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JOHN T. Mc GINN,Ass ,CLERK Nov.2nd,1911
Corporation Attorney City
Dear Sir,—
The Committee on Streets of the Boardof Aldermen at their meeting held
Nov.2nd,1911, made favorable report on the petition of Louisa Wessel,et al for
the vacation for the northerly 84.22 ft of the alley in clock 1 1Narrendale,an addi-
tion tb St Paul, fixing the compensation at $25.00 and cost of proceedings,and
same is respectfully referred to you for proper form of resolution.
Yours truly,
City Clerk.
d t 141 409-'"
741rMr ent Yalu 11,41: 7/ _
O H.O'NE■LL r :y
CORD O'H Al"i:.i r' .:'TORNEY
,_s sTANT *1''iRNE:
November 4th, 1911 .
To the Common Council .
Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the
Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacat-
ing the northerly 84 .22 feet of the alley in Block 1 , Warrendale, upon
petition of Louisa Wessel and others; the compensation being fixed at
the sum of Twenty—five Dollars and the cost of the proceeding, also the
dedication to the City of part of Lot 3 in said Block 1 .
Yours truly,
\: tee:
Corporation Attorney.
Successive Insertions—The Rural. Weekly,
Affidavit of Publication.
SS being duly
County of Ramsey . sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein
mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the
newspaper known as "THE RURAL WEEKLY," and during all said
. time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said news-
paper; that the said newspaper: "THE RURAL WEEKLY," was dur-
ing all the said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and pub-
lished in the City C of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of
Minnesota, on Qa�h Wednesday of every week; that the annexed printed
notice of. . . . . . . . /
hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the col-
' umns of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said flaws-
NOTICE OP HEARING FOR VACATION, paper for consecutive weeks, once in each week—
Vacation of Alley, that the said notice was first printed and p lishe in said newspaper
Notice is hereby given that the meta- on Wednesday, the �'/`�•J day of •
!tion of Louise Weasel et al. for the va-
cation of the northerly 84.22 feet of the A. D., 19./,. ; and was thereafter printed and published in said news-
alley in block one (1), Warrendale, an paper on each and w/ ry succeeding edn day until and including
addition to the City of St. Paul, has 7
been filed in the office of the City Wednesday, the day of A D.,
Clerk of the Ci ty of St. Paul, Minnesota,
and said petition will he heard and con-
sidered //
by the Committee on Streets of, 19. /J.; that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit
the Board of Aldermen at a meeting mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and
thereof in the be held In the and Cham-
ber Hal sheet.form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments
in the Comr;t House arnd City H,alll
Building, on Thursday. Nov. 2, 1911, at and miscellaneous literary items, printed and publishes in the English
4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. language, at an established office, and known place of business in said
Dated at St, Paul, Minnesota., this
112th day oaf September, 7911 city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary
GEORGE T. REDLNGTON, materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, print-
City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Min- ing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that
(Seep:t. 13-20-27-Oct. 4-1911-4t)' the said newspaper, was during all the said time, and still is dated in
St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city and state; that said
newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first
publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing,
was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county and
state; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and
still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of
more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than
seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said
printer and publisher of the said "THE RURAL WEEKLY" has printed,
published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred
and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that
said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a
duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and ad-
vertisements, or either or any of them.
That heretofore and prior to March 1st, 1911, the publisher of said
newspaper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an
affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of
the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as
That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit,
and that each and all thereto are true.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ( ,
Q ) Fee, $ /• / _ _ . Received Payment.
day of ---)-1---C-'• A. D. i9._//
.v o .na sior, Date ° -.1/� // I9 / Per �����i�<�!/�/'
otary Public, Ram _ unty, Minnesota.
MY Comn.1 salon expires Dec.8,29 1 b, / J
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Successive Insertions—T he Rural Weekly,
Affidavit of Publication.
nTAT1C f1V MI NTAlI Cl1TA ,' �,/1 //
being duly
IBd I' No, 35,;35— `
Whereas, there was heretofore pre-i SS,
sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein
sesed to the Board of Aldermen, one mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the
of the branches of the Common Council; newspaper known as "THE RURAL WEEKLY," and during all said
Louisa the City of St. Paul, the petition of; time was, and now is, principal clerk of the' printer of the said news-
Louisa Vessel and others, owners of p
property in block one (1), Warrendale,I paper; that the said newspaper: "THE RURAL WEEKLY," was dur-
rn the City of St. Paul, praying for the' ing all the said time, and still is, a weekly newspaper printed and pub-
vacation of the northerly 8+.2c feet or lished in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of
,ths alley in said block one (1),as shown
and colored green upon the plat an- Minnesota, on each Wedne day of every week; that the annexed printed
!hexed to said petition, which said pe- / /
titian is duly verified as required by
law, and sets forth the facts and rea- notice of. :. . , , , %. - ...
sons for such vacation; and
Whereas, said Board deemed it ex-
Ipedient that the matter therein referred
'to should be proceeded with, and or- .
