1908 (17) 4 Bd F N0. 'LSiOa--BY"Ald. Otis-
Whereas, there was heretofore pre-
sented to tl e Board of Aldermen, one
of the branches of the Common Coun-
cil of the City of St. Paul, the petition
Sarah of allf�the landnandthproj,erlty
abutting upon and adjoining the alleys
hereinafter described, praying for the
vacation of the north and south alleys
feet and the northerly two and one-
half feet of the east and west alley,
all in block six (6), in the Hamline
Syndicate Addition No. 1, in St. Paul,
Minnesota, and more particularly
shown and described upon the plat an-.-01,1lti�+... wte.+":h said b
the north and south alleys and the norther . tOi ' c ofie!-halia- feet and
the southerly t :o and one-half feet of the east and west alley , all in
Block six ( 6) of Hamline Syndicate Addition No . 1 , as shown upon said
plat, be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued as public
alleys , subject , however , to the following conditions, that is to say:
Such vacation its upon condition that said petitioners shall ,
before this resolution takes effect , pay into the treasury of said. City
the sun of Forty Dollars ( 40 .00) in addition to the expense of this
proceeding, and dedicate an east and west alley in said block as proposed
by said petition, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid
to said City in consideration of such vacation.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,
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141111. 111P1 API
t O�_,
WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented to the Board of
Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St .
Paul, the petition of Sarah W. Kalman , and others , the owners of all the
land and property abutting upon and adjoining the alleys hereinafter
described , praying for the vacation of the north and south alleys and
the northerly two and one-half feet and the southerly two and one-half •
feet of the east and west alley , all in Block six (6) in the Hamline
Syndicate Addition No . 1 , in St . Paul , Minnesota , and more particularly
shown and described upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said
petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts
and reasons for such vacation; and
WHEREAS, Said Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the
matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said
petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of
the City Clerk of said City , and ordered said City Clerk to give notice
by publication in the official paper of said City in the manner and for
the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter
thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of
said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council
Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building , in said. City on the
29th day of October , 1908, at four o'clock P . M. , which said notice was
duly published and given; and
WHEREAS , Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen
did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor ,
and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the
part of said petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter
of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in
said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition
should. be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report
its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of
an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is
RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul , that
%tate of Minnesota,
County_ of ramseg.
' / /
' ! , be'mg duly
swor on oath sa :, hat e annexed prince .. :... i:. .. . .. . _.
_- Zij-. ' herr2. at hed, as en rom
e columns of the newriiaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY/NEWS and
was published in said newspaper for....... , first
on.... ../ the -of
19.f?.-.9, and thereafter on.`F.�3"5— ,r7 vf--
. I ee , „ clay of
19..0.! That during the whole time of said publication
afj"iant was the / of The Daily Hews Publishing Co. of St, Paul
.Minnesota, which was during said time and still is, a corporation under
the Laws of the State of Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub-
lisher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the
commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and
still is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of
the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form, equivalent
in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen
and three-quarter inches long to each page,from a known and establish-
ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and
necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The
Daily Hews Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne-
sota, from whence it purported to be, was, and is, issued; and that dur-
ing all said time it contained and'still contains general and local•news
comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub-
lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor
wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been
and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica-
tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly
delivered to paying subscribers. That on the .2.4th day of.March, 1906
the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, the then Manager of said corporation
publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County .luditor
of said Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516
the Revised Laws, 1905. ,
i � //
,,y*tat W , .,
Subscribed and sworn to bet re me,
this..�s� . . y o ' 19
d' 6
Aotary Public, Ramsey County, Minn..
. a .My commission expires the day of 19
MY k;satrunlscC10
n expires feu,-a3.l g+: F,
Printer's Fee $
State of ilninneeota,
County of 1 aintcr.
,/ ite/
-- ---- -----
44! being duly
sworn, on oath s, t the annexed prime .. ..
