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1910 (33)
A .epartut.ett1 . tf ILI& h .ark Thud, Aim. L.W.RUNDLtTT, COMMISSIONER St. Paul, Minn. Mar. 29, 1910. Committee on Streets of the Assembly, C I T Gentlemen, - The vacation asked for in attached petition has already been completed and proceedings were recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds November 19, 1909 in Book T. , Page 33. The- part vacated is shorn in green on accompanying plat. The portion of this total vacation asked for in petition above referred to is shown in flat green tint on said plat, tte remaining triangular piece already vacated being hatched in green. Yours • -rjr tspectfu"lly, --for ColL of Public Works. • ``8 t .., Board F. No. ` °�C '� Ny[ �y '� > • 3c 9-4-_ �y.,, Assembly F. No 6� t / cvle 7/ 7.,1 / a • By ai., /,Resolved, Th/ jssemb • File No . 11871- , approved June 3rd, 1910, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: That the description of that portion of Onega street, contained in said Assembly File No . 118712, be amended so as to read as follows: "Commencing at a point on the northerly line of Congress street, 114.30 feet easterly of the westerly line of lot eleven (il) , block fifty- four (54) , West St . Paul Proper, thence northeasterly at an angle to the left 84 degrees, 45 minutes, from the northerly line of Congress street, 62 .75 feet, thence westerly parallel to the northerly line of Congress street to the original line of Onega street, thence southwest- erly along the original line of Onega street to the northerly line of Congress street, thence easterly along the northerly line of Congress street to place of beginning." Bd F No, 32421—By Ald.,;do flouno,.i (Resolved, that i.fizrpao Agaaalt sl lo. • 118 7 l i4 ,.-- '0161 -i4 .8ny pe;.cp sstao_1 otignd do, paEOE- I attl do ..soda.[ eq; ;o aollEUt awl uI t 1 —0I5ZE •oN .d PEI t, (0T6T-LT 'Bny) '0161 SS '21ny pano.ul V , 't •21ny Alquuassy etl4 Act pa3doPy '0I6T `Z '21-I c' > uBUllSpty do pr8og eq. Act PB3dopy c 'AgaJagl pasanout ail o Axessaoau sasuadxa putt s4soa `S9 turei} . 2111 JO 4(.10)Ao aul 01 Pa1LL0Uao Punol Adopted by the Board of Alderman: Adopted by the Assembly: JUL 19 1910 AUG .-1' (, ;' ---- 191—_-- --- -- -----_____ 191 YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS Ald. BAUMEISTER Mr. HAND BLO MQUIST KAN ■ Co ING /�1f KELI ,R GE BEE 1` MAH E HY AND �r MIC AUD MA,ONEY/(,), Mo TGOMERY MURNANE YOERG OTIS NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (ROGERS) 4iTL5"" Tit,* Approved— / _-- /3 7-------._--191—e5__ z; F'resi nt(Ri NAYS 0 Mme. P�test a., - /�i� – - -- Mayor. (AUG 17 !' O 14, 41fr'' ii, , : ., :. '3 t4 m '?r i" :' of:catty / ( 4,,,..e CITY OF SAINT PAIi'_. A``" `-'' y ' J&NIESIIMICHAEL. :: .. `"Nt EE, y, CORPGRAT,ON ATTORNEY SY+Jy. e 4' V 455 STArvT ATTORN evS LOUIS R. FRAN KEL � 3, �� V� ���� C E.CO LL ETT 41,�I MICHAEL DORAN JR. 1 JOHN ‘ CP JOHN J.KIRB'✓ . c .hr, May 27th, 1910 . (ic 14,14\ 1 ( : ; To the Common Council . \ Gentlemen:- ` I transmit herewith a groper form of resolution vacating a portion of Cnega street upon petition of the West side Turnverein and. others ; the compensation being fixed at the expense of the proceedings . Yours truly, 0'!, . `�• oration Attorney . / ,,,,14''A-7\ii ski . LP I i`. i Successive Insertions—St, Paul,(Daily News. Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey c SS Of being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all said time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper: that the said newspaper: "THE ST.PAUL DAILY NEWS,"was during all the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, except unday; that the annexed printed notice of csu l2 q . Q>°C'_'''e ...t v-AfAe€,/_ _ NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION Vacation of Street. Notice is hereby given that the pe tition of the West Side Turnverein for hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns the vacation of that part of Onega of said newspaper, and was printed and pnblished in said newspaper for street from northerly line of Congress p p street 114.30 feet easterly of the west- consecutive days—weeks,once in each week—th the said erly line of lot 11. block 54, West St. Paul Proper; thence northeasterly at an angle to the left of 84 degrees 48 notice was first printed and published in se' newspaper on....il fA/ minutes from the northerly line of Congress street 6.2.76 feet westerly the ..Z41 day of - A. D., 19./0; and was parallel to the northerly line of Con- gress street to the original line of I thereafter printed ;rid pi bushed in said newspaper on each d every Onega street; thence southwesterly along the original line of Onega street i succeeding ail and including the northerly line of Congress �f g g ----the street; thence easterly along the north AY day erly tine of Congress street to place of y of.-- - -/ A. D., 19/0 that said newspaper was, beginning, has been filed in the,office during all the time •• this affidavit mentioned,and still is, a collection of of the City Clerk of the City of St, reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general ;Paul, Minnesota. and said petition will r y items,r and local news, comments and miscellaneous litea Ibe heard and considered by the Corn- rinted and printed on Streets of the Assembly on published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established Monday, May 16. 