1907 (10) s
Form 63.71-17-07 3M
Adopted by the Assembly_ 190
L .
6068ritAtO el•-etd0114,1
}Form 03. 1-17-07 3M
Adopted by the Assembly 190
YEAS. t/1. NAYS.
4 44„;,,,4, , =a - �✓ ,,
Form 63. 1-17-07 3M
' r
Adopted by the Assembly 190
.-*Ptpartnictif of Want
JAM'-_S C.MICti.AEL. /
March 20th, 1907 .
To the Common Council.
Gentlemen :-
Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the
Assembly, I transmit herewith a proper fora of resolution vacating a
portion of Glendale avenue, Railway Place , the alley in Block 20 ,
Baker' s Addition, and a part of e alley in Ford Place , upon petition
of Coffin ' s Box & Lumber Company and others ; the consideration being
fixed at 1500 .00 in addition to the expenses of the proceeding, and
the conveyance to the City of a strip of land twelve feet wide for
alley purposes , extending from the north end of the north and south
alley in Ford Place to Wabash avenue .
Very respectfully,.
%orat1onAttoe .
(1 ‘ *- ' \ ii. \i)
Tilvs: „„,
\ iii/
0\ 4
WHEREAS , There was heretofore presented to the Assembly , one
of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the
petition of Coffin' s Box & Lumber Company and others , the owners of all
the land and property abutting upon and adjoining those portions of all
the streets and alleys hereinafter described, praying for the vacation
of Glendale avenue from the south line of Wabash avenue to the right of
way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St . Paul Railway Company, also the
vacation of Railway Place from the east line of Pelham street to the
west line of Glendale avenue, also the vacation of the alley in Block
numbered twenty (20) of Baker' s Addition to St . Paul, and that part of
the alley in Ford Place between the east line of Glendale avenue and the
east line of Lot four (4) in Ford Place, and more particularly described
and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition
is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons
for such vacation; and
WHEREAS, The said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter
therein referred to should be proceeded with and ordered said petition
and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City
Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by publi-
cation in the official paper of said City in the manner and for the time
required by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof
would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly
at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber in the Court
House and City Hall Building in said City on the 4th day of March, 1907 ,
04— e I- /12t
which said notice was duly published and given ; and
WHEREAS , Said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet
at the time and place above mentioned and appointed therefor and did then
and there duly adjourn the hearing and consideration of said matter until
the next regular meeting of said Committee on March 18th, 1907 , at four
o' clock P. M. at the same place , and said Committee did meet at the time
and place last above mentioned, pursuant to said adjournment and did
then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed
vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced
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(!ftb!' efi t ,
March 19th,1907.
Corporation Attorney,City.
Dear Sir,
The Committee on Streets of the Assembly at their meeting
held March 18t4,1907, made favorable report on the petition of the
Coffins' Box & Lumber Co. ,et al for the vacation of Glendale avenue
from Wabash avenue to the C.M. & St P.R .Co. Also alley in block
20 Baker' s Addition and part of alley in Ford Place from the east
line of Glendale aye , easterly to east line of lot 4 Ford Place.
Fixing the compensation at $500 .O0 ;and the petitioners tc,
dedicate a 12 foot alley on east line of their property, to ,City..
Herewith find all papers in connection thereto .
Yours truly,_
_ /,
City Clerk
4041 .,411
St. Paul, Minn. , January 3, 1907 .
The undersigned respectfully request that by pro-
per ordinance you order the vacation of GLENDALE AVETUE from
the South line of ,-FASH AVENUE to the right-of-way of the
the East Line of PELHAM * = to the "rest line of GLEIDALE
' AVENUE,, THE ALLEY in Block Numbered Twenty (20) , BAIT' S
ADlITION, and that part of the ALLEY in FORD PLACE, commencing
at the East line of GLElTDATE AVENUE and eyterding Easterly to
&-q.511- FC.� PLACE" .
the , -1-ine of Lot Numbered Four (4) ,
Your attention is directed to the Blue Print ac-
companying, and which is made,a part of the record of this
Petition, and what we ask to have vacated is thereon. COLORED
YOLK PETITIONER is the owner of all the property
abutting the proposed improvement, having recently made pur-
chase of all of the land within the YELLC LINES as shown or
the Blue Print, and would say further that we desire to Pe-Plat
this property, and in the near future, shall build large , suit-
able and substantial improvements thereon, and occupy all of 4
the same and the entire tract as well for our business, which
is principally the MP TUFACTUP.II':.G OF BOXES AFT BASKETS. •
''e shall employ a Large force of men , many of whom
are no in our employ for us at our present factory, and who,
with others , will no doubt buy and build their homes in close
proximity to their employment.
