1910 (18) ct „'Ann. GEORGE T_REDINGTON,ciTV CLERK JOHN T_MGGINN,A55r.CLERK August 31s+.,1910 M.r.J.C.Mi ch ae1, Corporation Attorney, City Dear Sir,- Special The Committee on Streets at their meeting held Augi,st 30th,1910 made favorable report on tio pet"tion cf thy. Assets Realization Company for tie vacation of the south alley running oast and west in Block 8 Cla k's Addition from Victoria street to west line of alley running north and south, compensation being fixed at 500.00 and cost of proceedings. Same is respectfully referred to you for proper form of resolution vacating said alley. Yours truly, , 42--e ( City Clerk. 1t 4) 4 St. Paul, Minn. , June 14th, 1910. To The Honorable The Common Council of the City of St. Paul : The undersigned Edmund G. Walton, Agent of the Assets Realization Company, respectfully states and petitions that they are the owners of all of the lands abutting on the alley in said Block and petitions that your Honorable Body cause 'our# alley running East and West in Block Eight (8) of Clarke' s Addition from Vic- toria to West Line of alley running north and south in said Addition to be vacated. The reason for such vacation is as follows, viz : The undersigned as owners of such property have caused the same to be surveyed and re-platted and there will be two alleys in said Block when re-platted and an alley provided for in each and every lot; that attached to this Petition and made a part hereof is a plat of said Block Eight (8) , showing the alleys sought to be vacated. ASSET E> I ZAT ION C01JPA NY. BY •ditL_ , gen STATE OF MIWTESOTA, ss. County of ;-u-. Edmund G. Walton, Agent of the Assets Realization Company, being first duly sworn, says he is the Petitioner above-named, that he has read the foregoing Petition and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true. Subscribed r s •rn to before me this .y of Jun , A. D. 1910. Ole 1 My commission expires Sept.tst i-_4 d P 9 � 74