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1910 (23)
j -_- > � o \) ri k % /¥Q o ± z \ \ \ il i t\ ° II41t1 rt / k \ ° t 4 § 2d / © � ^ \lat\ . a \ � 7 • _. } r.b. t. 4./ �` § / \ cc to 3 ° h. v. f / / k ( e . . .1% 4 •& ; o��\ \(7 % tiA / . . ( ' / > 7 2 ( � & - ® > ` » < / % . (� §� ° § L e q a o ; ' $ ° e 2 , o ' @ ° ( 0 / \ 2 ® •£ § $ I 7 2 . a 0 0 ( \ \ $ ) • • . �� . . . . . . . . �« . .. �- OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. z ..,,, ......, rri ) 1 rri 0 . N '71 z, N It. 4 , N C■ ,i z n 0 I 1 C.)!'' ! : Cf) ..0 > C Z 9 Sr o OP j _,. ,. L • y , r 71 ' • • • • ` ; ,,,4 '• . /6/ e(-€41.4,a0V, kl `'s; " ' h H ORABI , THE C OTC?:�'�O�T COUNCIL OF Tea' CI'l Y OF ST . PAUL: \ 't tV ,. W' N.-- Your Petitioners respectfully represent that they „ ,,., a e majority of the owners of all the Lots in Blocks nineteen (n.1 and thirty (30) , of "Desnoyer Park" , Ramsey Co . , ':`inn. ; said Lesnoyer Park being located in the City of St . Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of I:-innesota, and the plat there- of being duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, L7innesota. . Your Petitioners further show that an alley runs through the middle of said Blocks it a northwesterly and southeasterly direction ; that approximately half of the Lots in each of said Blocks are on each side thereof . A plat of said "Desnoyer Park" , including said Blocks nineteen ( 19) and thirty ( 30) showing the said alley and the location of the said Lots with reference thereto , is heret^b attac! d, and hereby made a part of this Petition . Your Petitioners further show that certain of your Petitioners own lots on both sides of said alley lyin opposite to each other ; that if the .said alley is vacated, the said Lots mill form single tracts , pieces or parcels of land ; that certain of your Petitioners desire to build homes upon their Lots in the said Block, and that they cannot do so • to best advantage unless the said alley is vacated:., . Your Petitioners further show that the aid i Blocks are bounded on the southwesterly side by Summit Avenue r and on the northwesterly side by Otis Avenue , and that the said streets afford ample means of access to the said Lots in said Blocks , and all thereof, and that the said alley in said Blocks has never been opened or graded, and is not ,' and wil , \\\ never be of any use or value to the owners of lots in said Blocks . E V 1 r • ' • 41 0 Your Petitioners further show that the property covered by this said alley is of little value , and that the chief advantage in securing the vacation of the said alley is to enable those persons owning Lots in said Blocks lying opposite to each other, to use and improve the same as single tracts as hereinbefore set forth . Your Petitioners further represent that by reason of the foregoing facts, it is advantageous and for the best interests of your Petitioners and all persons own- ing Lots in the said. Blocks , or in the vicinity thereof, that the said alley should be vacated upon such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by your Honorable Body, and your Petitioners , and each thereof, do hereby consent to the vacation of the said alley. Your Petitioners further show' that the owners of the Lots in said Blocks are as follows, namely: In Block Nineteen (19 ) . No . of Lot . Ownea2 . (Lot one (1)-L 1.(11-1.) Lot two (2) -- Yom. Lot three (3) 4r.,Q,�- . Lot four ( 4)4 ctv Lot five ( 5 ) 4 do Lot six (6) 4 W. 70.Ooa.Kuti KJ • , yy_Z . Lot seven (7 ) c7 Lot eight (8) • • • Lot nine (9) Lot ten (10) 1 0-0 Lot eleven (11) ./ �8•� u-,��o, • • • • Lot twelve (12) . -- do Lot thirteen (13) °t-<7 Lot fourteen (14)2 Q� Lot fifteen (15 ) Qo Lot sixteen (16 ) Lot seventeen (17 ) ; Lot eighteen (18) , Lot nineteen (19) Lot twenty (20) db Lot twenty-one (21) ` o Lot twenty-two ( 22) ,.,0,,�;�Q . • • . Lot twenty-three (23 )1 £1 Lot twenty.-four (24) Spot twenty-rive (25) Lot twenty-six (26) 1 '�� � • 1.0 • • • • !I 7 • . . • • , . . . 111 ,11111 1 um( iipm i 1 .v CITY CF SAINT PAUL JAN,a5<; 1,1iCHAEL r'i / U � CORPS RATION ATTORNEY' , 10 ASSISTANT ATTCRNE.YS LOUIS R. FRANKED CHAS.E.COLLETT V / I t MICHAEL DORAN.JR. /0 '"` JOHN J.iCIRBV ' ✓xxA '-1 (August 4th, 1910. The Common Council, ,?.a - . r 4 City of St . Paul . Gentlemen:— Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacating the alleys in Blocks 19 and 30 of Besnoyer Park, upon petition of A. B . Stickney and others, the compensation being fixed at 0.50, in addition to the expense-, of the proceeding. Very respectfully, 1 Corporation Attorne . Ago It; 'rig F II IL INIPOIr"."` r 41 . INF 4 -a y I A'y F N . 