1907 (22) CXvr o O ffi e, „ tr . GEORGE r_=EOiNGTON,c ry ccwn- Jc:+H T_MC GI N N,A9•57 CCeRLt January 9th,l°OS• 1 r„z7, /Taylor, ?t Paul,Minnesota• Dear ;airs• eferr ng to your iot Lion for the vacation of a part of the t ?I :rater lsoad�,pen it me to cal your at�untioxt to tie fact, i t',a t the .1at delivered to you June 12th,1907, is not of rocc:.rd in the office of the ilegister of Dee .O. I have prepoxcd the duplicate affidavit and plat, iihich I .rill be glad to hand to you in case the originals have been lout or mislaid. • Yours very tru l✓~# City Clerk. .0 qathreitt.tf lilt rr ' r. �3�C1 �., firnt. L.W,RU NO LET T. COMM/53/ONER. St. Paul, Minn. Sep'c. 14, 1907. ldr. Ge o. T. Rsdingt on, City, Clerk, C I :! Y. Dear Sir,- Scr a time ago a vacation was rade of the old. Stillwater. Road under condition that Kerwi-r_ St. be graded and put in equally as good condition. I would say that this work Tras completed long ago and as far as the street is concerned all of the provisions of the agreement have been fulfilled. Yours ve truly, Co=issioner of Public Works. ' �j f =. d Via, 2.; . , . . , .,_. , i .., r=JrINA ,,•'1 *1' " -,:,,i.,,,,' xr •;, t r N • Y< 2, • r. r .,„ .� r 4i` • ; • i iii • i. .. �. F', ti4 i . k 7,f.¢`T4, ,,,,,'Z'. L S a t11 r, ' F v. f ill , . \AK4rt ■N , I i orricU►t PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Passed and kesotutionn OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION Adopted by the Common Cew%Ou ( Of "Ordinances Passed and Resolutions v-` " , f ti �';1q the City of St. Paul. Adopted by the Common Council of �.._ the City of St. Paul. A'y F No. 9269-13y Mr. 'Whitcomb- WW'ltereas, there was heretofore pre- sented to the ,Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the petition of Wil- liam L. Bradley and others, the own- ers of all the land and property abutting upon and adjoining that portion of the Stillwater road hereinafter described, raying for the vacation of all that WfiERF,AS , There here was heretofore presented t portion of said Stillwater road, in they City of St. Paul, located upon and ex- tending across Blocks seven (7) and of the branches of the Common Council of the City of eight (S) in Hazel Park Division Num- ber four (4) in the City of St. Paul, and colored red and more particularly tion of William L. Bradley and others, the owners of described and shown upon the plat an- nexed to said petition, which said pe- tition is duly verified as required 0Y law and sets forth the facts and rea- property abutting upon and o p sous for such vacation; and d adjoining that portion of Whereas, thvacatitnbly deemed it ex- pedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with and, or- i^ •dered said petition and accompanying hereinafter described Praying for the vacation of a. } � � plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and or- dered said City Clerk to give notice by said Stillwater Road, in the City of St , Paul locate publication in the ot to paper°f said > > city in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and thereof Would be' across Blocks seven ( 7) and eight (8) in Hazel Park ]the subject matter heard and considered by the Commit- tee on Streets of said Assembly at its regular meeting to be held in the Coun- cil Chamber in .the Court House and four (4) in the City of St . Paul , and colored red anccity Hall 'building 'in said city on the 3d day of December, 1906, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which said notice was upon the annexed to said described and shown u th plat d tid eteluly published and given as required p p p by law; and Whereas, said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet at the time petition is duly verified as required by law and seteand plat° ab°ve mentioned said al> pointed therefor pursuant to said no- tice, for the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did then a,0 and reasons for such vaeat.ion ,and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacaton, and did then and there hear all testimony WH REA.S , The Assembly deemed it expedient amP pevidence adduced on the part of fhe etitioners and all other persona Interested in the matter of said pro posed vacation.