1909 (3) lex 41100 4 To the Honorable Common Council i j` ` ► of the City of St. Paul , Mi nn. j Gentlemen: . The undersigned owners of all the land 'abutting upon an the alley and port ens of alley ? ereinrfter described , and being a Ta.iority of the owners of all the lots in the block hereinafter nane(r , hereby petition your honorable body for the vacation of the alley running East and West in block seven ('7) of Surlr1i.t Avenue Addition from Brim- hall to Snelling Avenue as now located and to substilute therefor an al- ley of the sale width , twenty feet (20 ft. ) +t point eighty seven =nd 87/100 :(87.8'rft. ) North, adjoining lots nine 49) and. fourteen (14) of said block, as shown in red on the e plat hereto attached , the land for whicl your petitioners will donate from lots eirrht (8) and fifteen ( 15) of said block. And your petitioners further request your honor- ahie body to vacate that portion of the alley running North and South in a"oresai.d block , which lies between lots seven (7 ) and eight (8) and fi 'teen (15) an:r sixteen ('16 ) except the northerly twenty feet thereof . The facts and reasons for such vacation are that the owners of 'said property desire to improve the Surmtit Avenue lots by increasing the depth thereof . The said alleys have never been opened , graded or improved for the use of the public and the public will not suffer or be inconvenienced by such vacation. Wherefore your pet 1t ion ers pray that the above described alley and portion of alley hereinbefore speci_fical.ly set forts shall be vacated and discontinued as public alleys. Signed ` "Al i Cwner of lotsue- „l`< ¢ 6 � 7__ /re/6 16./ " .1-4[Y‘ h A VT ;Lae' dgef U r r " /d /" ifrJ1_I %�� 1/1 N N 4 M M M �� t VA Sys �"'f 7 "1 13cr c)1, , h(4( 1.11 tfi) virest rt,4v% . Le ' 5, 43ni.D ;3i� br( 1 (t�'►A'F t !g't9f"'r'3C! '*8 t•tj 't 9{t3 o r4 t,„1.4. .7 ! i*'2 4 v1 r.t i /e) ft'f t3 t*N4,3 a;-fig ±a r,1-rtRCr'v L,:er-i 113 •f3:{T '! r411t049& alesT:1riz *i'e.�"( ` s •)'f') : ► a Rf )t T4tfi1- , ± ?; :t^ ? :) ('i1) ;tefcr->i "teal(' 1 :reel: ;a$; " [1a r_ `t ?'.,tsoif: J • tj }: `; '4r •)t 1)-141 ftt'.0.4ti!-, "! ","71`, ":i' f;• rt..Yeq .tr! ( ♦e )&) VtitAk.t :Y i'3 ° ) � trip t"t.L fteftg„'f13O hews i.tl $1 14.).1 (° _f 1 e t* A$",- t'".._ ,., •C'`?j i)j�,'+^s; ifi F41,61 {:t t ',r'7t' ?+.v .fi.. . ;C :4*t..f r. } , "r n :Yw i r s? , t .' °s j. f' : ' o t ".1) ry v m-:r `'! f)#Y t ° e C t t ..x -1 4 -f! }' t"` ,. ! k S F t ter, ,1 't', -{;+ el,1 Ott t?f3t "{ f'(3 *ei,f XE�; :t"{il #1`4',6.17 t,: 'Jet.; 3N; W!)" •tt{?`w7 :° `.3�r$ �o (a t ) (Ei),a , , 1 i& ') c .to/ t-1 =e '• a € Ott _ n '-f ,4; o! t:t,eRS-^` r�k fir. F t f$ ft`{; t.l ►DRQ :i 3j if;€3f .�SL° *r > .(('.j) tct bt'a t;1`,nty i t } •►, i :,3 .1%)1: '141 tea f'"C'J F ` i (r{iPvA fa.ri. a'. "Y ? F19 " ?? . $$fit, t4 _: pi! 'tin'It'`4 sv, ;. Cad `t+r3 ;, t..3.• if t} ^tt3`�"fftf) .**)ff ; *iw f) e.rCftf T :+ ,' i) "1 :1.t_tii,S'k't f‘t blE/V)"Y wEa r'.rw fi'e„ p^S iFas; ,1(tA4 F:n,'It , ite:'r t � c`te' F+4ti" r.t zt' .11 zt' .11 t f-"( ,= z,(' .t:EJ•'e 1 tt11.2 1{3 f)tta. •a%i f.L (1,- eLoi, b t t ('t ))a lb ?1 f; :`,f t),e v it 14 y H •I It It ., AI It 11 i STATE OF MINNESOTA , ) ) ss. County c t' Ramsey. ) John J. Dobson , being first duly sworn, says that he is one of the petitioners in tr,e aforeroing petiticn , that he hail read the same and knows t'rre contents thereof and that the averments thereof are true of his own knowledge , save as to such an are there in stated on in- formation and belief, and thh t as to those he believes them to be true. di / i / tom--, Or Or Wr Subscribed and nnrorn tc before/ "�'-e-v Pte` me this day of C ,/ k) ' err, 1908. , e 7 - ' ,,,,,,,__d 4 ______ Totary Public , Ramsey, County, Minnesota. -74‘.4.'L My commission expires commission 2� %�/ d flag b r • t � Ael'OrMinam ATI .a: ( ( ..y st .1. a 11)401 10 err) 8.£ 0-f a t f1"Zt.t1 i;.1-10 tr.wiCoff. artoL mum f .t bar' not H2 .t". t ter )j 1. `v_. t"j*!. r. '^ eyo t,.,, (1.`• nwarto 1,f 1.#""7. R.did 911-0 tr'I; '',41B01114,1 6,441t,1 .8'16111 bit s s.tcce 'r }o i f Aw^on4 boA -n t lid? bc,e,atn "P A r)lti. ,' t,..,> a;/4 r); it PI;R 9v149 ,e;'',h seivo r mw.) '8 t{ 14 a■ o ?,- bol;t-YJgth;' -c u z', 'ID th aistt em .802f ,7Firf alb 460 • 1