1906 (18) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. ,4 ........ -- . _ ...... 4 P tv... \ - 1 .... o , t ..... . \---......,, ... I z 1.-3 - It 3,- •. , _ . ' 1 r, -..„.. --.., .., 54 ' ) c-\ • .. ,.., P --, ---i , f - 0 , T S I 0 _.■ , :4 1#1"116</ 44,007)190 fr)i,101.5 maTti;-.7\ • ?Lt.4 ateit,*."%• e d 9/1 Pao A#44-44144-T1: Form 63. 5.17.06. 5M Adopted by the Assembly 190 YEAS. NAYS. MR. HAAS KARTAK KELLER MAHLE O'BRIEN POWERS REGAN WHITCOMB NAYS, o MR. PRESIDENT THE ST. PAUL DAILY NEWS St. Paul Minn �19O • to The Daily News Publishing Co. Dr. 92-94 East Fourth Street. WANTS DISPLAY READERS LINES WORDS RATE NET AMOUNT Kindly Advise us at once if this Bill is Incorrect 2 : e. < Od! err---e -C-h-- I CG4GC(tic_,0--Zr _V0.- 3 G 5 / _ V 6 9 10 %</ r Q2--t/I /'9— 0 6 q 7% 11 � 13 14 15 ! !!! 16 17 1& 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. Total Total Total Total H. S. GREGG, Manager. C. ULVEN,Superintendent • PARK WAGONSTOCK CO. MANU.FACTURERS OF BENT STOCK, WAGON AND SLEIGH MATERIAL Finished Bob Sleds, Harrows, Wagon Eveners, Whiffletrees and Neck Yokes. LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES. Shipping Station: MINNESOTA TRANSFER, MINN. /14/14149-3.ole`z [ar. 16, 1906 The Common Council , St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:-- We, the undersigned, owners of property on moth sides of Findicott Street, hereby request your H onorable Body to it ante the location of the street as per accompanvinr diagram. We deedin' to the city an equivalent amount of area as the at of the street th at is vacated. Yours truly, 1 H. S. GREGG,Manager. C. ULVEN, Superintendent PARK WAGONSTOCK CO. MANUFACTURERS OF BENT STOCK, WAGON AND SLEIGH MATERIAL Finished Bob Sleds, Harrows, Wagon Eveners, Whiffletrees and Neck Yokes. LUMBERMEN'S SUPPLIES. Shipping Station: MINNESOTA TRANSFER, MINN. nt w j9,i0ofrp, .4;)),,,. Mar. 16, 1906 J. M. Hackney, St. Paul , Minn. Dear Sir:-- Fincl osed please find Blue Print and a letter to the Common Council, with ich we have been requested to write by the Asst. Engineer, Mr. Starkey. The letter and the diagram is plain as to that we want. Will you kindly present this in proper form to the Common Council ? In doing this you will confer us a Treat favor. You rs truly, S, G. ���� ■ s V t! N •"''''' a , ••••1 / , 9 __ z 9 _ -7„.. 9 cv,i2iioi _ , 4?,,, ,,, epartu cttt A.t taut. CITY OF SAINT PAUL. JAMES C. MICHAL.. F GORPORATION ATTORNEY ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS 3,,,,Aft, GEORGE R. OR ILLY. ` f �,LOUIS R FANEL. 4� EMIT_ W. HELMES r i it,„ ,' k I) 0 if 1 , i ci ,,„ , \,. u \„.rtilk _LOc t a r 1st , 19 0 C . r' tpki if To the Common Council . ... , ... w..„,. . Gentlemen : - Pursuant to instructions of the Board of Aldermen, 1 transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating a portion of Endicott street, on petition of J. Ross Nichols; the compensation being the deeding of certain other property to the City for street purposes, in addition to the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, l' i , o'rporat ion Atto ey. I (1 t!! (th?rii$ Mire, Est. zx1. :Minn. GEORGE T.RE DIN GTON,CITY CLERK ALBERT L.WAGNER, n SST.CLERK. ep t.l8 .190 u. Corp oration Attorney. city. Dear i' e Board of Alder-Ien at t eir ee;tiny; hetcAlZt.18th, 19906 , ordered the attached petition for vacation Ato you for the proper form n of resolution vacatinh* swae : Vacation of a part of Endicott street on petition of J. Ross Nicols. tours truly City Clerk. M . . 4,1;41 i t 4:.. i Iii,y i. 4°.kg4'''t'l;-:N°..11• r� u . ffe. if 1 4:;', c-:‘,., „Xiii> , ':V' , op' 14 P14311..k0 If St �F Paul , Mier . , ' h 99 194' .