- and did take proof of therein referred to should be proceeded with and ordepos vac averred id said petite said being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be plat to be filed of record in the of upon the terms hereinafter stated, accompanying ed duly report its_conclusions to said Assembly. recommending the adoption of an appropriate: resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk to gitiereby Resolved, by the Common_Council of the.City of St. Paul. that all that por- cat ion in the official paper of said City in the mann,upn and the roStillwater r°a`l in said city upon and across Blocks seven and eight in said Hazel Park Division No. 4, and not included iii any other dedicated required by law, that said petition and the subject metre°t or alley, colored red and dedicated upon the plat, annexed to said petition. be and the same is hereby vacated and !d be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets o,suisbjeetcontfn, h°WCXucd as a public road or street, •er, to the following con- ditions, that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber that said petitioners shall pay into the Treasury of said city the expenses cf this proceeding' and shall also at their dwn expense cause Kerwin street front and City Hall Building in said City on the 3rd day of White Bear avenue to Hanel avenue to be properly graded and put in suitable condition for public travel to the satis- faction and approval of the Commie- at four o' clock in the afternoon, which said notice wssioner of Public Works of said 'eiiy, and when Kerwin street is so graded said Commissione4• shall file with the City Clerk his certificate to that effect, and given as required by law; and to become a part of the record of this proceeding. Adopted by the Assembly Jan. 3, WHEREAS , Said committee on Streets of said ]dAdopted by the -Board of Alderman Jan. 15. 1907. Approved Jan. 1S, 1907. at the time and place above mentioned and appointed th (Jait. 81, 190?) • to said notice , for the hearing , investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said. proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Assembly, recommending the adoption , , . • • t i 411F . ,,,,;,` ,,•,,,.:,.,: ), ;? ., ;-.4, 450. .. .. . . r.,:. ,,.; . .,•••,,, •t.., ,.. :f, . 0,1 sotelTA*,31JVV, JAt,...-.)Ilrlf, f Sn 0%.1*.sicovii b•l.r.t b ,r.A nil t.,.:r!....-„,..:4,1!i.,-."1 ii, p to i4 &a / rce.,'.,m0,..: e)ri? -.,,..; fr; •rgoA . .iinr.:1 ,.;,:•,.. :-.-„, ..0:..). ,....rI.* • , . 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Paul , that all that portion of the Stillwater Road in said City upon and across Blocks seven and eight in said Hazel Park Division No . 4 , and not in- eluded in any other dedicated street or alley, colored red and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public road or street, subject , however, to the following conditions , that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners shall pay into the Treasury of said City the expenses of this proceeding and shall also at their own expense cause Kerwin street from White Bear avenue to Hazel avenue to be properly graded and put in suitable condi- tion for public travel to the satisfaction and approval of the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said City, and when Kerwin street is so graded said Commissioner shall file with the City Clerk his certificate to that effect, to become a part of the record of this proceeding . , Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adoptetiby e Assembly JAN 15 1907 190 iJO 7 • YEAS NAYS / ,• YEAS NAYS, ALD. FURLONG MR. AS riioiiwd'y KARTAK HEBL KELLER MAHLE MENZ POWERS NYBERG REGAN ROHLAND WHITCOMB TIFFANY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT TROY JAN (� NAY 0 MR. PRESIDENT Approved JAN 11 1907 190 7,.... \ 1: �_MayoI 4 \\„, 2 \ c\N„..„ ._ 1 JAN 21 1907 A L,/._---- W I I 4111,1. . , . •_ • . . • c ' • • . . . isieixoomit 404.qt:4004 01111", • , • , . . ., . , ' • " .