1905 (15) St. Paul, Minnesota, August 15, 1905.
There is now pending before your Honorable Body an
ordinance for the vacation of t .at part of Larpenteur Avenue lying
within the City of St. Paul between the west line of Greenbrier
Avenue and the East line of Payne Avenue. This vacation has been
requested by Mount Zion Hebrew Congregation and Jacob Dittenrofer
who are the owners of all of Block five (5) Ufton Grove Plat 1,
Ramsey County, Minnesota, except Lot nineteen (19) of said block.
In order that the city may receive an equivalent in case of t:e
vacation of this property, we desire to assure you, that if this
ordinance is passed and approved, we shall at once dedicate to
the public for street purposes the south thirty feet of the whole
of said Block five (5) Ufton Grove Plat 1, such dedication to be
Wade in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Corporation
BY 4, 0 /
President .
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LE, y2. " C* 4` C I h OF THE CITY OF ST . PAUL:•
Ar` Your ti t Tone .�a"o . Zion Hebrew Congregation, a corporation
t y organized/a . t3.n ,,:a .rider the laws of the State of Minnesota ,
and Jacob D. tenh•. er, respectfully represent that they are t':e
owners of all of Block number five (5) of"Ufton Grove Plat 1.
a.msey Co . , Minn." except Lot number nineteen (19) of said Block
(Y - f. . according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office
(P of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey County, Minnesota, and
situated within the limits of the City of rt. Paul, in said
" Ramsey County. A plat of the whole of said Block five (5)
together with the adjacent streets and the alleys in said block
is hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof.
Your petitioners state that they are a majority of the owners
of the property on tee lines of the alleys in said Block five (5)
and that they are a majority of the owners of the property on
the lines of the street adjoining said Block five (5) on the
Dort, , said street being now known as Larpent&r Avenue and
formerl-, known as -erinneapolis Avenue and that the petitioner
Mount Zion TTebrew Congregation owns all property fronting on the
ee saide and . the alleys in sald block save and except that
your petitioner Jacob Dittenhofer owns Lot number eighteen (18)
shown on the annexed Exhibit "A" and that another party owns Lot
nineteen (19) shown on said Exhibit "A" and that all of the owners
of tee property of said Block five (5) are residents of the said
City of St. Paul. Said La.rpentrr Avenue is n of a graded street
and has never been used by the public and it is only used as a
means of entrance to Yount Zion Hebrew cemetery owned and
controlled by your petitioner Yount Zion Hebrew Congregation.
Said Flock five (5) by reason of its remoteness from the settled
portion of the City of St. Paul and by reason of its proximity
to a cemetery is not suitable for residence purposes and is
better adapted for cemetery purposes than for any other purpose/.
Said property has been acquired by your petitioner Mount Zion
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Tebrew ^ongregation for cemetery purposes and will be used for
such purposes . If this petition is granted, it is intended to .
beautify and improve said property at large expenses. and your
. petitioner states that such improvement will benefit surrounding
property. If paid Larpentetr Avenue is not vacated, said Block
five (5) cannot be used advantageously for cemetery purposes
and if such va.cetion is permitted, no one can be injured for the
reason that said Larpent4Wr Avenue is not a high- way. and by
reason of the extreme grade Fast of that point is not likely to
be made into a hi 'h_- rayj for many years to come. The alleys shown
on said T'.x:.ibit "A" are not needed and are not desired by your
petitioner. Your peti tioners[aek that all of the alloys in said
Block five (5) si'. wn in the annexed Fxhibit "A" • and all of
T,arpentr avenue fronting on said Block five (5) on the '?ortherly
boundary thereof be vacated and discontinued as alleys and as a
street and your petitioners hereby ,agree that in case such vaca-
tion ie permitted, they will abide by such terms and conditions
as ehail be provided by your honorable body and if compensation -
be required, your petitioners will pair such an aeount of comeen-
ation as shall be just.
: /
' "'reeldent.
Jacob nitten:hofer, being duly sworn, deposes
and says that he ie the President of Mount Zion yebrew Congregation
and that the foregoing petition is true, except as to those matters
therein stated on information and. belief and as to those matters ,
he believes it to be true. .
Subscribed and worn to before me •
teis May /St4 , 1S)05 . 4A-end--z-s.d.-4-11-44.-.6
Notary Public , innesota
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