I _
Of Resolutions Adopted by the Common
4 g Council of the City of St. Paul.
I A'y F No. 9434-
((( Whereas, there was heretofore pre-
sented to the Assembly, one of the
branches of th■ Common Council of the
City of St. Paul, that o-titien of Coffins'
Box & Lumber Company and others,
the owners of all the land and property
abutting upon and adjoinging those
portions of all the streets and alleys
Hereinafter described, praying for the
vacation of Glendale avenue from the
south line of Wabash avenue to the
right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee
WHEREAS , There was heretofore presented to & St. Paul Railway Company, also the
vacation of Railway place from the
east line of Pelham street to the west
line of Glendale avenue, also the vaca-
of the branches of the Common Council of the City of
„dine of the alley in block numbered
twenty (20) of Baker's addition to St.
Paul, and that part of the alley in
petition of Coffins ' Box & Lumber Company and others , Ford place between the east line of
Glendale avenue and the east line of
lot four (4) in Ford place, and more
particularly described and shown upop
the land and property abutting upon and adjoining thotithe plat annexed tosaid petition, which
said petition is duly verified as' re-
quired by law and sets forth the facts
and reasons for such vacation; and
the streets and alleys hereinafter described, praying Whereas, the said Assembly deemed
it expedient that the matter therein re-
ferred to should be proceeded with, and
of Glendale avenue from the south line of Wabash aveTllordered said petition and accompany '
1ng plat to be Jed of record in the
ao:the City Clerk of said city,
�{ lice by ad said pity Clerk to give no-
way of the Chicago, : ilwaukee & St . Paul Railway Comp, publication in the official paper
of said city in the manner and for th9
time required by law, that said petition
tion of Railway Place from the east line of Pelham stand the subieet matter thereof would
Y be heard and considered by the Com-
mittee on Steets of said Assembly at
its regular meeting to be held in the
line of Glendale avenue, also the vacation of the alland City HallbbuildinghIn saidtcity on
the 4th dy of Match,1907,at 4 o'clock
1 Addition L +p. rn, anfl haven,• notice was duly pub-
twenty ( 20) of Baker' s t o St. Paul, and that Whereas,said Committee on Streets
of said Assembly did meet at the time
�h and place above mentioned and ap-
ln Ford Place between the east line of Glendale avenldulnted therefor and did then and there
y adjourn the hearing and consider-
ularn meetin matter until the next reg-
of Lot four ( 4) in Ford Place , and. more particularly March 1s, 1s 7,oats4fo'ccommittee on
the same place, and said committ e'did
upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said Ementionetd a time anfl place last above i' p ment, and d d thep Land the el duly in-
vestigate and consider the matter of
verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and thereoheary llatestimony and evi-
dence ant h
tioners and dduced all o other t e persons part of Interested the peti-
such vacation; and in the matter of said proposed vaca-
tion, and did take proof of the matters
averred in said petition, and being of
WHEREAS The said Assembly deemed it ex ettlonpsnlon that the granted p of e t ms
hereinafter stated,be ndid duly reportr is
conclusions to said Assembly, recom-
mending referred to should be proceeded with and o rd in declaring said aacatiion; now
therefore, it is hereby
the City of St. Paul,Ct attGlendalecave-
and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the o City
nue from the south line of Wabash ave-
Milwaukee r&htSt(Paul RailwayhiCorn-
Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Clerk to ppany, also Railway place from the east
line of Pelham street to the west line
of Glendale avenue, also the alley in
cation in the official paper of said City in the marblock twenty (20) of Baker's addtion
p to St. Paul, and that part of the alley
in Ford place between the east line of
Glendale avenue and the east line of
required by law, that said petition and the subject lot tour (4) in Ferd place, as shown
upon said plat, be and the same are
hereby vacated and discontinued as
public streets and alleys, subject, how-
be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets es verto, to say the following conditions, that
i :
Such vacation is based upon the con-
its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamr ditien that said petitioners shall, be-
fore this resolution takes effect, pay
into the Treasury of said city the sum
of five hundred dollars ($5001 In addi-
and City Hall Building in said City on the 4th day tion to the expenses of said proceeding;
