1907 (23) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. -\%'- 4 ' ,,,t7i > —.„,,,N4,.. ‘\\7 ' 7', ' - 0.1 Li o ,A - , --: tIt' NA • 1 I ' i x 'ts.,..) 1%,,' it . 't _ -- \ '''k k 'N) , 4, ).k -.1, , - " Nos \\\ \\t ti O C}A I H C F 0 r f a r m , abj C!S.1rr ',o ex. re, . aut, iCi rrrr. GEORGE T.REDINGTON,ci Tr CLE.3Y. ALBERT L.WAGNER,A55T.CLER,. February 2nd,1 907 Mr.J.C.I"ichael, Corporation Attorney,City. Dear Sir,- The Committeeon Streets of the Board of Alder .:yen, at their t eeting held Jany.3lst,lT)u7 made favor le report on the petition of the Tri-State Tel. Ev Tel.Co. for the vacation of 4Lley in block 1 Capitol Addition, and referred sane to you for proper form of resolution vacating sa;.re. Compensation: being publication charges. Herewith find all papers in connection thereto . Yours truly, City Clerk. i 1 fr er /all 1 1 2� 7/4 : f4 14,0, 4INVIMW -T3Vointi.fAngtif Of 31:ntli ,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL yam' JAMES C.MICHAEL Y p$�i P CORPORATION ATTORNEY 4' h `' � 1 .\ sT IOgN EYS LO U'S NR AFRAN KEL 1 q CHA`i E COLLETT ' );t0i)° EMIL W.HcLMES .t 6° '. February 5th, 1G07 . Vi\\ 00, )(''' k To the Common Council . L /1--ei Gentlemen : - Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating a portion of the alley in Block one of Capitol Addition, on peition of the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company ; the consider- ation being fixed at the expense of the proceeding , and the Company being required to deed the easterly 16 feet of Lot 13 in said block to furnish another alley in lieu of the one vacated. Very respectfully, / 7 ( / *Poration Attorne THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS St. Paul, illinn. mo - f -4 IP tot Co., Dr. 1-„c co The Daily New's Publisiling Dr 92-94 East Fourth Street ----- TO ADV. LINES INCHES TIMES 7_ — 6 THE ST. PAUL :LILY St Winn. 1901 41111111.° ,000101r.„.• CO The Daily ews Publhhing Co., D . 92-94 East Fourth Street TO ADV. LINES INCHES TIMES 27 --g3„_c„._,/ 2 J_/ <,‘ 7 3 g1 440 i 4 • Bd F No. :4473—By Ald. Hebl-- Whereas, there was heretofore pre- sented to the Board of Aldermen. one of the branches of the Common Coun- w - cil of the City of St. Paul. the petition C)i /1 1 of the Tri-State Telephone and T9Ie- �' t '�7 graph Company'. the owner of all the land and property abutting upon and 1 adjoining that portion of the alley f , hereinafter described praying for the which vacation of that portion of the alley v' �` which runs between lots thirteen (1"j ,ne to seventeer (17) and eighteen (1SI WHFAEAS , There was heretofore prese one twenty-fear of addition to in block one (1) of Capitol addition to the City of St. Paul, and more particularly de scribed and shown upon the plat an- nexed to said petition, which said pe- Aldermen , one of the branches of the Common Cotition is duly verified as required by . law and sets forth the facts and re/u-, sons'for such vacation; and Paul the petition oT the Tri-State Telephone `n eeme the said Board of Amat- Prrtthereindreferreddto should tlbe pro- p�o- teeded with and ordered 'said petition the owner of all the land and property abut tinane ad'i anyhig plat ° be sled °f at record in. the office of the City Clei•k of said city, and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publication in portion of the alley hereinafter described, pr the official gaper of said city in the of manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the sub-. Sect matter thereof would be heard and that portion of the alley which runs between Tcoi sidered by the committee on Streets 'of said Board of Aldermen at its reg- 'Jar meeting to be held in the Couneii seventeen (17) and eighteen ( 18) to t.vent y" ot f :Haln,bu in the Court House and City flock .Hall bui lding in said city on the 27th i day of December, 1906: at 4 o'clock in the, afternoon. Which said notice one ( 1) of Capitol Addition to the City of was drily published and given; and lzlar- Whereas, said C.ommittee on Streets iof said Board of Aldermen did meet i at the time and place above mentioned ' described and shown upon the plat annexed and appointee therefor and did then 1 and thereafter duly adjourn the hear ; ing of said matter from time to time until the regular meeting of said con- said petition is duly verified as required by - mitten to be he:Id on Jan.. 31,. 907. at 4 o'clock p. m. at the same place. and id committee did duly .ntcet at facts and reasons for such vacation; and said last earned time and place, pur- suant to said adjournment,and did then and there duly investigate and eoarsidkr WHEREAS The said Board of Alden_lei the matter of said proposed vacate°;,, hat 1 and did then and there hear all testi- mony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other per- the matter therein referred to should be procl sons interested in the matter of said said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the pray- petition and accompanying plat to be filed of of said petition should be granted if upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said the City Clerk of said. City , and ordered said Board of Aldermen, recommending the.lcfa of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now, therefore, It is hereby by publication in the official paper of said i Resolved, by the Common Council for of the City of St. Paul, that all that portion of the alley which runs be- tween lots 13 to 17 and lots is to 24 the time required by law that said petition , inclusive, in block 1 of Capitol addi- tion, as shown upon said plat, be and the same is hereby vacated and die- continued as a public alley, subject,e thereof would be heard and considered by the however. t the following conditions,` (that is to ay: Sun vacation is based upori the con- said Board of Aldermen at its regular meetinr, lt,on that said petitioners shall, be-:cil +� fore this resolution takes effect, pay into tht; treasury of said city the ex- penses•of this proceeding, and shall Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Buil,convey to the City of St. Paul, for le alley purposes, the easterly sixteen (16) feet in width, of lot thirteen (13) in said block, which is hereby fixed as d 27th day of December, 1906, at four o' clock i{the compensation for such vacation.nsai Adopted by the hoard of Aldermen Feb. 5, 1907. notice was duly published and given; and ; ,Adopted by the Assembly Feb. 2l ,1507. Approved Feb. 26, 1907. WHEREAS , Said Committee on Streets- u �r11uF um u''v, A.> rmen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, and did then and thereafter duly adjourn the hearing of said matter from time to time until the regular meeting of said Committee to be held on Xanuary : 1st, 1907 , at four o ' clock P . Y. at the same place , and said Committee did duly meet at /said last named time and place , pursuant to Nlk said adjournment , and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and