1911 (19) 4106 Cook street from the center line of Duluth avenue to the St. Paul water- works right of way, being a strip of land sixty feet wide lying immedi- ately north of that tract of land described in Rook 62 , page 192, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, as shown and colored. green on the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said petitioner shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the treasury of said City the sum of Five Dollars (t6 .0o) in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, and shall dedicate to said City for street purposes, Cook street from Frank street to the ;eater—works right of way, as shown on the proposed plat of Hillsdale attached to said petition; which is hereby fixed as the compensation for said vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly: SEP 19 I'd II 191 — OCT -5 13I 191 YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUME STER MR. HAN Y BLOO QUIST KA E COR ING MM LE GER ER I HAUL) HYL ND PO ERS MA NEY SA BORN MO TGOMERY W HITCOMB MU ANE YOERG OTIS NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) TROY Approved 191 NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (ROHLAND) iM Mayor. ZPj 18 !1� TO THE HONORABLE , THE COWON COUNCIL OF THE CITY O?' ST . PAUL , COUNTY OP RAMSEY AND STATE 01' MI?1NESOTA : Now comes Ware-Hospes Company , a corporation , and for its petition herein it respectfully states and shows as follows , namely: - This petitioner is the owner in fee simple of all that portion of The Southeast Quarter (S . E. 1/4 ) of the Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4 ) of Section twenty-eight (26 ) , Township twenty-nine (29 ) , Range twenty-two (22 ) , Ramsey County, Minnesota , according to the Government Survey thereof, which is delineated and set forth upon the plat or diagrwl hereto attached and made part hereof. Your petitioner further states that it is about to subdivide and plat said premises and to that end has caused a proper plat or diagram thereof to be prepared in all things as provided by law, and to be duly submitted to the Plat Commission of said City of St . Paul , for its examination and approval . Upon said plat and diagram there is shown and delineated a certain street known as Cook Street , extending from east to west across said entire tract of property, and the same is an extension in direct line of Cook Street , as it now exists and is located as a public street of said City of St . Paul . Your petitioner further states that a portion of the premises and real estate herein described and referred to were °orderly owned by Ann K. Stees , and that by a Warranty Deed , whereby said premises were duly conveyed to the grantee therein named , which deed is dated November 13, 1874 , and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ramsey Oountlr, Minnesota in ?hook 62 at page he r r�aan i said deed dedicated as a public street /44.4.44- the new sixty (N. 60) feetAef the premises and real estate there- in described. That the grantors in said deed intended to dedicate • I • •? via 1-4 r-vr tiro • T1100 110710"3 '2 02 : kro7rT.2r,4.. E77fri DIV!' IND r1"1100. , ITTAtf. . r.0 a..tt area I fictiYamotp.)o - ,:r1,3 .trao 0 3f, zleraoo arti011.8 43.1113 ae4a$ LLu it rarmi n t :' terisc not/^f.).: s .11.8 O tittat,-:; r iwo rft 19notStIte4 Iptit3u9 $aae:ilite7 ola . r1 "f9 !1L,9 s; T 4041S) entail:sows ItelumoT etcs) ItfjpwlInow4 notIoir 10 .R. ) antiro,tos sai.oftersitit 4 '7,trtitol ' Sr i (g2) 44c J,t10.1 JOE ono bslaluttleA it 1..otAw ,t10,%011., tnarmilavAr .4torteke.' .tsteg obam br.F1 be -"la$1t rulerigth o 1.sti ft It siotift,J•C•fm oj Ittarts 19t FifOstla "Icvr..tn -conoL,, tleq øf) tar ,ego-fq- Setr,f30 4f4Fitrmerui Woe tMIq iyabtvcryl as a7:,r0:. :,t IT t bertivorsq 14trio:1 ._1141a rioro' t. N .rla/ltrufl•is Jcr. scr • . 1.470.4/To ,Lk.; not tAtfirtErtit az! .0. •To' Fi . 17 belnertr- o atorfa at irls.cl .r.iin7,10'b 1)fl 1111 btnn aoliT S-.ne nio•11. " ialt/:ce ei ?fool EF, nwe.111. Soehrs 8t env.: ar",* br.,a ■tozll i1f AJ 88o-m.3 a al :ir„t In 11 t jinn NInt-Xe L IiP Aoo!" .%o r U ±:)e-11. .) rs.f . 1ing . J,.! .1 ) %;..tt, htile 10 letef..r: aealt16-11 f). I 4t0 rUo i arrie etY Gs? be-nets1 .bscr!-"p.'89 ) rfr)-1,-L7r r431-1Sas D3131 bflo btan tbeeft Jti.t-ertnlif 1,1(-!. /14r,z! .0%.4 blear mik rfotew :)-10tann ntrieC,t esIne-u- e*Tew eisatreN e3.M0 • r.t ;) ) )re i rjg.