1909 (32) ri 1 i P4 G4 N 1 ,,.,\I , 1 . cz`cf; El I CI: • J I ' •.,1 INW, ZNIt 1 %0Z) s\ N '\1 7)E4 I ',1,It 4 - 1, Ns. ,4c ,„, --,) \„. rm ,,, .1-7' 4 ,•,.., -- - . ' ...k, _,; ... :c'4' \ . !--' < *NRAIISVaail A.LIID ao GTOI,T4I0 Irk s; ('fia z nii) SNaaISa'fla 'Hbi o SbvN b02IS r-,,.. k ,. 4 NY'IHOUI . SaIll y: ,. SIZO .14 Mf% ',Pi'• 1 1 4 ,;:!;„ .,,,,. • ,,,,,, ,,,,,, 4,.,,, , :,,,,,, A.ODINOW. -:: 4_ ,r5C**,-, ,,,,,* :1/4 4 :44,d. ' t* i .$1,, �NNVWHOSR3 'arlN' tpr o61 b uawaapld 3o pivo9 a4; C4 ['Won/ JA '80-92-9. 'Z9 tuao,3 7 c0 Z Al m 1-k _ 3 1 • vo- 71 1 t1 Co S,' - a+ O ''S C Z Z 3 3 a o' `G K N 0 ti P. 0 CI r)• Z 1 3 p ' .s N 0 -I • • ° '< :s m . D . .f C'f Co c�' y,,��1.,,. o o 0 lJ 0 F o p c+ w a w c+ I-'• t], .+ a p Cf • o p �� 0 •< : o. w N c `G o a c+ 0 ■s :a O 0 t-:.-• o o' K `+ to 0 p :' 0 H o • El r c+ r+ '+a "' a c1- .D C+ '---‘ p Cl O Pa I) C � 'd 'i 0 p o o '-'s ■ O C.) c± el-\ O p O 0 p. 1,-' : d U 0 0 0 0' O o- n ^h 3• a 4 U, cam+ '� W • . 3 ,V. 0 O 01.., Cl C+ •-y 0 : �-' a' N. '1 0 '' S P. N £.1 r t). Co .r a O 3 c' ,.. W '1 o p H p M u . CA 1--, O a c H p Et P. 0 Z Co a 3 .+ r p Cl w O .O O 5 ;_ . cO .'1• "'J a c-f H a. a a.F'' 3 r+ ca+ Co w w < Go • '°S kS cn 3' C N JD I H Co ° c+ p, ..y C) o 7S' '1 Co Cr I ,' �,p: � a ;r t of 3151 tit i `,' 0' ' C 1: ,7 ,i' CITY OF SAINT P�.UL, / i JAMES C..MICR AE.:. Y , 4 .� ^ � COP PO RAT ON ATTORNCV ., ji t& ' 14SA . ASSISTANT ATTOPN EVS LOUIS R FRANKEL ‘. ". j i 4 . CHAS. L_COLLETT 4 7J: . HICHAEL OORAN.JR_ Ni / ''kk f� JOHN J.KIRBY ? �"� ; , ,ft October 19th, 1909 . N tAll C' To the Common Council . Gentlemen:- Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution va- cating that portion of Sherburne avenue extending from Aldine street to the easterly line of Lot 27 in Block 5 and the easterly line of Lot 4 in Block 8, of Dickerman Park, and that portion of the alley in Block 5 of Dickerman Park extending from Aldine street to the easterly lines of Lots 4 and 27 in said block, upon petition of the Dickerman Investment Company; the compensation being fixed at $25 in addition to the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, oration Attorney. iltCEIVED DEC 10 1909 Mayors Office. HOW,BUTLER & MITCHELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW JARED HOW PIERCE BUTLER WILLIAM D.MITCHELL ENDICOTT BUILDING GEORGE HOKE SAINT PAUL Sept 25 1909 . &r. J. W. Cooper c/o Griggs, Gooper & Company, bt . i'aul. Dear .ire We hand you herewith in duplicate proposed agreement be- tween James Hewitt, lainnesota Transfer railway Company and your company. The agreement has been signed by Hewitt. We believe it is acceptable to you and the only remaining thing is to obtain the consent of the i.iinnesota Transfer Railway Company. Before procuring 1,r. Hewitt ' s signature to this instrument I submitted it to yr. George T. Slade and after some minor correetions ,which were made at his suggestion,he expressed the opinion that the innesota Transfer Railway Company could take no reasonable exceptions to the provisions of the agreement and that he would recommend its adoption. It seems advisable to us for you to see possibly two cr three other members of the Board of Directors of the Transfer Rail- way Company- before any formal meeting is held, in order that they may examine the contract and in order that its provisions may be explained to them. If no serious objection is made in this wad- , we might then have a formal meeting of the Board called and the contract approved . With reference to the agreement , we might say: 1. That it grants a definite and perpetual easement for right of way in the exact location in Which the .-...---- 1,--- - ; r . i ..,.. .,.., ..,, ...._,.._ .,, .\., . . :N.4.., ,- e!.. ., , ..,,, .• `'. .:" .