1902 (5) :urea •3s ;O Amp aq;;o uounop
uounuo0 0144 Act paaapa0 dgaaaq. s% �I
7,06i '91 aago3a0 Pa4Bp 'sxaom, angnd d0
paeog am; do 3aodaa 0144 ;o aa;;Btu 0144 uI
—£9991 '0N 3 Pg
•3061 `L 'AON penoaddy
6061 '9 -SON Slqucassy 0144 Sq Pa;dopy
--'detuaaplV 3o Pxaoa eq; dgy0pa4a PV N
pun t;
3 }uew4J-edea gli gaH ga
;O ;nO pled aq 04 WOOS 'y06I 181 gagtuan
-ON U101; uilq pamoliB aq 0; 'g3uout aad
saelloQ (0E) S3a11s Jo SaBJBS B ;B `4uacu
-;aBdaa q;IBaH 0144 ui 4aaj3 se ;sinbinBd
uBinsiag0 ;uloddB o; paaamoduta pun •
peztacnn B Sgaaaq sJ eq pun 'eq g;lB0H
;o aauolssluiuio3 aq} ;nth", 'panlosag
—29991 '0N 3 Pg
7061 `L 'noN panogddy
'Z061 `9 'noN Slqutassy 0144 Sq pe3dopy
'6061 '1Z '300
ueuuepIV ;o paeog am. Sq pa}dopy
•s4soa am; pun
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•pa3BaBn eq IlBgs ;eea;s pills ;o uofaod
pills aso;eq 'uoj4BOBn guns .Suiagsap suos
-aad 0143 Act SansBaay 5313 ago 03ut peed
eq o; 3unoUXB am ;VIII 'panlosag }j ag
'aag3gn; 'pun
:pa;BaBA Sgaaag si gulls am pun eq 'Sulu
-ul2eq ;o ;uiod eq; o; (L) uanas 3toolq
Plus ;o gull Slga3samg3aou 0144 Sq ;sea
-q;nos 0143 uo puB 'uoj}ippe s,SuBdu:o3 2g
1aaquxB7 '(4) auo 3loolq `(L) uanas 40l
;o au!' Slga;seag3aou 0144 Aq ;samq;nos
0144 uo :3ueuxa2UB1JBaa s,dolatuod tit
•(4) auo 40j ;O gull Slga;samtl'}aou 0143 Sq
;sBaq;nos 0144 uo :(Ey) 00013-S}uae►3 Kaolq
PIBS uI `(E) 312!0 Pun (L) uanas '(9)
xis '(g) ang 5301 JO satin Slaa;samq;nos
eq; Sq ;seam4aou 0144 uo :uoi3ippB s,auanq
-aagS Pun uo315V `(Ey) aaa13-S;uam3 3laolq
'(g) anti 301 3o gull 3s9m 9143 Sq 3000
a1; uo 'pans uosMaer JO 0Utl Slao;sem
-g3nos ago Sq ;sBaq;aou 0143 uo ';aaa4s aaa
-qoa Jo aull pea am Sq ;sam am. u0
'smollo; sB papunoq
'thug '3S do Map 013 ui ';aaa;s olaa;sam
;o uoi4aod 0144 4Bgy `panlosag It ea
'gal;an; pun :pans pros ;o uoi;god pins;o
uoi;BOBn am; ao; u0131ped pies ;o aaSBad
0144 Sui;uBa2 ;o aa;4BCu am. tit 'o4 pe.ueJea
0AO BUJagag s}aaa4s uo aa33Jmuto0 534 ;O
4aodaa 0144 tat sanauoa Sgaaag `2uiaanauoa
SJqu1essv ag; 'uaduepiy Jo p1BOg 013
;B1y 'panlosag 31 ag 'ato;aaag4 'm01.,1
-pad pies Sui3uBg2 ;o IOAB; uJ ueuuep
-IV 3o paBOg 013 o3 peiaodel sBg s;aaa;S
uo aa43luxutoO pros autos am; SuiaBeq
as;;B pun uodnaaag; pun pe4sasa4uI safaBd
0144 ;O ;aad 0144 uo eouepina pun £Uocu
-1Js04 JIB .Bag pun aa44BUZ pies aaplsuoa
pun e4B2l;sanuI pip S3ee12s uo aa43Juttao0
pins aaBtd pun acid} pies 4y 's0agaUm
'pun :saBln0i3
-and we uI time pBfdtuoa Slnp uoi2nlosaa
pins pun uaAJ2 Slnp eoi;ou mans 'palg
Sinp 3DB; uI sum uog44ed PIBS 'sBaaegM
-LL 30 SONIQ3HOO2ld If
'puB :palseaalut segaed I
eq; ;o laud alp uo aauapina puB 6uoul
-psa; puB u e ;an
4BU aapjS uoa p u ev2 sut Pom
swaa3s uo aa33Fu;uuoD plus could puB
awl; WWM& lB 'Turd '4S do Alto sill M.