12111— 1 Whereas, there a e. !c ,,totote pre 1 I �? {�srnted to the'As embl one of faze ` 1 h.ranches of the Common Council o;, .. ;the City of St. Paul, the petition of A-' ,B. bttckney and others,ers, a 'majority 01 the owners (resident in Said elty) of ail Alio land and property abutting upon and adjoiring the alleys hereinafter de- , tcz abed, prsy;ng for the vacation �t he' WHE r AS, There `•was heretofore presents..leyy n Iti<cicd tune ecn (197 and Thin- of i t; (10, of Desnoyer Park, in the Cat„ o: t-. Pa;1, Minnesota, and move ticuia-•ly shown and describer) uponl�tho)et it ion the branches of the Common Council of the C; annexed to satd petition, sc-hich said petition is duly Verified as re- jlarea.,i"*d h. Ian and sets forth Ehe facts in said of A. B. Stickney and others, a majority of nd reasons for such Vacation; azid «"horeas, said Assembly deemed it xpedientthat th matter therein re- t,�„ red to should be proceeded. with,e alleys city) of all the land and property abu��tin nd ordered said potftion and aecom- panyin,,plat to be 'i ed of record in l 1it"e office of the Citr Clerk of sala'o,;,,; hereinafter described, Praying for the vac,:,and ordered said City Clerk to give Blocks notica by publication in the official pa. per of said city in the manner a.nd tot the time required by law, that said pe- 1 1 T talon and the ubiect matter thereof . Paul .dine teen (19) and Thirty (30) of Desnoyer S would be heard and considered by the taCommittee laor n mStereeteints g of said d h ed sien m the t an- Minnesot a, and more particularly shown and Council Chamber, in the Court House land City Hall tuilding, in said city, on the let day of Au Lust, 1910, at four o'clocl=_ p, nz., ivh!ch said notice was. nexed to said petition, which said petiti.o) duly published and giceaz and squired 'Whereas, said Committee on Streets o f.-.iA s'se,ehiv ,i4.1 rr,n , the- by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and, WHEREAS, Said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and ac- companying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said City in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereon would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly at its regu- lar meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, in `thq geurt House and City Hall Building, in said City, on the 1st day of August, 1910, at four o'clock P. Y. , which said notice was duly published and given; and, WHEREAS, said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of said peti- t tioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted ton the terms herein ter stated, did duly, renort its conclusions to said Assembly, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution j declaring such vacation; now, therefore , it is hereby RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of St . Paul that the alleys in Blocks Nineteen (19) and Thirty (30) of Desnoyer Parkin sail . " a . 111111, SPA WIPP Ix IFIr • A city, except such portion thereof as is included in the Boulevard lead- i#g to Lake Como, as shown upon said plat , be and the same are hereby va- cated and discontinued as public alleys, subject to the following con&-_ tions, that is to say : , Such vacation is upon condition that said petitioners shall, before this resolution takes effect , pay into the treasury of said City the sum of *he hundred y Dollars (0(014M) ,) , in addition to the. expenses of this proceeding, which is fixed as the compensation for said vacation. N. Adopted by the Board of Alder an:(, oc f 1 dr ted by the Assembly: ` --- - ------- --- - - ---191 - .� �.00PVI te - 191 YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS kAid. BAUMEISTER Mr. HAN Y BLOC) QUIST KAN �// I COR NG f!' i f GER ER M EL t HY1, ND + I', MI HAUD tt - or MA NEY POILRS tl MO, EGOMERY WHI'rcoMe MUR AN I. YOERG EOM NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDE � NT (I4HaRs) 16✓1/J d'RIES . f 19I 6,/TROY Approved ' -- NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (ROHLAND) / / /4 Mayor. _ 6C1 '29 ii10:) • t r. I I I 1{ I d 1, II r I 1. AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. %tate of Minnesota, 1 Ss. County of 'Kamm 11f' / ' .1 � being duly i sworn, on oath says, that the annexed printed..a ., , 4,..../.2///... hereto attach d, was taken from the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and was published in said newspaper for / successiue..�-c first 7 A'v F' o. 1.111-- f on - - ' /' the day of...