1911 (12) 4 f e* r (� To the Honorable, The Common Council of th=a City of St-. Paul Ramsey County inn rota:- The undersigned, petition.-rs, respectfully represent ; that they are r .sid ants of and life within the said Ciry of ,t. Paul and are the owners of r :.,. lots o--' r-al estate set opposite our names, in Flock five ( 5 ) of Dawson' s Ad ition to the City of St . Paul , according to the plat `.ii ar-lof om f1l and of record iiti t a office of the R ister of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County, and that said lots ar=e all in sail Block five ( 5 ) and a majority thereof are on the line of the alley therein, runnin; northeasterly and solJthw steely, between Alice etreet and the easterly and of Cherokee Avenue in said City. Your p-tition' rs further raserotfully rarres-nt and request that said alley t- vacated and discontinued for t::.n following; r2 im ons, to-wit ; First : Tnat in the original plat of said_ Block there was no alley dedidated or laid out. Second: That in the y=ar Ic04, an alleged dedication and gra- ding of said alley was made, upon a petition of then certain owners of certain lots in said Flock, but that the eame has n-ver been raded or opened, no" will it be ,racied Or opened for the rea:en tf at the same'' is impracticable, th 5 damages in so doing to the property in said Floe k will far exceed,.he benefits, the' interests of the Pui 11e 'o not demand the grading; and op pink: of °.:aid alley and if it we-e so a v'cd Kin open- ed, the alley would marr the sights of Alice and Cheroke Parks and that said alley is not necessary as a connection batw-en sal` Parks asathe same are connected bi said. Alice Street and Cherokee Avenue and by said former with Ohio Street. That a plat :.parked "A" of said Flock five ( 5 ), shorid7g the said alley marked "B" , is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Wherefore your petitioners request that said alley. be '.T$oated and discontinued . that this netit.nn hi= Pi , ri ar,ri nn#.ir► tner^n° g4-Mn. Alir 46 4 •Gbi RI Aif-- Dated , sined and respactftlly si)bmtted, M In2 ----- day of May 1911. 7a7- of o7ner, Number of lot or lots. ( Yfidt_of.x,,t, J ‘ - 5/ ovmpi, 1 AtrAsir fizr -Vi 1?- -22----/a3--/ f f 1 /0---- /i- (7 — — It / i r.„,,." , --,.,., .„.:.: . . ..---- , Art I A -41,e lied 44_,A_LL •) ./f (?d..d— Stat of Linneot,i , SS. County of Rams-y. John F. Sullivan, being first duly sworn on oath says, that h- is one of the foregoing letltioners, that-lie has read and kirms the contents of the foregoing petition rid that the matters and things therein stated are true of his ow, ced,i0.t Subscribed and s 'orn to before me imp 4 i thistf day of May 1911. J4244_c_00c Notary Public Ramsey County linn. My commission expires October 10th, 1911. e i6, , 7- . .. „'% '� k j, � 4:'' / ,..-; ....., 5 1 _ .../.../ V t r a ,,,M ',,,, ',' -, - —'i-°§a ''•':.,,L 9 736 b/-94, / _ {,,,3, _ S 9 s ,1"b . Z• W ;',..'°:- 1 gyp > 1 t h 1 e 'e1 L ...w ;J +,� ,'` l .4 ' \7" ` 4Y P \� S • N 4 V / r V \\� ��p i' r �, y. .�.• •• �\).\ »111 , `�; ^ _.(,), x �°� 1� -- j _ ' i 1 :1 S ' 'l6'O ,o 1 t t ...- _{ e ----..4-T-7-1— p;'�"1 ».� b s v �: y F (1' ( N; 1 ; � .� ' L 1 r r I } "is7" .T. .-- i h-- __ _ r_.. ^`* try ,.� � �; 4 : , IyIN 1 CIE i ;� � t., _ ,: 1 1 a t 1 i ; _f, v ._ 'Q '1 S .SAN.3A J ' .5' I 0