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1903 (11) OFFICE OF CITY TREA_SUR_EIZ. o t 1-1 x t S 1 \.1 , k t9 \ \ , ? \ kr‘ lk „ , k i.0 1.3 m k4 0 F (J.ft 'It 1 i I i I I"°• -- g• ST. PAUL. MINN., - 190 TO THE GLOBE COMPANY, DR. PUBLISHERS OF THE SAINT PAUL GLOBE. DAILY AND SUNDAY. TO ADV. LINES INCHES TIMES�% /3 Z--e-e-e-47.4 °1671a-ealGt;7-.-- 0 4/ 6 7� I . • P E T I T I O N i � of C H A R L E S B. G E D N E Y To Vacate an Ailey in Block 168, of West St . Paul Proper. The Peti Lion of Charl es B . Gedney to the Con on Council of the City of St. Paul respectfully showeth: let• That your petitioner is the own er in fee simple of the foilowiri described p cemises situate and being in the County of Rnr. sey end State of Minnesota, to-wit: Lot 1, in Block 168 of Robertson's Addition to West St . Paul and Block 168 of West St. Paul Proper, according to the re- spective plats thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said County of Ramsey . 4nd. Tnat Liao, has duly caused said premises to be survey and platted as Channel Addition to St . Paul, Minn. ana nas subdivided the same into two blocks designated "A" and "B" . That attached hereto and made apart hereof is a plat snowing the lands herein- after proposed to be vacated ana dedicated respectively in sai d Channel Addition. ;3rd. That there exists in said Block "A" of said Channel Addition an unused and blind alley, that said alley app ears upon the annexed plat with the words written thereon "To be vacated" . What said Alley so proposed to be vacated appears upon the plat of West St. Paul Proper in Block 168 thereof, and comes to an abrupt stop against lot 1, of said Block 168 of Robertson's Audi tion to West St . Paul, and does not connect on its northerly end with any alley in s'.id Robertson's Addition or otherwise or at all. That said alley is entitely on the property of your petii tioner and is surrounded by your petitioner 's property, except on the southerly end thereof, where it opens upon Channel street; and * -2- that said alley is of no use to said city or to the public and has not been used and is not being used by either ea•id ci ty or by the public or by any person or persons except your petitioner . 4th. That your petitioner proposes to dedicate to the public use forever the property indicated on said plat by the words "To be dedicated" , and when said land is so dedicated it will make a complete alley from Plato avenue to Channel street through said Block 168 of West St . Paul Proper. 5th. Your petitioner further shows that said City and uhe public generally will be benefited by having said land marked "To be dedicated" on s id plat, dedicated by your peti tioner to the public . And that the land so proposed to be dedica t d by your petitioner is by reason of its location of greater value than the alley so proposed to be vacated. 6th. That the plat col,mission of the City of St . Paul has duly a proved of sait of said Channel Additions-a��s • WHER.cFURE, your petitioner prays tout said alley mark ed "To be vacated" on s, is plat , may be vacated by your Honorable body wi thout the payment of any money into the C'IIty Treasury of said City . Dated St . Paul, P ay 19, 1903. _ (12)41 Peti tioner . State Of b inn eso t&, ) ) 88. Count y of Ran,sey . ) Charles B. Gedney beinm duly sworn deposes and says that he is the above named petitioner End has subscribed the above aria foregoing petition; that he has read sai d p eti tion o ' co t is t �•eof •, :i t at the s �r.e i s true Apo c r a an s war n b me this ' th day of Ve,y, 1903. / l ota ry Public , Ramsey County, tAi i . . • . 4 ° ' / / - - j Jd-IN B.IRVINE. 0o. Surveyor,R 16, Cow h ous e st.oH 4.xn0D `91''J `1.o NaOi .epaxkstten..t of !aria. CITY F SAINT PAUL. JAMES C. MICHAEL CORPORATION ..?TORN EY. ASSISTANT ATTORNEYS GEORGE R O'REILLY. LOUIS R FRANKEL. EMIL W. HELMES. October 20th, 1903. To the Board of Aldermen. Gentlemen: - Herewith I transmit a form of resolution for the vacation of the alley in Block 168 of West St. Paul proper, according to the petition of Charles B. Gedney, pursuant to the request of your Committee on Streets. Very respectfully, / 7 • / 7 de -ief-iV Corporat idn Attorney. . / 4, ' :eel J31 ' 2 (../. ate. 7 el {d „„ ,,„„,„,p_ • A • • 1 Bd F No. 18374— Whereas, There was heretofore pre- sented n the of the Cof ommon Amon Co one of tRt� � ltxttte 0#a, the branches of the Common Council of ` i the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, the pe- tition of Charles B. Gedney, the owner S� of all the and and property abutting upon COUNTY OF RAMSEY, the alley hereinafter 1 ma adjoining CITY OF ST. PAUL. gamed, praying for the vacation of the ;alley in Block One Hundred Sixty-eight in said City, and West ore Paul and City, shown upon the plat annexed to said pe- tition, and marked thereon "to be va- cated," City Clerk cated," and extending as shown upon said ,i—•� ... . -��` map, from Channel street to t Township T ly wenty-eight