1910 (9) OFFICIAL PUBLICATION f Of Resolution Adopted.by the Common r Council of the City of St. Paul. • A'Y F No. 1'1753—Ey Mr."Daily—. 1 Whereas, there was heretofore pate, sented to the Assembly, one of the r m J branches• of the Common 'Council' of _. the ^I City.,of St. Paul, the petition'of • _ , ;.lAw William L. Goodkind and others, a ma- jority of, the owners resident in said city of all the land and,property abut- tiny upon and adjoining :the 'alley IT hereinafter described, praying for the vacation of the alley in block eight(5)eAµ a ,� (_� */ H i'` l of'Terrace Park Addition to st. Paul, , � z__ �t_- j y r ,, , from Lawton 'street to Oakland avenue, 1 j in the City of ht. Paul, Minnesota, and more particularly described and,shown WHEREAS tl f �r e s ant ed t o t upon the plat annexed to said petition,. Illtlf 11EAS, There was �1eretofore which said petition is duly verified, as required-.by law, -and sets forth the facts and.reasons for such ".vacation,' of the branches of the Common Council of the Cit of ;and,' Y Whereas, the Assembly deemed it ex-; pedient.that-the matter therein refer red to should be proceeded, with, and: petition of William L . GOodind and others) a ma orit�oidered said petition and accompany- 'ring'ing plat to be filed of record in the 1», t5,,•■ office, of the.City Clerk of said city, stand`ordered'said City'Clerk to give no j resident in said City, .11 the land an property tics by publication in the official pa per of said city in the manner and for! the time required by law, that said adjoining the alley hereinafter described , praying fo'petition.and the subject matter there- of would be heard>and considered by the Committee on Streets of said'As 6 'As- sembly at its regular meeting to-:be the alley in Block eight (8) of Terrace Perk Addition held in the Council Chamber in the Court House, and City Hall Building, fir said city, on the 4th day of April, �t t of St . P,•t10, at four o'clock in the afternoon Lawton street to Oakland avenue, in the Ci• Y . lOt said day, which said notice was duly published and given as required by law;•and; • and more particularly described and shown "upon the pli Whereas, said Committee on Streets'. of said Assembly did meet at the time and place above mentioned and ap-- pointed therefor,and did then and there petition, which said petition is duly veri: ied as req�duly-investigate and consider the mat-' ter of said;proposed-vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and sets forth the facts and reasons for such Vacation, apetdeoue adduced on•the 'part of the � 7 petitioners and all..other persons in- terested in the matter of said.proposed'! vacation, and 'did take proof of the WHEREAS, The Assembly deemed it expedient th matters averred lb said petition, and," being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon, the terms• hereinafter stated, did therein referred to should be proceeded wit.h and orde duly report its conclusions to said As- sembly, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the ""fherebyacation; now therefore, it 1& Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that said alley in Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk to gi;block eight (8) of Terrace Park Add. tion to St. Paul, from Lawton street to Oakland avenue, in the City of St.; lication in the official paper of said Cit d Paul, Minnesota,d . as d shown o ,upon the y 'in the maplat annexed_to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discon- tinued as a public alley,;subject, now-' time required by law, that said petition and the sub1 v ieer,• to the-following conditions, that s'to:say Such vacation is upon the condition e n that said petitioners shall pay into the would be he lard and considered by the Committge on Std treasury of said city the sum of twen- ty-five dollars, in addition to the ;ex- penses of this proceeding, as compen t its regular meeting to be held i the I� cation for such vacation, and