Bd F No. 28706—By Aid. Otis
Whereas, there was heretofore
sented to the Board of Aldermen. - - hereto attached, was taken from,
of the branches of the Common Co Al
cil of the City of St. Paul, the petit
of Sarah W. Kalman and others, t columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and
owners of all the land and prope of •
abutting upon and adjoining the oall.
hereinafter described, praying'
vacation of the north and south al was published in said newspaper for ste cessi`ve , first
and the northerly two and our- //4e/...c7–
feet and the southerly two and o
half feet of the east and west all - -d-ay of
all in block six (6), in the Hemline on
1 Syndicate Addition No. 1, in St. Paul,
Mo , and more particularly -
shown innes and described upon the plat an- 19..47 and—thereafter-9% of said -
nexed to said etition,tition is duly verified ashlrequ red by
law and sets forth the facts and rea- e day of
sons for such vacation; and .-
Whereas, said Board of Aldermen
deemed it expedient that the matter
therein referred to should be proceed- 19 . Thi during the whole time of said publication
ed with, and ordered said petition and
accompanying plat to be filed of rec- /
ord in the office of the City Clerk of
said city, and ordered said City Clerk affiant was the .of The Daily News Publishing Co. of St. Paul
to give notice by publication in the of-,
ficial paper of said city in the manner
and for the time required by law, that, .Minnesota, which was during said time and still is, a corporation under
said thereof two d be heard and jeconsidetred
by the Committee on Streets of said
Board of Aldermen at its regular the Laws of the State of.Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub-
meeting, to be held in the Council-
Chamber in the Court House and City
Hall Building, in said city, on the 29th
day of October, 1908, at 4 o'clock p. m., Usher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the
which said notice was duly published,
and given; and
Whereas,as, a i f Committee e did meet commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has-been, and
the time and place above mentioned
and here hear all testimony and evi is, newspaper, issued,tea therefor, and did the
and there ` still is a daily newspaper issued printed and published on each day of
denoe adduced on the part of said peg
titfoners and all other persons inter-
ested in the matter of said propose the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form, equivalent
vacation, and did take proof of th
'matters averred in said petition, an
being of the opinion that the upo ins ace to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen
of said Petition should be granted upo ]�
the terms hereinafter stated, did 'dul ,
report its conclusions to said Board 0
Aldermen, recommending the adopti and three-quarter inches long to each page, from a known and establish-
,of an appropriate resolution declarin
such vacation; now therefore, 'it
hereby ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and
Resolved, by the Common Counc
oP the City of St. Paul, that the nort
and south alleys and the "norther' -
I two and one-half feet and the south, necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The
erly two and one-half feet of the ea
land west alley, all in block six (6), 0
and Syndicate Addition No. 1, a, Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey ' y,
i shown upon said plat, be and the sam aJ g y f , Ramse Gount Minne-
are hereby vacated and discontinued
public alleys, subject, however, to t
following conditions, that is to say:'` sota,from whence it purported to be, was, and is, issued; and that dur-
Such vacation is upon condition th
said petitioners shall, before this res
I lotion ury of said takes the sum of Forty D in g said me contained and contains general effect, into the tre all id ti it taid d still tai eneral and local news
lars ($40.00), in addition to the e
pense of this proceeding, and dedica
an east and west alley in said block; comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub-
as proposed by said petition, which is
hereby fixed as the compensation to
be paid to said city in consideration of
such vacation. lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor
Adopted by the Board of Alderme,
Nov. 4, 1908.
Adopted by the Assembly Nov. 1 wholly of' advertisements; and that during all said time it has been
and still is, circulated in and near its said place of' issue and publica-
tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly
delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 2.4th day of.March, 1906 - "
the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, the then .Manager of said corporation
publisher of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County .iluditor
of said Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516
the Revised Laws, 1905.
A'4 ti
. .
Subscribed and sworn to bet e me,
this.- -- y f...- 1 9 7
worrary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
.My commission expires the day of 19
Printer's Fee $ 1118Y!Illieuxisilon expires DeC,8.191 b.
St., Paul, Minn., 190
to The Daily News Publishing Co•, Dr.
92-94 East Fourth Street
TO ADV• • � `-� . LINES' IjVCH E3 T4M ES '
yezz wrA . • . . . . I . 7//i_ r 7
/, , / - fT 7 771 ,Y7
670 op
-103-6 ci32
(SAM ee1 yp.� t ' -a
Room 416 Globe wilding,
aPourth and Cedar Ste.,
ST. PAUL, - M ii'i ill.