-- • . , , . .2 71. • 1,7 • r 4k.''J-C;.:.4r..1t.":•,k"":• . ,. t. _ - 41/4.--,7111"111111111IF.--"Iiir' - it:„. 9 ... (..) ,.,/ e ,.. , , te - - is 1 ✓tie ",erMP.,.... ,... "+RAN , f.o f ---,/ , I t r1TTT !? Th il iiill : iir H -.1 ii • lj ( , ii ', 11r -T-1 ..:, ' 1 LIIiiii 111111 ' t E i i ___ . .. N ! it LU ? t. ! 1 i i '.. t i 1 1 1 t \ '-' 1 {/'ho LLii I '' I I ,,, i 75: P °6.2'2,62/ 1 ,,. ; y l I } ,6 .., ,.. • . ,_ ep, ' i ,,,., , , 1 ,. ...., .. i.. .. .i. I______..,..... , .......,.- r K . I d• 1 , 1 . ., , , a `' i 1 1 l I ! i4if— tII' + ( } 1_1_ 1 i [ 1 . 1 . - i '14,34 3 life _.....L 1 ,i-/ 1 -1 , , I I , 1 , r-+1-4-7-,--, r #.t/ . , ,1YO!'V.,,..+'.b, $/ ,-/_..r._,f-' '.._l-+/ -.f-I-..I [..t_1-1.- _t.'r ,._/�I/7/A4i fat cf/` 4 e ifra�l f°"` /�puffin` yt.L` . /.,:,,....a 7 0„,.,,,2x1/5_ 24n.,-t n- d�,,,,,-'s., �/ ` / --- „. • . . . ., "P"."911111PrIMPV- Al i '' 1 : il.ItA 144: -mac '" i s qilytA(r 0 TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL of the CITY of ST. PAUL, MINN. The undersigned being the sole owners of Hazel Park Division No. 4 , bounded by East Seventh street on the South, Harvester Avenue on the North, White Bear Avenue on the West and Hazel Avenue on the East , respectfully petition your Honorable Body to vacate the road now running through said Addition, marked on the accompanying plat by a blue line , and known as the old Stillwater road. Your petitioners would state that they have laid out in this Addition four roads running from East to West to take the place of . these old roads which were never laid out by the City of St. Paul, and that they d:nate of couse , said streets to the city in place of 4 IN the road asked to be vacated. That the road known as the old Still- water road destroys many lots of this addition by running through the same. That you petitioners have heen paying taxes on this and other old roads for many years without deriving any benefit therL -,%.,-- from. That the lots cut u p by aforesaid roads are useless and can not be sold by your petitiohers. That the road which we ask you to vacate is already replaced by Kerwin street. That your petitioners ask that the Stillwater road starting from a point on White Rear M, � rA;;_ccG , y/luu;„az c Avenue , marked upon said plat accompanying this petition, be vacated within said Hazel Park Division No. 4. Your petitioners also state that the vacation of this road will in nowise lengthen the road leading to Stillwater or other points East of this addition and will in nowise be as injury to the Public. But on the contrary will be of great advantage to the City, the Public and. the owners of the addition. We further state that the former Board of Alderman unanimously voted to vacate these streets if we would grade Kerwin street under the supervision of the City Engineer. This we have done. Through a misunderstanding this petition was postponed by the old Assembly at their last meeting which makes it necessary to renew the petition We ask that this Dart of the old Stillwater Road,that is, from White Bear Ave. and E. 7th St. to its intersection with Kerwin St. be vacated,ito take effect when we put in bridge and complete Kerwin Jlu(E reet ady for travel. Respectfully submitted.,2t/z.e.„,",,-- 4(.(, ,,, /,,-A6-0- 7 /4.(erm,iniyi/L'. .L r' . A-liar, „ad/Z- , rr� a,--- 0, `� 4.7 " ar,t _4),:,,,/.4&,4.4%th4:47-211v4---4,177,e,Q-Ae... - 11.,4--dir / a-rde--- /xa ,d7,,,..„..7,, 7 417---- My commission expires Jan. 20th. tQI)Z Lj," Zy(7- L Notary Public,Ramsey County.Minn_ 1 gtat.e of Uttim-teoota, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, .. CITY OF ST. PAUL. , L ,l Cit Clerk I, y r of the City of St. Paul, do hereby certify that I have compared the attached printed copy of ile OFFICIAL PUBLICATION / ,u Of Ordinances Passed and Resolutions Xo.....t. ..t� 7 bing a Resolution vacating Adopted by the Common Council of X a- ,.the City of St. Paul. A'y F No. 9269—By Mr. Whitcomb— Whereas, there was heretofore pre- sented to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Council of the ,..4.4.4: a.C4,40-4.4 City of St. Paul, the petition of Wil- liam L. Bradley and others, the own- ers of all the land and property abutting f 7 upon and adjoining that portion of the 7 .A.A.