and in addition thereto said petitioners
shall c col vey y or cause lto be convaeyea d four o ' clock P . M. which said not ice was duly publpub alley a stri p o' and twele: feet
In width extending due north from «:,e
northerly end of the north and south
WI EREAS , Said Committee on Streets of sat ,grain avenuelace to the south line of
Such -vacation is upon the further
condition that said petitioner shall con-
at the time and place above mentioned and appointedetruet. equip and have in operation,
on or before May 1, 1908, upon the
lands described in said petition ara
and there duly adjourn the hearing and consideratic°wned by the petitioner, a factory or'
o manufacturing plant, for the manufac-
ture of boxes and baskets, such plant;
to cost not less than $50,000, and the
the next regular meeting of said Committee on MarcYpetttioner all five;
years thereafter constantly employ period of an i
3wn ork such f not actory.less than one hundred men
o ' clock P . M. at the same place , and said Committee ; Adopted by the Assembly May 16.I
• and place last above mentioned urstzant to said aI President of the Assembly. 1
f p Adopted by the Board of Aldermen
May 21, 1907.
and there duly investigate and consider the matter President of the Board of Aldermen.
The above resolution havinx been I
delivered to the Mayor May 23, 1907,
and returned by him May 31, 1907, I
without his signature, is in full force
and effect under the provisions of the
city Charter.
City Clerk.
(June 10-1907-1t)
�` • . •
%tate of Minnesota,
ss. '
County of 712a»tsev.
01, d /i / , bei.'g duly
that the annexed rted../� -/!/ - i
sworn, on oath says, p
1 4 .r ._.4 1 / �.../ 'i
NOTICE -F-cut--v
hereto attached, was taken f fi
Vacation of Street and Alley,, /the columns of the newspaper kno I as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and
Notice tl etCoffins iven that the pe-
tition of
Company et al. for the x and Lumber ' was published in said newspaper for successive , first
of Glendale Wabash avenue, from the station of �
of `habash avenue to the right uof way' f
of the C., M. & St, p, Ry. C ; Railway on the day ti, , -
place, from the east li /
avenue to the west lineeoff G eelhalm �'I -�>-
avenue; the anew in block L0,
Addition, and that Baker's 190... ...., and thereafter on_ ! ' /of
Ford Place, from theaeastfline of alley lb
dale avenue to the west line of lot 4,
Ford Place, has been filed in tof lobe, each week, until and including the day of
of the City Clerk of the City of St.
Paul, and said petition will be heard
and considered by tit? Committee on 190 That duri g the whole time of said publica-
atreets of the Assembly of said city at
a meeting thereof to be held in the
Council Chamber of the Court House
Marci,City, Hall Building on Monday, tion affiant was the... ...... .- o " The Daily News Publishing Co. of
afternoon . s 1907 at 4 o'clock in the
Dated n at said day,
190,. St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 19, Minnesota,which was during said ti e,and still is, a corporation under
City oe 8t. Paul Minnesota.
Jan. 21-2g-Feb. 4-11-1907-9t, the Laws of the State of,Minnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub-
lisher of said newspaper. That for more than one year prior to the
E commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and
still is, a daily newspaper, issued, printed and published on each day of
the week, in the English language, in column and sheet form,equivalent
in space to more than four pages with five columns of at least seventeen
and three-quarters inches long to each page,from a known and establish-
�' ,
ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and
necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The
Daily News Building in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minne-
sota, from whence it purported to be, was,and is, issued; and that dur- ,
ing all said time it contained and still contains general and local news
comment, and miscellany, not in any way duplicating any other pub-
lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor
wholly of advertisements; and that during all said time it has been,
and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publica-
tion to the extent of more than two hundred and forty copies regularly
. delivered to paying subscribers. That on the 24th day of March, 1906,
the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, Manager of said corporation publisher
of said newspaper was filed in the office of the County 4uditor of said
Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the
Revised Laws, 1905.
. 0.ir, o — .•
0 r 1
Subscribed and sworn to fore me,...
this 1..,. ay of ='-= da W /
otary Public, Ramsey Conn,, Minn.
