1910 (2) _ _ _-- -- ■-----,■-----_
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St. Paul, Minn., �. _t....,.,. ... .l.i
The attention of the - -
is respectfully called to the following Resolution, which has been adopted by the Common Council, and
approved by the Mayor. OFFICIAL PIIBLICA'IION
Of Ordinances Pasiied and Resolutions!
Adopted by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul.
A'y F No. 11572—By Mr. Daily—
Whereas, there was heretofore pre-
sented to the Assembly, one of the
branches of the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul, the petition of
William G. Whipple and. others, the
(owners of all the land and property
abutting upon and adjoining that por-
. !Don of Chariton street hereinafter de-
scribed, praying for the vacation of all
that part of Charlton street, from Con-
gress street to Ohio street, in the City
of St. Paul, Minnesota, and more par-
I titularly shown and described upon
ithe plat annexed to said petition, which
said petition is duly verified as requir-
ed by law and sets forth the facts and
Treasons for such vacation; and
Whereas, said Assembly deemed it
expedient that the matter therein re-
ferred to should be proceeded with,
and ordered said petition and accom-
panying• plat to be filed of record in
the office of the City Clerk of said
city, and ordered said City Clerk to
give notice by publication in the offi-
cial paper of said city in the manner
'and for the time required by law, that
said petition and the subject matter
thereof would be heard and considered
by the Committee on Streets of said
Assembly at its regular meeting, to be
held in the Council Chamber in the
Court House and City Hall building, in _ ^/
said city, on the 4th day of October; R
. !�I/!i City Jerk.
1909; at four o'clock "p. m., which said
notice was duly published and given;
and C-
Whereas, said Committee on Streets.
of said Assembly did meet at the time
and place above mentioned and ap-
pointed therefor, and did then and
thereafter duly adjourn the same until
Nov. 29, 1909, at four o'clock p. m., at
the same place, and said Committee
did duly meet at said time and place
and did then and there hear all testi-
mony and evidence adduced on the part
of said petitioners and all other per-
sons interested in the matter of said
propoacn, proof
of the sedm at vters atio averred and in did said take peti-
tion, and being of the opinion that the
prayer of said petition should be
granted upon the terms hereinafter
stated, did duly report its conclusions
to said Assembly, recommending the
adoption of an appropriate resolution
declaring such vacation; now, there-
fore, it is hereby
Resolved, by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul that all that por-
tion of said Charlton street lying be-
tween Congress street and Ohio street,
as shown upon said plat, be and the
same is hereby vacated and discontln-
ued as a public street, subject to the
following conditions, that is to say:
Such vacation is upon condition that
said petitioners shall, before this reso-
lution takes effect, pay into the treas-
ury of said city the sum of fifty dol-
lars ($50.00), in addition to the ex-
penses of this proceeding, which is fix-
ed as the compensation for said vaca-
Adopted by the Assembly Dec. 16,
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen
Jan. 18, 1910.
Approved Jan. 25, 1910.
(Jan. 27-1910)
'4•k„,,r N 0
2 1
rx; l:
�:� fit• t
iccess, that grim, terrible play of
'ugene Walter's—"The Easiest Way."
iiss Starr plays the role of Laura ,
urdcch, whom fate pushes along
he easiest way," even though her
etter instinct often prompted her to
ead the path of adversity.
unit Inserts St, N\ 'i\ii tt
Affidavit of Publication.
County of Ramsey ( ... .. ' being duly
sworn, deposes and says: t at he ie w is, and during all the time herein
mentioned has been in the employ off he printer and publisher of the news-
paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,'' and during all said
time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper:
that the said newspaper: "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,"was during all
I the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the
NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on.
Vacation of Street. ` each and ev ry day of the week, except Sunday; that the annexed,printed
Notice is hereby given that the petition i f i // /�%�'K.r(�/G� ( /
of Wm. G. Whipple et al., for the vaca- noti �i I.
tion of Charlton street, between the( /
north line of Congress street and the '�
southeasterly line of Ohio street, has been 01.
filed in the office of the City Clerk o - -1 - --/- - --
the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and sai /
petition will be heard and considered b �; ,ii the Committee on Streets of the Assem' ` �` dt /
bly, at their meeting to be held in th . ,�/
Council Chamber in the Court House a ,
City Hall Building on Monday, Oct.