- To the Cocoon Council ,.. «, of the City of St . Paul , Minnesota . ilANi ,)'; The undersigned respectfully represents anal tates that . it is the owner of all the property and land adjoining and abutting upon that portion of Endicott street in said City of St . Paul herein- after described, and respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to cause all that portion of Endicott street colored yellow upon the plat thereof hereto annexed and marked "Proposed Vacation ." The facts and reasons for such vacation are that your petitioner owns all of the property abutting upon both sides of said Endicott street in the vicinity of said proposed vacation, and desires and intends to erect and maintain valuable improvements upon the portion of said street so sought to be vacated, and the property abutting thereon, and in consideration of such vacation, your petitioners will convey good title to said City to all that certain tract of land colored green on said plat and marked. "To be deeded to the City of St . Paul , " to be used as a portion of said street in lieu of that portion so vacated, which is of equal or greater value and utility for street purposes than that portion sought to be vacated. Attached hereto and made a part hereof is a plat of said Endicott street and the adjacent property , showing that portion of said Endicott street so sought to be vacated. Respectfully submitted , / / 2at1x/'6 7,4" • ,--c-F. --4..-----er-1,7--. : i, -- 111111111111111MOINiftm,_ STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ) SS County of Ramsey. ) Be it know that on this �/ day of 1906 , personally appeared before me XiGcbto �, � �'1 who being duly sworn , deposes and says that he is the .> � ,_, -- of the Park Wagon Stock Company , the petitioner who signed the fore- going petition for vacation ; that he knows the facts set forth in said petition and the same are true of his own knowledge . ;b- :---2-4e/A:-0^-6 __ ---e-J14-'6-6;t0r.A.42 2_,) / ___ ____ Subscribe and sworn to before ne this 2_ day of / ,' 1906 . Ai_— /if Notary 'ublic, Ramsgt N Att��MMS Minn . n Y EXPIRES JAN, 31, 1913. ?� .y commission expires 19 e , 141 .... ,_ , r � t. _ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of Ordinances Passed and Resolutions OFFICIAL. PUBLICATION Adopted by the Common Council of Of Ordlnaioes Passed and ResotutI nt the City of St. Paul. Adopted by the Common CounQ1f Of lid P' No. 23929—By Ald. Joerns- Whereas, there was heretofore pre- '°, a; t o a the City of St. Paul. sauted to the Board of Aldermen, one _It' r�_{ N of the branches of the Common Council .',,, i , i �1 d i, of the City of St. Paul, the petition of J. Ross Nichols. the owner of all the property abutting upon and adjoining 1that part of Endicott street hereinafter ^S described, praying for the vacation of r „�,,4 '` all that part of said Endicott street {, colored ,yellow on the map attached to. said petition and marked "Proposed WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented to Vacation" thereon, in St. Paul, Minne-! sota, and more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Coun tl 01 duly verified, as required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and Paul , the petition of J. Ross Nichols the owner of a: Whereas, the said Board of Aldermen ! deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceed, ed with, and ordered said petition and abutting upon and adjoining that part of Endicott stri accompanying plat to be filed of rec- ord in the office of the City Clerk of said city, and ordered said City Clerk to give notice, by publication in the described, praying for the vacation of all that part ( official paper of said city in the-man nor and for the time required by law that said petition and the subject mat- street colored yellow on the map attached to said pet ter thereof would be heard and consid- ered by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council "Proposed Vacation" thereon, in St . Paul, Minnesota, $ Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building, in said city. on the 2nd day of August, 1906, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which said notice wash ly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said 1 duly published and given, and said Committee did meet at said time ands place, and did then and from time to said petition is duly verified as required by law and time duly adjourn the hearing of said matter to its regular meeting appoint- ed to be held on the 13th day of Sep tember, 1906, at 4 o'clock p. m. at the facts and reasons for such vacation; and same place, as will more fully appear'. from the records of the proceedings cf said Committee; and Whereas, said Committee on Street: WHEREAS, The said Board. of