-': . ' .1';'. 7..'i ..` -7..: ,. .1 . . ). --..na•:.e-, '..‘ '- -, vi. :.... ',...4, . \ .' • , ., , . . • , . '.. •:,- *0-, -•—• ,••=,,,,, - '•.,'•'''''.'. .-41**dtPIA■lia......+1,W4740,e464.e,,,10, ),*(66601411e,46.'"“i44..."1.19.', 1,01.40 ,ItItr. ".r.,,,,,,,id•• '." 4,11 1 ' . ' .:* ' .',.- ' . '' . ,,,,,,„'444,44.,,:,•-:' t'.,:,,,,v' ,-,,-•,.,,,, Successive Insertions—SL Paul Daily News. Affidavit of Publication. S I Si g •....uolsuuof a a t SS (-)7) / / z b atuES t ;.. ..�....�....... being duly 'T 7, luaa saucer sworn, deposes and says: t,at he now is, a.' during all the time herein `� mentioned has been in the e',ploy of the printer and publisher of the news- .• T L •'Itt'td 'lS io dsaoo?Q 5 j 9 a912od 'a 0 paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,'• and during all said r'LS T o •••'StiFNi 'NI •ouvata namE� anulaV time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper: t•LS T i •••— ll ant?l1V )Pe that the said newspaper: "THE ST.PAUL DAILY NEWS," was during all y L5 T Z •••,ia2u S' S IagESI in_ the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the S.' t� of it• gloog DI awes' City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on sngo411V u4or ion Y Y Y, VOZ OT T np, aaooyFi 2i 'lQoH each and ever % / of the eek, exce.t unday; that the annexed printed I'OHZ F. 1 aaootc 'V oaaa� ty I'06Z E T .et • ` L'ZZZ TT 6 ..••uogsut?or g Soak tot L'ZZZ ii 8 s?ctaSlo� .0 o1 r notice of % .. -�,/� E'LK Z 6 l q 911°I°11 E•LiZS Z 8 atzn?L .zouBa?a g k ;lF;auea'31001a lo'I •uo?ld?aosaa sin pus aaum0 poeoddnS t 91013IPPV PactIL 'xasa als?•aaW ,e uJOOH '9 a1P'sS d 5•ciy 1T L SuttO.A. 'r 'd a L'Eii Si 9 SxuFS ,�. A.I1W d 9'EtT it ii' •"•'urelutl:Q 'V 's'otI0 RI ;ltlausg•3100?g 7orI t •uolld?aosaQ �'t hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns u putt aamp pasoddnS `Ls! of said new paper, and was printed and pnblished in said newspaper for e 'KiEd uLSIaaayAz `uo?IIPP i Puoaas cnnseon ve days—weeks,, • than t e said i•Oi7. 8T L '''a`Ltng 'L Puttutpa cn notice was rst printed .+. aosnstt `r p . / published i' aid newspaper on ... 8,088 8i 8 PI .I aPooJ - 9 l"edauaa'Koolg'loI a, uotTd?aosa,a Id the d•... day o. ./... �... .. .. ... A. D , 190 -; and- x190 Pus u & pasoddnS £- t.• ea e . ' •. : .. .. . ' - • : . •-.. .. . •. • '. - ery •uo?lIPPV NMI ``1.03d tuE?•aay( 11rid ')T "T succeeding uali� 1nCl the Z'90Z L ZI tE la L'E0t6 L • EL tsT� day of. A. D., 19® that said newspaper was, •aalssousz ''I ;l?;auea Kao?g'lo I •uo?ld?aasea during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, nd still is, a collection of putt aaun+o pasoddnS reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and •uo?IIPPV s,tnnvH '0 xaaa f published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established L'Eii , VC 8 aaolS *NI ugor l office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth exaag 'o £•I Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper resses and 9,cTZ i� atuys Y . P i �loQ ,� .Q skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the L'Etc Ti L emus , whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said L'`L 9 8 auiES , time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city 9'_I't 9 L autE• , •IL T. E L gaols 'N 'r and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the ;t'T" CA `i• uosaalad y� 8uu 2 date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said E.i_`_:`' - Tr•••• utt11111ratnl u01 iV publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish- er of the said "ST. PAUL DALLY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore and prior to March 31st, 1901,the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended• That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and that each and all thereto are true. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this - •�` �/ AP;- Fee,$ Received Payment. v°Laay °f - . , A. D. I�1 THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. � /. . .. a e 19 Per N e ar • 'lie, Ran -y County, o innesota. MY CommiseI n explree Dee,8.1914, A r-i ti) gt=i Lt. o - E-+ 0 o • = P1.4 •••e • c 0 Successive Insertions—St, Paul Daily News. Affidavit of Publication. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ,/oamy • SS •(� y f R se r..... /. .■ # Count being duly sworn, £22" nd says: that e now is, and during all the time herein mentioned has been in the employ of the printer and publisher of the news- paper known as "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS," and during all said NOTICE OF BEARING FOR VACATION. time was, and now is, principal clerk of the printer of the said newspaper: that the said newspaper: "THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS,"was during all Vacation of street and Alley. the said time, and still is, a daily newspaper printed and published in the given that the pets- City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, in the State of Minnesota, on Notice is hereby each and eve y day of the we k, except Sunday; that the annexed sr nted Lion of the Dickerman Investment Co. / for the vacation of 'Sherburne avenue, from Aldine street to the easterly line of lot 27, block 5, and the easterly line rice of--- --km,14\of lot 4, block 8, dditioman rk; I r / /also the alley in block 5, from Aldin /YICIJ/^�street westerly to the easterly line of 1 lot' 4 and lot 27 in said block 5, all in Dickerman Park Addition, has been of theaCit_thofoStCePaul, M nnesotae,r and said petition will be heard aad con- sidered by the Committee on Streets - of the Board of Aldermen at a meet-1 Chamber thereof, to Court held in the Council hereto attached and made part hereof, was cut and taken from the columns Chamber in the Court House-an,d City Hall Building on Thursday, Sept. 2, of said newspaper, and was printed and pnblished in said newspaper for 1909, at 4 o'clock In the afternoon of '/ p p said day. 1 oeeseeve days—w —that t e said Dated at St. Paul, Minnesota, July 12, 1909. GEORGE T. REDINGTON, notice was first printed p is a in said newspaper on,..•.... ... City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, the I J day of..� Minnesota. A. D , 19Ui--; and was (July 13-20-2227-Aug. 3-1909-4t) thereafter pr' ted . .i published in said newspap n each and every succeeding.-/� A--? until and including. 3 the day/ of. A. D., 19.11.1-that said newspaper was, during all the time in this affidavit mentioned, nd still is, a collection of reading matter in columns and sheet form, the matter consisting of general and local news, comments and miscellaneous literary items, printed and published in the English language daily except Sunday, at an established office, and known place of business in said city, to-wit: No. 92 East Fourth Street, equipped with the necessary materials, newspaper presses and skilled workmen for preparing, printing and publishing the same, and the whole thereof, in said city; that the said newspaper, as during all the said time, and still is dated in St. Paul, and generally circulated in said city and county, that said newspaper, for more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication of said notice, and during all the time of said publishing, was printed in whole, and published and circulated in said county;that during all the said time said newspaper has consisted, and still consists, of more than the equivalent in space of four pages, of more than five columns to each page, each column being not less than seventeen and three-fourths inches long;that during all said