1909 (2) AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. %tate of Minnesota, l c ss County of 1Rainseg. /I - - - ti Al I Ill– . / ! , b'in° d 1� �i - , , , sworn, on oa,' sa s, that the annexed prince _ _ jQ7 W hereto .t ached, was taken front OFFICIAL PUBLICATION l Of Ordinances Passed And Resolutions the columns o f the newspaper a known, as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and Adopted by the Common -Council of p p er on .�'` the City of St. Paul. PAU F No .a943 B,- Ald. Troy— was public ed in said newspaper for.../ sttecesst7Te , first Whereas there was heretofore pre- nted to the Board of Aldermen, one , f the branches of the Common Conn- /// n of 11 of the City of St. Paul, the petition On jJ f John J. Dobson and others, a major ty of the owners of all the land and roperty abutting upon and adjoining 1' , In erea er on of e alley hereinafter described, pray- . the vacation of the east and; est alley and that portion of the orth and south alley extending 67.87, each week . ' a i - -..., ,,. ,f get north of the north line of said.east: d west alley, all in block seven CO Summit Avenue Addition to St- Paul, 19 T at during the whole time of said publication in,tesota. and more particularly de- ribed and shown upon the plat an- exed to said petition, which said po- tion is duly verified, as required by affLant was the of The Daily News Publishing Co. of St. Paul w, and sets forth the facts and rea ous for such vacation; and 'n Whereas,ethe said nttl of Alder- en ,Minnesota which was during said time and still is, a corporation under e�u deemed it expedient that the mat- , � , j� 'r therein referred to should be pro- ,eeded with, and ordered said petition ad accompanying plat to be filed of the Laws of the State of Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub- •ord in the office of the City Clerk said city, and ordered said City irk to give notice by publication in e official paper of said city in the lisher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the anner and for the time required 133,1 w. that said petition and the subject attet thereof would be heard and; commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and nsidered by the Committee on reets of said Board of Aldermen at s regular meeting, to be held in tho o.nnen Chamber in the Court House still is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of d City Hall Building, in said city, the 31st day of December, 1908, at iir o'clock p- m:, which said notice the week in the English language, in column and sheet form, equivalent as duly-published and given; and , g f , q Whereas, said Committee on Streets said Board of Aldermen did meet at e time and place above mentioned l in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen d appointed therefor, and did then s d there duly Investigate and con-1 der the matter en said proposed va- ": and three-quarter inches long to each page, from a known and establish- teon, and did then and there hear ail q � p � f timony,and evidence adduced on the tt of said petitioners and other per- na interested in the matter of said ; ed office and-place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and . oposed vacation, and did take proof I the matters averred in said petition, / Std, being of the opinion that the ,aver of said petition should be necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The anted upon the terms hereinafter ted, did duly report its conclusions said Board of Aldermen, recottt- Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne- mending the adoption of an appropri- ate resolution declaring said vacation; now, therefore, it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of sota,from whence it purported to be, was, and is, issued; and that dur- ■the City of St. Paul, that the east and Sgt alley sand that portion of the . rth and south alley extending 67.82 in all said time it contained and still contains general and local news et north of the north line of said g sa me con ne con ns$ st and west alley, all in block seven ) of Summit Avenue Addition to 5tt'•J ul, as shown upon said plat. be and comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub- e same are hereby vacated and -dis-. ptinued as public alleys, subject, ever, to the following conditions,, not ligation, and no entirely made u plate matter,is to say; y p o f atents or p p , nor Such vacation is based upon the con- ion that said petitioners shall, be- e this resolution takes effect,,pa,- wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been o the Treasury of said city the s twenty-five dollars ($55.09) and_ ` enses of this proceeding, and ti: ether condition that said pt and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica- oners shall also dedicate the land f' dicated in said petition for anot . .alley In said block; which is-fixed. tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly e compensation to be paid- to sai■ yy in consideration of such vacation. ".Adopted by the Board of Alderm •,, an. .1909. delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of larch, 1906 Adopted March,-by the Assembly Jan 1909. Approved Jai,, 9, 1909. 