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I, !,epartutra of Vinktif . r6 11P6,
t Valli, pun.
S t.Paul,Iainn.Peb 6 1906
To the Connor; Council,
City of St.Paul.
We ,the undersigned ,respectfully petition your honorable body
to take the necessary proceedings to have that portion of the alley va-
cated lying between lots 7 and 11 and from 12 to 16 inclusive in block 1
Clark' s Addition,and in consideration of so doing we will agree to dedi-
cate or convey by deed an alley twenty(20)feet wide from Juno street
north to the south line of the present alley in said block. This will
provide an outlet for the remaining lots abutting against said alley.
The object in raking this request is that we contemplate erecting a
school on the southeast corner of View and Randolph streets to connect
with church and parsonage already erected. The accompanying sketch
shows approximately the location of the proposed buildings and the land -
sought to be vacated,as well as that portion intended to be conveyed
to the city.
Trusting that you will take favorable action on the same as soon
as possible , we remain.
Yours respectfully,
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County of Ramsey .
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Jeremiah O'Connor came before me personally , and being
first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the Vice President of the
Church of St . James , a corporation, the above named petitioner; that he
has read and is fully informed of the contents of said petition , and
that the same is true of his own knowledge .
. re/1/724/119
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this /S1 day of February, 1906 .
Notary Public , Ramsey County, Minn .
My commission expires 19/ .
To the Common Council
of the City of St . Paul .
Gentlemen :-
The undersigned, being the sole owner of all the property
on the line of that portion of the alley in Block one (1) of Clark' s
Addition to the City of St . Paul , herein petitioned to be vacated,
respectfully petitions your Honorable Body to vacate that portion of
said alley extending westerly from the east line of Lots eight (8) and
fifteen ( 15) in said block, to View street, as shown and marked in green
upon the accompanying plat .
The facts and reasons for such vacation are that the under-
signed petitioner , the Church of St . James , a corporation, is the owner
of all of Lots twelve (12) to seventeen (17) inclusive , and Lots eight
(8) to eleven (11) inclusive , in said block, and has erected and con-
structed upon said Lots twelve (12) to fifteen (15) inclusive , a church
and parsonage , and said corporation purposes erecting upon Lots eight
(6) to eleven (11) inclusive in said block, a school building, and is
desirous of connecting said school building with said church and parson-
age .
That the Church of St . James hereby promises and agrees , in
the event that this petition is granted and such vacation made , to
grant and convey to the City of St . Paul the westerly twenty ( 20) feet
of Lot seventeen (17) in said Block 1 of Clark' s Addition for the
purpose of an alley, in lieu of that portion of the alley in said
Block 1 of Clark's Addition, herein sought to be vacated .
D � '
Vice President
Department artm ent of 3tttt .
JAMES .1.•:.-;AG:L
LOUIS R.FRANKEL. � (y l` �i
EMIL W. HELMES. {/{�iwf`I' ,ra."/ °'• a .
ion k , t A
irt, \ p
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To the Common Council.
t ok A
Pursuant to instruction of the Committee on Streets of the
Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution
vacating that portion of the alley in Block 1 of Clarke' s Addition
to St . Paul, extending westerly from the east line of Lots 8 and 15 in
said block, to View street, on petition of the Church of St . James; the
consideration being $5 .00 and a . deed conveying the westerly 20 feet
of Lot 17 in Block 1 of said addition, to the City of St . Paul for use
as an alley, in lieu of the portion sought to be vacated .
Very respectfully ,
IA, ie
/ otoration Attor ey .
Pw Bd F No. 22874—By Ald. Rohland-
p� Whereas, there was heretofore pre-'
sented to the Board of Aldermen, one
of the branches of the Common Conn-
cil of the City of St. Paul, the petition
of the Church of St. James, a corpora-
tion,the owner of all the property abut-
ting upon and adjoining that portion of
9 `q .4 the alley hereinafter described, pray-
t ��/y < ing for the vacation of all that portion
E �'"° g..'''° �of the alley in block 1-of Clarke's Ad-
dition to St. Paul, extending westerly
' from the east line of lots 8 and 15, in
said block to View street, and more
ail- , the denexed and said petition,
the lat annexed to said petition,
which said petition is duly verified, as
required by law. and sets forth the
WHFa EAS , There was heretofore pre facts and reasons for such vacation;
Whereas, the said Board of Alder-
Aldermen , one of the branches of the Common ter en therdeeein ed reit ferrexpedient that the mat-
ed to should be pro- St .
