1904 (12) TIT pa+sa.za+uT suos.zad I et{+O TTe pue S.zauoT+T+ad .at{; Jo I...red at{+
Onppe aouapTAG pue .guoutT sa4 Ire .zeal, .9.2014; pus ua t; pip pue uo T;
AA pasodo.zd pTes Jo .zalveuz ow; .zapTsuo0 pue 9ge2T4saAUT fTnp a.zaLt+
IV Uat{+ PTP PUe `tea++'t Pies Jo uoT+e,zaptsuoO pue uoT1.e2T{s9AUT '2UT
—.Zeal{ at{+ .zoJ pa+uToddh: puia pauoT.uau anoge aoald pue auzT+ 91,11. +e ;anti
PTP J■Iqivassv pTes Jo s+aa.z+s uo as +Tuzuzo0 pTes airy ` SyH;
! - i 4 q pa.zTnbaJ sz pausTTgnd pue uant2 flap sum aoT+ou pTes pue 31aal0
J:+TO PTus Jo aoTJJO au+ uT PaTTJ fTnp a.zaM +13Id pue uoT+T+ad pTes
uodna.zat{+ pue 'uoa.zaT,.+ ;aoda.z pue 2uT.z3 L.{ .2OJ pa.z.zOJGJ frnp sent. .za++ell
pTes as+;TTUTizoO pees ttotttiA O . `f+TO pTes uT 2uTP TTn£i TI1}{ f+TO Pue asnoH ' ►
+.z.n00 aq; uT Jaqmvq0 ITounoD wit; +e fep +13U Jo 'yj 'd )too1O,o .znoJ
e `to5T `INN Jo .4:up ;912 act; uo PTau aq o+ JuT+aalu .zarn2a.1 s14 +'a
£lquassv aq; Jo s;aa.z+s uo as++TTUazo3 at{; fq pa.xapTsuoo pue p.zeat{ aq
Plfo�n rnw ::r. ,_�=.. _ L_.�:^nYts=- aTut+ Pue. uoT+T ad pTes :feu+ `M'r11 AA pa.zTnb
( •06I 'ET aunt)
'YO6I 'IT aunt, panoaddy
-a.Z aunt uawaapte 3o paeog ago Sq Pa; P 9 at{4 uT Ji+T O PT vg JO .X 9(113d TNT OT JJ0 9.1-1=1-' UT
ff 406I 'I aunt Siquiassy au; Sq pa;dopy
•U011SOSA plea JO UO14 "
UO T+'t30j _-auPadwuo0o 0 uau;S 4so a ppx 4.gaead g o g0utgon; )t1 a10 PTes pa.I3pd0 Pu13 J.`-i-TO p 3S J0 .1
'.Uutpaaaoad sup ;O asuadxa am.o4 uop P
-pe til 00'5# Jo u ns am 'S44a Pies ao Sin
+T seaa4 ago min And Va a sa a noun osaa it.)of:)." 0 a- a 0 .� Ou Jau'SdTiIO OO u ue
i7 slg4 aao,iaq 'Hurls- saauormad;pins 4443141 r •� P �TJ veld n P
not4lpuo0 ag; uodn sr uol;sae:t gang
:Sus 04 si g5114'uotjtpuoo pus swan;
iZOT+Tq 2ut1oi1o3 ail; 01 •.ta.tamoq 1oafgns '4aa.I;s 4M papaa00.Zd aq p1not{s O{ pa.LZOJa.A LIT a.Za.. .