time said printer and publish- er of the said "ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS" has printed, published and delivered, at each regular issue, more than two hundred and forty complete copies of said newspaper to paying subscribers;that said newspaper during said time,has never been, and is not now a duplicate nor made up wholly of patents, or plates and patents and advertisements, or either or any of them. That heretofore and prior to March 31st, 1901,the publisher of said news- paper filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County, an affidavit setting forth the facts required by Section 2 of Chapter 33 of the General - Laws of the State of Minnesota for the year 1893, as amended• That affiant knows personally all the facts set forth in this affidavit, and I that each and all thereto are trup / 4 ow # . / / Subscribed and Sworn to before me this ,-- - -e , ! ' / Fee,$ Receive 1 'ayment. ole__day A. D. t�l' -- THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. r •—• f _.. Date iq Per otary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. UV�1M f0!\P^ ^...+Inn.•T1," 0 rt,Q MY ComnIS.fon explrat Nov e•1918, A 7 Z o • L1.3 L) o - � o U Q Lir • r� Drilartiurnt ax`41nb P urI s t. Mum L.W.RUN DLETI, COMMISSIONER St , Paul, Minn. Dec, 11, 1909, Hon . D. W. Lawler, Mayor, C I T Y. Dear Sir, - All streets and alleys (except the one cited in the present case) in Dickerman Park embracing the eight blocks bounded by Thomas, Aldine, University and Fairview Aves, have already been vacated for factory and warehouse purposes. The records show that the Dickerman Investment Co. have become owners of Lot 29 as claimed and consequently the resolution vacating part of Sherburne Ave, and part of the alley in Block 5 seems to be proper in-as-much as the street and alley thus vacated have no westerly outlet and as such vacation renders available for factory purposes the whole tract above described. Yours very truly, i Commissioner of Public Works. llt,,)fic.jitifilf (s, — . - . • ;." ,■.) 1 . , . \.r r : • . ' , 4t .` . 1- $ ;•• s.,•• .1 .r. ' • iota St. Paul, Minn. , Jul; 4 (if ;t_. ■, , ,: Jic',ortitluli Cc rich of .fit City of :! . •,�: _, The undersigned, owners of all the land and property fronting upon all the portions of all the streets and alleys her•einaft�ur descri.bt•d, i.seticion your t,tunor:•able Body for the vacation of Sherburne Avenue, from �'Id nF re_t to the easterly line of lot twenty sewer (r; ) , in block five ( a) , and the easterly line of mot four (4) Mock eight Ls) , or Pic)c -r•'an Park, also all of the alley in 'Block •1'iv ( 5) , frorn Aldine Str ,.: t westerly to the easterly line of lots four (4 ) and twenty r,iiven ( 27 ) , in said )loot; five ( 5) , all in nickerman .,ark, an addition :ca the city or `it. Paul , ' irnesu t:a ; a nli=:t of said street and alley ,And of' tho Dnonerty involved 1s htreto E;tt,r ee. end rlide a tart of this i .titiori. The facts and reasons for such petition are that the owners of said property dosire to improve and use the same as one tract of land for f-. t<_ ry an warehouse purposes; that all the streets and a11eYs in t'-lo belay ..!‘... of ni,-krrn,an .,srk tofore been vacated for the S3T_^:e purnOSt,S and reasons; that at the time of ruth former vLcation the at 'e=ct and a1'_ ey now ask o . to be vf'c=ted w'3fi ry t included in the pot ' t 't n, because the then owner of lot twenty nine (29 ) in bi< ek fitrr, ( 5 ) , of said ?)icku'i an nark, had built a house front ixv e n the street And wo u d by Such vacation be shut-out of access thereto ; that since said former vacation your p•.titioners have. purchased It twenty nine (29) , in block fivo ( 5) , in said nickerman nark, r'roT, the then owner and rerx'tr d the ho :-4o: ':'�.,r x' ra i:1 ord:.