ceeded with and ordered said petition
and accompanying plat to be filed of
Paul, the petition of the Church of St , fame record in the office of the City Clerkowner
of said city, and ordered said City
Clerk to give notice by publication in
the official paper of said city, in the
of all the property abutting upon and adjoin manner and for the time required bye alley
law, that said petition and the subject
matter thereof would be heard and
considered by the Committee on
hereinafter described, praying for the vacat Streets of said Board of Aldermen, atn Of
its regular meeting. to be held in the
Council Chamber in the Court House
the alley in Block 1 of Clarke ' s Addition to ondthhe 12 nalaa$uof tApril, 1906 alit 4esterly
o'clock in the afternoon, which said
notice was duly published and given,
from the east line of Lots 8 and 15 in said as required by law; and and
Whereas, said Committee on Streets
of said Board of Aldermen did meet
more particularly described and shown upon t at the time and he$ above mentioned entlhed
C �• and appointed theerr t
efor, and did then
and there duly adjourn the hearing of
said matter to its regular meeting on
April 26, 1906, at 4 o'clock in the aft-
petition, which said petition is duly verifi ernoon at the same place; and
Whereas, said Committee on Streets
of said Board of Aldermen did meet at
sets forth the facts and reasons for such va the time and place last above men-
tioned and appointed therefor, pursu-
ant to said notice and said adjourn-
ment, for the hearing, investigation
WHEREAS , The said Board of Alderm and.consideration thereof, and did then that
and there, duly investigate and con-
sider the matter of said proposed va-
cation, and did then and there hear all
the matter therein referred to should be pro testimony and evidence adduced on the- said
part of the petitioner, and all other
persons interested in the matter of
petition and accompanying t, f said proposed vacation, and did take
g plat to be filed o proof of the matters averred In said of
petition, and, being of the opinion that
i i the prayer of said petition should be
the City Clerk of said Cit and ordered saj' granted, upon the terms and condi-btice
y y) tions hereinafter stated, did duly re-
port its conclusions to said Board of
Aldermen, recommending the adoption
by publication in the official paper of said of an appropriate resolution declaring for
said vacation; now, therefore, it is
Resolved, by the Common Council of
the time required by law, that said petition the City of St. Paul, that all that per--
tion of the alley in block 1 of Clarke's'
Addition to St. Paul, extending west-
thereof would be heard and considered by thei'1rly from the east line of lots 8 andf
y 15, in said block, to View street, as,
shown upon the plat annexed to said
regular meetin
petition, and and the same is hereby
said Board of Aldermen at its re
c* i vacated and. disgonttnued as a public
C alley, subject, however, to the follow-inc
ing conditions, that is to say:
Said vacation is upon the condition
Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Bui: that said petitioner shall, before this-he
resolution takes effect, pay into the C
Treasury of said city the sum of five
12th day of Aril 1906 at four o' cloc'r in dollars ($5.00), in addition to which i id
.� p ) ) " penses of this proceeding, which ie
hereby fixed as the compensation to be
notice was duly published and given as requi,pa,d to Said °ity im consideration of t such vacation; and upon the further
condition that said petitioner shall
convey and dedicate the fee simple ti-
WHEREAS, Said Committee on Street 17 n the westerly awensy ddt on lot,
17 in block 1 of Clarke's Addition to.men
said City of St. Paul for use as a pub-
lic alley in lieu of that portion of the
did meet at the time and place above mention alley in said block, hereby vacated.Adopted by the Board of Aldermen `-or,
May 2, 1906.
Adopted, by the Assembly May 7,
and did then and there duly adjourn the hear 1906. May 9, 1906. is
(May 10, 1906)
regular meeting on April 26th, 1906 , at four o'clock in the afternoon
at the same place ; and whereas , said Committee on Streets of said Board
of Aldermen did meet at the time and place last above mentioned and
appointed therefor, pursuant to said notice and said adjournment , for
the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and
there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation
and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the
part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of
. 1 ‘ i ,
said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in
said petition and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition
should be granted upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stated, did
duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen , recommending the
adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now
therefore , it is hereby
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul,
that all that portion of the alley ' in Block 1 of Clarke' s Addition to
St . Paul , extending westerly from the east line of Lots 8 and 15 in said
block, to View street, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition,
be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public alley,
subject , however, to the following conditions, that is to say:
Said vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner
shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the Treasury of
said City, the stun of Five Dollars (. 5 .00) in addition to the expenses
of this proceeding , which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid
to said City in consideration of such vacation; and upon the further
condition that said petitioner shall convey and dedicate the fee simple
title of the westerly twenty feet of Lot 17 in Block 1 of Clarke ' s
Addition, to said City of St . Paul for use as a public alley in lieu of
that portion of the alley in said block, hereby vacated.