(1�����e� ! Wherea^ there was '-:e:etotOr ;orej ,genie' to the tissembl;•, one of the' r 'branches of the Co:nn.on Council of i 'the City Of St. Paul, the petition of A.! B. Stickney and others, a majority 01:1 the owners (resident In said elt;') of all; /4",', --,-:r— r.;..... "°m4, e the land and property abutting upon I and adjoining the alleys hereinafter de-; seribed praying for the vs ation or the;a — Z'hat during the whole time of said publica- lleys r Blocks Nineteen (19) ant Th ( o> of Desnoyer Park, in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota and more a, cuta. ly shown-and described upon the' Lion aiant was the.... ._ of The Daily News Publishing Co. of plat snneted to said petition, which said petition is eluly verified, a s re-. t,,,: ed by % end to forth the.f.. s' Minnesota,which was during said time,and still is, a corporation under land reasons for su—oh vrabatien; and ( Whereas, said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein re-. Iferred to should be proceeded with,; the Laws of the State of Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub e and ordered said petition and accom- panying pint to be filed of record in (th office of the City' Clerk Of said city, Usher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publication in the official pa. per of said city in the manner and fot the time required by law, that said pe- commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and lition and the subject matter thereof would he heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly still is a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of fat its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber, in the Court House and City Hall Building, in said city, on' the let day of August, 1910, at four the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form, equivalent o'clock p. m., which said notice was (duly published and given; and I'. Whereas, said Committ c on Streets: in space to more than four pages with five columns of'at least seventeen of said Assembly did meet at the,time' ;and place above mentioned and appoint-, led therefor, and did then rmi there, a from a known and establish hear ail testimony and evidence ad rl long to each page,' f 1duced on the part of said netitioners' and all other persons intere"ted in the; and three- carters inches ion !matter of said proposed vacation, ands ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and ;did take proof of the matters averred; in said petition, and being of the opin- ion that the prayer of said petition - necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The should be granted upon the terms here,- ,inaf.ter stated, did duly report its con- elustons to said Assembly, recommend- ;ing the adoption of an appropriate res. Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- ,olution declaring such vacation; now, therefore, it is hereby Ylesolved, by the Common Council of sota, from whence it purported to be, was,and is issued; and that dud.- the City of St. Paul that the alleys in ',Blocks Nineteen (19) and Thirty (00) of Desnoyer Park in said city, except. such portion thereof as is included in ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news the BOtilevard leading to Lake Como, as shown upon said plat, be and the • !same are hereby vacated and dlscon-j comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- tinuea as public alleys, subject to the following conditions, that is to say: Stith vacation is upon condition that !aa.id petitioners ship], before this res- lication, and not entirel y made up patents u o atents or plate matter, nor •olution takes effect, pay into the trees- fury of said city the sum of five hun- ,dred dollars ($500.00), in addition to wholly of'advertisements; and that during all said time it has been, the expenses of,this proceeding, which is fixed as the compensation for said vacation. and still is, circulated in and near its said place of'issue and publica- \dopted as amended by the Board of Aldermen(Jet. 4, 1910. Adopted as amended by the Assembly1 Oct. 0. 1910. tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly Approved Oct. 26, 1910. (Oct. 29-19101 delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of'March, 1906, 6.. ) the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, .Manager of said corporation publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County auditor of said . Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the • Revised Laws, 1905. Subscribed and sworn to before me, Eris day of' - / 190.,1 Gi;- ,�)/, .. ;.s.ry Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires tit-e day of 'l;S 190.. ._._ My Commission o pireseo,4..lO 1 9, Printer's Fee $..... AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. %tate of Minnesota, County of 1Raineen. •' , being duly sworn, on oath says, that the annexed printed .2160-te4i.