atignd a se pantit4uoostp pun pa;aosn
Sgaaaq si awns aq; pus aq 'uol414ad plus
01 paxaeuS ;aid ag; uodn umogs se '134os
..Za'q -auullH 'turd '4S 3o 541D ago ul 'laud '4S +T patuaap AlgTUaf3sv at{y `SX;►uaHtA
4sa:11 04 uoiliPP V s,autlaI 3o '60Z, Pus ZOZ 4
'961 'Z6i sllaolq JO 411013 UI ;aaa4s .za4a;11
;o lay; um Slang;nos am 'WILL 'Irma '45
j0 .S4/3 am 3o ivaunop uouiwoa am Sq pUie 1,UOT+1;713A II Ong JO StIOSea.Z
pa.tlosaa Sgaaaq sr 44 'aaO;aaag4 '.m0N i
t oot;moss pies .gucasioap uol;nlosaa
alaiadoadde ue ;o not;dopy ag; ..Wuipuaw
pus -wooaa 'Slgtuassy Pies 04 suoisniau00 r Nei fq pa..ITnb9.2 SL' paTJT•19A. sT uoT+T+ad
s4i ;aodaa strip pip 'pm-els aa4;eutaaaq
sw.ia; ago uodn pua ;ua4xa am 04 pa4ue.1 e
mad plus ao aaSead o4 4-em pT'' uq iuti s goo atiiag Pue 'uo144ad pins uu o+ paxauuu veld a[+ uodn uMOtS pU1 paqTZO w
paa.ia.ti sta44ew
am Jo ;ooad a4im; pip pun
'itoleos.t pasodoad pies ;o aa44aw aq; uI
—S 81Pa4saaa;ut suosaad aag40 ire pm.: saauot414 Pue 4 '02 Pus go'd ` 5 `'d6T £a'3130Ta PTis JO
-act ag; ;o ;aed ag; uo pa0nppm aauapt.ta 6T .,
pua SitOulUsa; 4[m asap aaat44 pus uag4 PIp
pile 'uol45Da1'pasodoad pies ;o aa44aw ago
4u0-1J gall;tpipput a3laitupits.aonuotleaiaptstioo ' '�aaJ U />I Ie�Ti;nOS our; JO 9auE:TIUT+UOOSTP
pua uoi4SliIlsalut '2ulasag am ao; pa4utod
-du pus" pauoT;uaw clogs 3asid pus awi4
Wei atl4 4m 4aaw PIP ITPassv pTes ;o s4"1;s ~•Zd '''a.osaUUT7{ ‘14UfO3 Ag$IA1"�'li I'wed •+S JO
uo aa44Fwwoa plus agy 'manna
'pus mar Sq paatnb
-aa ss palls/Kind pun u5AL`d Sinp sm.te cat; ,
�;+T^ -ou plus pm: $aai3 n413 plus Jo aall;o ago 0+ uoT+TPPV S i 9UT I Jo 4'0a pull gin `c6T
in pow :trop aaam ;mid pus uolmad pies
I uodnaaag4 pun •uoaaaq; 4.1005y pus 21ul.Ieaq
I ao; paaaa;aa Strip sun .is44a111 puns Sal
`,d6'[j -4uwwoa pies gaup& 04 'S4u0 plus to 2ui Al ;aa.Z+s .Za+'3JL JO uOT+.IOd + ; 2uTUTO Cpe
'i -Piing well A413 Puu asnog ;anop am ut
aagwagp Ilauno3 ago ;e Sep'4eg4 Jo 'w
'd 4tooi0,o anO; 45 1,06i 'S5W Jo Sep 4siE
put u ago uo Plaq aq 04 501;aaw .I.etn.5aa sit 4E Ile pi.tel 9T-C4 Ire JO `J4TO PT139 UT ;Lisp TSa.z
SlgwassV am Jo s4aea4S uo aa44lwwop
I ago Sq pa.taptstwo pus pasaq aq mom Jo
-aaagl.ia4law 4oafgns 0144 pus not414ad pies ,
g Pali Vat' 1g Pai4nbaa awn as a0; Pun q 9JaL{+O pue uosTO .Xd`. ad JO uOT'+T+ad all;
aautiaw ag; ui 5410 pees ;o aadad Man
-;o ag; ui uopeotlgnd Sq a0l4ou aetS 04
, $aala Plus paaapao pull S;ia Pius 3o 31aa10
T SPto am. 3o aali;o ag; ui Paoaaa 3o paw ITOUfOO LOLiitilo0 91{-4 JO sat{OLie.Ztir at{ Jo auO
aq 04 1510 .Jutdaedw000e lulu uormad ply
paaapao "mu mint papaaaoad aq pinogs 04
, paaaaJaa utaaagl aanutu eg; leg; lualpad ,
.1 -xa 41 Pawaap SiclwassV al-11 'ssa.zag� id O JO�.a.Z dU 9131A a.z atu sval t j'iy�
:uoi4eoa.4 Hors aoa suosSa.t pue s40s; ago `s"° -
414a 0; s4as pus Sq paatnbaa se pagiaa_'1
sr uol;l4act pt55 gOlgm 'uot4i;ad plus 04 �t
