1911 (15) Ng 4d t1u mop Amp (1,1 G-sodap eq} �iaom o} pa}�eog aq `pa' � �) Y w. / / �" I( xa,s� t `oxq �fusdutoo saldutes 4 (79 F ?uq,wattoaq uaaq ansti peon ;oo Puu aautao; eul a suol 5T qnoq / rrajg 30D �algzeiu ao,54 11-:odvp OATS pue WHEREAS, There was heretofore prese tE to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Co icil of the City of St . paul, the petition of J . George Smith, the owner of the property on both sides of the portion of the street hereinafter described, praying for the vaca- tion of that portion of Charles street lying between the easterly line of Lot 6 of Auditor ' s Subdivision No . 9 in the City of St . Paul, and the west city limits, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the ,facts and reasons for such vacation; and WHEREAS, Said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by pub- lication in the official paper of said City in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Assembly at a meeting thereof to be held in the Court House and City Hall Fuilding in said City, on the 20th day of July, 1911, at 7 :30 o' clock P . Y. of said day, which said notice was duly published and given; and WHEREAS, Said Assembly did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, and did hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of said petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated ; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, Py the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that that portion of Charles street lying between the easterly line of Lot 6 of Auditor ' s Subdivision No . 9 in the City of St. paul, and the west city limits, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject , however , to the following conditions, that is to say: i S • 1 Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said petitioner shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the treasury of said City the sum of One Dollar in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, and shall, on or before five years after the pass- age of this resolution, construct the building mentioned in said petition, said building to cost not less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars; which is hereby fixed as the compensation for said vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly: NOV -7 1 9 1 1 191 191 YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEI ER MR. HA DY BLOO UIST K NE CORN NG M HLE r� (,ER R I //// MICHAUD ` HYL ND Ro ,�' RS MALONEY ,` SANBORN MONTGOMERY Y WHITCOMB MURN ANE YOERG OTIS NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) • STIEGER / / TROY Approved ��/"(!� 191_! NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (ROHLAND) � 1 Mayor. C-- �iUV 29 19 11.--- • • 0 I Pevrtrbrtexrx of Baku i, kl il - CITY OF SAINT PAUL F p 9. O'NEILL / / Jj � .,4 ;. i/ COR ORA^.'ION PTTORNEY ,. <yic A55- .ANT PTFNE`!5 ' JOHN P KYLE r ; jr„'O'' KENNETH G BRILL / viitc. -�JOHN A.B is R NS F ""`" %� -`ry .+V AE.HIN E.BJORKLUND ✓ : November 4th, 1911 . To the Common Council . Gentlemen:- I Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen I transmit herewith a redraft of Assembly File No . 13370, vacating a part of Charles street, upon petition of J . George Smith . Yours truly, J Y _ _' Corporation At orr ey. / 7 + Drixrrzhrn?nx of C CITY OF SAI NT PAUL. I ll O.H.O'NEILL d CI) it i CO RPORATION RNE'Y `` \ ASSISTANT A'TOReEYS P ,/' JOHN P.4:YLE V•�f� NENWETH ORKLUI_ VI JOHN A_BURNS !.