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1903 (4)
STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) ) SS. County of Ramsey. ) Personally appeared before me who being duly sworn, on oath says that he is one of the signers of the foregoing petition; that he knows the contents of said petition and that the facts therein stated are true of his own knowledge. = (__ Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,/e3-- day of April, 1903. ■ qr r° A=te G" Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. • F • Dv=Intent of nrits .Vaitt, L.W.RUNDLETT. • COMM/SS/ONER. St. Paul, Minn., JJun© 31.d, 1903.. Committee on Streets 0f t . Assembly. Gentle'ien: • Relative to tae vacation of the alley- between block 2 of Evans Addition and block 2 o f' Holt erhoff & Head' s Addit ion, I would say that the vacation of such alley would nrac.tically prevent the use of the balance of the north and south alley for the reason that a team entering, would not have room to turn into the east and west alley. If the alley was; vacated, property shoul . be condemned so as to allow a curve of at least tan feet radius on lot 19. of &ran' s .Addi- tion Addl.-and lot d o- Holt erhoff' & HeH .' s Addition„ in order to give roor r enough for a team to turn. You r-3 very truly, _..2L;.,z9i C.ommr. of Pub 11 Works. • - Form 38 6-1902 5M Board F. No. Assembly F. No.___ -- ,-- ' By , 4 If Resolved, That ,e, Or , / ( (Yt--e1--0 °-1 an• • / .1 a j.,tc_141.4pi.A._ /5 ,./ ..-1 441--t 1724 .41 /Z-L i, / ft/ ,„1,... .4°F -- ---'e* ,, A ,-- 7 ,e, ... et,!, see,t/i (.-/ Ce,Z,G-<, AFFil e* eeC_, ■•e( Zfri,c / 4*411 94,t,02 A Z4-- l f Iitir. /W4 ■Ot illi,„7,z,,,,_,..„4 ,_„_€.1._,_ ___ cat_c_erf44.4_,e4( iti. , 0 I 1 Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopte41 by the Assembly, '' / e 4/ / 190 a 444, •r" _ 90 /S. EA N A YS. YEAS. NAYS. ALD. BANTZ BUSCHMANN MR. ARNOLD CORNING DORAN DAHLQUIST HAAS DOBNER R ELDER ROSEN 4genrOURES•". HINKENS VAN SLYKE HOLT WHEELER MoRIARTY • WHITCOMB ROHLAND NAYS 0 MR. PRESIDENT NAYS 0 4 RESIDENT - Approved 190 3 A .\ ry I) 4 • R'1' a 'R 'IC) . 4 • Z r ' , CITY OF SAINT PAUL. ras JAMES C. MICHAEL 4, c RPORATION AITOP.NEY. y.'r,` .••ttf""' ASSISTAl;T ATTORNEYS GEORGE R. O'RE ILLY. LOUIS R.FRANKE:L. EMIL W. HELMES. Saint Paul, Minn. , June 18th, 1903. To the Assembly. Gentlemen: - At the last regular meeting of your body, adverse action was taken on the petition cf J. W. Lusk and others for tie vacation of the alley lying between Lot 12 of Block 2 of Evans' Addition. and Lots 1 to 5 inclusive in Block 2 of Holterhoff ?c Mead' s Addition, there being opposition to such vacation because of the narrowness of the remainder of the same alley and the alley crossing the same at right angles. Since that time , the Commissioner of Public Works informed me that the Board of School Inspectors have come to an agreement with the objecting property owners by agreeing to give the south seven and one- tenth feet of Lot 5 in Block 2 of Holterhoff & Mead' s Addition for public use as an alley so as to Hake the east and west alley leading from Payne avenue back to Lot 12 in Block 2 of Evans' Addition, twenty feet in width. I transmit herewith a form of resolution providing for such vacation and at the same time dedicating that portion of Lot 5 above men- tioned to public use for alley purposes. The annexed plat prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works, Vol. 18 , No. 8922, shows the situation with reference to the dedication for alley purposes. If your body desires to take favorable action on this resolu- tion, it will be necessary to reconsider your action thereon, taken at your last meeting. Very respectfully, " Corporation Attorney. tate of ttnne o#a, r' COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 85. �s CITY OF ST. PAW,. I, -� �� �� City Clerk A'y F No. 70544k— !� cr Whereas, There was heretofore pre- rented to the Assembly, one of the of the City of St. Paul, do hereby certify that I have branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, the petition of J. W. Lusk and others, the owners of 7 a majority of all of the land and'prem- ises (and a majority of all the owners) compared the attached printed copy of Lle fronting and abutting upon -the alley € G ."-hereinafter named, praying%for the vaca �P tion of that portion of the`alley between" JY o. U..