Adopted by the B d of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,
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Co The lDciily News Publishing Co., Dr.
92-94 East Fourth Street .
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yiindly Advise at once if this Bill i i orre 1 '
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Vacation of Alley. 4, ;
/ Notice is hereby given that the Petillii4 1 ,
of the Church of St. James to vacate !
that portion of the alley in Mock 1 f ' ,
Clark's Addition to the City of St 1.4 ° I
extending westerly from the east linef
lots 8 and 15, in said 1410,4k. t -‘-' '
street. ha been filed in the office of itav,
City Clerk of the CitY of St. Paul
bait petit h
ion w
ed bv the Committree
Beard or Aldermen f '
ill be e al d and conStd-r-
o-'1; S.treets-of.and
o said City of St '''
Paul. at a. meeting thereof to be h Id ' . ,
the Council Chamber ill the Court le-i in i ' .
and City Hall Building. ill said citv7o8n61
Thursday, April 12, 1906, at 4 o'clo..1- ' '
the afternoon of sa,id day. cs )11
imatcd at St. Paul, Minnesota. Feb. 2.8,
CitY Clerk. City 1Mt of St. Pa LIL.Minrwsot,
March 1-8-15-22-190
. .
I ,
i I ,
I i
1 4
I' I
1 i
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7 , ,
• 22
i -
Bd F No. 22874—By Ald. Rohland— !
Whereas, there was heretofore pre- h , per,
sented to the Board of Aldermen, one o
of the branches of the Common Cour).- 1 7
cil of the City of St. Paul, the petition
of the Church of St. James, a, corpora- i ,
tion,the owner of all the property abut- ,
ting upon and adjoining that portion of 4
1 !
the alley hereinafter described, pray- 4 ..;-..........
ing for the vacation of all that portion 1 , 1
of the alley in block 1 of Clarke's Ad- '
/ I
t .
dition to St. Paul, extending westerly 4 ;
from the east line of lots 8 and 15, in
I .
said block to View street, and more
particularly described and shown upon
the plat annexed to said petition, .1 t
I .
which said petition is duly verified, as 4 ;
required by law, and sets forth the
facts and reasons for such vacation; ,
I , ,
and ;
Whereas, the said Board of Alder-
men deemed it expedient that the mat- • 1 • 4
ter therein referred to should be pro- ,
I ' I
ceeded with and ordered said petition
and accompanying plat to be filed of
record in the office of the City Clerk
of said city, and ordered said City
Clerk to give notice by publication in
the official paper of said city, in the
manner and for- the time required by
law, that said petition and the subject
matter thereof would be heard and
considered by the Committee on
Streets of said Board of Aldermen, at
its regular meeting to he held in the
Council Chamber in the Court House
and City Hall Building, in said city,
on the 12th day of April, 1906, at 4
o'clock in the afternoon, which said
notice was duly published and given,
as required by law; and
Whereas, said Committee on Streets
aid Board of Aldermen did meet
at the time and place above mentioned,
and appointed therefor, and did then
and there duly adjourn the hearing of
said matter to its regular meeting on
„April 26, 1906, at. 4 o'clock in the aft-
ernoon at the same place: and
Whereas, said Committee on Streets
of said Board of Aldermen did meet at
the time and place last above men-
tioned and appointed therefor, pursu-
ant to said notice and said adjourn-
ment, for the, hearing, investigation
and consideration thereof, and did then
and there duly investigate and con-
sider the matter of said proposed va-
cation, and did then and there hear all
testimony and evidence adduced on tha
part of the petitioner, and all other
persons interested in the matter of
said proposed vacation, and did. take
proof of the matters a rred in said
petition, and, being of th .opinion that
the pray • of said petit n should be
grant c , u on the r • and condi-
tion ,herei afte• t , did duly re-
-port- its 0 u' one o said Board of
Aldermen, commending the adoption
of an appropriate resolution declaring
said vacation; now, therefore, it is
Resolved, by the Common Council of
the City of St. Paul, that all that por-
tion of the alley in block 1 of Clarke's
Addition to St. Paul, extending west-
erly from the east line of lots 8 and
15, in said block, to View street, ae
shown upon the plat annexed to said
petition, be and the same is hereby
vacated and discontinued as a public
alley, subject, however, to the follow-
ing conditions, that is to say:
Said vacation is upon the condition
that said petitioner shall, before this
resolution takes ,effect, pay into the