1 the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, the then Manager of said corporation (Jan. 11-1909) , / y g f p publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County auditor of said Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 the Revised Laws, 1905. or ,c2 ,a._ / /./ /i .. 1 . Subscribed and sworn to before me, ,tf this./ d y ,f...... /. /- /, 19. -d l y Public, Ramsey County, Minn .M commission expires the day of 19 aaviitireorntssion expires Di)01 el 0811!‘ 4116 ii- ' 1r IV , °FFTCTi1L FUE;LICATION ■ OFFICIAL PURLIC'ATIO\ I Pt Q ��!l4h9Aa Passed and Fteso1 done C Of Ordinances Passed and Resolutions OiK ►!MA Common Courted : Adopted by the Coalition Council of ty� ry*4 t Y16 the City of St. Paul. ‘) � L11 LY .;€1,1. '$d P No. e94 --By .tld. rimy-.-. til !� j Whereas, there was heretofore pre- ,sensed to the Board of Aldermen, on,-: pf the branches of the Common Couai- �cil of the Cif of Sf. Paul, the petition of Jolnr J. Dnbson and others, a major- + f t.° sty of the owners of all the land and property abutting upon and adjoining the alley hereinafteg described, pray- , ing for the vacation or the east and. west alley and that portion Of th. north and south alley extending 67.S7 heretofore presented t 'eet north of the nm-tlt line of eve east WHEREAS , There was a.nd cv.^st alley, all in block Sevin ('i of Summit Avenue Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota. and more particularly le- Alder?nen , one of the branches of the Common Council Q scribed and shown upon the plat au- nexed to said petition, which said pe- tition is duly verified, as required by- law, and sets forth the facts and rea- son for sucks vacation; aril Paul , the petition of John J. Dobson and others , a ma Wlietea,, the said Board of Alder- . men deemed it expedient that the mat- - ter therein referred to should be pro- ceeded with, and ordered said petition o all the land and property abutting upon and adjoin sod accompanying plat to rte filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and ordered said City; after described, praying for the vacation of the east " to give notice by publication 1 (lie official paper of said city in the Wanner and for the time required Cy law, that saki petition and the subject'' that portion of the north and south alley extending there f would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at' is regular meeting; to be held in tho I the north line ..of said east and west alley, all in B1CoUmrl Chamber the (cirri 1lunso and Cif Hall Bu11'd ing, in said city, on the 31st day of December, 1905 at I + �� four o'clock p. ni., which said notice Summit Avenue Addition to St . Paul, Minnesota, and me was duly published and given; and I Whereas, said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at i cribed and shown the the time and pit:lce above mentioned1 7r1 upon �Ae plat annexed to said petitiand appointed erefor, and did them and there duly investigate and con- sider the matter of said proposed va- petition is duly verified as required by law and setE=t0no town dtnidet 11 n a o(ti h tel reee dtoarial,l part of said petitioners and other per- sons interested in the matter of said reasons for such vacat ion; and Proposed vacation, and did 'take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and, being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be WHEREAS , The said Board of Aldermen deem granted upon the terms herainafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recont-I mending the adoption of an appropri- the matter therein referred to should be proceeded Wale resolution declaring said vacation now, therefore, it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of; the City of St. Paul, that the east and i petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record west alley and that portion of the north and south alley extending 67.91 feet north of the north line of said east and west alley, all in block seven City Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk (7) .yf Summit Ayenua Addition to St.' Paul, as shown upon said plat, be and the same are hereby vacated and dis-' continued as public alleys, subject, publication in the official paper of said City in thEhowever, to the following conditions, that is to say: Such vacation is based upon the con-j dition that said petitioners shall, be- time required by law, that said petition and the sub;fore this resolution takes effect, pay' into 'the Treasury of said city the sum of twenty-five dollars ($`96.00) and the would be heard and considered by the Committee on St]e p uses of this roc proceeding. and