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1910 (19)
OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. z, z rn s� rn , t- ; ,,,,, m 2 ' . ° tiJ-($' N. I C � E c PI cn i r' c v c I P, c . a d o ■ r cc P9 y cn 's k- alit . 71 ..0) . C ( v 1 AO ITY OF SAINT PAUL Q JAMES C.MiCHAE!. � CORPORATION ATTORNEY V) ' r , ASST.S T AV L A K ,,,,,,,,yrry�� LOUIS E. L_LETT L CHAS.E.CO�L ETT MICHAEL DORAN.JR. ; , JOHN J KIRBY October 4th, 1914 . To the Common Council . Gentlemen:— Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacat- ing the alley in Block sixty (60) of Pesnoyer Park, upon petition of Haldor Sneve and others; the compensation being fixed at the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars in addition to the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, r /l///, - / , , / rst oration Attorney iiik f 46 -11"1"41111111111111, III 4 to ,...ilt, ,. , vc /tt; .<, l' AN EY�IN ABLR ,VD ANOY T F P \,,..ix ARK.r 6 iy— 1(1,914,1,4 lt,"tA/ (Past,/A / e(--C i et-'74 fri,-4-Ce----2- / Haldor Sneve and Katherine Stickney Sneve file this, their petition, asking the vacation of the allay in Block sixty (60) , Desnoyer Park, and in that behalf states as follows: That, they are the owners of said Block sixty ( 60) in said Desnoyer Park, that the alley running through said block has never been opened or used by the public and, if opened, would never be of any public use, that said block and the blocks adjoining are uninhabited Cr A) -6. / and no streets or alleys have 'been opened or graded in the vicinity of said Block sixty ( 60) and the alley through Block forty-six (4r) in said Desnoyer Park has already been vacated by order of the common council of the City of St. Paul, that a plat of said addition is here- to attached, marked "Exhibit' A" , and made a part of this )e tition, that it is the desire of the petitioners to use said roperty for resi- dence purposes and to enclose the same to be lls,. as b ie tr tJof land ' #{, e,,i.,,,e,44 Pc,...(,(;_ /I, _ , 1 IIIIPPN ' 4.... s iiiii, .. __# - ,„--lir . 4 . ...... . • : • • :. . . , , . , . •. • ,. .. z,„.„ ,,:t.,,,..,*04 «sv • • . { / • ru',.z • i f I • t • • • • • ■ • j . 4 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. %tate of Minnesota, ) ss. County of 1Ranlsep. ' � ' c being duly ` sworn, on oath says, that t annexed printed 4el ,'l•LY7 hereto attached, was taken from the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and rul T:, lco, 12 49— Whereas, there was heretofore pre- sented to the hoard of Aldermen, one was published in said newspaper for ! s;<aeeess-ve first c i t f 'branches of the Common petition cil.of the City of St. Paul, the petition of Haider Sneve and others, the own- ,a but- on the day of of all the land and D= rt, ling upon and adjoinbeg the e alley hereinafter described, praying for the vacc.tiof of the alley In block numbs:'- j ( –�1w,cu filer are ed sixty (e0) of Desnoyer Par'.., in thQ City of St. Paul. 1tinnes'ota, and morn; particularly shown and desert bed�ti3ioi1 ( --Of— the plat annexed to said petition, e% rr'•', n l r/ ° e said net Lion is duty verified 41-9_.r"' "ort:ttAe c5 • and reasons for such vacation; and 190 . That during the whole time of said publica- Wheree.s, said Board of Aldermen deemed It expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded tion ajp,ant was the..__ ... ..___.... .... of The Daily News Publishing Co. of with, and ordered said petition a.n_i accompanying plat to be filed of rec- siice ierhCity y sd city, and office of Clerk Minnesota,which was during said time and still is, a corporation under to give notice by publication in the of ficial paper of said city in the man- Inez.,t t said petition and required ect._M - the Laws of the State of.Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub- 1 ter thereof would be heard and con- sidered by the Committee on Streets of Said S3oard of Aldermen at its reg- Usher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the ular meeting to be held in the Council 1.'.hamber in the Court House and City Hall Building, in said city, on the 24th day of July, 1910,. at 4 o'clock p. m. commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and which said notice was duly published and given; and whereas, said commit- tee aid duly meet at said time and still is a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of place and did then and thereafter duly 'ad.tourn *_he. hearing of said matter entil Sept. 29, 1970, at 4 o'clock P. m. at the same place; and the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form,equivalent Whereas, said Committee on Streets of said Hoard of Aldermen did meat at said last named time and p.a.ch in space to more than four pages with five columns of at, least seventeen, Iabove mentioned and appointed there- A / p for, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of said petitioner and all and three-quarters inches long to each page, from a known and establish- other persons