°r that the p:T•c.p :r•Ly m171,t he: 'If;ed in r•t ring:ntion with the -, •u,iosed factory and Narohouo.o. Purposes. rlo part of said strut or alley has ov r Peen c. ' nee t. r prrtded U:^ 1-iprcved or 'Asert as public streets and tilt: nal})iie it not a;uff.:r or be inconvenienced 5,1 such •racatlun• '"71 P.,..o_1.irT j'c. '..r pe.:lt1 r rs pray that the above »or a ot, of said ,!ne ':,urne .Avenue and of ttho alley in said t51ock rive (5) her ei.nbofore i • L � virgh 41111 2 specifically setf- rth be Nracat,A and discontinued as public street and ,; _ _A.P. ,190 9 7Z-c. Pz/- r ST ATE 0 ) ;S CO UF TY 071 RAT:131'v ) On this ire( day ocf:jr.4/.___ A. P. ,P.P2.6 , before me, a TAJtari- --- public, within and for County of Rarrwey , and State of inues(. La, p-rsonally appeared Walter 7)icku:'rian, to me personally known, who , bein:, dull s4orn says, that he i(= the Trice-President of the Pickerman Inve•Airent Company, a corporation, which is one of the signers of the i p tition, that he kno,is the f,cts tIlerein set forth, and that the same are true of his own knowledged; that the seal affiN, d to the foregoing and annexed petition is the corporate Evil of said Corporation, Pickerrnan Investment Company; that said instrument was signed and sealed in bfehalf of said corperP.tiun by autherity of it 's board of directors; that said Walter T-T. Dickeerlan acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corpc dipF • - pubscribed and sworn to before me / this day of 41144 -/ Mir T',;() tall/ Public, ,,aras t;/ : , MJ Cornmis;.;iun e)c, ir es All/r-c-r ZS-tif/-3 % • =WV • • • • • • \ \,\ • • • • , Nt LL. .. .. :.X..., t•',:.\ ` `,<.• ra r :\O. 3Ul08- Whereas, there was heretofore pre- sented to the Board. of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Coun- cil of the City of St. Paul,. the petition of the Dickerman Investment Company, the owner of all the land and property It abutting upon and adjoining the street G'4 and alley herein described, praying for. 4, # the vacation of all that portion of of w' n Sherburne avenue, from Aldine street, itto the easterly line of lot 27, in block l708 5, and the easterly line of lot 4, in block 8, of Dickerman Park; also that portion of the alley in said block 5,' extending from Aldine street to the easterly lines of lots 4 and 27, in said' block 5 of said Dickerman Park, in WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented to the more Citpay of rticularl St.y d Paul,escribed Minnesotaand ,shown and upon the plat annexel to said petition, Common which said petition is duly verified as Aldermen, one of r C the branches of the ommon Council required by law and facts and reasons for such sets vacationforth the; and St . Paul, the petition of the Dickerman Investment Whereas, the Board of Aldermen • the deemed it expedient that the matter (therein referred to should be proceed- ed with and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of rec- owner of all the land and property abutting upon an"a in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and ordered said City Clerk and to give notice by publication in the street and alley herein described, praying for the official paper of said city in the man- ner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject mat- ter thereof would be heard and consid-1 that portion of Sherburne avenue from Aldine streetered by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council! Chamber' in the.Court House and City' line of Lot 27 in Block 5 and the easterly line of Hall Building in said city on the 2d day, of September, 1909, at 4 o'clock in tile] afternoon of said day, which said no-1 of Dickerman Park; also that portion of the alley