„ , ,M*F.71 t7' I 15(fr''9v -17 59$ b at 5990 rt ..i.11Akiannr* 41;:titcron- a.b99 I Ito •19415it-219■5! Ottfin g as .4s$F.,.o"b41, 6 os rt n.• lairt iJL3 asatmell 1 ( rTh 5. :!.0t LAO ')1 beip-19.tr.,t A41•5L Ask; etc:14444n I13;vr.T. . Acit-:96C) MP PI , i f said strip of land as an extension of Cook Street , as it then existed , as . a public street in said City of St . Paul , but by a mistake , inadvertence and oversight of the Surveyor who surveyed said premises , the strip thus dedicated does not form or constitute an extension , ejt' er of said Cook Street or of any other public street in said City of St . Paul whatsoever . The accurate and correct location of the strip of land thus dedicated by the grantors in said deed as a public street is delineated and set forth upon the plat or diagram hereto attached , and does not form or con- stitute a part or portion of any public street in said City of St . Paul . WHEREPORE , your petitioner respectfully prays that the strip of land described by the grantors in the deed herein referred to and which was therein dedicated to the public as a public street , may be in all things vacated , and tiat in lieu thereof there may be accepted as a public street the extension of Cook Street , as the same is set forth upon the diagram hereto attached , and which this petitioner has dedicated to the publir/Ose in and by the plat of said property presented to the Plat Commission of the City of St . Paul , as herein stated and set forth. Your petitioner further prays that all proper steps for. the vacation of said street may be taken by Pour Honorable body, as provided by law and by the Charter of the City of St . Paul . WARE-HOSPES COIT.PAITY, By �� rem I • i „ flsit It 04 4 .11-1$11P Xson lo notanalxe na 8A bral '.* qFt a Wm* a Xd ld 4 .Draq . tr, • 0 vtl ataa n1 fasVa 011r 3 a ; 4beidixe 1010Xe1Jrs 01* 1oev"f '2 RZ1 I.0 JTh'IOVO ;Ins eaaat.t"raviaant talsiatm eti. A )r) 13 1310 ,: ,)n aaoJ belflotJah Ultill 41,:ta or , aaalmail Otilz; otrfrA 'ifteJ'o ILakt 10 lo Jael/P. ,toot ,Jtla l'o 1Wi--tn tnotai!e,txa ne brio GIa-v-ooa (MT . laysoallMw faaq . 1P '1.o -;,:11 it nt Jae-Ltd alolnaln 5,71 xur balsOtbalb turd.1 anal lo 411LT, riH,-1- M not,tsool IO1-loo no,la :Jlo" las bii,; haSseAtleb at likal ollsayi a a4 .ifftwi) Ut4a fit -noa lo (1-10M .1fl aaob ima 1 `Jerr3s1ls Wileisir nurr4Itb 10 3311: t41 .1 'to Vtn i) tAti nt Jellla 9ti ,o4 xnA 1.o nol.tloq lo J1A4 4 81“,' LL . fusq . ,y . 9 ,: ,:, ; st a ,,..4/4 s:/fr - )5414.1 *IsnotztJeri Ivox 474..Y0v-RNH}EW ;Iblialwi ntt; c;: aosa ., .; At al.)3aaln 5. 1 /.:.'d Ipsdt-:oash ;)416/ to itteht t3aelJd *I.Uffti a 0,.; nkl:i'-4 J a/ asIaotileb ntalsi:st %ow ;- o.t.clw ims 01 *d xam 0/8::: 1.owlar'$. aall nt Iili hna ( balapav alaitifi 113 a ed *1{4 aa , JaalIP .009 ' ‘) not-asixe s ,1 Jt.w.hi.a !Alt4q a a;4 be.1-041.us 8t1'.1' .0,01..v 4P.ii t0934J. a Clu1817. Mt111:. 4:p e:J .104H 11.1-0,7 /ri: FI aroa to ta/q elf: xd bro nt env ollduci eL:L' baIaotbio aaif ^.enot :'1Jsq, . $1! 'to ,! .:0 sf,..t lo nol % tmr,To3 lafq & J o belnommi V"la,.07 .1 btaa T.110 . /sa racil heIgS'R nts-IsA grA trff(4q le! 3454. liclonq //a /:.kiZ ISV14. nal-ruft nanalllail itroY ilLborf etdaloner iaox -,4,: ntoiliii ad v,-aat /•4,114 latala 'to notImaav sri. . briict • i'n 1:0 x/V est.:1 I e le J•CF1.07) ,s17/ vi Lauri w4-4/ vi- bisiavo-iq as •7i7L407) z'',7q"01.'-NPAT 1 _._ r • • t, . . . . . . _ _ IIIT • r + • .I -7 • STAT1 OP MINNESOTA , ) (SS . County of Ramsey. ) Robert L. Ware , being duly sworn loth depose and say that he is the ` dt.44,,elf,(4//i _ __ _ __of Ware-Hospes Company , a corporation , and authorized in all things to make this affidavit in its behalf. He further deposes and says that he has read the foregoing petition and knows the contents thereof , and that the same and all of the same is in all things true . X_ . 1-V&\- \\XA..\!.. .____ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,2,,P day of _-- A. D.l'4ll . ./ / ', f . I I Notary Public ,, — Ramsey County, Minnesota. My Commission expires 7i / 2 ; dfz-k9 zz/ _ r" -4, • , ( ATOPITMITI vo c-"NkTR . 2r) .,Laamog vv.* Awls saoqab eaGo niowa xbr , Vledo0 c,,a,i(imon asqao.14-tinA, la clial at Stg Ituf tvsbtn" ; ! ' !": 5k1t1O rtir/ un i! bosilogins ono enolIslotiloo Of : £ e- as off ssa bas ssaotisb is.a/n" aH .41-Tsff.a6 elf nt br. ort9it s/ra*rtoo rC awoni bins no1J ;*.t3q :Atowyol Ila nt at arise st o 110; bits erica sm sno7ad Qi WIQW11 ban badtlowiro .A 1-o E0-:t C[ .sIosonntlf t%/noo0 Noamng saliva notaatmmol V J5( (: 7