� being a Resolution vacating ,,Block numbered two (2), of Evans' Addi- tion to St. Paul, Minnesota, and Block numbered two (2) of Holterhoff & Mead's JJ f Addition to St. Paul, W- 'ch is adjacent `�}os��� fr z: • to and lies between Lot numbered twelve - Z 4-" C.' – -- (12), in said block 2. of Evans' �// a ,.4�+� Addition, and lots numbered one (1), / _ �i ��t_ 6„,e .� a Li d1 . two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) ii}} in said Block 2 of Holterhoff & Mead's Addition, and more particularly described , and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly veri- fied as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such vacation; and, Whereas, The said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said Clerk to give notice by publication in the of- cial paper of said City, in the manner nd for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter • thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee pn Strees, of said Assem- bly, at its regular meeting to be held on the 1st day of June, 1903, at four o'clock p. m. of that day at the Council Cham- ber in the Court House and City Hall Building, in said City, to which said Com- mittee said matter was duly referrea for hearing, consideration and report thereof, and thereupon said petition and plat were duly filed in the office of said City Clerk and said notice was duly given and pub- lished as required by law; and, Whereas, Said Committee on Streets, of the Assembly, did meet at the time and place above mentioned for the hearing, in- vestigation and consideration thereof,-and did duly investigate and consider the mat- ter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced'on the part of the pe- titioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and said Committee did duly report its conclusions to said Assem- bly; Now, therefore, It Is hereby resolved by the Common Council of the City o>S Saint Paid, that that portion of the alley L-etween Block numbered two (2) of Evans' Addition to Saint Paul, Minne- sota, and Block numbered two (2) of olterhoff& Mead's Addition to said City of St. Paul, which is adjacent to and lies between Lot numbered twelve (12) in said Block 2 of Evans' Addition, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in said Block 2 of Holterhoff & Mead's Addition,-except the southerly seven and one-tenth feet thereof, be and the same is hereby vacated, and in con- sideration of the dedication hereinafter mentioned, said petitioners shall nut be required to pay any sum or amount what- ever into the City Treasury in consider- ation of such vacation. It is further Resolved, That in consider- ation of such vacation, which is made for the use and benefit of the City of St. Paul, that the southerly seven and one-tenth feet of Lot 6 in Block 2 of said Holterhoff & Mead's Addition, be and the same is hereby dedicated and given to the public for use as an alley-way in connection with the present alley lying immediately as adopted by the'Assembly �/ 19 d , to the south thereof, so as to make said alley-way twenty (20) feet in width. Adopted by the Assembly June 18, 1903. 10 lar Adopted by the Board of Aldermen July 7, 1903. and, by the Board of Aldermen. 19 Approved July 9, 1903. b and approved-by the Mayor / 196 ' .„4.÷I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. :gg The Seal of the G ty of S'. Paul, this � . , 10 day - A. D. 19. �� / / City C erk. . Az se G - C tt 1 A p r I M IN \ `` Q+ ii � o NI , '*It )1A I% ?... : el 11‘,„ . g Cr .14 \ N w. . / . 7 (;',...\ aA • • 1 '1. �/ a S O WHEREAS, There was heretofore presented to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minne- sota, the petition of J. W. Lusk and others, the owners of a majority of all of the land and premises (and a majority of all the owners) fronting and abutting upon the alley hereinafter named, praying for the vacation of that portion of the alley between Block numbered two (2) of Evans' Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, and Block numbered two (2) of Holterhoff & Mead' s Addition to St. Paul, wha,-h is adjacent to and lies between Lot numbered twelve (12) in said Block 2 of Evans' Addition, and Lots numbered one (1) , two (2) , three (3) , four (4) and five ( 5) in said Block 2 of Holterhoff & Mead's Addition, and more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts and reasons for such _vacati.an;__,_an&__ WHEREAS, The said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded with, and ordered said petition and accompanying p ying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and ordered said Clerk to give notice by publication in the official paper of said City, in