Sept. 3th, l:?1l.
To the Common Council of the city of St. Paul,
Ramsey County, =4innesota,
The differences between the petitioners for the vacation of
t'le alley in Llock five (5) Dawson's Addition to :=t. Paul, and
ourselves, the undersigned, having been settled, we the undersigned
hereby withdraw any and all objections which we have or may have
to the vacation of said alley and reuest that said vacation and
the said petition therefor be in all =fir s gvanted./
e // iL
Owners of Lot "?Zirte'`r, "rock
:Ave, Dawson's i.ddition to
St. Paul.
Sept. 8th, 1911.
To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul,
Ramsey County, Iiinnesota,
The differences between the petitioners for the vacation of
the alley in Block five (5) Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, and
ourselves, the undersigned, having been settled, we the undersigned
hereby withdraw any and all objections which we have or may have
to the vacation of said alley and request that said vacation and
the said petition therefor be in all , !s :ranted.
Vii :
Owners of Lot Thirteen ;lock
Five, Dawson's Addition to
St. Paul.
September second, Nineteen Eleven.
Asemblyman Mahie
Chairman Committee on streets , Common council , St•Paul.
Dear Sir:-
Persuent to your suggestion at the last meeting of the
c •mmittee on streets , that the property holders should get tegethar
a d in some way effect an amicable adjustment of the differences with
tie one objector, viz. ( Mrs Peter Schletty ) the petitioners have
a ted in accordance with the views expressed by your self and othe
i the common council and tendered fifty dollars $ 50.00 the ammt
e rI,
sked for.to withdraw objections to vacating Blo'k 5 Dawson, s AdditioX
The money has been placed in the hands of Dr.D.C.Jones Mrs.
'chletty,s family Physician to whom she has plead and appealed to
.ring about a settlement of this kind.
In addition to the above Mr.John Grogan one of the petitioner
joining Mrs.Schletty on the West has made a voluntary offer to make
joint drive-way with the Schletty property giving them more yard
and no exposure to any house service pipes
Copy cf the receipt for the money tendered attached herewith.
trusting that your committee will recommend a favorable report.
Very truly yours
i 4�, ' • r 4
THIS AGRELMENT made this the Sth day of September, 1311, by
and between Peter Schletty and Rosetta Schletty„ his wife, parties
of the first part and Christina Abel and Richard Abel, her husband,
Annie E, Grogan and John. B, Grogan, her husband and John ea Sulli-
van, a single man, parties of the second part,
WITMSSLTH, whereas said second, parties area other owners of
paoperty in block Five (5) Dawson's Addition to Saint Paul, have •
petitioned the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County
ainnesota, to vacate the alleged alley in said Block Five (0, the
proceedings upon which are now pending before said Council and
Whereas said first parties have entered certain objections
to said vacation, and
Whereas all of said parties desire that their differences in
that regard be settled and said alleged alley be so vacated,
Now therefore, if said first parties will properly withdraw
their said objections to said vacation and said alloy shall be leg-
ally and aroperly vacated, said Annie a. Grogan and John L. erogant
her husbandl hereby promise and agree to transfer by warranty deed
and jointly to said first parties, Peter Schletty and Seesetta
Schletty, his wife, an undivided one half interest in and to the
Easterly four (4) feet of Lot (1:3) in said block five (5)
and said Peter and Rosetta Schlotty promise and agree to transfer
by warranty deed to said Annie E. Grogan an undivided zlhalf in-
terest in and to the Westerly four (4) feet of Lot Wiaiitatiohea (44
in eaid llock five (5) and said strips of land so mutually conveyed
and a common drive way or road made and graded as hereinafter set
out, shall be used by each of said Peter and Rosetta Schletty and
Annie a, and John B. Grogan, their heirs and aseigre as and for a
permanent drive way or road and in common, between them, their heirs
and assigns,
In consideration of all of the foregoing, all of said second
parties promise and agree at their own expense to make and properly
grade said drive way or road and to properly secure and protect the