�_BlN A N E B J O R K L U N O ORKLUND d 0 � Sept ;.,r 1 , 191 . (f t . J tv ,ii of 1 f c d r l 4, To the Common Council . k' - & Gentlemen:- Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacating that portion of Charles, street lying between the easterly line of hot 6 of Auditor' s Subdivision No . 9 and the west city limits, upon petition of J . George Smith; the compensation being fixed at One Dollar and the exrenSes of the proceeding. Yours trul , ' a_ r � Corporation Attorney . rr tl Z. 1 (",s, , qr 1 90,--%- (I - heretofore presented to the Assembly, one of t'} Zit it (rierr2, c �`he City of St . Paul, the peti, Gooq 1-41 j, r Olaf,44--C . - ,n both sides of NN T .,NGT Ut. thp q, EAk e Cl " _ .-, ti h'On.p ...of tV eX11, O' , 1 Dear Sj°r�'orFitjon Attorn IJOV.3r r,- ey, Lqty °,1911 the COrl1li t on r�ov�ber �, tee 841, eet re f@nd,1911 ordared the U tree ys Of theO� . hs,ttrt bui rred t0 you for gc �'p 117Y1hE: A I d Of f 4/der''e a co. n lding o the Pur y'`i1e t their and ret ' ® n or ° Pose 13370 meQti n sgr7 to ref re fjVe Years Of ndin� sa:7e vacating a Port ng ho-id aZn body. ,and bu�1dtn8 to t° 2nclude the f t of Chile. y°ur$ truly' °p9t not 1eesth olloilrl Lit.. in the Court hut.- City cI erk. of July, 1911 , at 7 :30 o' elocr duly published and given; and WHEREAS, Said Asser.:bly did meet at the time and __ mentioned and appointed therefor , and did hear all testimony and evideia _ adduced on the part of said petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that that portion of Charles street lying between the easterly line of Lot 6 of Auditor ' s Subdivision Yo . 9 in the City of St. Paul, and the west city limits, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and 11, the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject however, to the following condition:,, that is to say: Such vacation is granted upon the express condition that said J_ r •`' \ f : i ,,,, a ./5— am .1' )°,:t'+S �y � t., h. , .A.+ t ° r 4 .t - t , -o. Y o. ., 4 � '4 k� Y -J ' k# t.*;,A.,..„ ,• s p4! S t .*wi .1 t lxSt , 1 t y . V.44 4Z,,•; S vx � v`'' • , e y d '— a s 1 k X,4,..,,0,1>..\,. a •, ti� 1'w Ll i,1 '.• rf y N ` �l t�np3 a i, � 'z ` 'f Xg�rs„)fi 4 � M � �.)- ,�rE ,.F"$sv. ,,,,SY,X�A'AL, .g ' � - % t ' .X � °F ,r.°?' 4 , 9 ft 4i',...4 f . :tilt o T V ' a o c A 7 H> •4 '' 0 ILir w o rrIocacitov eclt ''o sezlon6•rd e y ' '' ` TBCj -Tei {slit lo Teaveo ...,it ,iL .ta8i 93'r0Er0 . T, it) !Lott .ev eat To,: 3ftly q , f.dectttoeeb Tert?izteTed teerta slit to .rottioq emit i eta0e Brit nsewtecf ; ri.tyt tserta ael• srdO lo clot.'—roc/ tacit 3o n. r bri ,Iir£t{ . t? '_o yi :)dt at C . t) rzo±a vr.'xii ; ' 'ro:tiluA to 3 tol - tnoititeri ,,tra ot be.;eact6 t,ict edt cxo.w fiWocia as 1attait y+to t8ew e f cit'ro± atee bile wtiI i f bs7fui.;,'.; •,13 17,91'11'raiv Tlub et Locos,tt`,,/ r;ir riottivt' .E.!.a. o tt eo v 1!cu8 tOl arrol ae.r brre atoal eri Tott.s.:2 exit tr;rit ±.Jtr,,:rxe :ti be tseb ylc'ftzeaeA bta$ 1aA?c H4'' rzottityq b b e u'u'zsb7o bap t dtiw bebeeoo'rq sd x.iuo :e of i;eY�:: Ie 7 Ott:+'rent f •�t.t^ edt to eo.t'tto edt at 15.ro:.ie'r 'to bet.tl eo o,; tstq ziatiritacm000e, b.x i.t rq vc' cotton *vt y ot -t-;� �� y t t a b:r as be.xebro b le tytta bira '}o AAreL0 emit ;pit 'zol bar. ^rf.- 1.Ltz:r ;,ril- al T7ti0 bLza 10 'rsa t. 1 o et at rzoi teo b.Euo‘,v ?o resit Te:tta�,a toe c ua e t bns clo tti teq Lh e tacit ,,;7r.,1 ~,d be'rtupes bleri ed ot loe xe:ft csatteert 6 t6 7IdsaeasA edU yd be'rebiac oo brz6 b•rc'e y.eb citO , sLit r10 tyt to btea ill yrzt ,.t.tu L`.e;:I •ytt k e : ,:. .; :.._: a6ry .;piton bt:3a cistri;' 1yob Gi e 30 I R • r petitioner shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the treasury of said City the sum of One Dollar in addition to the expenses of this proceedirE, ,•°hick is hereby fixed as the compensation for said vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen: Adopted by the Assembly: EP 2.1. 