1910. at a meeting office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth i eeriof the o be held in the Ceunci Chem- Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and I Building at 4 o'clock in the afternoon skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the I of said day. whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said Dated at St. Paul. •Minnesota, this time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city 3d day of March,T. and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the I- GEORGE T. Rf st. Paul,T date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said City Clerk of the City of 3t. P , Minn, p > g ("March 24, April 1-8-16-1910-4t) publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish- er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore and prior to March 31st, 1901,the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. That afiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that each and all thereto are true. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ° ''' ''''( -7-1(-€1-41;741 - l Fee, $ Received Payment. say of z-hr-‘4,z4r A. D. 19/001 THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. 1li7 Date i o Per Public, ounty, Minnesota. M- -on,' . ,vsion expires Deo.8.197 6. C.) tn 1• =1 ce 061 • - 0 1-0 z U 0 &'•4 fir (=> er,s, • Successive Insertions—St. PauI (Daily News. Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF .MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ss Of being duly sA'y- F No. 118‘11/2-- • sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein Whereas, there vas heretofore pre-I mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- e:.nteci to the Assembly, one of the,I paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all said branches of the Common Council of' time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper: i he City of St. Paul, the petition of > > P P P the West Side Turnverein and others,l that the said newspaper: "THE ST.PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all majority of the owners, resident the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the in the City of St. Paul of all the land City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on join property abutting upon and net each and every day of the week, except Sunday; that the annexed printed ad- joining that portion of Onega street Y Y P Yi P hereinafter described, praying for the /i vacation of all that portion of Oneg , / , �w /4097/0 street described as follows: Commen notice of C/r�/{// ,. 'w ing at a point on the•northerly line a Congress street, 114.30 feet easterly o toe westerly line of lot eleven (11), block fifty-four (54), West St. Paul Proper, thence northeasterly at angle to the left 84 degrees, 45 m utes, from the northerly line of Co gress street, 6,2.75 feet; thence west ly- parallel to the northerly line - Congress street to the original line Onega street; thence southweste along the original line of Onega str hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns to the northerly line of Congre of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for street; thence easterly along the north— erly line of Congress street to place / c nsoo t days—wee aid of beginning, in the city of St. Paul, 'Minnesota, and more particularly shown day- and described upon the plat annexed to notice was fir t printed and • blished in said newspaper on. .. ...... said petition, which said petition is ,/ duly verified as required by law and the 'f day of A. D., 1910 ; .a --a*8s sets forth the facts and reasons for / _ y sueli vacation; and , , • . . . Whereas, said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein re- �� tiff'to should be proceeded with and ordered said petition and accompany- ing plat to be filed of record in the day of. A. D., 19 that said newspaper was, office of the City Clerk of said city, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned,and still is, a collection of and ordered said City Clerk to give reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general notice Paper ofysaidbcitytii publication the official local news, literary items, P , comments and miscellaneous literar items printed and for the time •required by law, tizatl published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established said petition and the sub,iec matter; office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth thereof wool _ ?red ` P Y said Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and be skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said gut iuotaq pine saso1 n`, time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city •1s 30 S4?a atl4 01 lo d• and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the -.end ;1u111t2?t .io} 13aa1s ui_t ;o uo11•, id uoan pasn moo skew _to slsoa aiten; date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said ac411 vs publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said uodn pelanals iplsl 3o uolletlalsul °tom 1 aauolss?wuuw pat P gr P P ,ue•sxaon� allalla ao aaLO?sstL1L°� time county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still s a° 1e.toaaae pun • pulls?eu Yalu oOypa`it- consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than uDlslnaadns all; aapun p tl 4 on osall re five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and netts nine. et11 10111 'aatt4anl p �iauno,td- three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish- uouxwop aril ;0 4uasu00 a n 4nog11+1e er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and prime 3t 1 p ao panowa.z an loo use a delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete ewes ay1 paiielgul Ds a.ze sdwei pled sures otit uoll?pu00 aatt4anl uodn pull_ copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during 4sells eztseae.11 p?re to uotlaou Veilln said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly twat, 111S?I a°.1 �ouu??