upon Assembly a 8u g n the Cot7further condition that the right to —-. __ maintain and to construct and main House and City- Hall Hall Buildin in sa; fain telephone and electric light and the Court y Building id Cit 1 ',power poles and , or under permits J heretofore granted, or which may<be • hereafter granted, by the. Common, d ' April, l91( 'at four 19191$ o'clock in the afternoon of sal Council of said city in said alley Is hereby expressly reserved from the operation of this vacation. a":∎.1 A•,5.:; Adopted by the Assembly April 9, notic y p given by 1<19 Adopted President YOERG, e was 'dil ubliehed -and iven as required s� the Assembly_ WHEREAS, Said Committee on-Streets c April 19, 1910, and of Aldermen said J OTTO W. ROdII�AND, Vice President of the Board of lAlder- the time and place above mentioned and appointed of men. Qti P rP rated Approved April 21, 1910. D. W. LAWLFR, ``; rilaYOr.' . , -.....4 then -A4767:-.there.--_-=‘;c7-4 = duly investigate and consider the Attest: GEORGE T. RED7IVGTUN, y g mat City Clerk.. i: , ',,�: (April 22-71910-10 ed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence A adduced on the part of the petitioners and all otwher persons interested 4 in the matter of said proposed vacation, and didj, take proof of . the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon tk,):e terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said As,gtnbly, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring ',..such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby �3 , fi RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that said alley in Block eight (8) of Terrace Park Addition to St . Paul, from Lawton street to Oakland avenue, in the City of St . Paul, Minne- sota, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public alley, subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of said City the sum of Twenty-five Dollars in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, as compensation for such vacation, and upon further condition that the right to maintain and to construct and maintain telephone and electric light and power poles and wires, under permits heretofore granted or which may be hereafter granted by the Common Council of said City in said alley is hereby ex- pressly reserved from the operation of this vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adapted by the Assembly, 111-R 191 11 191 Arn YEAS NAYS, YEAS NAYS, ALD. BUSG ANN Mn. CAME N CORNI G CONK fY GERB I R DAIL HYLA D HAASI MALONEY KARTAK MONTGOMERY FELLER NYBERG POWERS OTIS iTi:L1�5B RIES NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (YOERG :tA ?il I TROY Approved cic 191 Nays 0 V ce P stile s: lane / Mayor. XtrPartitirtY. g 31:a ht CITY OF SAINT PAUL JAMES C.MICHAEL CORP::FATION ATTOPNEY LC �A.55 sTA N T A y J /' 1 LOUIS E R CORAL ' , rJt• April 7th, 1910. To the Common Council . Gentlemen:— Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly, l transmit herewith proper form of resolution for the vaca- tion of the alley in Block 8 of Terrace Park Addition to St . Paul from Lawton street to Oakland avenue, upon petition of William L . Goodkind and others; the compensation being fixed at Twenty—five Dollars and the expenses of the proceeding, and the City reserves the right to construct and maintain poles and wires for telephone, electric light and power purposes, upon said property . Yours truly, °yloration Attorney. ... !±"1K l.: rl, ±" r A tY . °'. ' ;£>i" 1c a �1 .c.1 Tel r `:`{* ,o nett �}1�1� . ., 1�r y • { -411. !,o0 J •:� t.1-;. . .. . no! .G tt:^" _ 1,�;' !�S..l:.. *` t�.,rtr • O t..4 tfett1: a i otv,rt.t n 14117: x,1 � ! . 1'V e -%,. v .1": •. " :0 d lj`' 1'T f#:?S . 11P t • • M'4:r or—`,'s v 0 .�} A .