paxautte 4a1d ag4.uodn umogs pus pagtaos f
ap Siatin0t4asd aaow sat pus 'VG Ptts 4,07
�eb/ '-6i s4loolq plus ;o 4u0a ut 4aa14s sal r e ,r .f Bh pes;o;aa; ua; Sangnos am ;o sous
nut4uo05ip put: U014eau.1 aq; am .$UISSId .,,.r " y(
's;osauutw •S4unoo Sastueg 'Inad- '4S JO - 0,
C4I3 ago uI 'Mud:'PS 4sad1 )4 uoilJPpV
a.aut.tiI 3o 'fog VU-S Ot, 96i e6i s;iooiq 30 ia,0" Y .t
4uoa; ut 5Uini 4aaa4s aa45A4;o uo14aod 4544 c , t4 t'
Sututofre put uodn SUIlinge S4aado.id pus y
pus am tie ;o '54ta plus ut 4uaptsaa 'say-
-umo ;o S4wofaw m Sutaq 'saag40 pus uos � , e
10 4a44ad Jo uotll4ad ago 'fined '45 JO 4410 r ✓
'atl1 30 Ilauno3 uowwo3 5144 3O sagOuaaq a
ago ;o auo 'Stgwassy am 04 pa4uas
aacl aa0;o4aiaq sum 5.1544 'sea.. i r
—9 "
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matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters
averred in slr.id petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of
said petition should be granted to the extent and upon the terms here-
inafter stated, did duly report its conclusions to,. said Assembly,
recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said
HOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby resolved by the Common Council
of the City of St. Paul, that the southerly ten feet of Water street in
front of Blocks 192, 195, 202 and 204, of Irvine' s Addition to West
St. Paul, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, as shown upon the plat
annexed to said petition, be and the same is hereby vacated and discon-
tinued as a public street, subject , however, to the following terms
and conditions, that is to say:
Such vacation is upon the condition that said petitioners
shall, before this resolution takes effect , pay into the treasury of
said City, the sum of in addition to the expense of this
proceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid to
said City in consideration of said vacation.
4 7/
4 //
■ / 490
A P P T+ `/R 7
JUN 1904
/t .A.. : ,
JUN 73 iu4
State of Minnesota, )
County of Ramsey. )
R. 2. Cobb, being first duly sworn on oath deposes
and says that ho is one of the retitioners in the attached petition, that h
he is thw owner of lot two (2), Block one hundred and Oinety-five (195)
Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul, according to the recorded plat
thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds within
and for said Ramse y C ounty, and that said petition is true to the hest
of his knowledge, information and belief. / / //
' Ai Ade
G , �
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this �/ day of April, 1904.
Notary Public, Ramsey County, ''innesota.
t A A\ v`\\V v "� v
.. , i[„. \ ° \iii J ` �Gc �, !��� r r `1 � r
7. 1 r < �� .� Vv \ President RED T N IeJAM JAMES P.HEAL
r I/ �� I�� Vr\ \ \\ \G
I,. HENRYG.HAAS,Presd GEORGE T. G 0 ,C Y,AsStCleric.
r G. .....r..... ..
