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1905 (21) 'Bd F No. 22197—
Whereas, there was heretofore present-
ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the
branches of.the Common Council of the
. ' City of St. Paul, the petition of the
( Yoerg Brewing Company and others, a
. ,majority of the owners of all the land
property adjoining and abutting upon
eileif'` portion of Ohio street hereinafter
't he;described, praying for the vacation of all
that part of said Ohio street, in the City
l � 1 1 of St. Paul, described as follows: Be-
wnm A
, o - ginning at a point ten (10) Peet north-
erly and four.and seventy-five one-hun-
dredths (4.75) feet easterly of the south-
■ westerly corner of lot one (1), in block
one hundred and ninety-eight (198), of
Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul;
thence easterly parallel with the south-
erly line of said lot one (1) sixty-one
9PHIMEAS, There was heretofore prand 2-100 (61.02) feet, more or less; thence If
angle to the left 70 degrees t2 minutes
sixty-one and 2-100 (61.02) feet to the in-
tersection with the westerly Line of Ohio
Aldermen , one of the branches of the COI3'll2, Gstreet; thence southerly on the westerly Of St .
line of Ohio street to the place of begin-
ning, and more particularly described
Paul, the petitioIl of the Yoerg Brewing C and shown upon the plat annexed to saidL orit of
g g .petition, which said petition Is duly veri-
fied, as required by law, and sets forth
the facts and reasons for such vacation;
the owners of all the land and property al and Whereas, the Board of Aldermen deem 1pori the
ed it expedient that the matter therein
referred to should be proceeded with,
portion of Ohio street hereinafter descrit and ordered said petition and accost.,cation
panying plat to be filed of record in the
office of the City Clerk of said city, and
of all that part of said Ohio street in ty�ordered said Clerk to give notice by
p scribed
publication in the official paper of said
'city, in the manner and for the time
required by law, that said petition and
as follows : Beg inning at a point ten (10);the subject matter thereof would be ur and
heard and considened by the Committee
on Streets of said Board of Aldermen
seventy-five its regular meeting, to be held in the
rity-five one-hundredths (4 .75) feet e council cumber of the Court House terly
and City Hall Building, in said city, on
the 30th day of November. 1905, at 4
corner of Lot one (1) in Block one hundre o'clock in the afternoon of said day; and
Whereas, said Committee on Streets
did meet at said time and place appoint-
ed therefor, and did duly adjourn the
Irvine ' s Addition to West St • Paul ; there hearing and consideration of said matterth the
to Dec. 14, 1905, at 4 o'clock in the after-
noon at the same place; and
s0u4..,herly line of said Lot one ( 1) , sixty Whereas, the said Committee on Streets
of said Board of Aldermen did, pursue/1U f e e t ,
to said adjournment, meet at said time
and place last above mentioned and ap-
more or less ; thence angle to the left 70 pointed for the bearing, investigation and /100
1 consideration thereof, and did then and/
there duly investigate and consider the
matter of said proposed vacation, and
(61 .02) feet to the intersection with the did then and there hear all testimony andStreet•
evidence adduced on the part of the pe-
titioners and all other persons-inerested
thence southerly on the westerly line of in the matter goof of he proposed savered
and did take proof of the matters averrede of
in said petition, and being of the opinion
that the prayer of said petitioners should d beginning , and more particularly describe statedanted a°uiy repo terns conclusions,+t
to said Board of Aldermen, recommend-
ing the adoption of an appropriate res-
annexed to said petition, which said petit olution declaring said vacation; naw,s re-
therefore, it is hereby
Resolved, by the Common Council of
quired by law and sets forth the facts and'the City of St. Paul, that all that part
of said Ohio street, in said City of St.t i on;
Paul, described as follows, to-wit: Be-
an d ginning a' a point ten (10) feet north-
erly and 4.75 feet easterly of the south-
westerly corner of lot 1, in block 198, of
Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul;
WHEREAS thence easterly parallel with the south-
, The Board of Aldermen d tell line of said lof 1 61.02 feet. more or the
less; thence angle to the left 70 degrees'
52 minutes 61.02 feet to the intersection
matter therein referred to should be rote with the westerly line of Ohio street;
p thence southerly on the westerly line of said
Ohio street to the place of beginning, as
shown upon the plat annexed to 'said pe-
petition and accompanying plat to be filed tition, be and the same is hereby vacated e of
and discontinued a a public street sub-'
ject, however, to the following terms
the City Clerk of said City , and ordered saand conditions,n'st is to condition e b
that ,said petitioners shall, before this y
resolution takes effect, pay into the treas-
publication in the official paper of said cu ' of said city the sum of ten dollars for
in addition to the expenses of this r
ceeding, which is hereby fixed as the
compensation to be paid to said city in
the time required by law, that said pet i t i C consideration of such vacation. e r
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen'
Dec. 19, 1905. .
thereof would be heard and considered by th opted by the Assembly Dec. 21, 1905.
y Approved-Dec. 22, 1905. of
(Dec. 23, 1906) • .
said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held in the Council
ember of the Court House and City Hall Building in said City, on the
'ay of November, 1905 , at four o' clock in the afternoon of said
`'HEREAS, Said Coranittee on Streets did meet at said time and
_rued therefor, and did duly adjourn the hearing and consider-