1907 (20) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. ---g,"--- 1' '''' ■ , " \ t •IIIA cs-t 1 , t `... I \ , ) \ A 7) ' t3 c i \I Nt ‘ 1/4 1 ••Z, ri .6r, ■\ ■ x \ rkf r Nhk Z , 1 ‘' • '''' -,.R. o ZA , 1‘ c — © i 1, li F I _ & ,4,,,d „...-- (-7). . \.) . g.) _ : y 2 ,....„..y,...) , 1 ../ . ., <.0 " y/' 1 • X. v A. p „. „, .41 At , (f.- ' ..,,,,/4.4„,t7titA,.. „..../w , 7,1„.42 titeAtAtoevA,404) F , .. a fir,. "...„:,. , „ . . .:.„, ,, ................., ,, . • viwia\ . . „. / 4 .00.. ,, . , ,.... . .. i , A „i P i . (ft ert a Office, *1.1h414,gunn. GEORGE T.REDINGTON,ciTr CLERK JOHN T_MC GIN N,n55T_CLERK January 9th,1909 . Mr.J. Y7.Taylor, St Paul,Minne sot a. Dear Sir,- Referring to your petition for the vacation of a part of the Stillwater Road,permit me to gall your attention to the fact, that the plat delivered to you June 12th,1907, is not of record in the office of the Register of Deeds. I have prepared the duplicate affidavit and plat,which I will be glad to hand to you in case the originals have been lost or mislaid. Yours very truly, , , 410,77 , City C •r . ''''5f/ 47'.. (7/47 ;14.,/ (1)4/14, ) 4. 1,f-c 1 -7---r -piii ae Or- 114A- ii4)744,0, 4,6 ~ , c9/&ic /p& fee ,/,Az 3,1 , ,11./.246e I-J4 aa(/)Ae / 41,///y - # - ' (1)- _07 A _ ______ _ _ _ __ __ _--"• i -A I, it . 1 W :,‘ . i . , , I I [ N .. II . , . Se - ---= . ;.. . , _ . ., brat. aatraaf of♦,.1ftiV . , IN CITY OF SAINT PAUL }t („2, ,,- ('‘,,,,,, ,, ' � ' ,‘, O , ,,,,JAMES C,MICHAEL '+ Y q ', CAR PO RAT ON ATTORNEY r ^ • I LOU IS R. FRANKEL }, C H;.S.E C O L L E T T '^^ }pF ' EMIL W' t' LMES Y s 'l ' kt ( ... i ' ) J c cemrer 14th, 1906 . 41 /To the Common Council. Gentlemen : - Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly , I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating that portion of the old Stillwater Road extending through blocks seven and eight in Hazel Park Division No . 4, upon petition of William L. Bradley and others ; the compensation being the grading of Kerwin street between White Bear and Hazel avenues at the expense of the petitioners , in addition to the expenses of the proceeding . • Very respectfully, 1"-\\101)(1/41\1/4,,, ' 6 r a on t t o3':.. - i _., __ L___- , --__ r—, . vl t,lie petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Assembly, recommending the adoption ' — --- _ --- - - r i ti to-to/e-cent won ,nolt.sosv rioua � nii.sloeb noiteloae-1 etai-xgon.tign ns to xde°tyd ui tarit „Lis(' . 12 to ViO erit to ItonuoD nonzrnoD erlt x L 1 bevloae eaonos bns noqu ItiD bisa ni bso t letsr;tlit2 err to noit-toq i',srrt lla -rti, on bns , 4\ .oU nota viol xnsq ies,sH bisa nt J-Hnie bns ne ea aioolf aworia bns ben belolo0 (sells lo :ac3'tta )etsoibeb ledto vns al bebulo a betsosv ydeien al anise exit bits ed tnoitUUeq bisa of bexsnns t,slcj erit noqu . ortt 03 tleveworl tto= ;cfUa ctee'Yta to bsol otlduq .s ass bsunttnooaib bras :Ic,sa of al tHrr.t t anottihnoo 3ntwollo't a^tenottiteq :oisa t.srit noitibnoo efit noqu al nott'sosv riou2 nnIboeoolq $irit to aeanegx9 grit xt±O bisa to "sorra.se-a grit otat 1(7.sq lisr{a IJ3eE etIff moll t e—ita niwie)i eauso eanegxe nwo ^t!ert:t is oele I.C,srfa bn.s -ibnoo eids+.tore ni Jug brie bebsin ,:liego't;i Qct o: eunev.s .Laser of euneva -ainirtoD err: to l.svol q,s bn.s .YOit:rs`taitrre exit of lev.slt oilciuq io`t not: oa ai teelt8 nivr-te}I naAw one .; iLti bi,sa `3o a:l't01T oilduq to nenota ► stsoi'ritneo eiri ?he10 ,Lt.}D raft ii w �a Il' nsria 7e. otaairrrrnot) bi ra beb.s-13 ,anibseeo.Iq atsi • to bloo_44 :e . 'to = -tA: srOund ot tone trig of a i 1 i • �y I ik 1= • • i