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A'y F No. 8632—
Whereas. there was heretofore pre-
rented to the Assembly. one of the
11 branches of the Common Council of the
QQ� City of St. Paul, the petition of the
Q I L)l.0„.11, Yoerg Brewing Company, a corporation,
the owner of all the land and property
.............mo abutting upon that portion of Ethel
street hereinafter described, praying for
the vacation of all that part of Ethel
street lying east of lot one (1) in bloc';
WHEREAS, There was heretofore prvin hundred ninety-eight (198).Paul, I e
vine's Addition to West St Paul, ano
north of Ohio street and south of F'air.y, one
field avenue, in the City of St. Paul,
Minnesota. and more particularly de-
of the branches of the Common Council of t.scribed and shown upon the plat an-
nexed to said petition, which said peti.he
Lion is duly verified as required by law,
and sets forth the facts and reasons for
petition of the Yoerg Brewing Company, a c such vacation: and 0f all
Whereas, the assembly deemed it ex-
pedient that the matter therein referred
the land and property abutting upon that p to should be proceeded with g and ordered
said petition and accompanying plat to be
filed of record in the office of the City
Clerk of said city, and ordered said Clerk of-
hereinafter described, praying for the vaeat° eve notice said ityih the in and of
f C � b ficial paper of said city in the manner and
for the time required by law, that said
petition and the subject matter thereof
Ethel street lying east of Lot One (1) In Iwould.be heard and considered by the
Committee On Streets of said Assembly
at its regular meeting to be held In the'y�
Council Chamber in the Court House
Stand City Hall Building in said city, on
eight (198) of Irvine 's Addition to West St ►hi0
t clock 16th day afternoon of said day:four
"Whereas. said Committee on Streets of
street and south of Fairfield avenue , in thsaid Assembly did meet at said time and
Place above mentioned and appointed for nne-
the hearing. investigation and consid-`
duly oiearin gate and cons der the coaster
sota, and more particularly described and $of said.proposed vacation, and did hear exed
11 testimony and evidence adduced on
the part of the petitioners and all other
to said petition, which said petition is du.necuo3edivtacation, andhdid takerproofaofd by
the matters averred in said petition, and
facts being of the opinion that the prayer he
law, and sets forth the y acts and reasons fl5ad petition Should be granted upon the
terms hereinafter stated, did duly report
its conclusions to said Assembly.
iesod°inne hdeClS tt0a nsaid vacation.
X1 ri0'W r
WHEREAS, The Assembly deemed it e�.
therefore. it is hereby
Resolved, by th.e Common Council of
therein referred to should be proceeded wit'I' he City of St. Paul• thateaslttoftlo rune
said Ethel street lying inety eight 't ion
(]): in block one hundred n West St.
(198). of Irvine's Addition fo on said
e of Paul.Fairfield avenue.e Ohio
as shown vacated i to
and accompanying plat to be fil d of record
and disc n and same is hereby eet, sub- v
Clerk of said City, and ordered said Clerk eject, however. to the following terms and
conditions. that is to say
Sm-)' vacation is upon the condition that Ca On
said petitioner sniff. befGret 11Tr TQso-
in the official paper of said City in the �iution takes effect, pay into the r ($5.00Y
of said city the sum of five'dollars ($5.00). re
in addition to the expenses of this pro-.
quired by law, that said petition and the S�compen, which is hereby fixed city the
compensation to be paid to said mtY in
consideration of sNCh vacation.Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 19. 1900• oil d
be heard and considered by the Committee ovd.o7, 1906y the Board of Aldermen
on 'N
Approved Nov. 9, ]01905) y
at its regular meeting to be held in the Council Chamber in the Court
House and City Hall Building in said City, on the 15th day of October,
1905 , at four o' clock in the afternoon of said day; and
WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet
at said time and place above mentioned and appointed for the hearing,
investigation and consideration thereof, and did then and there duly
investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did
hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners
and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vaca-
tion, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and
being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted
upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to
said Assembly, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution,
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declaring said vacation; now therefore, it is hereby
RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St . Paul , that
all that part of said Ethel street lying east of Lot one (1) in Block
one hundred ninety-eight (198) of Irvine' s Addition to West St . Paul ,
and north of Ohio street and south of Fairfield avenue , as shown upon
said plat , be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a
public street, subject , however, to the following terms and conditions,
that is to say:
Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner
shall , before this resolution takes effect , pay into the treasury of
said City the sum of Five Dollars (15 .00) in addition to the expenses
of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid
to said City in consideration of such vacation.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,
- --7 -1r __ -____190kr-
Bu CHMANN A p p i n V E ID KE ER
H KNEY NOV/ 1905 ,
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Gentlemen : -
The undersigned, being a majority of all owners resident
within the City of St . Paul, and a majority of all the owners of prwperty
along the line of that portion of Ethel Street, hereinafter described,
resnectfully petition your Honorable body to vacate and discontinue as
a public street , that part of Ethel Street , lying east of lot one (1)
block on hundred and ninety-eight (198) , of Irvine ' s Addition to West
St .Paul, and north of Ohio Street and south of Fairfield Avenue , as shown
from the annexed plat made a part of this petition.
The facts and reasons for such vacation are , that in the
year 1880, said part of Ethel Street above described, was vacated by
the Common Council of the City of St . Paul, under an agreement between
the City of St. Paul and Anthony Yoerg, wherein it was agreed that for
and in consideration of said Anthony Yoerg allowing said city to open
Ohio Street , that said. city would vacate that part of Ethel Street
above described.
That in the proceedings vacating said Ethel Street, there was
a mistake in describing the particular part of Ethel Street to be vacated,
and this vacation is for the purpose of correcting said mistake in said
description, and is the same part of Ethel Street that was intended to
be vacated by said City in 1880 .
WfiE.REFORE, Your Petitioners pray that said part of Ethel
Street above described, east of lot one (1) , block one hundred and
ninety-eight (198) , of Irvine 's Addition to West St . Paul, and north of
Ohio Street and south of Fairfield Avenue , be vacated and discontinued
as a public street .