interested in the mat- ter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and that the ptayer of said petition should be granted to the extent and upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly re necessary 'material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The port its coneleeions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of a an appropriate vacation; resole ern declaring Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County,, Minne- hereby ~section; now therefore, it 1st y g y f y j hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of the city of at. Yawl, that the alley in seta, from whence it purported to be was,and is issued; and that dur- said block sixty (66) of Desnoyer Park,i as shown upon said plant, be and thei earns is hereby vacated and discon- tinued as a public alley, subject to ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon condition that comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- said petitioner shall,before this resoiu- tietr 's.kes effect, pay into the treas- rotdt( 390)itaiededfify city lrs 42 .0nddt n lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor to the expenses of this proceeding, which is fixed as the compensation for saki vacation. wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been, Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen `Oct 4, 1910. :1910 Adopted by the Assembly Oct. ®, and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- : Approved Oct. 26, 1910. (Oct. 29-1910) tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly 1 delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of March, 1906, the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, Manager of said corporation publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County Auditor of said Ramsey County for the purpose of'complying with Section 5516 of the Revised Laws, 1905. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this N3 day of'.. _.__. ... 19N / , ,ry Public, ,O,�tRctnisey County, _Minn. My commission expire y vommlaslon ox iris Deo.8,191 O�0 Printer's Fee $ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. %tate of Minnesota, Ss. County of 1Ranlsev. (2( -es being duly sworn, on oath says, that he annexed prince the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and was published in said newspaper for 7 successive �.a first on / - the /174 day of 1 , 1 and thereafter on-_: '' '.- of 1 A each week, until and including the day of 10 That during the whole time of said publiba- NOTICE OF HEARING OF VACATION. Vacation of Alley. tion aunt was the... .. of The Daily News Publishing Co. of Notice is hereby given that the peti-', k tion of Haldor Sneve et al. for the ,Minnesota,which was during said time,and still is, a corporation under vacation of the alley in block 60, Des- noyer Park, has been filed in the of- fice of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and said petition the Laws of the State of.Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub- will be heard and considered by the 'Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen at a meeting.thereof to be Usher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the held in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building on Thursday, July 28, 1910, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon S St. Paul.said a f Minnesota, this commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and Dated 13th day of June, 1910REDINGTON, City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Min- still is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of nesota. (June 14-2f-28-July 5-1910-4t) the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form,equivalent in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen 6)7jand three-quarters inches long to each page, from a known and establish- ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- sota, from whence it purported to be, was,and is, issued; and that dur- ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been, and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers. That on the ,Myth day of March, 1906, the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, .Manager of said corporation publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County Auditor of said Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the Revised Laws, 1905. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this da f' 196(-./d rotary Public, Ramsey County, _Minn. My commission expires thl ever.ie�,1p rpires 8t Ut �g, �1.8I-''E3'�n`�� a-uoisstw �---• Printer's Fee $ 1 cation; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul that the alley in said Block sixty (60) of Desnoyer Park, as shown upon said plat, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public alley, subject to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon condition that said petition shall, be- fore this resolution takes effect, pay into the treasury of said City the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, which is fixed as the compensation for said vacation. Adopted by the Board of Alderman: Adopted by the Assembly: 191 OCT 20 13W 191 YEAS NAYS YEAS NAYS Ald. BAUMEISTER N// Mr. H NDY BLOOM u1S1 - K 'C CORNI G �GERB M HLE HYLA'D M 'BAUD VMAL/.NEY PO VCRS • MON GOMERY WI ITCOMB • Mua, ANt. YOI;RG NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (Pre+art) KVA/ KISS e_,._ ./TROY Approved A' 191 NAYS 0 /MR. PRESIDENT (KOHLAND) Md\'Or. '16 t'Aj:„.) 