1903 (2) •
55. .0"
^A'y F No. 6804— -'
Whereas, There was heretofore present-
ed to the Assembly, one of the branches
of the Common Council of the City of St.
Paul, the petition of the St, Paul Foun- > Matt Jensen
dry Company, who is the re„Ident owner > :ns9Zn, r it Clerk of t11
of more than one-half of the property
abutting upon both sides of that portion
of Atwater street between Dale street and City of +�t paul do he rObv certify that have compared Mackubin street, praying for the vaca-
of that portion of Atwater street
between Dale street and Mackubin street,
and of Kent street from Atwater street the attached printed copy of Ay. pile No. 6804, 'being a
to a point 134 feet north of said Atwater
street, in the City of St. Paul, all as is
more particularly described and shown
upon, the plat annexed to said petition, Resolution Vagatin- that -tart of Atwater street lying
which petition is duly verified as re-
quired by law, and sets forth the facts
as to the dedication to the present use
of said streets, the reason for such va- between Dale and Mackubin, and of Kent street from Atwater
cation, and showing among other things
that no part of the above streets are.
now being used by the public, nor has the
same been used for some years last past; street to a point 13,E f t, north of said Atwater street
Whereas, The said Assembly deemed it
expedient that the matter therein re- in the city of Jt P , with the original hereof on file
ferred to should be proceeded with, or- • Paul !lift h r P r fT t �'
dered said petition and accompanying
plat filed of record in the office of the
City Clerk, and ordered said City Clerk i.n thi office Fl o e as adopted d 7y the Assembly January
Jto give notice by publication in the of- ,
ficial paper of said city to the effect that
said petition had been filed, and stating
In brief its object, and that said petition 1903; and as adopted by the Board of Aide r
and the subject matter thereof would be .J +• r In, January l
heard and considered by the comiittee
on streets of said Assembly at its regular
stated meeting o be held on the 29th ' Q r by a- o under date of
g 6 0. and as a��oro Ad • +��� ., •- ,
day of December, 1902 at four o'clock in > > • i ��- .,
the afternoon of that day at the Council
Chamber, in said City of St. Paul, and
thereupon said petition and plat were duty
, , January Q, 1903.
filed in the office of the City Clerk of said
City of St. Paul, and said notice was .
duly given and published and said pe-
tition and plat and other matters con- And I 'f a rt t.e r certify that said copy is a true
netted therewith were duly referred by
said assembly to said committee for hear-
ing and investigation; and
Whereas, The said committee on streets and correct copy of said original and of the whole thereof.
of said Assembly did meet at the Coun-
cil chamber, in said City of St.. Paul, on
the day and at the hour above mentioned,
for the hearing thereof, and did investi-
gate and consider the matter of said pro-
posed vacation and then and there heard
all testimony and evidence adduced on
the part of the petitioner and other per-
sons interested in the matter of said pro-
posed vacation. and took proof of the
matters averred in said petition, and be-
ing of the opinion that the prayer of said Witness the seal of the City l
of nt b 1
petition should he granted, reported its a 1
conclusions to said Assembly recommend-
ing the adoption of a proper resolution de- March A. D.day this 20th day of 1903.
Glaring said vacation. ,a ,
Now, therefore, it is Resolved- by the
Common Council of the City of St. Paul,
that all that part of Atwater street lying
between Dale street and Mackubin street,
and of Kent street from Atwater street
to a point 134 feet north of said Atwater
street, all in the City of St. Paul, be and
the same is hereby vacated, subject, how-
ever, to the following condition: That
said petitioner shall pay into the City
Treasury of the City of St. Paul the sum
of five dollars, which is hereby fixed as • • • • • . . . •
the compensation to be paid by it to said
city in consideration of said vacation. `'it
,r r!�.(:r
Adopted by the Assembly Jan. 5, 1903.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen
Jan. 6, 1903.
Approved Jan. 10, 1003
q co J F. C/31
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ana air proceeds, including any premiums realized thereon, to be used
and employed for ,h(3 refunding an payment of said Ninety-nine Thousand
Dollars of bor ., heretofore ssued b.- said City for the puri-mse of
COMO Park, which :pecone due and payable on July 1, 1903 , all as provided
for and authorized in and by the terms of Chapter 351 of the General 'Laws
of the State of Minnesota, for the year 1899, approved April 20, 1899.
Section 2. That said bonds when so issued shall be negotiat-
ed and sold by the sinking Rund co:nitt e provided for in the Charter of
said City of t. paul, and the proceeds thereof, as hereinbefore referred
to , shall be placed to the credit of the "Redemption of Bonds Account"
in the treasury of said City, by said Cormaittoo, as soon as realiz,d,
to be used and employed for the purpose above named and in the
manner provided by la\i.
Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passage, approval cnd publication.
Passed by the Assembly, May 11, 1903.
Ordinance given its first reading. Rules suspended.
Yeas : Messrs. Doran, Haas, Rosen, Van Slylce, Wheeler, Whitcomb,
Mr. Vice President-------7
Nays: Mr. Arnold----1
Ordinance given its second reading and passed.
Yeas: ,:e ssrs. Doran, Haas, Rosen, Van Slyke , Wheeler, Whit c omb 1
Mr. Vice President 7
Nays: Mr. Arnold----1
H. C. schurraeier, Vice Presidnet of the Assembly.
Approved ,May 13, 1903.
R. A, SMITH, Mayor.
Attest: Matt Jensen, City clerk.
May 16. 1903 ,
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St. Paul, Minn. , March 1 1903.
Receive -I of St. Paul Foundry Company the still of
twenty dollars, five dollars thereof being as compensation to the
City for the vacat ion and fifteen dollars being the estimated
coat of such vacat ion, as provided by Ordinance !rurnber 588, approv-
a J a. A A.A.Ar t&t. ``s 6 k-o", O j�iuine.kcu.✓.13-/`la3
ed November 3, 1885, or that portion of Atwa er St eet lying
between Dale Street and Mackubin Street , and for that portion of
Kentt Street from Atwater Street to one hundred and thirty-four f
feet northr.;of sari Atwater Street, as .�kin r resolution
vacating same.
City Treasurer, ��
Form 36 6-1902 5M •
Y r
Board F. No..
Assembly . No. " ,
f / r
B %/J
Resolved, That /u� --"I ■�', f F I f 1 l
f 11(4.11- cil6( /1 I/ - lir ILdrce-e-Liz:ta-cL , 1 •
, t ,. , ittnfiel
41'; Olyeurratte., wr eA,,(9_ atuaktti 110115 1 i-af2A-- ritUA-tx) (6--
4V,,A$ I � i � �- Cam' ' ,� � � � �Il1f�,,t, U 4 ( o � 1 i - I .. ,0 ` ,/ `utzeto/ahar.144 44 eire_0( +,' -- / / ivacee / -i
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44 x., 11.4.II - fd
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,
190 124°1''- g _190 • --
Approved-_ —190
The un derai gn.ed. St . Paul Foundry Company , owners of
all of the property on the line of that portion of that certain
street in the City of St . Paul know) as Atwater St eet jitIL.ying
between Dale Street and Mackubin Stre c except lot my-two
( 22) Block Bit , (8 ) Foundry Addition to the City of St. Paul,
which said lot is owned by a non-resident of the City of St. Paul ,
and also the owners of all of the property on the line of that
portion of that certain street in the City of St . Paul , known as
Kent Street , lying between Atwater Street and one hundred and
thirty-four ( 134 ) feet north of the line where said Atwater Street
crosses said Kent Street , as is more particularly shown by the
plat thereof hereto annexed and hereby made a part hereof,
Respectfully shows, that the St . Paul Foundry
Company 18 located on the southerly side of Atwater Street , be-
tween Mackubin Street and Kent Street , and is engaged in the
manufacturing of architectural iron-work, steel buildings and
bridges, and rivet work of all kinds.
That the undersigned respectfully pet ition
your Honorable Body to order the vacation of that portion of
Atwater Street, between Dale Streetand Mackubin .Street , and also
the vacation of Kent Street from Atwater Street to a distance of
one hundred and thirty-four feet ( 134 ) north of said Atwater
Street , and to close the ?ame to public travel.
The reason assigned by your net it ion e r for
this its petition and request , is that it is heeessary for the
said St . Paul Foundry Company , a corporation, now occupying the
property as aforesaid stated, to enlarge its foundry extensively
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• and to erect other and further buildings upon the northerly
aide of said Atwater Street, between Dale Street and ° ackubin Stret
that that port ion of Atwater Street gnd Kent Street her einbefore
described, and which your petitioner alike to be vacated is not
a thoroughfare, and can not be made so , and the closing of the
street will work no hardship to anyone.
WTI ER E F O R E your petitioner prays that
that port ion of Atwater Street and Kent Street aforesaid be vacated
and closed to public travel .
R y-- (` 7.
State of Minnesota, )
County of Ramsey. )
being first duly
sworn on oath deposes and says that he is an officer of the St .
Paul Four_dry Company, the above petitioner, to-wit, the
i'U2vu-ett-44/- thereof, that he has read the foregoing petition
and that same .Ls true of his own knowledge, except as to the
matters therein stated on information and be ief and as to tho; e
matte rya h e beli eves it to be true.
Subscribed and sworn to before
me this day of November 1902.
Notary Public, Ra mse yy Co n:nty , M inn es ota•
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