the manner and for the time required by law, that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets, of said Assembly, at its regular meeting to be held on the 1st day of June, 1903, at four o'clock P. M. of that day at the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall Building, in said City, to which said Com- mittee said matter was duly referred for hearing, convideration and report thereof, and thereupon said petition and plat were duly filed in the office of said City Clerk and said notice was duly given and published as required by law; and WHEREAS, Said Committee on Streets, of the Assembly, did meet at the time and place above mentioned for the hearing, investigation and coneiaeration thereof, and did duly investigatEa and consider the matter of said proposed vacation, and did then and there hear all testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and all other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation, and did take proof of the matters averred in said petition, and all id Com- mittee did duly report its conclusions to said Assembly, NOW, THEREFORE, It is hereby resolved, by the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul, that that portion of ;.; e alley between Block numbered two (2) of Evans' Addition to Saint Paul, Minnesota, and Block numbered two (2) of Holterhoff & Mead's Addition to said City of St. Paul, which is adjacent to and lies between Lot numbered twelve (12) in said Block 2 of Evans' Addition, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in said Block 2 of Holterhoff & Mead' s Addition, except the southerly seven and one-tenth feet thereof, be and the same is hereby vacated and in consideration of the dedication hereinafter mentioned, said petitioners shall not be required to pay any sum or amount whatever into the City Treasury in consideration of such vacation. It is further resolved, That in consideration of such vaca- tion, which is made for the use and benefit of the City of St. Paula that the southerly seven and one-tenth feet of Lot 5 in Block 2 of said Holterhoff & Mead' s Addition 'be trio u1..-- _ is hereby dedicated and given to the public for use as an alley-way in connection witn 4 =_ present alley lying immediately to the south thereof, so as to make said alley-way twenty (20) feet in width. Form 63 6-3-1902 4000 e (i , , Adopted by the Assembly i°� ' 4'44°' ' _ '90 Y Lr- •�'ar,� e jt 5f.,,. , Form 62 6r3-1902 4000 r P ''''' 4_ YF1 A-, ' t '-: .r" , ., ',4. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen____ 47190) ` , ) pc)` l,, ,_ YEAS. NAYS. lr �'; .'.;4" , . Ald. B4 - . i • h ANN ___ OOitNIN ■ ,� QUIST 1. D• o ' Y ' ' ELDE - - HtNZE,NS HOL ' RIiRTY • ROHL D ' NAYS, 0 Mr. PR IDENT • I . i ° .r ,--• _ I Owner • Lots : Block 2, Holterhoff and Mead' s Addition 74.) /ye /< .0oCt- 2 2_ Sel,/c4wc.. • • To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen:- The undersigned, a' majority of the owners of property on the line of the public alley hereinafter described, resident within said City, hereby petition your Honorable Body to vacate that portion of the public alley lying and being between Block numbered two (2) of Evans' Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, and Block numbered two (2) of Holterhoff and Mead' s Addition to St. Paul in said County, whichAis adjacent to and lies between Lot numbered twelve (12) in Block two (2) of said Evans' 1 Addition, and Lots numbered one, two, three, four and five in Block two (2) of said Holterhoff and Mead' s Addition. That a plat of said alley, and the adjacent lands, is hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" and made a part of this petition. That the facts and reasons for such vacation are that the said City of St. Paul has purchased or agreed to purchase Lots num- bered eight to twelve , both inclusive , in Block two of said Evans' Addition, and Lots numbered one to five , both inclusive, in Block two of said Holterhoff and Mead' s Addition, as and for a site for a public school building, and said City intends to erect a public school building thereon, and the presence of said alley through such property would be a great detriment to the same for such use, and no public or private interest can suffer or will be injuriously affected by such vacation. V ERRPORE, Your petitioners pray that the portion of said public alley above described be vacated. Owner Lots : Block 2 , Evan' s Addition 6-22-7/74---0 : g- /fratAAArt: • "444.,..ett.4,peirie • • • • • 0-1'1c vl• /7- 24.2/,2 2