1904 (16) •
., , i6--
i/•1VItere'as, There was heretofore present-
ed to the Board of Aldermen, one of the
branches of the Common Council of the
%d� Ir'r City of St. Paul the petition of the Lon-
0 ^� don and Northwest American Mortgage
�,4 11 J..., ,a^ Company, Limited,and others, the owners ��
v of all the land and'eproperty abutting upon
and adjoining the portion of Cliff street,
hereinafter described, praying for the va- i
f'Y,'•ai; v>3i}cc°s°.nmavVT2)feet P f usablid oard of
WHEREAS , There was hereto elift street .from Yankee street to Von
Minden street, the same abutting upon ' •
Win slow being Addition of to block
the City of)Sty h
Aldermen, one of the branches of y
Paul; and more particularly described and,"he City of
shown upon the plat annexed to said peti-
tion, which said petition is duly verified as
required by law and sets forth the facts Can Mortgage
St. Paul, the, petition of the Lor and reasons for such vacation; and
Whereas, The Board of• Aldermen
deemed it expedient that the matter there-
in referred to.should be proceeded with, i and property
Company, Limited, and others, the and ordered said petition and accompany p p
o�and nlat to be fileC, 'said—city in toe otn,.
cue ����, �„�•-.. of said city and ordered
said C erk Yo give notice by.puUlication in hereinafter
abutting upon and adjoining the 1 the ofllcfal paper of said efty in the man- f
p f ner and for the time required by law,that
said petition and the subject matter
thereof would be heard and considered b
described, praying for the vacat the Committee an Streets of said Board of� � a public
Aldermen at its regular meeting to be
held on the 1st day of September,4904, at
four o'clock of said-day, at the'
Sire et, of the westerly two (2) • Council Chambgr iu the Court house and et from Yankee
City Hall Building in said City, to which
said Committee said matter was duly re-
ferred for hearing and report thereof, and I being in
street to Von Minden street, the thereupon said petition and plat were duly
filed in the office of said City Clerk and
said notice was duly given and published,
as required b law; and t y of St. Pall.
front of Block four (4) of ll4in$1 R hereas; The said Committee on Streets
of said Board of Aldermen did meet at
the time and place above mentioned and
appointed fe,r the hearing, investigation f annexed to
and more particularly described and consideration thereef, and did then
and there duly investigate and consider
the matter of said proposed vacation and
said which said pet 4 t- did take proof of the matters averred in required y
said petition, j said petition, and being °f the °pinion squired b„
that the prayer of said petition should Ue
granted upon the terms hereinafter stated,
dirt duly report its conclusions to said t i on; and
law and sets forth the facts an(Board of Aldermen recommending the
adoption. of an appropriate resolution de-
claring said vacation;.now, therefore, it is
cent that the
WHEREAS , The Board of A. Resolved, By the Common Council of the
City of Saint Paul, That the westerly two
(2) feet of Cliff street, from Yankee street
i • to Von Minden street. in the CIO, of St. .nd ordered s ai d
matter the re in referred t o shoo,Paul. Minnesota, the same abutting upon
and being in front or block four (4) of
Pauls`as shown tutpon thetplat annexed to .n the office of
petition and accompanying plat said of St.
p p ' vacatedtntand be ame is her public
street, subject. however, to the following
terms and conditions, that is to say: give notice by
the City Clerk of said City and Such vacation is upon the condition tha
petitioners shall, before this resolu-
tion takes effect, pay into the Treasury of
the said City the sum of hive Dollars, in addi- manner and for
publication in the o.f f i c ial pal; tion to the expenses of this proceeding
which is hereby fixed as the compensatfo
to be paid to said City in consideration
the time re aired b� law that of Said vacation. ub ect matter
q ,f f Sept. 190415 the Board of Aldermen
Adopted by the Assembly Oct. 6, 1904:
thereof would be heard and con Approved Oct. 11, 1904. e on Streets of
(Oct. 13, 1904) I
said Board of Aldermen at its regular meeting to be held on the 1st
day of September, 1904, at four o'clock P. M. of said day, at the
Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building in said
City, to which said Committee said matter was duly referred for hear-
ing and report thereof, and thereupon said petition and plat were
duly filed in the office of said City Clerk and said notice was duly
given and published, as required by law; and
WHEREAS, The said Committee on Streets of said Board of
Aldermen did meet at the time and place above mentioned and appointed
for the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did then
and there duly investigate and consider the matter of said proposed
vacation and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition,
and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be
granted upon the terms hereinafter stated, did duly report its con-
L '. v.' ,
clusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an
appropriate resolution declaring said vacation; now, therefore , it
is hereby
Resolved, By the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul,
That the westerly two (2) feet of Cliff street, from Yankee street to
Von Minden street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, the same
abutting upon and being in front of Block four (4) of Winslow' s
Addition to the City of St. Paul, as shown upon the plat annexed to
said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as
a public street , subject , however, to the following terms and con-
ditions, that is to say:
Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners
shall, before this resolution takes effect , pay into the Treasury of
said City the sun of Five Dollars, in addition to the expenses of this
proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to
said City in consideration of said vacation.
