1908 (23) OFFICE OF CIT THE • SURER. 3 r ` 7 , M Z '�t� a < 1.\ , ,, r-\-- d N145 - -ii% ‘ 0 — ' tt v k C t3 it 1 1 01 -- 1 g 1-4 \ z N- , \-1 ' , ,... a n ' \ d a t o rt r d r o • ok) oe€41 c) z,t.x -- t et-e �� /�%a�� 627 , - * 01° kew, f , 7 a _ _ Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. Office of Engr. and Supt. Bridges and Buildings. • Room 1359 Railway Exchange. C. F. LOWETH, Engineer and Supt. B. it B. Chicago, Sept. 1A ,1907. Mr. C. J.Buell , 1547 Ashland Ave. , St.?aul,Minn. Dear Sir :- I agr. eE to the proposed replatting of the east half of Block 2 of Fairmount Addition to -St. Paul, and will accept in return for my Lot 4 in said block a lot fronting on Laurel Ave. 35 ft. in width by 150 ft. in depth to a 20-ft_ alley, as shown in the sketch accompanying your letter of Sept. 17th. It is understood that I am to be at no ex- pense in this replatting; that the 20-ft. alley is to extend through from Br.i- hall St. to the present alley in said block, •.hich alley is to remain as present . It is further understood. that this agreement is conditioned upon the replatting being promptly carried out , and is subject to recall on 30 days' notice. Yours truly, • F F.{°zi �4 } 4' +s 9,,,-,,,,..,:,,.. l,, _ t� . °' i '� .t '''`;':'',1 t i 3' \'' .;c,,�F- b *3.r,..k(, 4 � "� * `� a �t ',':', k X'- �s r�yy'a f 3� { ,, a �; '4s a � ,�" - �' � p 4r..,.,}'fit;�R,e_ :') "";.=.1.- '^�,o-• of t F +r� ` IT ."� � y a`� A'`� r�A ti STATE OF MINNESOTA , ) ) SS , County of Ramsey . ) Personally appeared before me C; .-----�a�� who being duly sworn on oath says that he is one of the signers of the foregoing petition; that he knows the contents thereof and the same are true of his owm knowledge . ___ -- I Subscribed and sworn to before me this `moo .f April , 190t. ',/-Z-/.1 ,0 4/. '..,!".-___fe_____`1,......___________ .., ,.� ._.._ .ot. :ITiiTi" r. , Ramsey County, Minn. '-My commission expires 160,,.7 .,0_, _ Mispt 106 41, lI r CA)* F TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST . PAUL. Gentlemen : - The undersigned, being a majority of the owners of all the land fronting and abutting upon the street and alley hereinafter men- tioned, respectfully petition your honorable Body to vacate Brimhall avenue from Ashland avenue to the north line of Fairmount Addition to said City; also the alley in Block one (1) of said Fairmount Addition from the south line of Lots four ( 4) and nine (9) to the north line of said addition . A plat of said addition is hereto attached and made a part of this petition . The facts and reasons for such vacations are that the owners of said Fairmount Addition and also of Ratterinan' s Addition, propose to re-plat said additions so as to re-arrange the property with different street frontage from that which now exists , and in such re-platting will dedicate ample streets and alleys for the use of said property, but the new dedication will not be co-incident with said street and alley :which it is desired to have vacated. The red lines on the annexed plat show the existing platting of said property, and the black lines thereon show the proposed re-platting with the dedications for streets and alleys which is proposed by such replatting . Dated April 20th, 190 ' . 40'1 4 7fiderz,z_< /-t /C) .at -`fltpartmont of. Cittti- CITY OP SAINT PAUL r , .JAMES C.MICHAEL , . CORPORATION ATTORNEY iiii Ot\ LOUIS R. FP KEL (,?frii 7/0 r CHAS. ,..:0:_LETT MICHAEL DORAN JR. • k„ 4 e,„,..,...,............„ ,,,,,,,, • ‘--.--)Lit,....„ „"2„..4_,.. ...„ d(-2--x--ig----' (Z _.,, ...” A--(4,_,ie: E.4.■:____,L__4_ 17-- -- -- -*.- -4= ae**44e4 t eit_eeer I. "(t_deou_e_if 1,1624,44.c.. , lid F No. 28055—By Ald. Otis- . Whereas, there was heretofore pre- vented tor the Board of Aldermen, one t k ' oP the branches of the Common Coun- ,? oil of the City of St. Paul, the petition of C. J. Buell and others, a majority .dr prop- .., � . ' of the ownere of all the land and► erty abutting upon and adjoining the 'ID street and alley hereinafter described, 4,4' '-� praying for the vacation of Brimhall l avenue, from Ashland avenue to the north line of Fairmount Addition to the City of St. Paul, and also the alley in block one (1) of said.Fairmount Ad- ~ dition, from the south line of lots num- bered four (4) and nine (9) to the f e north line of said addition, and more i particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, Which said petition is duly verified as re- quired WHEREAS , There was heretofore press' au reasonsffor and hevacation;tand facts Whereas, said Board of Aldermen Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Co therein a expedient d to that the proceed- ed� ; therein referred to should be proceed- ed with and ordered said petition and'' accompanying plat to be filed of rec- y, ord in the office of the City Clerk of Paul , the petition of C . J. Buell and others , • said city, and ordered said City Clerk'$ to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city in the man- of all the land and property abutting od 'ner and for the time required by law .