` ciia Aa 11 ao1 Si ueds of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of legal ..3ulpaaaxa them. -xa we 1e '0161 oleo& aq4 do aepulewa.18 news- et", pe?anp pau1elulrw ao ,. -setp UI. paper h filed rw with the County rAuditor of said 1901,Ramsey County,anaaffidavit 944 papinozd 1`ucdu,�X g3 uodn $u11s?xe st n forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General .earn;e .1a10 p 1ejiwis 'inane. g1uanag Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended. ntou asoill 01 uzoa; '4aaa4s ebbs em.ne Y , 01 inane. t[lxls .uo That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and s15 d dwel 1s1uatueuao itrlsul 04 `asuaa that each and all thereto are true. xa umo alattl 4'e 'paziaoil4ne 2gaaaC Su$scribed and Sworn to before me this W Fee,$ Received Payment. ?i/aay of_. -;--4-e A. D. 19fr- THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. ... ........... _G 1.. "-. Date fg Per a \ ./ vdblic"Ra County, Minnesota. IV,Y Cornnrssio,, expires Lc,b, ifd i b, _ fp: pl ELI tl) 0 gt: 1:4 C: 1 r:=-4 ram,i -, F.+ 8 irrro im Successive Insertions—St. Paul;iDaily News. Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey SS GY being duly sworn, deposes and says: that he now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,'' and during all said time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper: that the said newspaper: "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on each and every day of the week, except"Pi/ that the annexed printed !•i notice of-- 244( 40 7�/ 32421—By Ala. Hyland hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns Bd F No, 32421 Resolved, that Assembly H ile N . of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for 118711/2, approved June 3, 1910, be and !the same is hereby amended as rot- consecutive days—weeks,once in each week—that the said j lows: That the description of that portion of Onega street, contained in notice was first printed and published in said newspaper on......% -per said Assembly File No. 118711/2, be /� nA w� amended so as to read as follows: day of A. D., 19-'1 ; a "Commencing' s the �/ Commencing dt a point on the _ northerly line of Congress street, 114.30' ' '° . -• •- _._. .. _ feet easterly of the westerly line of .fib lot eleven (11), block fifty-four (54),, sweeeediig, t.il ^ .A. West St. Paul Proper; thence north- easterly at an angle to the left 94 de- day of. A. D., 19 that said newspaper was, Bees, 45 minutes, from the northers during all the time in this affidavit mentioned,and still is, a collection of line of Congress street. 6°.^,3 feet, thence westerly parallel to the north- reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general erly line of Congress street to the and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and original line of Onega street: thence published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established southwesterly along the original line office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth of Onega street to the northerly line of Congress street; thence easterly Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and along the northerly line of Congress skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the street to place of beginning." whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said Adopted by the Board of Aldermen time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city July 19, 1910. Adopted by the Assembly Aug. 4, and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the 1910. date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said Approved Aug. is. ii ie. publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said (Aug 17-1910) county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish- er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore and prior to March 31st, 1901,the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended• That af[iant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that each and all thereto are true. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this e-e--P-47-,� Fee,$ Received Payment. ._ _ _day of._. /_ A. D. iu f" THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. 177 /.... .. ... Date 19 Per .: otary Public,' tamsey County, Minnesota. n..Y Uom,..,ss,e, expires i..reC.hi, 1g l b, i•••4 • -Net cn • 1• =1 gi• 0 • i'•■0 •.■1 • • U €•••0 ••■,e Cf::) I • 41 A'y F No. 118711/2— I Whereas, there was heretofore pre sented to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Council of ! the City of St. Paul, the petition of /� / Al the West Side Turnverein and others. 