1903 (7) BOARD PILE No.
f x
By Comsr, dia•t,tt '
RESOLVED. That • ' �
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Adopted by the Board of Park Commissioners.
fr7a.l 190
YE As. C.- Comsr. 443ERLE. NAYS.
v " HAMM, o
" V�`IL-L-IBS,
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3 To the Common Council e2t,e' ,7?
, ':,
4 of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota.
5 Gentlemen: -
6 The undersigned, Robert A. Smith, as Mayor , and Joseph A.
7 Wheelock, as President of the Board of Park Commissioners, of said
8 City of St. Paul respectfully show to your Honorable Body, that said
9 City of St. Paul is the owner of all the lands, premises and property
to on and adjoining all the portions of all the streets and alleys herein-
11 after described, and that it is desirable and necessary that all those
12 portions of Earl street, Thorn street, Mound street , Clifton Place ,
13 Hiawatha street , Reserve street and Prospect Place and also the alley
14 in Block twenty-two of Clifton Park, an addition to said City, which lie
15 within the boundaries of Indian Mound Park in said City, as more
16 particularly shown and described upon the plat hereto attached and made
17 a part hereof, and included within the red colored boundary line of
18 said Park shown upon said plant, be vacated.
19 That the facts, reasons and necessity for such vacation are ,
20 that all of the property included within said red colored boundary
21 line, shown upon said plat , is owned by said City, and was acquired for,
22 and is used and devoted to, public park purposes, and the presence and
23 existence of said streets and alley therein is unnecessary and seriously
24 interferes with and prevents the proper improvement and ornamentation
25 of said park by the Board of Park Commissioners, and said Board of Park
26 Commissioners has already provided and will in the future provide all
27 other necessary roads, driveways, walks and paths for the accommodation
28 of public travel in said park and entrance to and exit therefrom, in
29 lieu of the streets and alley so sought to be vacated.
30 WHEREFORE, Your petitioners pray that all those portions of
31 said Earl street, Thorn street, Mound street, Clifton Place , Hiawatha
32 street , Reserve street and Prospect place , and the alley in said Block
33 twenty- two of Clifton Park, included within the red colored boundary
34 line shown on the annexed plat, and being within the limits of said
4 Indian Mound Park property, be vacated.
Dated Tune 24th, 1903.
7 as Mayor of the City of St. Paul
,t,fSr 1-c.<
9 (�a.s President of the Board of Park
Commissioners of the City of St. Paul
12 County of Ramsey. )
13 Personally appeared before me Robert A. Smith, who being
14 duly sworn on oath says that he is Mayor and chief executive officer of
15 the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and is the same person who signed the
16 foregoing petition as such mayor; that he knows the contents of the
17 foregoing petition and the same is true of his own knowledge .
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this igiciday of June , A. D. 1903.
21 /
23 Nota . bile, Ramsey County, Minn.
St. Paul, Minn.,
The attention of the
is respectfully called to'the following Resolution of the Common Council, approved
Aaust es ba s fat{
Of Um u 2,11/ ua to
Or Portions of Earl Street, ,....;.1aiA.caa
Mound Street, Clifton Place, Hiawatha
Street, Reserve Street, Prospect Place,
and Alley In Block 22, of Clifton Park.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to
law and the order of the Assembly of the
City of St. Paul, a body of the Common
Council of said city, that the petition of
the Mayor, and President of the Board of
Park Commissioners, of the City of St.
Paul, for the vacation of those portions of •
Earl street, Thorn street, Mound street,
Clifton Hiawatha street,
street, Pr spectplace nd ao the alley
in block twenty-two (22), of Clifton Park,
an addition to said city, which lie within
tt}e bggtidaries of Indian Mound Park, in •
said Liity, as shown by plat annexed, has
been filed in the City Clerk's office in the
City of St. Paul. Minnesota, in and by
which said petition and request equest are asgfol
lows, to-wit:
That all of the property included within
the red colored boundary line shown on
said plat, is owned by said city, and was
acquired for and is used and devoted to
public park purposes, and the presence
and existence of said streets and alley
therein is unnecessary and seriously in-
terferes with and prevents the proper im-
provement and ornamentation of said park
(OFFI by the Board of Park Commissioners, and
said Board of Park Commissioners has City cZg7 jC.
already provided and will in the future
provide all other necessary roads..4rive-
ways, walks and paths f,
modation of public +-
and entrance to
lieu of the
to be vace l
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