1905 (16) • OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. T Z A ■, ke, n t v n k. 0 , , .,,,,,, % , u. „ ! ,,„ , , ,,,, . , „„, . , \ , -, ..„ v4 I , -- \it / \ k r ;1' - , --ks\ H I 1 �' d , r tt F ' 4 Its L — -- '`",. ,3/44. S.\ C\,, IL 1 N \ (tist' i% N'%,?t,.. -'% '' \ Gt*""), .5) N . Form 62 5-26 04 21M Adopted by the Board of Aldermen 190 YEAS. NAYS Aid. BANTZ BUSCHIVIANN CORNING aftlifftgalik ,74;,1 LAND NAYS, 0 Mr. hihattAt + Departnuitk • ,E r►tn•1-. 4000' CITY OF SAINT PAUL.., to' N(1 JAMES C. MICHAEL CORPORATION ATTORNEY. fv i GEORGE R. O'REILLY. 61(.))4 LOUIS R.HELME S FRANKEL EMIL W "f f� .HELM E . July 20th, 1905.. \\6 To the Common Council, Gentlemen: - , . Pursuant to direction of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly, I transmit herewith proper form of resolution vacating Hatch street between Como avenue and Dale street; the compensation being fixed at Three Hundred Dollars in addition to t'le expense of the pro- ceedinz,. Very respectfully, ,, , f 7 1)6ration Attorney." a, , . ,,,, . ,,....401,-- „,„..., b i i _ 400- ,... _ „., ,..,,, .,,,,, i 6..„-" ,:vij ''' 'lii-' ''''''' i OSI''' '' t ()31 - QIit (!X.exti,$ Office, *r. ixr, Aftirtn. GEORGE T.RE DIN GTON, CITY CLERK. ALBERT L.WAG N ER, CSST.CLERK. July 18,1905. Ir.J.C.Mic1?ac1, " - Corporation Attorney,City. Dear Sir,- The Committee on Streets at their meeting held July 17th,1905, made favorable report on the attached petition of Como Boulevard Company, to vacate Hatch Street between Dale stree and Como Avenue, naming as conpenaation,the sum of $300 .00 ; and have instructed me to refer the same to you with the request that you . dram up proper form of resolution vac ating said Hatch street. Respectfully, City Clerk. 850 A'y F eas 8501— heretofore pre- ' rJ Whereas, there was one of the sented to the Assembly, of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, e the owner of Como Boulevard Company, all the land and property abutting upon and djoingtheforrethehvacationr and de- scribe praying discontinuance of Hatch street, from pairiti particularly described andeshown more WHEREAS There the plat annexed to said petition, which L l said petition is duly ved'fied as repuireu ad to the Assembly, one by law, and sets forth the facts and rea- sons for such vacation; and deemed it of the branches of the C • Whereas,expedient the said Assembly of St. Paul, the expedient that the matter therein re- ferred n should be proceeded with, and 'y ordered said. petition and accompanying petition of the Como BOUT plat to be filed of record in the and office rdered sr of all the land and the City Clerk o said,City, publication said Clerk to gig no ce by P in the in the official pa r f said city n property abutting upon an manner and for the me required by law, that said petition a d the subject matter e i naf t e r described, thereof would be heard and considered by praying for the vacation see Committee u Streets gfto be h ld 'atch street from Como As- sembly Cat ouncil its regular meeting in the Council Chamber in the Csaid House and City Hall Building, on July 3, 1905, at 4 o'clock in the avenue to Dale street an city, Bribed and shown upon afternoon; and said matter was tend duly adjourned to the same P our on July 17, 1905; and the plat annexed t 0 said hWhereas, the said Committee on Streets it i on i s duly verified of said Assembly did meet appointed id last named time and place app there- as required by law and s for, and