‘,- V _ l/ c /(�(�► t Stillwater road hereinafter described, l// VVVV S! praying for the vacation of all that T portion of said Stillwater road, in the City of St. Paul, located upon and ex- tending across Blocks seven (7) and eight (8) in Hazel Park Division Num- ber four (4) in the City of St. Paul, and colored red and more particularly described and shown upon the plat an- nexed to said petition, which said pe- tition is duly_verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and rea- sons for such vacation; and Whereas, the Assembly deemed it ex- pedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with and or- dered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and or- dered said City Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Commit tee on Streets of said Assembly at its regular meeting to be held in the Coun- cil Chamber in the Court House and City Hall building in said city on the 3d day of December, 1906, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which said notice was duly published and given as required by law; and Whereas, said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet at the time and place above mentioned and ap- pointed therefor pursuant to said no- tice, for the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacaton, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said pro- posed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be grant• ed upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Assembly, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring such vacation; now therefore, it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that all that por- tion of the Stillwater road.in said city upon and across Blocks seven and eight in said Hazel Park Division No. 4, and not included in any other dedicate.1 street or alley, colored red and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and as adopted b the Assembly 19 0 7 discontinued as a public road or street, by y subject, however, to the-following con- ditions, that ca is to say: .v /� 19 a Such vacation is upon the condition e7 j, that said petitioners shall pay into the and by the Board of Aldermen Treasury of said city the expenses of this proceeding and shall also at their / (f 19 own expense cause Kerwin street from Q7 White Bear avenue to Hazel avenue to and approved by the Mayor . 9 be properly graded and put in suitable condition for public travel to the satis- faction and approval of the Commis- sioner of Public Works of said city, I further certify that said copy is a true and and when Kerwin street is so graded said Commissioner shall file with the City Clerk his certificate to that effect, to become a part of the record of this proceeding. correct t copy o f original said and the.whole thereof. Adopted by the Assembly Jan. 3, 1907. Jan. Adoted 907Y the Board of Aldermen xtn¢SS The Seal of the City of St. .Paul, this Approved Jan. 18, 1907. (Jan. 21, 1907) _ // day of -e-e A. D. 19C f laci....- 4 %el t 7,. .4 w Cit Cleric. gtate of Pttnnu oota, COUNTY OF RAMSEY, SS. CITY 0 ST. PAUL. ) ...... m City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, do hereby certify that I ha e compared the attached plat of.r, with the original thereof wh• is att ched to the tio for the vac ion of C fl 4 Pet' •Gi-ec( 1 ,, . A9 V which said Petition is dated IC ' / � 6 signed by ...... (/12/) Y6A-a- d-er6e _ and having been ordered filed of Record and the City Clerk instructed to give the necessary Publication JV'otice by order of the of said City oa 7 ?_ 19.11 C, and the City Clerk having given notice as ordered, for a hearing on aid Petition for the da of 19.</.6, at o'clock .M:, before the Committee on Streets of said body. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. ` xttx.ess Aiie Seal of the City of St. Paul, this / -- day of A.�c-e- A. D. 19 ° P • f C;, Clerk.