said in said block, shown upon th the plat annexed to said id petition, be and the Ice by publication in 10 same is hereby vacated and discon- tinued as a public alley, subject, how- the official paper of said ( how- ever to the following conditions, that 17 is to Bay: For the time required Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said petitioner b law, that said petition C shall, before this resolution takes of hereof would be heard 18 Y p feet, pay into the treasury of said city the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) in addi- tion to the expenses of this proceeding, 19 and considered by the Commis which is hereby fixed as the compensa- tion for said vacation. Board of Aldermen Adopted by the Board of Aldermen 20 at its regular meeting to bE Oct. 5, 1912. 'amber in the Court Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 17, 1912.o Approved Oct. 23, 1912. (Oct. 26, 1912.) 21 House on the 10th day of Oct.. .. ,,,., _-._, a. ....s _ _lock P. M. , which 22 said notice was duly published and given; and 23 WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen 24 did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, 25 and said Committee did at said time and place hear all testimony and 26 evidence adduced on the part of said petitioner and all other persons 27 interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof 23 of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that 29 the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter 30 stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, re- 31 commending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such va- n cation; now therefore, it is hereby 33 RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that 31 the east two feet of that part of the alley in Block three (3) of Bass ' 35 Addition to St. Paul, lying between Lots 2 and 7 in said block, as Olfr 4 I } 3 shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby 4 vacated and discontinued as a public alley, subject, however, to the 5 following conditions, that is to say: 6 Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said 7 petitioner shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the 8 treasury of said City the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in addition to 9 the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensa- tion for said vacation. 11 12 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly: 15 I%"' 191 OCi 1'7 1912 191_ _ YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER MR. HA S COR ING ED RDS MA LE fryHYL ND lt ;VII AUD MO GOMERY MUR ANE, E.J. SA BORN MUR ANE,F. WALE OBER YOERG RYA NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) I STEGER TE Approved 0 „1e NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (MCCOLL) Afayor • <1CT 26 19I 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 \.. 34 35 le)( {i!TY OF SAINT PAUL ,., 1 0.H.O'NEILL CORPORATION AT-:'ORNEY ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS JOHN P.KYLE KENNETH G.BRILL JOHN A.BURNS ALBIN E.BJORKLUND October 14th, 1912. To the Common Council . Gentlemen:— Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution for the vacation of the east two feet of that part of the alley in Block three (3) of Base' Addition to St. Paul, lying between Lots 2 and 7 in said Block, upon petition of G. Sommers & Company, the compensation be- ing fixed at Ten Dollars and the costs of the proceeding. Yours truly, ‘ 117717/7C2)7 Corporation Attorney. r er'-'"'''-7/ ter if i 1 1,-- ( i Ib� . . Q iti Tirxlt' Vitt t. prod,Minn. GEORGE T.RED NGTON,Ciry CLLR( JOHN 1'. McGINN,ASST.CLERK October llth,1912 Hon.O.H.O'Neill, Corporation Attorney, City Dear Sir,— The Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen at their meeting held October lOth,1912 made favorable on the petition of G.Sommera & Co. for the vacation of all that part of the east two—feet of that part of the alley in Block 3 Bass' Addition lying between Lots 2 & 7 in said block,fixing the canpenaatiorg at $10.00 and cost of proceedings. Yours truly, / . /A l�G.-t ,VW Claw*. -17 f :> ..1.• 2',1r4!Ei 718.TS i;3 wave iA :1,'4t44,i7 fi:4 "it c. ;ri: _ ti.^ • it Ntbt Z ? !Til :rot '} '.. ?...;# t >.. n t . .♦ • •�aai �rr'' ri. .!r UTO THE HONORAB THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Gentlemen:- The undersigned, G. Sommers & Co. , the owner of Lots one, (1) , two (2) , three (3) , four (4) and eight (8) , Block three (3) , all of Bass' Addition to the Town of St. Paul, respectfully requests your Honorable Body to vacate the east two (2) feet of that part of the alley in said Block lying between Lot two (2) and Lot seven ( 7) in said Block, that is to say, so much of said alley as lies between the east line of said Lot seven (7 ) produced across said alley and a line west of,parallel with,,and two feet distant from said last men- tioned line produced across said alley. The reasons for the vacation are that the said alley is a blind alley and runs into a street which heretofore has been vacated, which street is further bounded on the east thereof by the freight terminal yards of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie Railway Company; that another petition of your petitioner for the vacation of all that part of said alley lying between said Lot one (1) and said Lot eight ( 8) is now pending before your Honorable Body, so that if said last described part of said alley shall be vacated that - part of said alley herein proposed to be vacated is unnecessary for pub- lic _,-urposes. Your petitioner owns all the property on the north side of said alley and said lot eight (8) on the south side thereof, and all the remaining property on the south side of said alley is owned by Louise "1. Fogg, whose consent to this vacation is hereto an- nexed. Your petitioner desires to erect on said Lots one (1) , two ( 2) and eight ( 8) a large warehouse, and to build a party wall on the boundary line between said Lot eight (8) and said Lot seven (7) and to continue said wall upon said line produced across said alley, and your petitioner desires to use said pare of said alley herein pro- posed to be vacated for and for the foundations of said wall and in connection with its building plans. Said building proposed to be constructed will cost in the neighborhood of two hundred thousand /ollars 0200,000) . Hereto attached and made a part hereof is a plat of said -1- Block three (3) and of the locality and of that portion of the alley • in said Block proposed to be vacated. Your petitioner further annexes hereto a consent on the part of the owner of the remaining lots in said Block, namely: Lots five (5) , six (6) and seven (7) to the vacation herein proposed. ':"lEREFORE YOUR PETITIONER prays that the said part of said alley may be vacated according to law. _...c2L,,,,,...,,,( 4-4,---___ Petitioner By e4;--e, Secretary. State of Minnesota, ) (es. County of Ramsey. ) Charles L. Sommers , being first duly sworn, on oath de- poses and says that he is the Secretary of G. Sommers Co. , the cor- poration named in and which subscribed the foregoing petition, and that the facts stated in said petition : rear-e. .1f- ./-( 1:0-2-f--.1--z--e-e-t-(2 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of August, A.D.', 1912. Notary Public, Ramsey aunty, Minnesota. . `.y Commission expires ---- / 3. / 5/ ?- T , Louise L. Fogg, the owner of Lots five ( 5) , six ( 6) and seven (7) , in said Block three (3) , Bass' Addition to the Tovm of St. Paul, have no objections and consent to the foregoing petition being granted. '7? ? St.Paul,Linn. , August 20, 1912.. -2-