did then and there duly y proposed vacation, did and consider and matter then and reasons for such Va- r theere re hear all testimony and evidence ad- cation; and 'duced on the part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take 9JH EAS, The s ai proof of the being of sthe averred opinion that he tttion, and being anted edient that the Prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, duly report its conclusions to said onAs- matter therein referred to sembly, recommending said th, and ordered said an appr6priate resolution declaring vacation; now therefore it is hereby Resolved, by the Common Council of Ord in the office ice Of petition and accompanying I the City of Si. Paul, that all of Hatch street, from Como avenue to Dale street, as shown upon the plat annexed to said the City Clerk of said Cit�petirien, be and the same is hereby va rk t0 give notice by cated and discontinued as the fp ubli street, subject. however, a public ing terms and conditions; that is to publication in the officia�say: the manner and for Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner shall,pay this resolution takes effect, P Y the the time required bj� law, tTreasuiy of said city the sum of three thP. subject matter ' hundred dollars ($300.00) in addition to the expense of this proceeding, which is here- thereof would be heard and by fixed city the compensation of said paid to on Streets of to said city m consideration of said va- Adopted by the Assembly July 20, 1905. said Assembly at its regula Adopted by the Eoard of Aldermen Sept. 19, 1905. ri the C0uncil Chamber Approved Sept. 25,1 ) (Sept. 1905. in the Court House and City--rvm.LJ. tsuiiaing in said City, on July 3rd, 1905, at four o'clock in the afternoon; and said matter was then duly adjourned to the same place and hour on July 17th, 1905; and WHiREAS, The said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet at said last named time and place appointed therefor, and did then and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to said Assembly, recommending the adoption -4 „,„414,11444 of an appropriate resolution declaring said. vacation; now therefore , __Jill.. ._ ,. i*-47:,..._'`..•.•••,,;-:,..,•:-.... :-..••.- ,.:,,.„,•,:.•k-.-,. ..,- -: ...'.• .,'• ,,-,''• - -‘,.:' ''.'..e!',::..;.'.„-: -_•-•-'..',•'.i..•••'.', tis'''''.'•-•: ''-''':' '. 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" :. -' -'•'•'.--;., .-...,•,',..i...,.;' ,:: ., •- ',"f';',.-. _,,,,• .',:"..., : .: • III■- - . -,•- _ olgigg-- ._, k it is hereby RESOLVED, By the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that all of Hatch street f r om Como avenue to Dale street, as shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, be and the eerie is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject, however , to the following terms and conditions , that is to say: Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioner shall, before this resolution takes effect, pay into the Treasury of said City, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) in addition to the ;xpense of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensa- tion to be paid to said City in consideration of said vacation. Adopted by the Board of �er e n Adopted by the 1b44--------_190 YEAS. NAYS. YEAS NAYS. ALD. ■ANTZ • MR. HAA •SCHMANN KEL ER I I/. C IRNINO A P P R 0 V ED ,* O'B EN 6 •i.CRNEY POW RS li BL CEP 25 v L NCH / SCHI FMANN u ORIAR �`• •. ..... p rWHI COMB aYUl;. YOE i .1 I HLAND NAYS O MR. PRE DENT 1 NAYS 0 MR. P ESIDENT Approved — ---190 Mayor. Of il A ,1 A i ` TO THE HONORABLE THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF : \6 ST.PA i 3NiIirt, . . , qA3 V ' , ' * tione1)Cco Boulevard Company, a Minnesota . ! 