Adopted by the Board of Alderme Adopted by the Assembly,
v 190 4,41# 190-
0 6 _ 7, POW RS
Approved OCT 1 1 1904 190_.__.
/OCT '1 A lin g Mayor.
T 3 1904 ,,-�
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GEL 0°RUGI: FRR.FC47 .. /
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il ,. No", -^rilYt 1 4'
,t' 7
,..,11 ..-. , i, '
,. . September 6th, 1904.
- ,
To the Common Council.
Gentlemen: -
Pursuant to instructions of the CoMmitte on Streets of the
Board of Aldermen, I transmit herewith the proper form of resolution
for the vacation of the westerly two feet of Cliff street from Yankee
street to Von Minden street.
Very respectfully,
t":. .• f
oi'l 4714 (2 orporation Attorney.
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To the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul, Minn.
Gentlemen: -
The undersigned, being a majority of all the owners, resident
within the City of St. Paul, and a majority of all the owners of
property along the line of that portion of Cliff street hereinafter
described, respectfully petition your honorable body to vacate and
discontinue as a public street , the westerly two (2) feet of Cliff
street from Yankee street to Von Minden street, the same abutting
upon and being in front of Block four (4) of Winslow' s Addition to the
City of St. Paul, as shown upon the annexed plat , made a part of this
The facts and reasons for such vacation are that a number of
years ago said City graded said Cliff street in front of said Block 4,
without condemning any easement for slopes along said block, and in
such grading, cut and excavated the surface of the street about five
feet below the surface of said Block 4, thereby leaving a perpendicular
embankment immediately adjoining the edge of said street , composed
largely of shale rock.
That said embankment from time to time and almost continuously
becomes loosened by action of the elements and rock and earth fall
therefrom into and upon the sidewalk in front of said property, and
thereby not only endangers and renders unsafe the street in front of
said property, but damages and injures said property as well.
That said Cliff street south of Von Minden street is not
opened or used for public travel and cannot be so used, as it is
occupied by railroad tracks and used for railroad purposes.
That if said westerly two feet thereof is vacated, said street
in front of said Block 4 will still have a greater remaining width
than it has northerly of said Block 4, and will tend to straighten
the same and render it of more uniform width.
That the purpose of such vacation is to enable the owners of
said Block 4 to construct a retaining wall upon said two feet, to the
height of the surface of said Block 4, so as not only to preserve said
property, but at the same time to render the street in front thereof
more safe.
That said street, after such vacation, will still be more than
sixty feet in width, and the construction of said retaining wall will
be a benefit and advantage to said City and to the public, as well as
to said property.
Wherefore, your petitioners pray that the westerly two feet
of said Cliff street from Yankee street to Von Minden street , in front
of said Block 4, be vacated and discontinued as a public street.
MORT6A6' G t m+' o
fi ' .1 ,.. .....
Owner of ' lq ✓ 97. . . VA BI o' k 4
of Winslow' s Additi
car '-
Owner of Lots �71./. . /.7 . Block 4
of Winslow' s Addition.
(9_dt/ r/
Owner of Lots Iii/. . .� Block 4
of Winslow' s Addit
County of Ramsey. )
Personally appeared before me 7/1 A /6/4._. . 1/ . ,r..:
who being first duly sworn, says that he is one of the persons - ho
signed the foregoing petition, that he knows the contents thereof,
and the sam is true of his own knowledge.
X G i % - G
Subscribe nd sworn to before me
this /7 day of July, 1904.
'0. eji/C1,47,221 -§ r*----///ta:,
Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.