'dered said petition and accompanying
plat to be filed of record in the office
of the City Clerk of said' city, and or-
dered said City Clerk to give notice by
publication in the official paper of said
city in the manner and for the time
required by law, that said petition and
the subject matter thereof would be hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the col-
heard and considered by the Committee umns of said newspa er, and was printed and published in said news-
on Streets of said Board of Aldermen
at its regular meeting to be held in the paper for consecutive weeks, once in each week—
Council Chamber in the Court House
and City Hall Building, in said city, on that the said notice wa fi t printed and pub had in said newspaper
the Id day of November, 1911, at four
o'clock p, na, which said notice was on Wednesday, the. . . . . . . day of
duly published and given; and
Whereas, said Committee on Streets A. D., 191/.; and was thereafter printed and published in said news-
of said Board of Aldermen did meet at paper on each and r ry succeeding W esday until and including
the time and place above mentioned and
appointed therefor, and said Committee' Wednesday, the. . .4� . . .day of • A D.,
did at said time and place hear all tes-
timony and evidence adduced on the j
part of said petitioners and all other, 19. . 7. that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit
persons interested in the matter of said ' mentioned, and still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and
proposed vacation, and did take proof' sheet form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments
of the matters averred in said petition,I
and being of the opinion that the pray-i and miscellaneous literary items, printed and publishes in the English
er of said petition should be granted language, at an established office, and known place of business in said
upon the terms hereinafter stated, did, city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary
Bury report A ldermen, recommendi ng the its conclusions said
Board of f Aldermen, materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, print-
adoption of an appropriate resolutionj ing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that
declaring such vacation; now therefore,I the said newspaper, was during all the said time, and still is dated in
it is hereby I St. Paul, and
Resolved, by the Common Council or! generally circulated in said city and state; that said
the City of St. Paul, that the northerly 1 newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first
81.22 feet of the alley in block one (1),' publication of said notice, and during all the time or said publishing,
Warrendale, in said City of ;St. Paul, as was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county and
shown upon the plat annexed h
petition, be and the same is hereby to said ereby va-! state; that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and
cated and discontinued as a public al-; still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of
ley, subject, however, to the following! more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than
conditions, that is to say: I seventeen and three-fourths inches long; that during all said time said
Such vacation is granted upon the)
1 express condition that said petitioners i printer and publisher of the said "THE RURAL WEEKLY" has printed,
'shall, before this resolution takes ef- published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred
fact, pay into the treasury of said city and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers; that
the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
in addition to the expenses of this pro- said newspaper during said time, has never been, and is not now a
Iceeding, and shall dedicate to said City duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and ad-
Iof St. Paul the triangular piece of land vertisements, or either or any of them.
in the rear of lot 3 in said block 1, That heretofore and prior to March 1st, 1911, the publisher of said
1Warrendale, as shown and colored red 1
on said plat, which is hereby fixed as newspaper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an
the compensation for said vacation. affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen 1 the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as
!Nov. 7, 1911.
Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 16, amended.
i 1911. That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit,
Approved Nov. 21, 1911. and that each and all thereto are true.
(Nov. '29-'011)
7/ 40
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
I Fee, $ /* Received Payment.
/1 day of -12--r/• A. D. 19 �! / THE RURAL WEEKLY CO.
• �,,•
%/ ,/b a27g-
Date ' /.,// 19- Per
Qtary ublic,Ra L ,Minnota n .
--v. Comn:i.'sloe excires De.c.8.191
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Rd F No 3:.131—
Whereas, there was heretofore p
eon led to the Board of Aldermen, one! Ln'
A L of the branches of the Common Council 1
of the City of St. Paul, the petition of
Louisa Wessel and others, owners of
property in block one (1), Warrendale,I
in the City of St. Paul, praying for the
! vacation of the northerly S4.Li feet of!
the alley in said block one (1();as shown!