� � �,-�' p _ � � g �� RU DOLPN SCHIFFMANN,PI'tt6[. FRANKJ HUBER,Prset.
I �` " D.R.ELDER,It I r 111117
}::yii®a, I:G `r E° ” '
April 23-190 4
(9(9 ' l'''
Mr. George T. Redington,
City Clerk
Dear Sir:-
The meeting of the Committee on Streets of the
Assembly scheduled for May 30th, cannot be held on that date, ow-
ing to its being a legal holiday, you are hereby ordered and directed to
call said meeting for Tuesday, May 31st, at 4 P.M.
Very truly yours,
// / 9
Chairman,Committee on Stree '/
of the Assembly,
4.091-f..3 1311A
•so4gatbmA .T sa•so•iC .1
Aioln 0/
. -seta iasti
s-it lo oSes1Sa ao •..r/1.W *Al le se,m111 odT
-leo total, Sad! no bind *id ed:OC xis lot bolub*s 3disssA
1 bdlositb bolo b•i•bio xdfelal r sla crow ,Zabllod lags/ a paled 312 of gal
.11.q 0 1A ,,. Hit. 1,901 ,.auesvT ^co3 R2,oes Mae Liao
e o zuov Ylu1l ti1•♦
a 1 s'[?a so 9•J12+wt n,ssa,1
trtersaasA lo
Form 3(6-1902 5M
4 '
Board F. No.
Assembly F. No. 7505
Resolved, That AZ„,_ 4.--Z-Z_R-
C4L--- fi
( /
e; e
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,,!
190 11190 190
� °**7t
Approved_ 190
To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of St. Panl :
The undersigned, being a majority of the owners of property,
resident within the City of ST. Paul, on the line of that portion of ishat
certain street, in the City of St. Paul, named ; cCarthy Street, which
is also known as and hereinafter called Water Street, lying between
the Section line between Sections Six (6 ) and Seven (7 ), in Township
twenty-eight (28) North, of Rahge twenty-Lwo (22) West, and Chestnut
street, also known as and hereinafter called Moses Street, in Irvines
Addition to West St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on
file and of record in the office of the Register of reeds within and for
th_County ofRamsey, respectfully show, that that portionof Water Street,
between said Section line and said Moses Street, is sixty (60) feet wide, a
as indicated upon said plat, and that nomore than forty (40 ) feet along the
center thereof has ever been graded, and that the southerly ten ( 0 )
feet thereof has never been graded, and that said strip of ten ( 10)
feet on said southerly line of said Water street, ruhnin fromsaid
section line to said roses Street, is about ten ( 10) feet below the grade
of the center portion of said street, and that the part of said Water
street which has been :raded is wide enon :h for all rmrposes ; that the
condition of said southerly ten (10 ) feet of the aforesaid portion of
said street is such that it greatly damages abutting property thereon
and greatly lessens the value thereof for sale or building purposes and
that the conditionof said street is such that during heavy rains part
of said street s o _traded is washed out and the foundations of the side-
walk on the southerl;; side of said Water ,street are washed away, and the
owners of property abutting on th^ southerly side of said Water Street are
willing and anxious to fill in the said southerly ten (10 ) feet of said
Water street from ';:oscs Street to said Section line, if the same shall be
vacated, and =that. the said fillingwill materially benefit andmake permanent
the said ',rater Street and will behefit the owners of property
abutting thereon.
44, •
that the undersigned respectfully petition your honorable body to order
the vacation of the easterly ten feet of Water Street foam ,said Moses
4/ 2
street to the X061.61 line at _ - : '
W H E R E F G R E , your petitioners pray that the
ly ten fee�Water�street, between said ,`Moses street and a dd-(
/1 ,(4.; a.Ci -"t,, ek, t de"k-
. . '- . _ - • - " • • • , .
j4- 6 3e1-°—/C
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