itlq was duly published and given asi ,. required by law; and Whereas, said Committee on Streets;' of said Board of'Aldermen did meet at extending from Aldine street to the easterly lines the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, and did then and thereafter duly continue the same in said block 5 of said Dickerman Park, in the Cit until its regular meeting on the s 14, v , y1909, at 4 o'clock p, in., at the same place, and did then and there duly meet for the hearing, investigation: and consideration thereof, and did then; Minnesota, and more particularly described and ehowand there duly Investigate and consid- er the matter of said proposed vaca- tion, and did then and there hear all annexed to said petition, which said petition is dutestimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said r + t and proposed vacation, and did take proof required by law and sets forth the facts and. reasonof the matter averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be grant- t i on and ed upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report.its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the C� ^doptlon of an appropriate resolution WHEREAS, The Board of Aldermen deemed it e',I. isa herebych vacation; now therefore, Resolved, by the Common Council of i, the City of St. Paul, that all that por- matter therein referred to should be proceeded witlition of Sherburne avenue from Aldine sweet to the easterly line of lot 27 in 'b'.ock 5, and the easterly line of,lot. filed in block 8, of Dickerman Park; also petition and accompanying plat to be filed of 'record, orti„n oP the alley in said block i f,uni Alai.,e street tc the easter�y line. of lots 4 and 27, in raid the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said ty tf°St of , Minnman Park, in tho City I t3e.ad C2e �1ieSt. Paul, Mtnnesota, as shown np�e; ' and the same a e hereby vacatedr and notice by publication in the official paper of discontinued as public street and pub- Y p saicli alley, subject, however, to the Pol g conditions, that is to say; Such vacation is upon the condition the that said petitioner shall pay into the, manner and for he time required by law, that said Treasury of said city the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), In addition r q f to the expenses of this proceeding, as subject matter thereof would be heard and considertCompeneatfon for such vacation; and upon further condition that said City of St. Paul retains and reserves sol Streets y much of said vacated streef and alley on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regula:as is necessary for the widening of Aldine street on thit westerly side – thereof, as platted, to a width of one held in the Council Chamber in the Court House andhundred feet. u Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 19, 1909. Adopted by the, Assembly Dec. 2. in said City on the 2nd day of September, 1909, at 1909. Approved Dec. 14, 1909. (Dec. 24-1909) 1 the afternoon of said day, which said notice was duly puD1ined -and given as required by law; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor and did then and thereafter duly continue the same until its regular meeting on October 14th, 1909, at four o' clock P . 11. at the same place, and did then and there duly meet for the hearing, investiga- d there duly investi- tion and consideration thereof, and did then an -iromm■-mirml111111.11.11."'""— " ' 5 ra T.',..-', ,;.,„p;..: ,ir,..::-.-,.. .,,,r4;:. Tzo i.-'130.:::. e x 0 arts srf o 1.:',-.11,T., 0_0" '! 1'. '- P: •-h:. �`rw-.. t rre `i rk:• } sY�!,• * • J rn'1` 7-hex _i,,, -l'f..-,,:,.r r.a :Id-- aOs'k '.'�-'N ,''44'.:7' s .4, 8r; rrirrxo txr., _� 4_1 t*!r ,r, 7,. tx ^ t.,,�.' '.,� ,,;� t,- ," as ' a,,�¢ ft ,r :' r r<,, '.t i t, .r a..,.:11 �1 . +.