1910 (16) 7. _ ,
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S r k \ St . Paul, Mtnn. , krril 20th, 1910.
To the Honorable, ' he Common Council of the City of St . Paul.
The undersigned:Dewitt C . 'flyer, respectfully states and
pes it.i ons ; that he i s the owner of all of Block 5 of the Haml.ine Syndi-
cate Add i `ton No. 3, and the owner of all the lands abutting on the
alleys in said block, and petitions that your Honorable Body cause the
two alleya running north and south through said block to be vacated .
The reason for such vacati on i s as follows, viz: the under-
signed as owner of ^uch block has caused 1 ha same to be repl at tad and
has dedicated ' o ' he pub li c use a 20 foot alley running east and west
through said block which h provides an alley for each and every lot in said
block as replat • ed . That the l and so dedicated by petitioner i s pract-
ibly equivalent in area and value to the ;:remises heresy sought to be
vacated .
That attached to thi s F et 1. ion and made a r. art hereof is
a pl at of said block 5 showing 4 he alleys sought to be vacated , together
with the al.ley dedicated by petitione - in said replatting/.. /4�)
y 4,State of Minnesota. )
) ss•
County of Houston. )
Dewitt C . nyer being first duly sworn says t hat he i s the
pet.it.ioner above named . That he has read the foregoing petition and
knows the contents +hereof and that the same i s true.
Subscri bed and sworn to before a me a g „,A ,
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h � ?` day of _A.pri 1, 1 )10.
,-,ercite,—Nod: '.7 •utU1 i'c ,
Houston County, Minnesota.
(My commission expires �� ,`./sr . -'
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