asnoH }anon alp ut aaquregO ItounoD, aq}
ut '.Cep pies uo •u' •d uoola,o I' 3B `ZO6T
• aago3pp ;o &Bp tun egl uo toed
�'�► f3S ;0 AI1D 0141 ;0 FFpunoa oos}aaa0 uo
;0 uawaaPIV 30 PaBOg aq3 ; is
aelllunnoD aq3 £q paaaplsuoa Puy pasaq
eq pisnole uollllad plus 11gl puB `B prq
c'p{BSaaoye Se 0
uaaq putt uotmecf plus rem 100Jte am 0}
Alto plus ;O aadBd IBjOU O aq} ut uotlBatl
-qnd 6q aopou'anl2 03 plea pe
-aepao puB 'Ined 1.S ;o Alp eq} 3O uaal0
plus aq3 Aq paooas ;o pall;,eq 03 uot3t3ed
plus paaapao `g3im pepeseoad eq pinogs
uteaeg3 ae33euu aq3 pup 3uatpedxe It 2ul
-uiaap'uauuaaPly;o p1Bgo plus `sBaaagm
Puy :mug paatnbaa SBA& se 'pagiaan
Stnp sum puB 'punoa2 2utulofpB eql puB
` eyeaBn eq 01 pasodoad pails am ;o uot3
am ;o laid a 6q peiuuduu000p sum
puB 'uot3B3Bn gons ao; suoseeJ puB sloe;
aq3 lima; 3g2noaq puB paiuesaad uou3llad
���.ttplgm.'uot3lpve S,•O 2 }saquus-J `(T) auo
uoOlq '(L) uanas 301 pine `3ueme2uBaae
as s,Soaamod ;o '(I) auo lot PuB `uofllP
-pe s,euangaags PuB uo4gsy •(sg) aaag3
Hooiq `(g) 1.1121e PuB `(L) uanas
•(9) xis '(g) anti slot Aq papunoq 2utaq
emus am 'leaps laagog 04 1.aaa3s uosu3Bf
uIoa; 1.00a35 olaa;sam ;0 uotlaod ;uq}
2uoJB saaumo £;aadoad am ;o dliaofeuu
s ;o uollllad a InBd 'ls Jo Alto am 3o
1touno3 uouuuuop eq} ;o satpoq alp ;o
euo 'uemsapIV ;o paBOg alp 03 pa3uas
-ead aao;olaaaq sum elegy •seaaagm
—suauutH 'Ply sg—I9991 '0N 3 PH
P .
`L •AON panoaddy
'MT `9 'AON 6lquuassy 0144 £q pa3doPV
'106I `I1
100 ueuuaaPIV JO paBOg am £q pa3doPV
•auop eq o3 ;Isom eq} 2uF3oaatp cap
a0 aadoad e Itounop aq3 puss—q}xts
•aisles aq3 ;o aonB; ul 3a0d0a no.0;l
Aq paatnbaa se •lueu:anoadu;F pt BS ;o am
-0ad ao uBld B Ilpuno0 aq3 puas—g3;Fd
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03 £;aadoad am ;o £3taofutu B ;o saaumo
aq} ;o uot3B0ltdds .10 uol3t3ad aq3 uodn
ao; pause 3ueuuanoaduut 'tons sI—gland
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-xa puB ;Soo 'sa2BUIBp ;o 3ualxe aq3 o3
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Form 38 6-1902 5M
Board F. No.
Assembly F. No.
Resolved, That
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Adopted by the Assembly,
190 190
Approved___ 190
estate of Min, esota. )
(ps ,
County of Ram ey. )
Henry Rodenkirchen being duly sworn on oath
deporles and says ; that he is one of the petitioners named in the fore-
going petitionf; that he has read the foregoing petition and knows he
contents thereof and that the camp is true according to his best know-
ledge , infor°oa tiori and belief and he believes ` e sure to be true .
ii-.1.7/Y _ ..:_z- __"r_.- ___c----3/__ z-2-1‘17 l_e----2.z _._
subscribed and sworn to before Me this 74 day of Au ust , A.