-.- t/� -..� .hereto attached, was to en from the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and was published in said newspaper for 7' sueeessive. '.' '/first / on, l/7/ " ' / the a2- day of 1 19f/(7 , and thereafter on // ...L'/ !, / of each week, until and including the / day of' OF arofrivE or HEARING en VACATION. 19b . That during the whole time of said publi a- Vacation of Alley. tion affiant was the of The Dairy News Publishing Co. of Notice is hereby given that the peti- tion of A B. Stickney et al. for the vacation of the alley in blocks 19 and Minnesota,which was during said time,and still is, a corporation under 30, Desnoyer Park, has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and said peti- tion will be heard and considered by the Laws of the State of Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub- the Committee on Streets. of the As- sembly, at a meeting thereof to be held in the Council Chamber in the lisher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the Court House and City Hall Building,on Monday, Aug. 1, 1910, at 4 o'clock in 1 the afternoon of said day. commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 21st day of June, 1910. (4E TEDINGTON,. (City Clerk of the O.Cit.y R of St. Paul, Alin• stall is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of nesota. (June 22-29-July 6-13-1910-4t) the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form,equivalent in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen _ ' �'4 and three-quarters inches long to each page, from a known and establish- ed ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- sota, from whence it purported to be, was,and is, issued; and that dur- ing all said time it contained and still contains general ant local news comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been, and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers. That on the ,24th day of March, 1906, the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, Manager of said corporation publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County 4uditor of said Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the Revised Laws, 1905. � - Subscribed and sworn to before me, - / this dad 190Q.. 1 otary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires the daze 4#' . r My Commtselon e P es DeO 8.1 , Printer's Fee $..... THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS CP-e/fir< St. Paul, Minn. 19,/0 Co The Daily News Publishing Co. Dr. 92-94 East Fourth Street ----- ---------------------------- TO ADV. // LINES INCHES I TIMES• ), Y2/ . / / \ /1,C.eit i qe " ; ' /dicy. / e • 1 CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE, RECEIVED PAYMENT, • - CASHIER, • L STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss . County of Ramsey. ) G On this . 7 . . . day of; `.(.4.4412---. 1 A_• D . 1910 , before me personally appeared . . • : . . 7 : : • . 7/3-�A-' who , being by me severa y first duly sworn on oath, did say each for himself, that he is one of the petitioners whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition ; that he has read the same , and knows the contents thereof , and the same is , true of his own knowledge . Notary Public , Ramsey County, Yiinnesota. My commission expires rw/()`--/Lf/C 4r j ■ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ss . _ F"--- 1 County of Hennepin . ) 1 � On this . 1.�. . , of . . A . D. 1910 , before me personally appeared . ! 7 � . . .X.F.'1 1 who, being by me severally first duly sworn on oath., did say' each for himself, that he is one of the petitioners whose name is subscribed to the foregoing petition; that he has read the sane _ and knows the contents ereof , nd the same is true of his own knowledge . 1 i 4( ■1000K T —1ot'. y Public, Hennepin u ty, l.Iinnesota 9 cS. lTy commission expires_ _ __ _���,�.�� L _w1 , . I ..___________ . _,, { ________,,, H ____ _ __ --- - - _ _ _ ..., ____ I I STALE OF 1,171iNESOTA) ) s. s . COUNTY OF P.AMSEY. ) , 1 L { On thisth- day of June, 1910 before me, a notary R - ublie within and for said County, personally appeere d ... n nc did _ ._ P . R. Stirkney _t o- me persona,lly_ knovon, ,-- who being duly stiror say that he is one of the petitioners whose nai'e is subscribed to etition, that he has. read the same, and kno�^rs the the foregoing p contents thereof, and the same is true of Id •wn knowledge. •y p R- e . Cot .nty, :i�elta hotar Public , y /7� Y lily commission expires ti-� 1 '