1905 (11) OFFICE OF CITY TREASURER. 0 ,--. ■ . ,1) k n w )V ' - ' N r Q C,T-, ! 111 i ,-,‘ '\ 62):Ck..' ‘r4 , 1 1.- y . Iiiii. ' .‘4X`i,„: - 7%"‘ ‘ \' , i k1;, 141 0 E - -- ---. P• ti H hi H � N. CD Cf� � H � n r CD H o H o to OR H-b (D o ''i • CD H C1 d • CD • CZ p P ¢ a a (D c< (y1 CD '1 K CD CD (� C )"y �C-'- CD .• f) ''S H �• CD c+ • • P, �. C z II H- O Ch y o C+ N• W 1-1• a to CD o NN ti CA OR a :s rn • c o "< CD h43 CD '1 CD c+ 0 P. CD c+- c-i 0 C+ CD t* CD • H • csf P 'S • o C+ •a CD • '1 • C tO 0 01 TO TIM] ASSEMBLY OF TIC CITY OF ST. PAUL: Your Committee on Streets'hav ing 'duly heard and considered the petition of the Town and Country Club for, the vacation of certain streets , alleys and highways upon the notice and in the manner set forth in the resolution at !;ached hereto and, being of the oiini'on that the prayer of said petition should be granted, recommend the adoption of the reso- lution attached hereto. S '`f 'h,.p,' 4,,,,,...........................„0„ Ilernirtnent of Wail,. , CITY >?F SAINT PAUL. C JAMES C. MICHAEL • CORPORATION ATTORNEY.,. 45515TAN-ATTORN ': '��" GEORG7. R. C"F*EILLY. ,xh"' L.J'...5 R .(t L. { t �:' May 18th, 1905. To the Common Council. Gentlemen: - Pursuant to instructions of the Committee on Streets of the Assembly, I transmit herewith a proper form of resolution vacating certain streets and alleys, upon petition of the Town and Country Club, the compensating being fixed at Ten Dollars in addition to the expenses of the proceeding. Very respectfully, IP .- _46,4,__c_...04—lief 447"A''.- * ‘C'; '1 14 orporation Attorney. kl , :;,1 ;,...:. „ . t,,-1,,,,,r 4 .. r ig ^, i: /,. e A. /1 t 4 f• - . • - ! f e ! ■ r a. ) TO TEE HONORABLE THE COMMON CJUNC TI OF TEE t ' I ,.c, CITY OF ST P MINNESOTA:• The Torn and Country Club,a cor oration organized under the laws of the Ste to of Minnesota, alleges that it is the own er of land in possession of all the fcllo ring described real entete situ- ate in the County of Ramsey and State. of Minnesota , bounded and described .s folloes , to-wit: Commencing at the southwest corner of block forty four (44) in f Deeneyer Park and running thence north elorig the west line of said block forty four to the northwest corner thereof , running thence `northwesterly to the southwest corner of block thirty one (; 1) in Desnoyer Park, running thence northwesterly along the sou t}};rre,tom line of said block, thirty one to 7,he west corner of log; t=g44 in said block thirty one, running thence northeasterly along the 1 line tette+:en lots two (2) and three (3) in said block thirty one extended to the southwesterly line of lot ten (10) in said d block thirty one, running thence north.re: terly along the southwesterly line of lots ten (10) , eleven (11) , end trelve (12) in said block thirty one to the west corner of : ,id lot twelve, running thence 1 ncrthetst !rlr along the northrret t rlv line of :paid lot twel e extend- ed to the southwesterly line of block twenty eight (28) in said Desnoyer Park , running thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said block twenty eight (28) to the west corner thereof, I running thence northeasterly along she southeasterly line of Glen- . dale Avenue to the scuthwes •, corner of block twenty four (24) in said Desnoyer Park, running thence east along the south line of said block twenty four to the southwesterly corner of lot fifteen (15) in said block twenty tour , running thence northerly along the west line of said lot fi.fteen extended and the west line of lot twenty two (22) i s .i.d block twenty four to the south line of Bever- _ ly Avenue , running thence east along the south line of Beverly Ave- . nue to the southerly line of St . Anthony Avenue , running thence -1- 11 • easterly along eid southerly e rlr line of !",t . Anthony Avenue to e o we 3t line of Cretin Avenue, running thence south along the u st 1 line of Cretin Avenue to the north line of. Marshall Avenue , and running thence west along the north line of gar shall Avenue to the place of beginning, being rill of block twenty f' ter (24) , excepting lots seventeen ( 17) , eighteen (18) , nineteen (19) , twenty (20) and II twenty cne (21) thereof , all of blocks twenty five (25) , t ronty Ijsix (26 ) , twenty seven (27) and twenty eight (23) ; all of block thirty one (31) excepting lobs uric (1 ) and two (2) thereof, ,nd all ii of blocks thirty two (32) to forty four (44) inclusive, in Desnoyer Park according to the recorded pint thereof , the s;me being single tract of 1 ,nd of about one hundr?d acres. And sid Town and Country Club heeeby petitions end -pays that your honorable bodyt 1Fe vacate and discontinue all streets, alleys end hid.hvreys within the limits of the e roierty above describ- not however i nc Thd'ng an n ]art of Mar hall Avenue , Cretin Ave- nue , Beverly Avenue , Otis Avenue or Glendale Avenue . And raid Town end Country Club alleges and shows that it is the owner of all r;reeerttr on the line of said streets , alleys and highways the vacation whereof is hereinb'fore prayed, nd elleges and ehewrws that no part of aid tre' ts, lleys or jaighways has ever been o ened, used er travelled ; that the land owned by your 1 retitionor w s platted s a part of Deenoyer Perk in the ye . r 1887 , being used as a wm; that no -:.art of said lard has over 1 been a ed for city purncses and no improvements have ever been 1 placed on any /e,rt thereof. That said erolorty never leas been ':.nd will not for many re_.rs to come- be iu3 table for city or urban :ro- perty, but is on the contrary acre iroeerty; that the plan . nd design of the plat of ;,aid lend ,anti the alleys and streets laid down on said elnt are wholly impracticable end unsuitable to the oh r eter of the land, which is uneven . nd trv-versed by deep valleys . That said land could not be practically utilized for city ureoses -2- • • • • 4 • .!!'. , _ • . • 40 • . " -3- under the present plan of said Desnoyer Park ..nd that the stre7As and alleys on the an of said Desnoyer Park are so 'Atuated • that the -nubile could not utilize them without great and unneees- sary expense of grading and filling. That hereto attached is a plat of the lands owned by your Imtitioner herein described and of the stre-ts, lleys and high- ways proposed to be Ircated . Wherefore said. Town and Country Club Prays that the streets , alleys and highways hereinbefore described be vacated and discon- tinued and that your body order this petition to be fUed of re- cord with the city clerk r rid that due notice for the hearing of this petition be given. )-Z py- cçcis2-ev 1-7-4 re4 42.a • 14,4:1 C.4.4 .ti-e4renn. 4-ex4ro Calcais t e -a---'11/ 061Y-c-rtrz-"-.7 /112-14" Caef-r-co C e, /-7 70- (f`a p 1s -3- • • • . - . s w;• s:. C • Y. ,+" r.. • MAP OF PART OF bt5NoyiER. ° e RK 5T. PAUL, i*haao SH0W/N6 PROPERTY OF THE TOWNA1YD COUNTRY CLUB WITH THE E,5 TR EE TS,A V E N U ES,A L L E YS A ND y/G H WA YS 7O BE VACATED , COLORED RED Boundary of/aril oiysed 6,7* Toursv ,f Codrwfry C46 ai/A in i %ir a//si eefs ravehaes, a//eys Qad hyha/'s are /0 6e I/caled showri 71h&s - - I_ , SCALE OF FEET /00 SO O /00 ZOO jOO '7N S1 oo 2-1; \ REVERE y AVE. `rte'°g°1,‘ %A SS !, ii gligs 26 2715k OW IIIIIII IX %,:lre:,:fi,--,.)- , 0<,, . ,_ :_ ...strows 4 s d -3 Aro --,- Ifi VA 0° MN" .lIllp A.--,A4* 01 0 001 3398 Wait . a b 37 ®I g ,�I\ ® 0 193 '36 =I--.1 .® „� o ,� 3, c .8 I � �E ., , /5 30 2 1 G ® /0 6 29 23 90 *A\. ' 4 \' 26 1c' 2 6 I flip* ® 20 M,wQi 28 I\ 29 I� � 34 �JW.�'® 30 r Q \ 4 4 �' 33 2 ®I ��. X91 Willi' lag&4 . Eta A . NN.s. 4,4 441046, # IIP"- ---,,r30 A:2, ok A'i",* IPirro-_ • ////,-- e A iwaki4421.111tia WIWral pl� ' = TRENYDN ..16.\� ?„,, Im 11 3 B �\ �I a ®1 ',''S. V444 AM ..4111 - .ST. 1 ,----%---- \4 Vi,• - EMI j inn.. ROUivo 6A ,'111047r�rn4 r Pnirrl D� n �ml�\ %////%u///j/,*ir_ �p�.nru' I I �,q SGr4 /8 M�1 GtrK /—.___- III \� /Mg LS\ -�/ II 1141 J 1 �\I�_� IiJ V� 6 1\ I/ III,�1,Q1140 U/,J 11N\IIIu.J L ��ID' 1 �I vlluvll��` �i�l1 r. I 7Owni ARC Iv ®\II �� ,11111 011 ill ® 9 /0///2/3 L /0 1 x CZ Ziff 0 z' \ k f, \ Sr 20 TM 4111111111116� z F itivvii %! IiImmiIIIII =try /MARSHALL AVE. 1 (1\1 SUiPI/EYEO ANOIJR�9WNBr T I 1 \\ I \\ WI\ 1, 1�1 rowaLE 6 E .5 Z, • I e ____ a,?' No. 8390— a'N' ' hereas, there was heretofore present- ,� ed to the Assembly, one of the branches! t r7 ► a ti . of the Common Council of the City of St. t ( Paul. the petition of the Town and Coun-; try Celle a corporation, praying for the vL ei<,n of all streets, :•Heys and high- WHEREAS there was heretofo re pr esented to the Asse]Nays witntn in� =na of the property hereinafter describe" not however includ- ia,g any part of Marshall avenue, Cretin avenue, Beverly avenue, Otis avenue or branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul , Clubdbeing4the owner oY all the property on the lines of such streets, alleys and highways, said petition being duly veri- the T o wJn and Country Club , a c o r 'o r a i,i on, praying for t lied as required by law, being accom- DLniefl by a plat of the streets, alleys and highways proposed to be vacated and set- ting forth the facts and reasons for such all streets , alleys and highways within the limits of t,vacation, and PVhereas, said Assembly deemed it ex- pedient that the matters therein recited should be proceeded with and ordered hereinafter described, not however inci tiding any part Oahe Sa1fl petition and the accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of,the City Clerk of said City of St. Paul and ordered said Clerk to give notice Cretin Avenue , Beverly Avenue , Otis Avenue or Glendale .by publication in the official paper of said City of St. Paul to the ef- fect that said petition had been filed and and Country Club being the owner of all the property Jnstating in brief its object and that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly such streets , alleys and highways, said petition being d its regular stated tedmbeetiin to he be held Souse and City-Hall Building in said City on Monday, May 15, 1905, at four o'clock required by law, being acco:l_panied by a plat of the strin the afternoon of said day, and there- upen said petition and plat were duly filed in the office of said City Clerk and said highways proposed to be vacated and setting the fmA nidice was duly given and published v s' setting f forth _8ndsaid petition and plat and other mat- ters connected therein were duly refer- eed by said.Assembly for hearing and in- f vestigation, and for such vacation t 1 On x and ,Whereas, the said Committee on Streets of said Assembly did meet at said Coun- cil Chamber on the day and at the hour WIR E AaAS said Assembly deemed it expedient ent that theabeve mentioned for the hearing there- of and did investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation and ,then and there heard all of the testimony recited should be proceeded with and ordered the said rid evidence adduced on the part of the' y petitioner and other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation and a +� being Of the opinion that the prayer of accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office Csaid petition should be granted, reported its conclusions to said Assembly, recom- mending the adoption of an appropriate of said City of St. Paul and orde 3d said Clerk to �,1 .resolution declaring the same, tie Now, Therefore, it is Resolved by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul that all streets, alleys and highways.with- cati on in the official paper of said City of St . Paul iin the limits of the following described property, not, however, including any part of Marshall avenue, Cretin avenue, Bev- -erly avenue, Otis avenue or Glendale said petition had been filed and s •ating in brief its 1avenue; viz.: Commencing at the southwest corner of Block forty-four (44) in Desnover Park -and running thence north along the west said petition ion and the subject Imo. tier thereof would be _line of Said Black forty-four to the north- west corner thereof, running thence northwesterly to the southwest corner of sidered by the Committee on Streets of said Assembly , Block thirty-one (31) in Desnoyer Park, ce running thence northwesterly along the southwest line of said Block thirty-one to the west corner of Lot three (3) in said meting to b e held int hs Council Chamber in the Courtli Block thirty-One, running thence north- g easterly along the line between Lots two (2) and three (3) in said Block thirty-one, extended to the southwesterly line of Building in said. City on Monday, May 15th, 1905, at f O;runniten thence(10) in nsaid Block northwesterly thirty-One,aro th 'southwesterly line of Lots ten,(10), eleven (11) and twelve (12) in said Block thirty- afternoon of said day, and thereup In said petiti ' n and one, to the west corner of said Lot twelve, running thence northeasterly along the ' northwesterly line of said Lot twelve ex- tended to the southwesterly line of Block filed in the office i of said City Clerk and said notice twenty-eight (28) in said Desnoyer Park, running