Aldermen deemed of said Board of Aldermen did meet ,t the time and place last mentioned and appointed, pursuant to said adjourn the matter therein referred to should be proceeded wit meat, for the hearing, inve,stigatio,i and consideration thereof. and did then and there drily investigate and consic- er the matter of said proposed vaca petition and accompanying plat to be filed ,of record tion, and did then and there hear a'l testimony and evidence adduced on tl;e part of the petitioners and all other.', persons interested in the matter of said I the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said City Cli proposed vacation, and did take prod' of the natters averred in said petition and did duly report its conclusions to by publication in the official paper of said City in • Said Board of Aldermen without rec ommendation; now, therefore, it is! hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of the time required by law, that said petition and the the City of St. Paul, that all that part of said Endicott street, as irrdicated upon said plat and marked "Proposed Vacation," be and the same is hereby thereof would be heard and considered by the Cornmitte, vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject, however, to the follow- ing conditions, that is to say: said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be h Such vacation is based upon the con- dition that said petitioner Shall, be- fore this resolution takes effect, con- vey good title to the City of St. Paul Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in for street purposes the property indi-! cited by green coloring on said plat and marked "To be deeded to City of St. Paul," and also pay to the city the 2nd day of August , 1906 , at four o' clock in the after] expenses of this proceedings, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said city in consideration of notice was dul ublfshed and iven d id Citti said vacation. y p an g ' an sa ommAdopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. 2, 1906i Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 4 time and place and did then and from time to time dull 190,Pprovcd Oct. 9, 1900, HENRY G. HAAS. Acting Mayor. ing of said matter to its regular meeting appointed ti_ . _ ____(Oct. 19, 1906) /45th day of September, 1906 , at four o' clock P. Y. at the same place , as will more fully appear from the records of the proceedings of said Com- mittee; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the time and place last mentioned and appointed, pursuant to said adjournment , for the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation , and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons e i_ t f y `14011'ha7Je,'t JA1:71'1140 *n?i?uiorafl bnii bijt.1 no-,,iianlbt t)t() to 1►• riilOJ rior::rt .7 f1? sjG uda d .__ • • • • • : _. • / 4 I ,• k interested in the matter of said proposed vacation , and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and did duly report its con- clusions to said Board of Aldermen without recommendation; now there- fore , it is hereby Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul , that all that part of said Endicott street as indicated upon said plat and marked "Proposed Vacation , " be and the same is hereby vacated and dis- continued as a public street , subject , however, to the following con- ditions , that is to say : Such vacation is based upon the condition that said petition- er shall , before this resolution takes effect , convey good title to the City of St . Paul for street purposes the property indicated by green coloring on said plat and marked "To be deeded to City of St . Paul , " and also pay to the City the expenses of this proceeding , which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to said City in consideration of said vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly, i -2 190 190 YEAS NAYS, YEAS NAYS, ALD. FURLONG MR. HAAS GERBER KARTAK HEBL KELLER MAHLE �' MENZ 3iSii l POWERS NYBERG REGAN ROHLAND WHITCOMB TIFFANY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT TROY NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT Approved - - ‘V 190 6 • 9e, (4e4.:7,AotinQ Mayor ..<...' ,,, , S f 4