D. , 1902 .
o art. j _,:, _ ___
Ramsey County, 7.Tinn .
, 164
• fir.
410 - • -
PPtitic'rler •
� 7`,---7‘..-e 7/
1 Pttiorter .
yf N
PPtftic'ripr .
, ("0
if r
the open, notorious and undisputed possession of said tt.'estr.i'io Street ,
or such parts thereof as adjoin their respec ` lve lots , and that that part
of said ,31es+ Arlo Street running immedlatel_y 3niitheasterly from the part
herein proposed to be vacated , was acquired by adverse possession .
by Lucretia Po!heroy and others , as was decided by a decree of the
'Ji s'.,rict Court entered in the case of Lucretia Pomeroy , et al vs . City
et -al
of St. Paulo, and which decree is recorded in book 445 of Deeds , on pace
476 , so that said tract or street herein proposed to be vacated does
not connect with any other street , but forms a kind of cul de sac
or blind alley :
That this Space to he vacated and known RS Westerlo Street,
was formed partly by the imperfect joining. and location of said Ashton
& Sherburne 's Addition to Lambert & Company' s Addition, and never really •
was intended to be any public street at all
your petitioner
Your petitioner further alle ;o `;� i to r,r�r Rod.enkirchen is
the owner of all that part of Lot seve r (7) in block one (1) of Lambert
Rl. Company' s Addition to St . Paul, north -or Patrick Curry' s north line
and extension thereof , to a street rrrinind northwesterly from, jcksollill
Street 1.o Robert Street , between Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition and.
Lambert and C o.rr,pany1 s Addition: ""`-��`z.2'i v1-t`^'{at--Y"-2 6/`_"
That our petitioner , Je.rr,es .,Tolland , is the owner of that
part of lots four (4) and five. (5) , block twenty three (25) , Ashton and
Sherburne ' s Addition to St . Paul, lying, Test of Jackson Street :
That .your petitioner , T..iathew Uann and R!r,ma M. Swan , are the
owner= of that part of lots six (6) and seven ( 7) , block twenty three
(25) , lyin , Southwest flf Jackson Street , and that the above named
petit l oners are Aall the owners of the property :rdj Dining to said
street or tract hereby petitioned to be vacated , and that then.-. is
hereby added a plat of said tract to be vacated, prepared by a competent
engineer and surveyor:
7 Petit,ion.e: .
County of Ramsey. J1} To Vacate Westerlo Street, From Jack-
son to Robert Street.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to law,
and an order of the Board of Aldermen of
- Or - / ." '1 being duly sworn the City of St. Paul, a body of the Com-
mon Council of said city, that the petition
of James M. Holland and others, for the
depose rand says hat the annexed printed copy of vacation of Westerlo street, between Rob-
ert and Jackson street, same being bound-
ed by lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, block 23, Ashton
& Sherburne's Addition, and lot 1, of
notice Of Pock 1, is Rearrangement, and lot 7,
block 1, in Lambert & Co.'s Addition, has
�GZ 7ri.4 I n been"fleck of record in the oSt. of the ✓
L•�(�11�!O City Clerk of the said city oP St. Paul.