land colored green upon the plat an
nexed to said petitiop, which said pe-
tition is duly verified as required by
law, and sets forth the facts and rea-
sons for soon vacation; and
Whereas, said Board deemed it ex-
pedient that the matter therein referred
to should be proceeded with, and or-
dered Said petition and accompanying
!plat to be filed of record in the office
WHEREAS of the City Clerk of said city, and or--te Board of Alder-
Y�bEREAS, There was here detect said City Clerk to ive notice by
i publication in the official paper of said
city in the manner and for the time
men, one of the branches of the required bylaw City
f the subje matter, that said petition and thereof would be of St . Paul ,
heard and considered by the Committee
on Streets of said Board of Aldermen
the petition of Louisa Wessel arat its regular meetiri.g to be held in the'operty in Block
Council Chamber in the Court House
and City Hall Building, in said city, on
the id day of November, 1911, at four
one (1) Warrendale, in the Cityo'clock p. in., which said notice was for the vacation
duly published and given; and
W'hterea a, said Committee on•Streets
of the northerly 84 22 feet of tof said Board of Aldermen did meet at
.42 the time and place above mentioned and; one (1) , as shown
appointed therefor, and said Committee
did at said time and place hear all tes-
and colored green upon the plat timony and evidence adduced on the
p t p part of said petitioners and all otherLUn, which said
persons interested in the matter of said
proposed vacation, and did take proof
petition is duly verified. as r ec of the matters averred in said petition, forth the facts
and being of the opinion that the pray-
er of said petition should be,granted
upon the terms-hereinafter stated, did
and reasons for such vacation; cduly report its conclusions lussions to n.•said
adoption of an appropriate resolution
declaring such vacation; now therefore,
WHEREAS, Said Board dew is hereby the matter there-
Resolved, by the Common Council of
tile City of St. Paul,that the northerly
84.22 feet of the alley in block one (1),
in referred to should be proceecwarrendale. in said City of t. Paul, as mid petition and
drown upon the plat annexed to said
petition, be and the same is hereby va-
plat to be filed ofi y, subie subject, to the follow al-
accompanying of the City Clerk
conditions, that is to say:
ofSuch vacation is granted upon the
o1 said City, and ordered. said Cexpr'es:s condition that said petitioners
shall, before this resolution takes of-.ce by publication
feet, pay into the treasury of said city•
the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00-)in the official paper of said Ciin addition to the expenses of this pro-r,-17.. the time re-
ceeding, and shall dedicate to said City 1
of St. Paul the triangular piece of land
• in the rear of lot in said block 1,1
quired by law, that said petiticWarrendale, as shown and colored red"er thereof would
on said plat, which is hereby fixed as
the compensation for said vacation.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen
be heard and considered by the CNov. 7, 191,. !' said Board of
Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 18,'�
Aldermen at its regular meetin -•
?ppro-ed vac. st. 1l.
�9-1911) !le l l Chamber in
the Court House and City Hall Building, in said City, on the 2nd day of
November, 1911, at four o' clock P . M. , which said notice was duly pub-
lished and given; and
WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen
did meet at the time and place above mentioned' and appointed therefor,
and said Committee did at said time and place hear all testimony and
evidence adduced on the part of said petitioners and all other persons
interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof
of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that
the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter
stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, re-
commending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such va-
cation; now therefore, it is hereby •
RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that
the northerly 84 .22 feet of the alley in Block one (1) , Warrendale, in
said City of St . Paul, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition,
be and the .same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public alley,
subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say:
Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said
petitioners shall , before this resolution takes effect, pay into the
treasury of said City the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ( u5 .00) in addi-
tion to the expenses of this proceeding, and shall dedicate to said
City of St . Paul the triangular piece of land in the rear of Lot 3 in
said Block 1, Warrendale, as shown and colored red on said plat; which
is hereby fixed as the compensation for said vacation.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen:
Adopted by the Assembly:
_NOV —7 NI I 191 _ N11V 16 I { ? _191--
• TROY Approved / 2 /
<13V 29
�. St . P:.ui, Minn. , Aug t ,
GENTL±'^;_tE!vT: -
Tye, the undersigned, property owners in Block 1
Warrendale, do hereby petition the Honorable Body to cause the
Northerly 84 .22 feet of alley in said Block 1 to be vacated
according to part colored green on accompanying plat .
The reasons set forth for such vacation are that
the alley as now laid out , ends at Como Park without an outlet,
and the topography of land asked to be vacated lies very low
and would be very impracticable for alley purposes . Further , the
owner of the triangular piece of land in rear of Lot 3 in said
Block 1, according to part colored red on accompanying plat , in
case of said vacation will dedicate same to the City of St . Paul
making a -more desirable and large" turning point in said alley .
further, the adjoining property owners abbuting on said vacated
portion of said alley are desirous of making extensive improve-
ments facing Churchill Ave. and as the owner has property on
both sides of the alley he is therefore anxious to have the
now unsightly alley vacated so that it can be improved and
beautified. Further, this property is practically s°. rrourided
by Como Park, and therefore all assistance should be rendered
property own =-rs in beautifying this property, as you will find
they have done on Como Boulevard.
State of Minnesota )
: s s .
C(Ai.nty of Ramsey )
Louise Wes el heint dt47 sworn, says that she has
read the annexed petitior, and that the sane is true to her own
knowledge, accept as to those matters stated on her information
and belief, and as to those matters that she believe them to be
true, and further says th-.t she is the owner of Lot 1,2 , and
part of Lot 3, and Lot 29 , in Block 1, Warren le, and th--lt she
is the Louise Wessel, whose name appears as one of the signers
of the said annexed petition .
/.,a c-C/
Subscribed and sworn to
before me thisk'th day of
Au_:u s 4, 211 .
o NIP' -1_
o aryr pub ic ,'Ransey iounty , Minn .
Iffy mmi.ssi.on expires, April 11th, 1913 .
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