My commission expires the day of 190
Printer's Fee 8
kly CNanriniss greo I� :)/
`%ate of flI)tnncsc'ta, 1 ss
County of •IR;lnlscr, �`. .
- .. .... ' - ... , being dull)r Ci?id
tiaw their arrest. slvor L, 072 oath says, that the 7)
annexed I // , /
I I I i
4- ' •- ..:....... .... e.j, attached, was taken from
Of Resolutions Adopted by the Common Of t ,'
Council of the City of St. Paul, j the columns of the newspaper known as THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS and
A'y F No. 9434—
Whereas, there was heretofore pre- 'i published ublished in said newspaper for / successive , first •
rented to the Assembly, one of the
branches of the Common Council of the i
City of St. Paul, the petition of Coffins' .. : //t
Box & Lumber Company and others, S On the f V
day o .
•the owners of all the,land'and property f
abutting upon and adjoinging those F
portions of all the streets and alleys C 190 7, and thereafter o •
nereinafter described. praying for the T on, o f
vacation of Glendale avenue from the C
south line of Wabash avenue to the each week, until and including the day of
right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee& St. Paul Railway Company, also the
vacation of Railway place from the
east line of Pelham street to the west 190 That during the whole time- o f said ublica-
line of Glendale avenue, also the vaca- S p
tion of the alley in block numbered
Paul place that t part the east alley of ,T Lion CLffL(int was the of The Daily News Publishing Co. of
twenty (20) of Baker's addition to St. J,
Glendale avenue and the east line of .41i.TLnesota p
lot four (4). in Ford place, and more :' ,which was during said time, and still is, a corporation under
particularly described and shown upo
the plat annexed to said petition, which
said petition is duly verified as re- the Laws of the State of.'Winnesota, and the proprietor, printer and pub-
quired by law and sets forth the faces
and reasons for such vacation; and
Whereas, the said Assembly deemed .Usher o 'said newspaper. That
it expedient that the matter therein re-
ferred of for to should be proceeded with, and
ordered said petition and accompany-
ing plat to be filed of record in the commencement of said publication therein, said newspaper has been, and
office of the City Clerk of said city, ,CY.
and ordered said City Clerk to give no-
tide by publication in the official paper still is, a daily newspaper, p p y of
of said city in the manner and for thL issued, printed, and published on each clay o '
time required by law, that said petition
and the subject matter thereof would
be heard and considered by the Corn- the week, ill the English language, in column,and sheet form,equivalent
mittee on Streets of said Assembly at .
its regular meeting to be held in the
Council, Chamber in the Court House in, space to more than four pales with five columns of at least seventeen,
and City Hall building in said city on
the 4th day of March,1907,at 4 o'clock
p. rn., which said notice was duly pub (end three-quarters inches long to each ale roan a known and establish-
Whereas, said Committee on Streets
of said Assembly did meet at the time
and place above mentioned and ap- ed office and place of publication equipped with skilled workmen and
pointed therefor and did then and there
duly adjourn the hearing and consider-
ation of said matter until the next reg- necessary material for preparing and printing the same, to-wit: The
ular meeting of said committee on si
March 18, 1907, at 4 o'clock p. m., at
the same place, and said committee did C Daily News Building in the Cit of y,
meet at the time and place last above y f St. Paul, Ramsey County Jtlinne-
mentioned, pursuant to said adjourn-
ment, and did then and there duly in-
vestigate and'consider the matter of s` sota, from whence it purported to be, was,and is, issued; and that dud.-
said proposed vacation, and did then s.
and there hear all testimony and evi- SZ
dence adduced on the part of the pet.- s. L7Lg all said time it contained and still contains general and local news
tioners and all other persons interested s, in_
in the matter of said proposed vaca-- si
Lion, and did take proof of the matters
�; averred in said petition, and being of s comment, and'miscellany, not an. any, iva.y duplicating any other pub-
the opinion that the prayer of said pe- s.