line of Section SRange)'Twenty-two Twenty-eight (28), of the City of St. Paul, do hereby certify that I have (22), which said petition is duly verified as required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and Whereas, The said Board of Alder- i men deemed it expedient that the mat compared the attached printed copy of..ff File ter therein referred to should be proceed- ed with, and ordered said petition and ./,/accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City, /p and ordered said Clerk to give notice by xo.J A d� being a Resolution vacating publication in the official paper of said City, in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and I '��i (�}J �Clt'if / d %�i�-� the subject matter thereof would be heard i � t and considered by the Committee `on Streets, of said Board of Aldermen, at Its regular meeting to be held on the 2nd day of July, 1903,at four o'clock p. in - Of:e..-s..,t.-- 1,5"76- -- . at House and City Hal Chamber Hall Building, in City, to which said Committee said m ter s reports thereof,referred and thereupon a hearing p titian and plat were duly filed in the of- fice of said City Clerk, and said notice was duly given and published as re- quired by law; and Whereas, The said Committee on Streets of said Board. of Aldermen did meet at the time and place above men- tioned. for the hearing, investigation and consideration thereof, and did at said • time duly adjourn said hearing and in- vestigation until the 16th day of July, place at as four said o'clock hearing, andssa d Committee did again meet at said last named time and place and did then and there again adjourn the hearing of said p ar t te , at sai m at the and d Com- mittee did again meet at said last named time and place, and did then and there again adjourn the hearing of said mat- ter until the 13th day of August, 1903, at four o'clock p. m., at the same place, and said Committee did again meet at said named time and le then last and there again adjourn then hear- ing of said matter until the 27th day of the samelplace ,t o'clock and said Committee did again meet at said last named time and • place and did then and there again ad- journ said matter until the 10th day of September, 1903, at four o'clock p. m.• at the same place, and said Committee did again meet at said last- named time . and place and did again adjourn said mat- ter until October 1, 1903, at four o'clock p. m., at the same place, and said Com- mittee did again meet at said last named time and place, and did again adjourn the hearing of said matter until the 15th day of October, 1903, at four o'clock p. m., at the same place; and Whereas, Said Committee on Streets, at said last on October 15th,a 1903. did duly plain vestigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be gra as therein set forth, did duly • repots conclusions to said Board of Alderm n, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said w vacation; ow, Therefore, It is hereby resolved, ' be Common Council of the City of St. aul, that the alley in Block One Hundred Sixty-eight (168) of West St. Paul proper, extending from Channel d street to the easterly line of Section Six as adopted by the Assembly d...Y / 7 19.4 S (6), Township Twenty-eight (28), Range ` , Twenty-two (22), as shown upon the plat attached to said petition and marked thereon "to be vacated," be and the same CO O 1� Q is hereby vacated and discontinued as and by the Board of Aldermen (.'� w�, , a public alley. Resolved, Further, That said vacation upon the express condition that said p - ,�, -/ +g� ( d titioner shall cause to be duly dedicated and approved by the Mayor 1"� Y , h/' 19 to the public, as an alleyway, the strip of ground indicated upon said plat, ex- tending from Channel street to the east= erly line,pf said Section 6, and marked I further' certify that said copy is a true and thereon o be dedicated," so as to con- stitute a continuous alleyway through a portion of Block 168 of Robertson's Addi- tion and between Block 168 of West St. Paul proper and Block "B," as shown correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. on said plat from Plato avenue to Chan- nel street. Resolved Further,.That before this reso-- Th lution shall take effect, said petitioner ` xYZ�88 The Seal of the City of St. Paul, this shall pay into the City Treasury of said - City the sum df Five Dollars ($6.00) and %/f/-w all costs and hereby a this the day of C� //f� !/>� proceed- ing, which is hereby fixyyed as h com- pensation said nCity be in paid consideration Pofiti such vacation. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen Oct. /' 20, dopted by the Assembly Nov. 19; 1903 A. D. 19 (J / Approved Nov. 21, 1903. _Qy i 7 Clerk. s C V . 1 —,,. (4 (\• ,,,. ... . 1 *.' •C -^ '',. 1 ,7 ; . ..:. ;., .- . ._. . , i i ix•stz, ,4 - al . tl ..-i• ...1 ' \ ,. I ,.. 9-}C) .;) • ,t 1 ‘. "1 it 141% ,s t• 7.- Q■ ;'. t I —.. , ........- • • ,,•' '''''''''' '' -.