• V4.,,,...--,...4 .•>� w A i, •:;s .;t1lr„'41 .: i. '`(, k.L �}'.',.i.`? ¢7. 'r.4t?' -ti' «' a4.h{ ..�.;.i + :.7'� VJ, x.l� +r•M{. r a� ;N i•iE� fit` ^Ii r h�.4 $ � . � +' : aJ 3 i `u ; .., M 3. r � N �b a . }Y 's• w.}} ' '' �r � 1 . • "'" £ . $-4'. ;•::)'FS... . � ,..° .S, .c '*'is .',�' ' ' 1• 't i 1,} r t .nag �.� ,} L i +` r,. k, y "3 ;ri t ry. C: t Y.104:=`14,;:'':14°-'_'.7'. :.• .. .,} 2 _ .. 't ' C ' c• t ;1 Kf t:C .1 r 4'* i E2: ' j- 4-t-'' X:.' . .rre : .7, 1-01 p, :R4r R � . � ' ' - :;„ . , .t $ b [1 }ef s.t,- rk r ,-Po.: k t31' 3 E t tt s3 1;: #14 0', Sly It x4i;t4 .a, . . r n t„ r i r . f'' i ' a P•i i� y� �Y rya i p.y � �. f; .rC.,. H. °_ .•. ,�`# ¢ SA',',.',.'..., f,lL ..L' .+ A - .ti7F U 'K4Tr .7rs j "4 W . '9I 'A�.:sY'• t mkt J�:'`' J,hi •� w`>f- i Y'� is V. ;'G D ,it S i t 0bG ! �4.�. 't ;. + Ab ,Y : o: .. :%.e. Y!r S 4'Jac +� 'i: ^.�1,. -• f 4,4 .C.s+ 1 2�;t yp y cc' p y,• • ;YS j;' <.l J+.A� ..��ys..•. A1V l� ... )F�ll 3W.. 1� iF ,,, t 1M V �yi-"�yL94 V .S. :,:.'`..1...,4,±;! �'a ,1 •• [ ,, . .., (iA• n J� �F��!�}', ni°L `i r C , , i. •'T r .rt,,C F r'tr' .--, 13-+�Fy,Ra- **I'M:- W 13' k . _ ,. R a ▪>,PAi i'P wa-� .J.. . ti� l-r filar* t''.ti!°bF � fis• w ` ti -� t r b '"443.tk# �+r 7(3'1 . t 1i a'r,,':+' 42 C I .-.t'. ;.'• .; 4 r. pt +4a• T.a,CJ Z. w 'Ca < ) '1t ` V it c�hlti ?s t��;:1Y V.�-FA 'A .,{;K+M',-� • £x ` ::*o 04—, '.i-: f'z f'' i, '% +V J as, t a5 y f > r + a J ' '. ' .-:, f A 7 y ^ . ,4,;.- x s.yr v Y itt: '& .: ti4t ,' J• ;4ar,�l r.4q. , 4.. - . .h 0 ?r k 1 xy.^ :'' :`: :t: w : ,y/ ,,i .' „,..,a,„1 L Ili • 6 J - ,`� J +._ c:P�, y,f.1 �d q . qt";',.:-5':.'-' _ p < a�it Su } otO 1;! -, :. g4.. : "7-, - ,: r ',- t'. S w Yi .: Ca• i - 7yfs: . �w ``::, a R ,_ 2- g44. t„ ,,. �- .., 1 �. 1,'„1,'!",,,,,.. " y`, :7- i ,.,, . , ,re " ^ r' y1 1 ,'110. Ails t f:.; � f +6 'F.:� ! k r & .;�,. y.. 1, . , t 'l , ; -'. :. , ::-+ w+ r.. ' � .�,,� ,� ,JJ�'k: ` ,'''''!w.-:-.*'',.. ) A J a+ t tit + ��ti •. Z e�r�... ..0 1 c 1 �” a c .4x4 + r 4.i. ,� a �!„S,��r �`J1 '., c�,,t� ',w .� +ir��*,' r «• t s.,�� .d��. ` ,, xj s'in'''e r .'. C, k ! 4 ,, CR `.J 4$ s #,` gY i r s• �x a I A gate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby RESCL ED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that all that portion of Sherburne avenue from Aldine street to the easter- ly line of Lot 27 in Block 5 and the easterly line of Lot 4 in Block 8 of Dickerman Park; also that portion of the alley in said Block 5, extending from Aldine street to the easterly lines of Lots 4 and 27 in said Block 5 of Dickerman Park, in the City of St . Paul, Minnesota, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued as public street and public alley, '1. subject, however, to the following conditions, that is to say: :rdA:h Such vacation is upon the condition that said � p petitioner shall pay into the treasury of said City the awn of Twenty-five Dollars ( 25 .Oo) , in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, as compensation for such vacation; and upon further condition that said City of St . Paul retains and reserves so much of said vacated street and alley as is necessary for the widening of Aldine street on the westerly side thereof, as platted, to a width of one hundred feet . 1 i Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, . DEC —2 ITO J is 19 ,'_:A. 190 _ -- _ — --1`� YEAS I NAYS, YEAS NAYS, ALD. PUSC MANN MR. CA ERON COR INO CO ROY (DER ER. D LY HY AND H AS MAIpNEY ' • •• K RTAIi K LLER NY c Rf3 PO VERB WHITCOMB RIE NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (YOERG) TRO s Approved _-__.,V_...e..__L ,2 a` l 19o0/ NAYS 0 MR. PRESID rd T (HUBER) / / / _ __ — —Mayor, Mayor. COL" 24 191.',9,7 flii i I I f t f i VP a