' talon should be granted upon the terms
hereinafter stated. did duly report its s lication, and not entirely made up of patents or plate matter, nor
i,' conclusions to said Assembly, recom- s p
mending the'adoption of an appropriate
resolution declaring said vacation; now s wholly of advertisements; and that duel-n all said time it has been,
therefore, it is hereby wholly f g
Resolved, by the Common Council of s
the City of St. Paul, that Glendale ave-
nue from the south line of Wabash eve- and still is, circulated in and near its said place of issue and publiea-
nue to the right of way of the Chicago, 11
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Corn-
pany, also Railway place from the east , Lion to the extent of'more than two hundred and forty copies regularly
line of Pelham street to the west line s f y p J
pi,. of Glendale avenue, also the alley in .
block twenty (30) of Baker's addition delivered to 24th J f
to St. Paul, and that part of the alley paying subscribers. That on the ,. th dal. o ',March, 1906,
ti, in Ford place.between the east line of s,
Glendale avenue and the east line of s
lot four (4) in Ford place, as shown c the affidavit of J. Harry Lewis, Manager of said corporation publisher
upon said plat, be and the same are J
a hereby vacated and discontinued as
f' public streets .and alleys. subject, how- A of said newspaper was filed an the office of the' County ✓ludito7• of said
over,_to the following conditions, that 5,
is to say: S
Such vacation is based upon the con-
dition'that said petitioners shall, be- c Ramsey County for the purpose of complying with Section 5516 of the
fore this resolution takes effect, pay s` .
into the Treasury of said city the sum s'
of five hundred dollars ($5001 in adds s Revised Laws, 1905.
tion to the expenses of said proceeding;
and in convey on thereto said conveyed
shall convey or cause to be, conveyed t
to the City of St., Paul for use as a -
public alley a strip of land twelve feet .. . -
in width extending due north from the 410 northerly 'end of the north and south s'
alley in Ford place to the south line of Y
Wabash avenue.. Ce me
Such vacation Is upon the further ,
condition that said petitioner shall con- sa +�
struct. equip and have in operation, J (�f i 1 190
on or before May 1, 1908, upon the
l' lands described in said petition and Si
owned by the petitioner, a factory or 1
manufacturing plant, for the manufac- "'
,,q' ture of boxes and baskets, such plant Si Vt)f(ti'1j Public, RU1T1SC;t/ (,..ot,ltl;iJ, inn.
`, to cost not less than $50,000, and the -
petitioner shall for the period of five
years thereafter constantly employ and U1. es l e day of , 0
work not less than one hundred men ;'JR 1 /
in such factory.
Adopted by^the`Assembly May 16 S ._
tion , and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced
on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the
matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters
averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of
said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did
duly report its conclusions to said Assembly , recommending the adoption
of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation ; now therefore ,
it is hereby
Resolved , By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul ,
that Glendale avenue from the south line of Wabash avenue- to the right
of way of the Chicago ,, Milwaukee & St . Paul Railway Company, also Rail-
way Place from the east line of Pelham street to the west line of Glen--
dale avenue , also the alley in Block twenty (20) of Faker' s Addition to
St . Paul, and that part of the alley in Ford Place between the east line
of Glendale avenue and the east line of Lot four (4) in Ford Place , as
shown upon said plat, be and the same are hereby vacated and discontinued.
' ! 1
as public streets and alleys , subject, however , to the following con-
ditions , that is to say:
Such vacation is based upon the condition that said petition-
ers shall , before this resolution takes effect , pay into the Treasury
of said City the sum of Five Hundred. Dollars ($500 .00) in addition to
the expenses of said proceeding; and in addition thereto said petitioners
shall convey or cause to be conveyed to the City of St . Paul for use as
a public alley a strip of land twelve feet in width extending due north
from the northerly end of the north and south alley in Ford Place to
the south line of Wabash avenue .
Such vacation is upon the further condition that said peti-
tioner shall construct, equip, and have in operation , on or before 1. ay
1st , 1908 ,, upon the lands described in said petition and owned by the
- the manufacture of
petitioner„ a factory or manufacturing plant , for n
boxes , and baskets ,, such plant to cost not less than *50 ,000 .00 and the
petitioner shall for the period of five years thereafter constantly
work �.,:.
not less than -
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,
MAY 21_r t ` 1907 h_
_190 __ _ 1J%7
- 5YEA5 -9� A rk e NAYS,
YEAS `s NAYS /(}
4-1-P1 uktWo-GERBER
TROY Approved
_- .1 (3 !on?
The above resolution having been delivered to the Mayor May, ,
;i 1907 without his signature , is is in full
190 7 and returned by him Ma;,r, , , g �
force and effect under the provisions of the City Charter.