1907 (16) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. L\ I H 0.-• • 1 \ t • 4,„‘ • ' 'N.., . . t . , ,A 1 ' ■ Ns , N P L ,t1 t-1 . r. .., rr- I i► & A r at - (li rh ( fire, . 1aut, itiiut. GEORGE T.REDINGTON,c■ry CLERK ALBERT L.WAGNER,.ASST.CLERK. September 7th,1.907. Mr.J.C.Michael, Corporation Attorney, City. Dear Sir,- The Con^mitee on Streets of the Board of Aldermen at their meeting held August 20th,1907 , made favorable report of the following petitions for vacations: Petition of the Northern Linseed Oil Co. for the vacation of the alley in Block 71 St Anthony Park, between Turner & ampden ayes. Petition of Rudolph Schiffman et al, for the vacation of the north and south alley in Freeman' s Subdv. of the Ek of 7210 ck 98 Lyman Dayton' s Addition- dedicating to the City in lieu thereof, a 20 ft . alley in said Rearrangement, being a continuation of the present east and west alley extended to Forest street. The compensation of each of the above proposed vacations being fixed at : 5.00 , in addition r_.o the publication costs. Yours truly, yam,__ City Clerk.