1905 (10) f I , -G/d (gerezae:)'-.4- . . i ' ' t (1/ ; ,,i'■°v.: ' ' r .r TO THE HONORABLE, THE COMMON COUNCIL 'OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: ., Your petitioners The Trustees of the German Evangelical Lutheran St . John's Congregation unaltered Augsburg Confession of St. Paul, Minnesota, and The Trustees of the German Evangil- ical Lutheran Trinity Church unaltered Augsburg Confession of St . Paul, Minnesota, respectfully show that they are the owners of that certain tract of land situated in the City of St . Paul, Ramsey County , State of Minnesota, and described as follows , to-wit: German Lutheran Cemetery, St. Paul, Minnesota (as enlarged) according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of said Ramsey County and that the said land is the only land fronting on the streets sought by your . petiticners to be vacated; that a true and correct copy of the plat of said cemetery is hereto attached and hereby made a part ofthis petition and said plat indicates all of the land adjacent to the streets sought to be vacated and said plat is true and correct in all particulars as to the things indicated thereon. Your petitioners further show that Idaho Street between Dale Street and Kent Street shown on the enclosed plat and Mac- kubin Street between Hoyt Street and Nebraska Avenue shown on said plat have never been used for the purpose of public streets although the same have been dedicated to the public for such purpose and tit said streets are not required by the public. That the said cemetery is located in a remote part of the City of St . Paul which is unlikely to be settled for many years to cone. Your petitioners further show that they desire that the said streets above described at the points above indicated shall be vacated and that if such vacation is allowed, they are willing to abide by all such terms and conditions as shall be proper in the premises . Wherefore your petitioners pray that Idaho Street between Dale Street and Kent Street and Mackubin Street between Hoyt Street and Nebraska Avenue be vacated. German Evangelical Lutheran; St.Joh 1c_Ae 3 Trustee Congregation German Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church . Ja; g 441-Z- A-A Trustee trjAcr 1 TO 11:', XO iruo DTO%QM IT I illeiltg0110-; !HT OT limtlanairsei la1/00 Fog.1 10 ass:aLIT s-T st (LoY ctotacinlaaD 3NrslAwA bels:laau serylorp rtant)":1M 1160 9 ;4' es,:streT saT DIS teleimf,ffaV.: 11,,Wg . 1a Ix .-.046601non nludelrk be-Lc:Liar Aol‘:1) ri7 atur 'IA 9:11a.1 111:1: wo. \:10 ,: _a 14:cettgriCit t , to 3,4,,L 6 0“:AVIta 0, t..1 10 TS a' A/"vsn :421 10 , - ot (01 Ook 14j . ; t t •J:1,00D 4,01,14i1 itba as filer . 2 T1'1:Wan 141116 :CIAT lastrus;) 1,01110 sAI ;7! 6/00s., -0 bra 1111 :.1 av /*419-: •Alq vit 04 y,:blosna blab slt Farm ‘'..J1'40!) 7,,eilmaff blew 10 sbesa 10 IsJosi- sA eW• /4 iio "1- 1.t,AJOI1 111/11t4/:4 to,.;/ £10 t).!AL eu /o xgot :04T100 bNa e&r s t* ib0-te!,,sv so 01 s/sq7±:i/0 **tart s sham :d.v/4.- Pyle Ibm.46iiim 01als at v,"1- so wXas Lc SAI trren*Lbs bnAl sit 1 ) [ La e-itiestAnt .1441(4 blae brut noL:ttsq At irto Ana •irt$ bta . 11,14 beSsoav ed o 6.10r1.,6 *:': ot 0.10.-116;1/ belardbfq cLtt ICJ./ ct ii ill votS-fiq Sofmoo wted IseetSR olabt $134 . • 1.a anot-r)...t.t:sl -woY .00,0 bass sal . bosaimr,04 r - .10f4A Wu! .11414/$P, elsC :r0i3..o OCNOVA AriftAf‘W4. b74.1 :e-1:2 rupsw/eA atIeF.1:s JUc lo e:4-2 lost bDati need isvea evar :111,1 bait ,lous 101 0/1dmqe.i: a: baltbob nesd sew' owes ell 44-010:11:1z .otremq • 4 10 beitLpst Jett elm a:son:u blau 1W1u •loTthq e:ii 2o l- a •:atel A ri be:anal at t4s:sesto bla4 el: *aaT o: .4-4.st;v 1:natt 101 Sf: a: Vsliirtu 41 lot.m Lá .:8 to e:11 Ian: .11400 v.sa: *AA: ro:°;a iiuI Arienot:t/ez 1).;0Y solu tta bo4a0tbnt evoda '011104 sA: 74 b4d1:10fteb evoaa at tra ,belsofts at 10i:16340 ,1,11% 14 ,tts.4,1 bu4 bolalav 0,- ,11 ed 13aaft az atta:-.Jtsaa0 brie axle: ila ;J. .; t).:;Alati. 4441 'wig,. eiem0ttl*s.7. IJO" 010101, 'W aes t,- za .0 It%Ilatoa ; br reul$8 :as)! twit tt ij moue:3d .balaaav •d ewasvA Mion/de". INcnr* L "' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) gejvcs,e_ being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is one of the trustees above named and that the foregoing petition istrue, except as to those matters therein stated on information and belief and as to those matters, be believesit to be true. • Subscribed and Sworn to before me • tom. er / ( , 1904 . Ait Al 4.4-a Notary Public, Minnesota. ( ATO8''+.6SE'S i Y 'TO *TAT P. .3a) ( Mum t0 Y T!UOD J• Jl.A �bA,!��:.N �i e.:u t. 0.io a. +J,..A Ji b. a Vida,. �. e{1 \otr, ,.1.01) 8.9°43 o b1Jr3 t gtmx9 e9U'Yta.t nox,1tf9Q 7..ri.to Bert ot sit Sa i3 bna batuart sila:i..1 of as bra 't t1,cf bn.$ Ctoi latrio/ft. 'to be:aid Utz a teli,t 1lZ9 Jaa od os 1xu4v•tfod • i aYy1' nni e;ctet. of n•t Ow:; bra be'it•toaku%i: .w..F ,.--.. a r.....++.-e .-._....w.. .ofoatzRfK tottduc ;••car DU •