15H _191____— 191 YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS ALD. BAUMEISTER MR. HANDY BLOOMQUIST KANE • CORNING MAHLE GERBER MICHAUD HYLAND goma. s--- MALONEY SANBORN MONTGOMERY WHITCOMB MURNANE YOERG OTIS NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (KELLER) STIEGER TROY Approved 191 • NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (ROHLAND) Mayor. Copy 1/:", a if P`' ovill � F \ r TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNCIL WA an` OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: - Your petitioner , J. George Smith, a rasident of the City of St.Paul , respectfully says that he is the owr r of Lots five (5) and six (6) of Auditor' s Subdivision No. 9 in the City of St.Paul,County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota , each of said lots being divided in tea middle by Charles street , as shown by the accompanying plat; that said Charles street was extended through said lots about a year ago by the City of St.Paul , and that no compensation was paid for the taking of the land for said street. That your petitioner desires the vacation of that portion of Charles street lying west of the easterly line of said Lot 6 and the west city limits; that said Charles street extends to the west city limits and no further. That your peittioner also owns the property im- midiately west of said Lot 5 and adjoining the same , outside the city limits , and that your petitioner intends to erect a factory at said place located partly upon the land outside the city limits and partly upon said Lots 5 and 6 aforesaid. That the said part of Charles street desired to be vacated as aforesaid is required by your petitioner for the purpose of rounding out said property and enabling your petitioner to have a suitable site for the erection of said facto- ry; that the said part of Charles street so desired to be vacated is ungraded, unopened and unimproved in any way, and does not lead to any- where , stopping as aforesaid at the city limits. That hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof is a plat of said location and of the part of the street pro- posed to be vacated. WHEI<:EFO +',. Your petitioner prays that that part of Charles street located between the east line of Lot 6 of said Auditor' s Subdi- vision No. 9 and the west city limits , be vacated. ,40041011100r Ow t I ♦ c 9 and the west city limits , be vacated. I Petitioner . STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) SS . County of Ramsey . ) J . George Smith, being first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says that he is the petitioner nailed in and who subscribed the fore- going petition, and that the same is true of his own knowledge . Subscribed ,and sworn to before me this / — day of June, 1911 . Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn . Hy commission expires _.1_6.1 -- to 3 w r 4-1 fri/`y o ° :1 , l\ �/�1� ‘.1.. .. NZ j/- n.4 4 .) n` V I Z .\' il " may, ' 3'u I 4' /1 Q / I - I j o•--- , ti -I. \ k 09 rt. NI n y a . h 1 2¢.G 14,0 , , • k„., . /.1:2 6\ r.,,, "23"0 \/T.2 • ' IS464 ' 5 27.4 /72 N.. GI ► � r N. r tit V c4 S /J'.0 t Cr) 6.7 11414 S;3 11 • 1411 1 (1)J3.f \ 20 ' tel N. ^' .�) y k 0�- N iti 3./ X2.2 /9; 2.4 .' �• r- • 1 Nis( to n, VI - 1W...co' 4:1 . - os, t/.2 s r3 2 0 j Rl.3 vv qa (A I i ' t.' ' .ZJ w ;,' � N. 'r t. n I ,rr' ` . i N iJ ° v 0 ft 4 al ,,.. <" • ■ , k I i 1 1 i.,,. . , . . t.. \ 14,'` a N al �� N 5