po ' shall also dedicate the land in-' dicated in said petition for another' of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the alley in said 'block; which is fixed as the compensation to be paid to said city in consideration of such vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen the Court House and City Hall Building in said City 1Jan.5, �009.b, the Assembly Jan. 7, 1909. Approved Jan. 9, 1909. December, 1908 , at four o' clock P . M. , which said no' (Jan. 11-1909) E and given; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of said petitioners and other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated , did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adop- . t . t • ■ • 44 4 _ 011p tion of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now therefore, it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, that the east and west alley and that portion of the north and south alley extending 67 .87 feet north of the north line of said east and west alley , all in Block seven ( 7) of Summit Avenue Addition to St . Paul , as shown upon said plat , be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued as public alleys , subject , however, to the following conditions , that is to say: Such vacation is based upon the condition that said petition- ers shall, before this resolution takes effect , pay into the Treasury of said City the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ( 25 .00) and the expenses of this proceeding, and upon further condition that said petitioners shall also dedicate the land indicated in said petition for another alley in said block; which is fixed as the compensation to be paid to said City in con- sideration of such vacation . Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, JAN -5 1908 1so Ji. " i +• 19(? YEAS NAYS, YEAS NAYS, ALD.4 HMANN MR. CAM IRON ✓CO NING CON OY -Q• RBER DAI Y H LAND HA S �/M LoNEY KA TAK ii n'M NTGOMERY KE ER / ✓N BERG Pov4 RS /70 IS WHiTCOMB r R S NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT (YOERG) R HLAND J4 TROY ....a S'l'h7 Approved — 190 0 /MR. PRESIDENT (IIUBER) `_ Mayor. VOL To the Honorable Common Council G °� ` \ k\i;\ of the City of St. Paul , Mi nn. w, ' N Gentlemen: - The undersigned owners of all the land 'abutting upon all the alle; and portons of alley 1 ereinafter described , and being a r a.iority of the owners of all the lots in the block hereinafter named , hereby petition your honorable body for the vacation of the alley running East and West in block seven (7) of Surir'i t •?venue Addition from Brim- hall to Snelling Avenue as now located and to subst1. lute th erefor an al- ley of the sale width, twenty feet (20 ft. ) At 't point eighty seven -nd 87/1004(87.87 ft. ) North, adjoining lots nine 49) and fourteen (14) o said block, as shown in red on the plat hereto attached, the land for which your petitioners will donate from lots eight (8) and fifteen ( 15) of sad block. And your petitioners further request your honor- able body to vacate that portion of the alley running North and South in a 'oresaid block , which lies between lots seven (7 ) and eight (8) and fifteen (15) and sixteen ('if: ) except the northerly twenty feet thereof . The facts and reasons for such vacation are that the owners of said property desire to improve the Surmiit Avenue lots by increasing the depth thereof . The said alleys have never been opened , graded or improved for the use of the public end the public will not suffer or be inconveni=enced by such vacation. Wherefore your petitioners pray that the above described alley and portion of alley hereinbefore specifically set fort sha'1 be vacated and discontinued as public alleys. Signed i ` _,A` I / Owner of lots J/`< L G � -A i /� /v- i ' '✓-v ( '1_...'T LL �• p-} r7/ Ili a A Irovj M ,. n 40010# 40111, AIR 191 ffTG r,:s,1,)cyr,11 e trT flys i•• I .1:41 !Iwo te--seherr - hi At "fa- 11-,:t1:- kt,"1:C' "t.l. I ': j 1J 1!" -‘4""t,pr! tv4-1.-- feestr4 t> t r rr Ei 1 i3r., ^ervit"f f tit ;S,{Zt '1;01 erl.t:e0f)ktv -f>sro\-, ( ') -.rn:41:: -1 teaftl: - is v., ',4 ',•'sirEt r)144 ht4z.tr-i.rN -,01fi AlAt t:r.itertri r r, ç rtt.ites - ctetevi$ e ft Of!t'llf Qlt hfljtt (4 tri rtttqf -sc-Itttelt,f)s tifft-co ! r•tt rfl 3I e zt,,s1", 1 rtkA r") (-,--X) (ft) at 1E: r ;01P:I/), t ''t '11101r)ii tt44.i111::amtssait,t,:t i■Artvitsr (a ) ,T/sfore rtztiqit It-ttriptu-r,-;&i.re 10 -41-fo f Ftf)r1r It 14 1' if 413 ( 7') rtitirtN itO1 rtr?-iterrlei. es±1 -r:) f). „Gr; ,t,fett X. ( rfti*1:It r's.r.T.1 r) 7•1" brls . r rvs., 1 fiat' r "i )1!1.3 cl,Jsrok A , 7-irt teR(~13 1C,c; rIJC31. ;.;"11: *,4 A .t."r:i 1:* A ill 1,3 Ftel'Ale`I71 tx5 • "to'r)-5,r) ,t4rs tw :44,7. v -tol- be vs3'r ,n,11,.4.141s# iiessnt 15.9,1f..1,• )9"1 (r hessif ,-.'41(fs 7i.t ,teassr.t' '„sN cl : * 7,01y. !) I. r tr-f t- ,-;:1 flag II' .-t■•• t " i5r-tss •/4%-elik' '"' " - -. f >4 . . Pi if Vi If wapolloviwpow. . ,