� v U p n and that said petition and the subject mat-,nd ter thereof would be heard and consid- cred by the Committee on Streets of alley hereinafter described, praying for the vi said Board of Aldermen at its regular nue meeting to be held in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said city on the 28th from Ashland avenue to the north line of Fairmiday of May, 1908, at 4 o'clock p. m, tV which said notice was duly published and eiven; and whereas, the hearing of St . Paul, and also the, alley in Block one (.thereforandtthereaftertduyeadjourned.di- and postponed by said committee until the regular meeting of said committee tion from the south line of Lots numbered four t the 1 oseaplace on thep8thmdayarif whereas, said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at north line of said addition , and more particulE the time and place last above mention-Ti ed and appointed for the investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there hear all testimony and evi- upon i d.the plat annexe to said petition , which 8denee adduced on the part of the peti- tioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, verified as required by law and sets forth the and did take proof of the matters aver- red in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be f-rant�(l neon the terms here- such vacation*a .nd inafter stated, did duly report its con- clusions to said Board of Aldermen. recommending the adoption of an ap- propriate resolution declaring such va- WHF:REAS , Said Board of Aldermen deer cation: now therefore, it is hereby ;he I Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul. that said Brimhall matter therein referred to should be proceeded avenue, from Ashland avenue to the north line of Fairmount Addition, ex- cept that portion thereof included -in petition and accompanying plat to the alley proposed to be dedicated un- 1 at 0 �J e filed of /der said petition, also the alley in block' 1 of said Fairmount Addition, from the south line of lots 4 and 9, to the'north the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said Cline of said addition, as shown upon �y i an orere sa said plat, be and the same are hereby C 8 vacated and discontinued as a publiz street and public alley, subject, how- by publication in the official paper of said Cjever, to the following conditions, that,or is to say:. Such vacation is upon condition that said petitioners shall, before this res- the time required by law that said petition ancolution takes effect, pay into the treas-le re- ury of said city the sum of fifty dol- lars ($50.00) in addition to the expenses of would be heard and considered by the Co_'Cnitirf this proceeding, and also replat and rearrange the property shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, so as to dedicate to the public the alley shown Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be and indicated upon said plat and col- ored red thereon. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1908. Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Build: Adopted by the Assembly July 20,.s 1908.• Y , Approved July 22, 1908. 28th day of May , 1908 , at four o 'clock P . V. , .,."a°« 23 19O ) wao duly published and given ; and whereas, the hearing of said matter was at the time set therefor and thereafter duly adjourned and postponed by said Committee until the regular meeting of said Committee at the same place on the 6th day of June , 1908 , at four o' clock P . `'. , and whereas , said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place last above mentioned and appointed for the investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part, of the petitioners and all other persons 4"4---e steel in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof 1 4 `ters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that ..:;:7-?...;....'''..::;-;7..;.. _.,..,,,-,a,,,,!, A*7,1t....,- ,°.:..f.,:n9tt;Pr'" . . ,,51....;. .7- ‘V.46.7-..:, ▪ , .. 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Paul, that said Brimhall avenue from Ashland avenue to the north line of Fairmount Addition , except that portion thereof included in the alley proposed to be dedicated under said petition, also the alley in Block 1 of said Fairmount Addition from the south line of Lots 4 and 9 to the north line of said addition, as shovn upon said plat , be and the sane are hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street and public alley , subject , however , to the following conditions , that is to say : Such vacation is upon condition that said petitioners shall before this resolution takes effect , pay into the treasury of said City the sum of Fifty Dollars ( 50.OU) in addition to the expenses of this proceeding , and also re-plat and re-arrange the property shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, so as to dedicate to the public the alley shown and indicated upon said plat and colored red thereon. Adopted by the Beard of Al errnen, Adopted by the Assembly, JUL 20 1908 190 _ 2-_----._.190 YEAS NAYS, YEAS NAYS, LD. BUSc BfAN13 MR. CA ERnI6 CORN NC# Co no GER ER D ILY IDYL. ND MAL NEY 0*****.°) _ LION CiOMERY K LLLEE NY!B RG POWERS f)TIS WHITCOMB RIES NAYS 0 Mn. PRESIDENT (YOERf#) ROH AND TROY Approved .__—...-.�" _ , . ,`.�I08,....... . _ 190 NAYS v MR. PRES/DE T (HUBER)4 Mayor, -- >- ., , ) • fw J. • .4 • • • I tiV•• •,. , - —7A k' b'9O�L I/�� ��� -� " ' : .+ :, . .,�a Wm.: H . _ � 3 � �rwaG x -n�d ' . 9 � ','"Ns.., ,eN-.0 �� � Ii ar: +. t. 3 tiq. 4. 1 qro it. 1 - - ....,�-rte. C�,� 'ti �� r t. 3 -',",.'''''..... ..44 ;''' , i y a I. '4.� ; -:' 7 a __ Kp0..wu0,0a. ,r...aw.w+ae0w;wr ,. - --t , ^o'' p , ' .--.-.\.dn i�w .... •' map'?y.Y. ` l]y ' • p__,—. • • f fi.............1...... �1 �«�. __._— _.__i'i'i. •: _ '~ h,::t 5r w1 ' K ■ rn,rs 't 4.;....,N ' ,r a r,. �f1a"'�. _4. 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