1 .\ Ji • t • • ♦ I. r :co. 8:''a4J ;1 Whem:ia, these v.-a? iseret ;1') 'dented to t1.e k oa. aio:o pre- . o tide tira icl es of tl;e '�'lc�ermen, one c1I oy fire CitS oY S Common Cou °> of HaIQo pets and oilier ha Detiw I era c,Y all the land and tl�a own.j 1nQ Upon and ad'Jolrtdng Dethe ails I hereinafter described praying for the' �Citvacation of the alley In block number.' ecl sixty (60) of Desno.er Park, in the • r of St, E'aul :tfinnesota I \ tpartic ular,3' snow,z an l described upmo,'i Oe plat annexed to 6*aid petition, tvhich;�rd ofi `Alder- WHERF,�4S, There was .beretofa�nu pen 0t1ti0 Ic duly Pri.'1Ps ,3 r�- anal and °et for h '�o f - Whereas,�'for such vacation; and • said Board of St Paul men, one of the branches of the Coma deemed It expedient that Aldermen Paul, therein referred to ehouidtbe proceeded n000 and ordered said pettione0an3 the petition of 'Haldor Sneve and otr sing Plat to b© filed °f re°_ the land and ord in the office of the City Cleric of aid city, and ordered said 'City to glvo notice by publication in h Clerk x *' property abutting upon and adjoinin nerai Paper of said oltY to rho man described, that and dfor the time reQulred by Ia,w, ter thereopetition and the etzb.lect mat_ ra ing for the vacation of the all sideied by wOutantbe heard and con-La,ty (60) of p y of Said Boa d of Aldermen on Streets war meetin al Its rog_e Co hambez dntfthe be held Ilousell and Cltiir Desnoyer Park, in the City of St . P a n!i Pu1J dllr«'. In said city, on the nth'0 particularly tc hic1, i 1910, at 4 o'clock . .Slit and given; notice was duly Publ,Shea. shown and described upon the plat tee did duland whereas maid commit..Zi, place ari j meet at said time which said adjourn thed then and thereafter duly. et it ion is duly verified as re ui 'Intel Scat. as, 1s1O•ate o cliac,�I p ttmr petition y q at the same place• and th the facts and / m„,,,,,,.as o� said 13oi rdiaof om,mittee on Streets' acve s i d i I namediatini, andj p eT reasons for such vacation; and and a and did then and there hear all ' t hPointe<I there_and evidence adduced on WFIEREAS, ua]Ci Board Of All dO°9 sititerestedionartilan datil eat that the proposed vacation,Lake petition,fandeberatters a<verr d din matter therein referred to should said the being of the ° , I ordered said prayer O P n_Ot;' be granted to chef eat rnpetitlon shou,d terms hereinafter eta ed,and nt!,,,.;he Port its conclusio s to did Off ice Of petition and accompanying plat to deehmen, recommen�linosthef i,aldcal r appropriate resolution declaring vacation; now therefore, it is the City Clerk of said City, and c flea°,v°�, b to dive notice the &,t„ °f t the Common C alloy of said block slit Yau,, at the a21ot• !n by publication in the official pad barn^1°`nhe e said p, SLo''an,i t i manner and for tlnuec, yq se Y vacated and discene the, d .9.9 following'public alley subject te- • ' the time required by law, that sa 5a . conditions, that ,� t,; set matter Such vacation is upon condition that said petitioner :;hall,before this resolu- tion °f takes effect, pay into thy.thereof would be heard and seaside said city tt,e vum QY t,a un_on Streets of (tl�e treifto`pehl es �.23O.DU) In adclltlor which Ie fixed as tilts proceeding said Board Of Aldermen at its ree said vacation. tI'° ct'rnpen-salon 1 d in the Council Adoo ed nS' the `Oct 4 1410. Board eY :11dersneR' Chamber in the Court House and C:iIzs1 °bt°`� by the r3tSernbty Oct e,aid City, on the Approved Oct r <C�et. i9-l91U) r i 28th day of July, 1910, at four o t clock r c 21 ., a441 '.,;..'Lid. notice was duly published and given; and whereas, said Committee did duly meet at said time and place and did then and thereafter duly adjourn the hearing of said matter until September 29th, 1910, at four o' clock P. M. at the • same place; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen 'did meet at said last named time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, and--did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced • ° on the part of said petitioner and all other persons interested in the • matter of sail0 proposed vacation, and did. take proof of the matters • • • °averred, in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said0. petition should be granted to the extent and upon the terms herein- i. ° er stated, did duly report its conclusions to sai Board of Aldermen, CV a fl recommending tion of an •a the adoption pprpriate resolutio n declaring said va- 4 • •