�c ' ,b, . ., „,. TO THE HONORABLE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL:- Your petitioners respectfully show that they are a majority of the owners (resident within the City of St.Paul, in Ramsey County, Minnesota) of property on the lino of the public alley in Block numbered Eight (8), Terrace Park Addi- tion to the City of St.Paat, Ramsey County, Minnesota, which alley is located between the Westerly line of Lawton Street and the Northerly line of Oakland Avenue, as said Avenue was opened by the City of St.Paul; that the land em- braced in the said all is so situated that it can be made fit for the purposes of an alley only at a very great cost, and that it is not desirable that the same be used for such purpose. By reason of the foregoing, it is advisable and prop- er that said alley be vacated, and your petitioners do hereby agree to such vaca- tion upon such terms and conditions as shall be prescribed by your honorable body. A plat showing the location of the alley sought to be vacated, and of the surrounding property, is hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof, and on said plat there is indicated the alley sought to be vacated and discontinued. WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that this petition be received, heard and considered in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of St.Paul, and that the alley in Block Eight (8), Terrace Park Addition to the City of St.Paul, Ram- sey County, Minnesota, located between the Westerly line of Lawton Street and the Northerly line of Oakland Avenue,as said Avenue was opened by the City of St.Paul, be vacated and discontinued upon such terms and conditions and for such compensation cis shall be directed by your honorable body, and for such other ac- tion in the premises as shall appear necessary and proper. Dated, St.Paul, Minnesota, this February 11, 1910. Name of owner: Number of lot: (All lots below described are situated in Ter- race Park Addition to the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota.) , 271h. 77-1/er--.6e-- /C gree- MA 11111110:111111111, --- -:MA4e13 'ti.) (T13 10t) a !'";1.4 IL a- 4r! f COY Iu stifJD urtoi:'1 ) • '•21 '1: ah ),' qi .13 tdri :I• • %Oaf tfthi briaLian i . "f, (Itt ,,tfrt ,-)4 gRfit ;11101410 'to r tqn w't vl bisq NEW f) a Aft atfaC,V4. Ittos,r, tj :11 ' iv t,4 fii btt.tflwri'let kJ; ‘: • h 1•'• Li '3;1 .118,t.t • 1i. b ,'*Ctri t brit/ 4, v.glAre f Igo IZt ft brilt ,,[(14,01%1P1 le 00.1. 1* "Gantlff VI •000'....,114 IWO /04! beau e4 011114e. ub -L.17, trim 1b Lit13 E. a *o be ft :F.,• 44 114.•14 aø ‘31001'41,11 )0 0..113wri fi0V111 f (1(i fit)ti,,t er( 't ii ri. b*: atl V MI of ..trY *io rsok,t4,4,,,t uffiswo,:a tislq , A.' • 4 : 5,s' =ad 1 • 32".• I blUIC fr bovi e 94n tioe$•bu t.•:$itvq itst •4. ••fletualsrk:r*T` ,411n14.; brte elijmie`2. *;:.) boravo4 edt bb. 719•711..1 10 loirrsr 1( 1) .1.43„tR )(Dan mi. jj. Ub.JI lo •341.:1 br4-,,r101 'VTR ,14;1. bottl'ia atm aurtevA nt3a aaesari,..3v on.e.ris0 o oalf e.t* 1 )1 f)f.,!1 aft-olflb7,1.,b r..1;43 Lr ,134a now.: ba&r nk trtst b ) Y be.1 el•P3'`.4" 114e ,o •Va.-tarot{ ni.,Jcp: v.f ifr.17) a u • .11-r-t,i brut -1,,IPseborf C.D114 ,..,,,q,:rt/171 st r "'T , .4-%~-lesNrs,97 , 4t*N(Iblif :-Itrrro 'Lc) • bro.! b ) i • • . ...... • ••-we • •• • ••• •.• .••.. .... .. . . .. .•■• • _a■ 4111:410° i Y STATE OF MINNESOTA, : : ss. COUNTY OF RA:1SEY. : Ossian E. Dodge, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is one of the petitioners who signed the foregoing petition, and that all matters and things set forth in said petition are true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this JA day of February, A. D. 1910. NOTARY PUBLIC, hPJLSEY COUNTY, MINNES02A. My Corission Expires � C�—C .fit . r,• . =r, S r', i', 11' ,;{'i `WD 1.tr ;) ".',fC. ,:. ;t)J • ,.'S"f!=!'• • r 'r11 u w ■ 1 Q :t:3 `,' ,'r 1 C �f; ,; v�' > :!?'i 7 . fit∎ •3']11!`∎7 410 •o7rt:' N:' k .( o't • -____..._.....,..__,,.. aettqx`i noteetrH?U..) ;'i ' - „ ,73,4 0 ,_,/r g --,--;,..- r -2-c,5?-c, ---- . • 1 1 . 1 , 1 .-. /57-A, .7--i-.4--. _,„ , ‘4."--:'' .' 1 _. T 1 \ ____-, c , 6 5 4 I 2 /— -- — Z 1 y y/� 7 Z� Aed 1.\\\NN. , 017- \ 6° U N. Q t 41161.... r i Y' F I f.