1)j a ma e'or it y of the owners, resident 01, " i 1 61 in the City of St. Paul of all the land b-` and property abutting upon and ad- joining that portion of Onega street tee. a hereinafter described, praying for the vacation of all that portion of Onega!, street described as follows: Comment i in_-g at a point on the northerly line of, Congress street, 114.30 feet easterly of the westerly line of lot eleven (11),, block fifty-four (54), West St. 'Paul: Proper, thence northeasterly at an angle to the left 84 degrees, 45 min WHEREAS,EAS, There was heretofore presented. to gtes; •from the northerly line w of Con-1 street, 612.75 feet; thence wester-' ly parallel to the northerly line of Congress street to the original line of Of the branches of the Cotimon Council of the City O'Onega street; thence southwesterly` along the original line of Onega street, to the northerly line of Congress street; thence easterly along the north- .e. r erly line of Congress street to place petition of the West Side Turnverein and others, a l of beginning, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and more particularly shown and described upon the plat annexed to resident in the City of St . Paul of all the land and said petition, erified as which by lawnandl sets forth the facts and reasons ford such vacation; and upon and adjoining that portion of Cnega street her Whereas, said Assembly deemed it' o ex expedient that the matter therein re- ferred to should be proceeded with and! ordered said petition and accompany- praying for the vacation of all that portion of Cne ins plat to be filed of record in thel office of the City Clerk of said citye and ordered said City Clerk to give: notice by publication in the official) as follows: Commencing t a point on the northerl g P .a Paper of said city in the manner and,' J for the time required by law, that! said petition and the subject matter' thereof would he heard and considered) street , 114.30 feet easterly of the westerly line o by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly at its regular meeting to bel held in the Council Chamber in thel A Court House and City Hall building,; mock fifty—four (54) , West St . Paul Proper, thence ih1 said city, on tile 16th day of May, 1910, at 4 o'clock p. m., which said notice was duly published and given; and an angle to the left 84 degrees, 45 minutes, from t Whereas, said Committee on Streets) of said Assembly did meet at the time. and place above mentioned and appoints' of Congress street, 6' 75 feet; thence westerly l e therefor to and did and evidence and there g , u • v feet; y par hear all ie3timony and evidence ad- 1 duced on the part of said petitioners, and all other persons interested in the erly line of Congress street to the original line o matter of said proposed vacation, and t� did take proof of the matters averred' in said petition, and being of the opin- ion that the prayer of said petition thence southwesterly along the original line of Oneshounatter granted upon dulyt)epoter is conclusion§ to said Assembly, recom- mending the adoption of an appro- northerly line of Congress street; thence easterly Prate resolution declaring such ta- cation; now, therefore, it is hereby :Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that that por- line of Congress street to place of beginning, in t tion of Onega street described as fol- lows! Commencing at a point on the` northerly line of Congress street, 114.50 feet easterly of the westerly line of Minnesota, and more particularly shown and describelot eleven (11), block fifty-four (54),1 West St. Paul Proper, thence north. easterly at an angle to the left 841 • deg=acs, 45 minutes, from the north annexed to said petition, which said petition 15 iU eel:, line of Congress street, 63.7:5 feet; thence westerly parallel to the north-I eriy line of Congress street to thei • original lino of Onega street; thence' quired by law and seta forth the facts and reasons southwesterly alon the original line, of Onega street the northerly line; WHEREAS, Assembly deeriied it expedientginni g,rinsthe�City ofhSt. Paul, Said AB ' Min- nesota, as shown upon said plat, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, sub- therein referred to should be proceeded with and of t o„h�owev r, t`v say: following llcatfo- is upon condition that said petitioners shall, before this resolution takes ef- and accompanying plat to ba filed of record in the feet, pay into the treasury of said city the expense of this proceeding, which is fixed as the compensation for such Clerk of said City, City vacation. y, anet ordered said Cit Clerk to Adopted by the Assembly May 81, 11910 I Adopted by the Board of Aldermen lication in the official paper of said City in the . May 51, 1910. Approved June 3, 1910. (June 4-1910) time required by law, that said petition and the su of would be heard and considered by the Committee on 5Tree-cs ol. waiu Assembly at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall building, in said City, on the 16th day of May, 1910, at four o' clock P . M., which said notice was duly published and given; and WHEREAS, $"aid Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of said petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Assembly, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby r RESOLVED, 8y the Common Council of the City of St . paul that that portion of Cnega street described as follows: Commencing at a point on the northerly line of Congress street, 114.30 feet easterly of the westerly line of Lot eleven (ll) , ock fifty-four (54) , West St . Paul Proper, thence northeasterly at an angle to the left 84 de- grees, 45 minutes, from the northerly line of Congress street 62 .75 feet; thence westerly parallel to the northerly line of Congress street. to the original line of Cnega street; thence southwesterly along the original line of Cnega street to the northerly line of Congress street to the place of beginning, in the City of St . Paul, Minnesota, as shown upon said plat be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street , subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon condition that said petitioners shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the treasury of said City the expense of this proceeding, which is fixed as the compensation for such vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, MY 31 I3 U 191 MAY ;3I MO 191 YEAS NAYS, YEAS • NAYS, ALD. Btx.Jr; MR. CAME ON CORNI!O CONK Y GERB R RAIL HYLAh D MALOrtEY KAR AK MONT OMERY KELLER NYBER Fermis OTIS rr icrai� VY RIES NAYS 0 MR; PRESIDENT (1(41014A+) Wt✓v"' �. BAD �vk .", Mr. VIW presi Approved JUN —3 ��I 0 191 deTn1� mud� - Nays 0 MR-PRESIDENT (er. S A Mayor. UN --4 !9;0} ilimmor I est 110 _._ ed.& _ lw " r f rbTO THE COMM COUNCIL ' OF THE CITY OF ST . PAUL: . Gentlemen:- Your petitioners respectfully represent that they are the majority of the owners resident in said City, of all the property adjoining and abutting on that Dart of Onega street hereinafter sought to oe vacated, t . • t' - - _ ■ ., S•ii...4.131mrke-Fveope.r. fiLl- That the facts and reasond for such vacation are as follows: That said street has for more than twenty-five years been enclosed and used as private rroperty by your petitioners herein; that the sane has been improved and is now covered with trees and shrubs, and that said street does not connect any other street and is of no use or benefit to any one save your petitioner . That the vacation of th above described portion of Cnega street will cause no inconvenience or damage to any prw adjacent property owner or to the puelic, but on the contrary, the main- - tenance of it in its present improved condition and by the erection of buildings thereon, this property and the nrorerty in the vicinity would oe enhanced in value and increased in value for taxation purposes . VHEREFCR ., Your petitioners resrectfully pray that that por- tion of Cnega street described a: `ollo.rs : .Commencing at a point on the northerly line of Congress street , ll4,30feet easterly of the west- eleven erly line of Lo- (1',,) Block 54, West St . Paul Proper, thence northeaster- ly at an angle tc the loft 84 degrees, 45 minutes, from the northerly 62 .75 feet,thence Westerly parrallel to the Northerly line of Congress Street line of Congress streeXD@ the original limey of Cnega street, thence southwesterly along original line of Onega street to the northerly line of Congress street, thence easterly along the northerly limns of x_ 1 Congress street to place of r�eginnine; be vacated. *0 WEST SIDE TURNVERrIN, By Ai AW '\( 4/1/4A-- �� yG 1 a , 1jC • it • • w". • • w, — '4411111 • f I._‘ Y .>f1J GZ.,:.'f•:,i,.... ,J i .. ai,'lA '.(}` •'w ■ I .1 y ��' '_i'7 F: :.,). hd: it, 'j 1-",, &;'.1 14)......1 Olt\ . . . . .. STATE OF MINNESOTA, SS . County of Pamsey . Walter 7 . Dickerman, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Vice President of the Dickerman Investment Com- pany; that he knows the facts stated in the forcgoinp; petition, and that the same are true of his own knowledge, and that he signed the foregoing petition on behalf of said Dicker: an Investment Company; that the seal affixed to said petition is the corporate .seal of said corporation, and that said Walter 7 . Dickerman acknowledged said instrui.ent to be the free act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me / 2/ this i ‘,-, day of March, 1010. /2-7- Aceee4 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission exriros 14(f747'9V . , a STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) SS. County of Ramsey. Otto Reissner, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the President of the West Side Turnverein; that he knows the facts stated in the foregoing petition, and that the same are true of his own knowledge, and that he signed the foregoing petition on be- half of said West Side Turnverein; that the seal affixed to said peti- tion is the corporate seal of said corroration, and that said Otto Reissner acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. c)4.1 Subscribed an._ sworn .t o before me this /` day of //e._ i�",r,,r 1910 . Notary Public, Ramsey Co nty, ?Iinn. My commission expires 1 • - - • ■ :ii 'NNI.14,....,R pti. a3!, lu!pim8 agoio 901 [nom,AoAanAns pile aaeur2u ` flAn 3 sN IAel I '8 N H k ..- ©� ,„ t 1. ., -, ,,.. , i j ____4........, , t 1 4. ,....41 } 1 l' . JOHN C3. IRVINE � T. \ 411/4 fl� Ci�ril EningEY and surve r Room 408..Gfobe Buif ' y din ' i -4 _.\\ ' 44 . ST 4th d (Jed ��rs_, g L_________,11 los i. P U - MINN. ? li