1902 (8) . , ih- A
I ,
a 'teas }xau o3eoltl7
urea; a a.m.' pinom trollelaassv ueol
m , S -sacuV aql legl luau[alvls aql epem nee
TO _ }? COP,4?!0P1 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF �T .PAUL9 ; -ay sa.2vuelll lgSluol ntatnsalul uv uIg
-vas -uos
lxau ui•eal 6;[3 sysuv}I 01-14 gllni
cI palaauuoo aq loo IIIb .$utuuvyu aauiv
went,l e me n:- luLp p�o sI 3I •Pa;uasasdea an3va4 aclrj
III a `soil;gill ire InpeIOSepsany asaq haul
I3 ; pauodlsoci uaaq
'� golgm '3ul;aaui ansa uaa sa. a
The undersigned respectfully Te ...ition , ®Uol �3I0 4 uI a.tt; `an3eai uAsao
q3 uliusasdaa 'uo;xaS TI •J luau
I s.3u a�i�uo,,a�aoad ao `suoutl� •g a�soa-;�
are a majority of the rest owners of the land at I 5 F'e i " 'sud2W •3 st:uiotlli
� pus 'ucllelooss°t:- uealaautd eq3 ;Iul
luasaadas 'elllnslnrnl Jo 'ne q aSsoa;�
� •aa�nvmllLR Pkv .ilc� sesuvg 'sal3ia
erly 120 feet of the West alley in Block 38 of St . owl ag1 ;o goys uI sgalo o�tl do aqua;slsa
ag; sl enssl le uor;sanb Iadlaul.td aqy •pa
sRuoadT,u03 eq Hint en.Seel om3 eq; uaa.,l
i in the ci ty of St . Paul, and yeti ti on your Honorable -aq saouaa2JIlp 9q; 4vg3 Pa.kaltaq sI 31
uatlm `depeany lxau AM, sig3 uI eoua.co;
-uco Is Ftoq HIM en-Veal use3saM e13 ptt•a
Southerly 120 feet of s lid West alley in said Block 58 of -Si. . Aninony
Park, •1prth, to be vacated .
The facts and reasons for said vacation are as follows : That
the tofrograrhy of the land in said Block 38 1 s such that the portion of
said alley sought to be vacated has never been and can never be used for
a public alley without great loss and damage to the adjoining property;
the said alley now be ing many feet above the public street and the lots
adjoi ning said Southerly feet of said alley have been graded accordingly .
That said alley is a 20 foot alley and there is ample room therein for
people desiring to enter said alley from Carter Avenue to enter and
connect wi t.h all the other property abutti ng on said alley and to turn
in said alley and drive out on to said Carter Avenue . 11
That petitioners have caused a slat of said property so sought
to be vacated to be made and it is hereto attached and made a part hereof,
Resr,0c4 fully submitted,
/-67c_--c .e__
vita, ' % / .r• /
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St ate of ?Rlnresota •
(;niin+�• of R^r^sey ��
. - a-u el ng fi r st duly
sworn says thatihey A the above named petit lone
�� s . That the fore-
+ t , i 1 f
Ceing pe . l ion bylEtm signed rue to the best o knowledge, in-
formation and belief. %!t
Subscri bed and sworn to before me
t hi s /1, day a..y .f Dece e r A.D.1902. —�
.,y Xi"
N. ;T `��h . c , alto C.oun y,- TATnn.
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