1909, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon of sai, hereto attac 'd and made art hereof, was cut and taken from the columns
d Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, this 24t` of said newspaper, and was printed and published in said newspaper for
day of August, 1909.
GEORGE T. REDINGTON, days— 7-that he said
City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, Min-
, nesota. notice was first printed a'8 published in aid newspaper on.... ... . ...
(Aug. 26-Segt. 1-8-16-1909-40 ""
fiI the g.6-
day of a... A. D , 19 '- .; and was
thereafter pri ted nd gu l's ed in said newspaper on each and every
succeeding.q _9c _/ _.until and including the .
day of. A. D., 19.0 that said newspaper was,
during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, nd still is, a collection of
reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general
and local news. comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and
published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established
office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth
Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and
skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the
whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said
time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city
and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the
date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said ,
publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said
county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still
consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than
five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and
three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish-
er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and
delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete
copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during
said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly
of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of
That heretofore and prior to March 31st, 1901,the publisher of said news-
paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit
setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General
Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended.
That atffant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and
that each and all thereto are true.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this i
Fee,$ Received Payment.
t dayo - - - . / A. D. 1q..l.7..
s ate i Per
N Lary Public, R: trOleCounty, Minnesota.
altl'tesegateeree s*otre.Dee.6.I P x E.,
0 GJr
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Successive Insertions—St. Paul Daily News.
Affidavit of Publication.
County of Ramsey c SS F...... ■ 1 .../. i being duly
sworn, deposes an says: that he v ow is, and during all the time herein
mentioned has been in the employ o the printer and publisher of the news-
paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all said
time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper:
OFFICIAL PUBLICATION that the said newspaper: "THE ST.PAUL DAILY NEWS,"was during all
Of Ordinances passed and Resolutions the said time and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the
Adopted by the Common Council of City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on
the City f St. Paul. each
of ev clay of the we k ex -p. Sunday; that th annexed printed
A'y P Flo. 11572—By Air- Daily— ! ��L�Z
Whereas, the was heretofore pre' / "\
seated to -,..a._th eraai -�..-_ . aiCte /
` f 5aaA 8 p
1 11 i 10 tlled atilt P io /Ii!• i
o'} aaq paldaload uai;o loullsul aagla_ �,
� ,
aaq tl8noill uene „`/cem lsalsea a �'/ /
3 .$uoiv sagsnd ap3j motlm 'gaop.inl'.1 - / Jr
'emu,' 3o aloa ain sdeld aaels ssly,- _
a „.AvAk lsalsva ally,,—s,aa11nAR aua2n1- hereto attached/and made art hereof, was cut and taken from the columns
1 Jo ,feld alglaaal `uila2 mil `ssexin, of said newspaper, and was printed and pnblished in said newspaper for
1 '1111V,LS 1 / cotaaeautits.te day - - _ -. +l'at the sal.
i notice w first printed: id published in said newspaper on..s
the.... ... day o .._ i' i A. D., 19-/Q;•
II r' .. . .... , p o
1 succeeding Aintiti ing the
1 day of. A. D., 19.--/ hat said newspaper was,
a during all the time in this affidavit mentioned,and still is, a collection of
I iY< ':`»>• •: ':' reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general
and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and
: ..: published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established
zc office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No 92 East Fourth
+ place
j K Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and
Q skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the
whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said
1 tii time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city
s `.
and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the
date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said
publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said
county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still
consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than
five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and
three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish-
er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and
delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete
copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during
said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly
of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of
That heretofore and prior to March 31st, 1901,the publisher of said news-
paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit
setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General
Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended•
That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and
that each and all thereto are true.
Subscribed and Sworn to before me this
Fee, $ Received Payment.
_/_day 7, ! A. D. Ig /Q
OK / .._..... Date . i9 Per
Notary Publ , • ..-y County, Minnesota.
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