was taken from the The reasons assigned by the petitioners
for the petition and request are as fol-
ST. PAUL GLOBE, a newspaper, which, That the said described tract, designat-
ed as Westerlo street, has never been
during the whole time of the pub lcation of said notice opened for public travel or used by the
public in any manner, and that it is a
small,hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and pub- brushes,hilly tract,es, and that the he of stones and
brush same never has
lished in the English language in the City of St. Paul,
been and never will be of any use has the
city or o the public, and that it has been n
Ramsey County, and lie ever since nd State of Minnesota, and pub- ev by the said city and the pub-its platting to the use and
occupation of the owners of the adjoin-
ing and generally circulated in said County for more Jackson sonpstree and that through the opening of
Jackson street, partly through Ashton &
Sherburne's Addition, and partly through
than one year next preceding the date of the first pub- Lambert & Co.'s Addition, absolutely
and completely dispensed with and made
libation hereinafter named, and during all said times it forever impractical and impossible to
open or use said tract, known as Westerlo
street, and that the opening of Jackson
was a newspaper as defined in Section 2, Chapter 33, street went through said lots four (4),
five (6), six (6), and seven (7),and eight
of the General Laws of 'Minnesota for 1893, as (8), in said block twenty-three (23), Ash-
ton& Sherburne's Addition, and so cut up,, ---
amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the General and separated the same as to leave the
southwest ends thereof of little value,
Laws of Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by and that said owners, adjoining upon
said Westerlo street, for more than thirty
years last past have been dand tnow are
Chapter 285 of the General Laws of Minnesota for S'o e o d PV- LlrfZel t,onrf
1897, and that the publishers of the, said paper have entered in the case of Lucretia Pomeroy et
al. vs. City of St. Paul et al., and which
decree is recorded in Book 445 of Deeds,
filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County on page 476, so that said tract or street'\
herein proposed to be vacated does not
an affidavit in all respects complying with the require- connect with any other street, 'out forms
a kind of cul de sac, or blind alley;
ments of Section 2 of said Chapter 33 of the General That this space to be vacated and
known as Westerlo street, was formed
partly by the imperfect joining and loca-
Laws of 1893; that the said notice was duly printed tion of said Ashton & Sherburne's Addi-
tion to Lambert & Co.'s Addition, and-
and published in said newspaper in the English lan- never really lly was intended to be any pub-
Pursuant to law, and an order of the
guage, once in each week, for the period of Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Paul
l� herein referred to and adopted Aug. 19,
1902, said petition will be heard and con-
successive weeks, on each eek com-
sidered by the Committee on Streets of__
> > the Board of Aldermen, Thursday, the f 16th day of October, 1902, at the Council
mencing on the ..� d of Chamber in the Court House and City
7 y Hall, of said City of St. Paul, Minnesota,
at 4 o'clock p. m., at which time said
190 2- on which day last mentioned it was rst pub- f committee will hear all the evidence and
testimony in the matter of such ■ro-
lished, : - � - � - _ — Posed vacation which may be offered by
the parties interested therein.
City Clerk.
, and ending o the /7 —__day of 1
.. /.l—= ��1 190 Z, on which day last
menti•ned it was last published; upon which days and
times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was
regularly printed and published; and that, during the
whole time of the said publication, he was one of the
printers and publishers of the said newspaper.
_ .r_ ,�.r �& = _ _/�
Sub-fbed 6'a sworn to before me on
this L? kday of /f�/' ' - / "
190 .. / "/
Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn.
_ e
/ _ _
The undersigned , petitioners hereby petition
your Honorable body to vacate and discoritirlue that portion of 'TTesterlo
Street in the City of St . Paul; . bounded as follows :
On the west by the Pest line or Robert Street , on the North
Fast by the .lout homes terly line. of Jackson street ; on the Fi-st by the
West line of lot five (5) , b ock twenty three (23) , Ashton & Sherburnel s
Addition; on the North Fast by the Southwesterly linos of lot five (5 ) ,
six (6 ) , se Ten (7) invsaid block twenty three (23) ; on the South
Paist by the Northwesterly line of lot one ( 1) in Pomeroy' s Re-arran€_e-
■_ment ; on the south West by the hhrtheasterly line of lot seven (7) ,
block one ( 1) , Lambert & Company' s A,..uit i on, and on the Southeast by the
Northwesterly line of said b o k Severn (7) to the point of beginning ;
and that Your petitioners are a l vthe owners of property on the line of
said ''esterin Street and the tract hereby petitioned to be vacated:
The facts and reasons for such vacation are as follows:
That the said described tract , designated aG Westerlo Street ,
has never been opened for public travel or used by the public in any
mariner , and that it is a small hilly tract full of stones and brushes ,
and that the same never has been and never will be of any use to the
City or to the public , and that it has ,teen abandoned by the said City
and the public ever since its platting to the use and occupation of
the owners of the ad,ioinint property , and that the opening of Jackson
Street , partly through Ashton & Sherbrune ' s Iddition and partly through
T,amber t. n Company' s Addit i ont absolutely and completely dispensed with
and made it forever impractical and impossible to open or use said .
tract , known as i"esterlo Street , and that the opening of said Jackson
Street went through said lots four (4) , fiv ( -) , six (6) and seven (7) -.. -
Win said block twenty three (23) , .Ashton Sherburne' s Ad'7ition, and so
cut up and separated the same as to leave the Southwest ends thereof of
little value , and that said owners , adjoining upon upon said S'esterlo
Street , for ,,ore than thirty years last pastAbeen and now are in