thence northwesterly along the southwesterly line of said Block twenty- ai d published and said petition and plat and other rna,t eight to the west corner thereof, running petition thence northeasterly along the .southegst- erly line of Glendale avenue to the south- west corner of Block twenty-four (24), in therein were duly referred by said Assembly for hearin said Desnoyer Park, running thence east! along the south line of said Block twenty- 'four to the southwesterly corner of Lot • fifteen (15) in said Block twenty-four, • t i on and running thence northerly along the west line of said Lot fifteen extended and the, west line of Lot twenty-two (22) in said WHEREAS the maid Committee on Streets Block twenty-four the south line of ,,_ �,t S Of said A s Beverly avenue, runni ng thence east along'. the south line of Beverly avenue to the southerly line of St. Anthony avenue, run- said Council Chamber on the day and a t the hour ab o jre hing thence easterly along said southerly line of St. Anthony avenue to the west line of Cretin avenue, runntne thence south along the west line of Cretin avenue hearing the roof and did investigate and consider der the In g n thence west alongathe north ltne 1 o Marshall avenue to the place of be- ginning, being all of Block twenty-four propose�ddvacation and then and there heard all of the (24) excepting Lots seventeen (17), eigh- teen (la), nineteen (19), twenty (20) and twenty-one (21) thereof, all of Blocks twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty- evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and oth seven (27) and twenty-eight (a), all of Block thirty-one (31) excepting Lots one (1) and two (2) thereof and all of Blocks thirty-two (32) to forty-four (44) inclusive terested in the matter of said 'Fro : osed vacation and din Desnoyer Park, according to the re- corded plat thereof, the same being a ihk ' single tract of land of about one hundred a that t'}Iei prayer of said petition should be granted, (100)re soy acres, situate in the County,of Rain- and state of Minnesota, be and the same hereby are vacated and discontinued elusions O Sol id - - .. s iIF/_' Rv- - , recommending t 1e as upon condition,streets, alleys and before th s upon condition, however, that before this / resolution takes effect said petitioner shall pay into the City Treasury the sum of ten dollars in addition to the expenses of this proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be for such vaca- _1_ tion.. Adopted by the Assembly May 18,,1906. e Adopted by the Board of Aldermen _ June 8. 1905. `— The above resolution having been deliv- ered to the Mayor June 7, A. D. 1905, and returned without his signature on June 12, A. D. 1905, is in full force and effect, under the provision of the City Charter. Attest: GEORGE T. REDINGTON, ru., rt<rtr 11 0 , ■ • � acr v: mwuw�K .. . -zr--- . E 31 M. E. Wooding . 3 27 16.96 32 C. Hitchcock 2 27 14.20 E 33 A. Prescot 1 27 29.55 DESCRIPTION. • Martin and Lienau's Rearrangement_of it 4 t . . -3- . to the place of beginning, being all of Block twenty-four (24) except- ing Lots seventeen (17) , eighteen (18) , nineteen (19) twenty (20 ) and twenty-one (21) thereof, all of Blocks twenty-five (25) , twenty-six (26) , twentyseven (27) and t3enty- eight (28) , all of Block t'-d rty-one (31) exce sing Lots one (1) and two (2) thereof and all of Blocks thirty-two (32) to forty-four (44) inclusive in Desnoyer Park, according to the recorded plat thereof , the sane being a single tract of land of about one hundred (100) acres , situate in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota , be and the same hereby are vacated 7 ' .: . . _.1 -- 1 :, +. •- _ Awl , ' Le t,i,t-/---4--C‘ /11-(--4Z----/ -C"-; 4.-l‘.4-, , , "_"iz;L.=::v,..._e_„.___ ".„4.0....a,/41.7 . ,7 e-,r.- , ze— ,---4(.........„.......... ,z s zz...,,, 4,.._,.,..e.,..,4,.,..,e,,.. , ,,,,,,,,..z...,<,, , l'' i--4 1 4 14:-"(4-44° e4 474 / 7-1--d/L-‘-'-- --serz- -' ---.'&- l.--T7,--- ...-e...-4.....,-Z g � Adopted by the Board of Al. -r en, �''"" Adopted by the Asse� I / ____190J __- ` ]90 V i/�' YEAS. NAYS. y� /ALD. B< NTZ V.If B•41.NNAN ',�+'MR. HA•S M BU.CHMANN ' V _ -.. " CO'NING 1 v O'BIEN V HA KNE / POD ERS V/ HE L .� cwt`. Sc. ANN 7 VMe ARTY CHI COMB y NY ERG ‘J YOE G _ _ NAYS 0 ✓ MR. PRE' DENT NAYS 0 MR. PR SIDENT I Approved — - 190 Ni ayor.