4 �° corpo !- ':«n., resp , ully shows that it is the owner of 11 and singular the tract of real estate locaed in the 6 City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, known and de- 7 scribed as "Ware & Hospes Addition to the City of St.Paul , 1" 8 Minn. " ; that said addition is located immediately west of 9 Dale street and north of Front street in said City of St.Paul, 10 and covers the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter 11 of section twenty-six (26) , township twenty-nine (29 ) , range 12 twenty--three (?3) , save and except about two acres in the 13 northwest corner ther eof; that said addition was platted + 14 during the month of "1904 ; that your petitioner is desires to have vacated so much of Hatch street as is shown if, upon said plat as lies between Como avenue and Dale street; 17 that said portion of Hatch street last described had been 18 opened by the City of St.Paul , but had not been graded or 19 otherwise worked; that a considerable portion of said Hatch 20 street east of Dale street has alfeady been vacated and is 21 now occupied by the Grass Twine Factory so-called and other 22 buildings; that in the platting of said addition the 23 persons then owning the property covered thereby dedicated 24 for street and alley purposes land greatly in exceeding in 25 area that portion of said Hatch street lying between Dale 26 street and Como avenue which your petitioner desires to have 27 vacated; that said portion of Hatch street sought to be vacat- 28 ed as aforesaid is not and has never been a traveled street , 29 and that it can never be of any use as such because of the 30 fact that a considerable portion thereof east of Dale street 31 has heretofore been vacated as above sot forth; that the 32 blue print hereto attached is a true and correct copy of 33 said Ware & Hospes Addition to the City of St.Paul, Minn. , 34 upon which your petition has designated in red ink the 35 portion of said Hatch street which your petitioner desires g".,CT OT z/outqf-Aall a ,-.4a6lmo- blzvliarog 'to leawo elIJI at ;.tt izal 131ualto oaz 551A vin a ast4 o aciLthbA aF;c0oH .viaWn az f.L.4Gr!IfJa to laew \LisJAlba ,10.11 bflanoi at noi:11.4ba LLt J'zia in •aniM , luaci.r' 'to (J1!.; lo baz siz(7. '11;11 Ittcn dJ to Ifti1.02up J.n.serra YCM ;la 0 t .;; „ to al aalos oict .i,rocfa J'Iaox$ rIctz avza ( (j$) 03111:-IOrmilit boJdzlq aotztlb!)8 L)t 3t1. .105 led:1 qoaloo loa,Dt ..tldN d'alfd. - 4\0Q ' AHJ riwor I az :!'ael:.ta riH 'to ;Iowa oa beozv ayssf cJ eallasb r..wiJa *Lea has auaava ono,") aoewzt'acf aet1 az ,tAlq blza flogo bii :!azi rioja. bldre ‘) bb % Ioff eul ad j. baa,Ac iba)Now ,etwle:fIo 3.t bi.1 ,5 aaa4 10 tas4 lotto bsta baliz:)-o8 oo. r en±w7 orL1 cf bolquoao won Lj aot,Iflbbz biza 3a1 ,,j43.al irL at J'adt ,a3alnilud 5atolb9b d ii belavoo 7?„1kawo 1131 al.oalaq at 3atbasoxs ,z1.1-Jaal3 b,4,31 o414(.1 ,8.1.:113 bus J ;w1,ta loa eisj aaawlad 3n1-, i o 10,1 aa/s avnd oi aollaab tuava omoO bas ;t96%; . -J:ZO4V od >J ;;H3sJoe ,2-ae-tja Al5r JA. , staalta beis1a-0 z aead leva“ ,on.3 ci k az b3 alit wrzcv,d 10 5d. %avert ft 30 t Lcz zolvaa eizq to Jazz loslait!' oldw.Witeaeo 01J-sor*. J.ela nvorfz ba,tanzv aatd soloIo1a azA . oo am1J z at bnifozz otele6 :tatlq , . aatY aeciaoL A alRag 'otza fJ bfol. at baarigik-,:a aaff. Aot.laq J.IkAw cioqi.r isz 1WQv,; .taa lo u • to have vacated as above set forth. 