--"'"-------------------------a : WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, the petition of Charles B. Gedney, the owner of all the land and property abutting upon and adjoining the alley hereinafter .med, praying for the vacation of the alley in Block one hundred sixty- e..d;ht (168) of West St. Paul Proper in said City, and more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, and marked thereon "to be vacated, " and extending as shown upon said map, from Channel street to the easterly line of Section six (6) , Township twenty— eight (28), , Range twenty-two (22) , which said petition is duly verified as required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vaca- tion; and WHEREAS , The said Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said City, in the manner and for the time required by laws that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets, of said Board of Aldermen, at. its regular meeting to be held on the 2nd day of July, 1903, at four o'clock P. M. at the Council Chamber in the Court House and City....Hall Building, in said City, to which. said Committee said matter was duly referred for hearing and report thereof, and thereupon said petition and plat were duly filed in the office of said City Clerk, and said notice was duly given and published as required by law; and WHEREAS , The said Committee on Streets, of said Board of Aldermen, did meet at the time and place above mentioned, for the hearing., investigation and consideration thereof, and did at said time , duly adjourn said hearing and investigation until the 16th day of July, 1903, at four o'clock P. M. at the same place as. said original hearing, and said Committee did again meet at said last named time and place and a did then and there again adjourn the hearing of said matter until July 30, 1903, at four o'clock P. M. at the same place , and said Com- mittee did again meet at said last named time and place , and did then and there again adjourn the hearing of said matter until the 13th day of August, 1903, at four o'clock P. M. at the same place , and said Committee did again meet at said last named time and place and did then and there again adjourn the hearing of said matter until the 27th day of August , 1903, at four o' clock P. T. at the same place , and said Com- mittee did again meet at said last named time and place and did then and there again adjourn said matter until the 10th day of September, 1903, at four o' clock P. M. at the same place , and said Committee did again meet at said last named time and place and did again adjourn said matter until October 1, 1903, at four o'clock P. M. at the same place , and said Committee did again meet at said last named time and place , arA Ai A acrain nAi ourn the hearing: of said matter until the 15th day of and place , on October 15th, 1903, did duly investigate and consider the , CI -a i= . ;I matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all i �y+� /�Erxser`! testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted, as therein set forth, did duly report its conclusions to said Board of Aldermen, recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declar- said vacation; BOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby resolved, by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that the alley in Block one hundred sixty-eight (168) of West St. Paul proper , extending from Channel street to the easterly line of Section six (6) , Township twenty-eight (28) , Range twenty-two (22) , as shown upon the plat attached to said petition and marked thereon "to be vacated, " be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public alley. Resolved, further, that said vacation is upon the express condition that said petitioner shall cause to be duly dedicated to the public , as an alley-way, the strip of ground indicated upon said plat, extending from Channel street to the easterly line of said Section 6, and marked thereon "to be dedicated" so as to constitute a continuous alley-way through a portion of Block 168 of Robertson' s Addition and between Block 168 of West St. Paul proper and Block "B" , as shown on said plat from Plato avenue to Channel street. Resolved further that before this resolution shall take . effect., said petitioner shall pay into the City Treasury of said City the sum of Five Dollars ($5. 00) and all costs and expense of this pro- ceeding, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid by said petitioner to said City in consideration of such vacation. • tk #' G .re ... '( ; -ikiy , \tie,y $ ° p. e. # . I "r W ' 4 Vit I O , fnY, wry: R \,:ii , 41.4" , '''' h. ,. . - r / , 's °' ?µ19 ' Al s '''''4°""?' w rlrlr - Y( R' . xv t t s .11,_,A if i el;irr,,,''s',.j,',1"-Ai„..,'"' j9. ,4 /lc -,- - "."7-Aff4c416.1547"'""et i'SwiS"*,‘" , , 744"""" 41 e„...066:02 0 N" '1 Ps 0 j a"' 1 d w .�" � ' �X'Yi<...?aN'.°� C.� ���.4 Y.''L5%"k:C!t��' I c1 0 "`C. .''S '.4.j! ' /1)'-' L'^0(P. / ,'Sufi =,./. Cam ' ,, ^ s . ,,,