2 Your petitioner further shows that it is willing to , > 3 pay unto the treasury of the City of st.Paul as compensation 4 I to said city for the vacation of that portion of Hatch street 5 I hereinbefore designated the sum of three hundred dollars 6 ($300) . 7 Your petitioner further shows that it is the owner of 8 all of the property on both sides of the line of the aforesaid s portion of Hatch street sought to be vacated and that said 10 1 street sought to be vacated does not constitute a part of any 11 county, territorial or city road . 12 W h e r e f o r e your petitioner prays that your 13 honorable body will grant the prayer of your petitioner 14 I and by resolution order and declare that portion of said 15 Hatch street between Dale street and Como avenue in said 16 petition referred to to be vacated and discontinued. 1.7 � Dated, May '7� -1905 1 18 COMO BOULEVARD COANYJ__� I 19 By Ii Ids 1521n . 20 it 21 State of Minnesota, ) 22 ) ss. County of Ramsey. ) I 23 Ernest L. Hospes being by me 24 first duly sworn on oath says that he an officer, to-wit, the President of the Como Boulevard Company and is the 25 person who signed and executed the foregoing petition for and on behalf of said Company; that the corporate seal l 26 attached to said petition is the corporate seal of said Company, and that he the said Hospes signed and executed the 27 said petition by authority of the board of directors of said Company, and said Ernest L. Hospes on oath says that the facts 28 stated in said petition are true• 29 30 Subscribed and sworn to before me on this /7 day of May, A.D. 1905 . 31 p • _ 1 k- Notary Pudic,__�_ 32 Ramsey County, Minnesota. 33 34 35 AD oJv_ L GI ci 31,1:11t$ a t Ji 4 i C. K e Gl ! .'I. i t 1��1�`JS•1 l F{_ 'iJ C Y rtc ..'•tlarlo m - a lu ., s::= to VV.'', vr.r4 .# 7. t .� „I' Oj'a0 142,7 17 1:3 ), 10 .. ' i"tt J0:41i �t^ '1iJ,c?*3 `�IYG� 0.1 `{;;"'fib '':! tic.' O: a"t, i i c b .t7.9"i )r:t's.;A 3f,014., i i. J"r, t'i.i )%'s. iii an.L F:�3 w` .. ( Oou ) lo Yom?,. aii,:r iw J1 aw0il. "bi , e '$"'£t:) ? ouil pit; v° ;.'iA !f;C= _[: t rJ' "f bit bo -''l: °tr od Uji .f:i(- ,,Psa A0,1,,;37 yst.3 -to J'ISi(a s• a `i.;•: t,c?£'?:C)`) :to Ei eC f )4,t4—J3AC" ed O S ▪ , t,''TJ a I1! • `i.i?f�' �v y ':"C1 t7,6" `,Rrl e C "f3,.,JOy) "into J'X'i, ,x .A "w `: ;C « r -i r ' e "x U . li • a `r ; wif.ET"totior{ f:! ;.'° ai7 rioti1!;' "i"i ' y T� P .3`� ) t),Y.:a •i Y3'a;, C'� ii _".i' .a..: •� ri )1 t :7;t GA'4 ot7; Ira! mlAq n`3 ?°d ed .¢i.xtiq-t'JG Ants-N. bL a `;tmv b`.' U_' €�^`"` `�::?�'"t tiol;E L3e'I <+i (irpgr N. e�f3!: t F7f:!v. a 0110. rf. ( (.11,,t ag _`l!i l.i 3.1-41,t3 V NLMO., *at '=,t 'silts 5 negl:t,: .j .• ogI _ ^t'.. ).. ;_'I0 us i u > � t";';k3? fiz t) ac a-fo' 3 C .&.Y,sej ,'i El. l: • brie ;ls4alo v9L io : um c7) ° {r:3bt"-i ed nok;*n-s, r1. 7 ,.;;J.l be,t;3aaxa bra h ►n3ta O:fa cioalsq 11.1sa ti:i.k3^:O';`To o 'f f sifi' ;`.'i sTito h .:: "�c I3..i31 R d ao bus ht.se is Ssa8 sifk3 rG- Al s' 1 ' a;:.f riot.. -,:{ .rf '):'.s heirs bony a aeciaO:'T )t:3e $ i7' ev isiJ hme t v,p.iCx XU7, s ''b C . ` 1" f pa;v. .+ a a: );:1 can i;t 4o 1't.,.,. doilaio .4T a•' edr tg .biz4.y byte i :11.5(4140 . •. it1 S _, t :. t.Y. eq -t ;=; at be•titia iC ,'-ib 1..}1 1 ^��_. L": s EO . 1e: .fc,rin Geis edt. 't'.:?r;,tY'3'-' fir -4aa L.zF �.Q cf: