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1901 (3)
OFFIOE OF __- 11 1 CITY TREASURER. - o \ i . \ . . V i It: H 11 Is. I t d t' . ( 1 : I t o �: r. ,1 , rt.,. .: . , , . II y .„, , z ' '''' ..,, ,...s,w t ,I i I I .. ih tlI itIa 1 t C \-3 1 G ■ m 1 i. ,, . \ l& - x E , U CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. a d �tiitnn., ,moo- /td' 91-41.4:•,,,.. . The attention of the is res eetfally called to the following Resolution of the Common Council, approved /t(7 F O w,r,.O C C<O ii. c5'>c✓.2 m>FC R 1r41-z,',3' od ro.57, m„it i yrnbmO1 a,G " S t dJt ms ®�^ m ATJm+ t ®.:: m8 0y Rmac- d�a so0-- tim ' z� o mw , �abAN •UwooA ,iP+ 0CR G no w t . aram C G� dy .. w .00 ; d a` gO ,1, › - . UC ma wc.aea? w ,c •':• t y. ^ � d •.yECU°O C' w . .Enma + p�Ov1° ea O.4°a°U .p y g T.t . ° _. Q OCOOC 0 I .,..la-0,,,F '....0„ . R ,,0 FC°L 0 4d 0.0_ C a0 - m R o �r.9. 0aO aal'J . -. .. ® � a . yR ° z. 3ro° E 0_,..7., 4.d A'-°rdmca ° a. am a�:m c. tot O E U oXa,� ^ oop� "5 "., 'o o4p op Ucm) =-3w rooy..0 . UA,oC•a7y >p.+c > .� °F ,Sa- op > s~c ap 3 4w `a>.c a°ro�ti1 c�p�s c�o,E o•C, '� Ea�c>�aic p 3°�E o�pc� �. • 0,y p°'mi mpyptioA.[rop yp.0 "s° r,, �t��GsroOlWdo,&`'ro'p mvog-�°„EO� pc �arow tp /an� �a^4m->�c©, o`am ro"NyA '4) „.. ro„rorox'.U�� oa 2 ° �,- t•,ac .'E5my� ..owo .4, a.-. .e)-4-o5 erm, r� ' a CmUy�g.+ .o a ~o� oi �, uoUv� °"" >ro o� °w °�dw Uw � ' ehdr ar>'o t ° ° ip � °am _OU roo-° U�w r m, _-, .z,0 �E 'wo :. aCFbNRi sO %aOO a os 9'[R °p e °oJ tiaro }E ap a , >6o .°C tlmC m ba ga_.;..a °.m ooM� a Lro , 1. �al.,p2m , 0a 1°o "wFc# b;, O ati .w t b dP- m2^7C° Ot")°ac.c mm.' m j""w .aatic. - a ° g4 ` a"° t0 .2.14!:-`41)6'- t da at ' l e fi ° PgaV ; w ,o , g- d- . m�? d~U ai.gUs).-'o.1tUm' mbo ot a>o ' � .>� ,^om a, S Q t hygr,o .,,d t,u0-,, 1 pz.4' oroka,tiociro . , .zeds° d+°�EswT dUF^o 8.am -° 4 ,°:,a 0 :t.'07:5 a } ,.!,mm acd°, n't.- � a sI 7 e �Fd „'•'wop u;- ow05 c.m roocaou,a m aw ,C �U COca.4.,p oa °oe,�0.lc1�n, "° °,G _ r} 2 hd d , e~ Oro wg2Ay'8el ° doevo4'pH�$6b °i°Em °�E2R '.,,z ws:I. ;,�UP c,vpaprom„yQ.n�ro,�;o >et „ ., ' "o; ,,,,:bb t 02, BeI are co/2 t wC m,c000• Em ft°) am � p v� ■ om o"� oo �gm«_ oop ro: o.-...,,,,c c -cd c + p U,Sc4,e� @ ca c”re p but t ht do,„ mu o m C o. a "ti a ro o k. ,4 •o t=° -,f Uyy o p <a RP'7il CC>ys ro C . p m bD o` C 3o T ` Q.3 w LLJi o$ Jt t e�, rA- mm....,,,o U t1 o ro oo yw o -y C�oyo.� o4O o o ".t,ob 6o' ° o7; -go0. "t� b re .o � as 4 c,. H � .w w m (O?,FA o04.4,`1.5. a Jat tro.9 q.,;garo5,°�U,,°48 °T2d m' Edmm t . ,ze4 c o UtJ e A h o t ddTC E � mom ,a„ mo�UC. ,.). g,,,d�ad„ a p mroo m.o� m y on+ca ��popp.o oa •er f�. e e l o lo Qu t Gr$ h4 oss.F >mcEorop a a�K � u � m �to z ow � ro m> aom wzU f a�aJaw cotereAGJe er& a d a. ,.. map ro ..4om m4ti -w eo o.w a SUe' hd hl y t b IJe 0 ith f i to h itj a8ao b io the 0., of tier ds eQt./, °hbi, g: J the be od toge t R 9 oat oh ..ad ht' r p �hP- ft %/' . Ao aooiJtiea/ Io s� 4 h aoe(OFFICIAL.) / , P a ; f A --t"-/Q4 batdo bhp. . ■ CD I 0 0 CD kz g r-1 a P. g o� C6P” e etSir (..$) 51t ‘" CV- ' by\v . XeeC Yea, cV) to S'2 SUS///7- AVENUE N \I N c , / <<` .. - .0 4 . 1' I ` I / I I I g _ I I i°,Qp,QE�T 1 o° Y n, ■ j T-� 9 h'ljL I �< ` ' ; ,s. I •o I '� t Y / =s I I , /,,i:, -/1� -- -- PROPERTY a J.J. RILL ---q`� I I 1 I CATION OF I LNI/T ST I 1 .DEscnn/PT/ONOFLAND TORE YCATEO. 9 I /0 I // T*af ysor g/o/8,B/k, 70,27q 4t Qird i /rurires aid 70.5/ Pay/ here ofore cafe/eyed fo/tie I ?1,Pc_ar ..5/174 iyr}Sases y d rd i ecos-ded rn/300, 5Z of,.2)eeA.,x,±7ye Z8Z• y, I 4/so , q/- 'ark f JLNUT ST. i%r,.0 q.,v,6 ate( /rrrifes .44d Iv S/Ay/ 4'vy 6e/wee/I 7*SON/ieeas/er/y 1 ,rice 5adw s,I rive, aA4"/1e/Yr ea/ ,ire of/ruiire. 1 I Ale.. �xfeesnri�ed racross so'</ 10/.rum Sf 'xce6A /lra/ orJSose✓ _'alit `.arf o f J/HN7` S- her-e eor �/gcAfed oat Jee,6/`. 5, /87/. I I FOWBLE &TITZ, CIVIL En(gin1E..e IZS AND 51..31.,VEYOR,S, • -S-r:PA l L. PLEASANT AVE--- Jd✓E G/90/.—, M 14. vie Northeasterly line of the present street between Summit Avenue and Irvine Avenue in said City of ^t . Paul . That as it now exists, and probably always will exist unless vacated, the space indicat- ed as a street on the map aforesaid at its junction with Summit Avenue forms an unsightly gap upon the line of said Summit Avenue, and that to allow it to be suitably improved would be a great improvement to Summit Avenue and to the appearance thereof. WHEREFORE, your petitionerslray . that said portion of said Wal- nut Street, to-wit : from the Northwesterly line of Irvine Avenue extended across Walnut Street to tJe Southeasterly line of. Summit Avenue, be va- cated and discontinued as a public street . And your petitionerswi.11 ever pray, 777// Subscitibed and sworn to before me this /o day f une, A.D. 901 . • PetiTionerS' Notary Public, Ramsey County,Minne ta. 4 V. •.„ • z:0: ; ;s: ; Js t!:-; vA o rt.i:1 •) ::r • fT ;/..r..;;C)v ;) .' . . , - ; !". ■ ---)S;r1 • j'317 ;'•1-7;jr..', V r0;f: " trf . ;;;,!" • c, . i • 9 - . 7, " • • . . . . 7,1t‘f---- 44,0 ,:-?-,, -"'Z'eA!#° 1 l.' Tr , //-4te--) Zn__-. -‘---.-- -,-J ' Ai '),‘ _„ r --- /.-,-.—•._,_:, y." -------- &-t-ryC>71-4 2:?:z---t_-, <A_ Zit 12-6,---- --7-,--‹-Y. /X/-----(-• ‘--e-- -,--) "2"7---x---1--/ t,' ./7° /42.e..6 "z: ___,,,,„„ /7 „____(, .1 ---- , _,_,,J , ,,,.. i ,.. _ .6_, y )4_,L—.„--/ .. .e 4,),,,,-,- „.___,i cl:,__________:>e. 41....„----v-,- fr,,,„3...7. ,/,„ i/ . __/ .„tee 76, :L_.‘..__,-----4 )--,_-/--,--- , 6,., ,....._ ii,z,„/- ,•__zz 7----,,t) - - ,; fi ',_f i-,-,„ --„,;-,J' ,..,„) i ---———--- - . -----r-„,___, „( „-e_e)--- -._,1 171--- ---,--,-,. :-..e. 4'-- 4.___ 2 - ycL) -, br-- -te .6- 7----)----7--,__ _ ,•9–L i- >-,> :--- j Z,,,--,i -Zt_,___9 ).-7)z,–t_J /4,, ---,„:,, ./' , Alc S.1.641‘ 7/_—t-e----c--- ---7--e . : 4 _ ei, -,: 4,_-_,-- ...›„7„,„ ,.. -,,—,----7,-;-,7 /-7''1 —.-- .______ 1,t,,,,,,? -/f---4- --Z.J #,-, Gf__- ---6".'-.. .----S-',----1.-ar..-,..,11----J.c., j,/> ., '----- 77 '44--- / -ie,'2,,%: C/2--L' e--/71-,- AI}/4",-'i?"1477' .—_ .. , J"+ r w J.n @ �Y:::"4 A nO y•:4"p�4 o r^�p w:ya'cdtimm�=„O mc>,' Q.+oc�..wW emO O xy+„_Y-,m;:=,'qwTq m wm:.m[ppa Hm m O p�0���"'clm�O gA avCA d.v ra~g�UNd"dp0 C�mm.�C*'�ro 0 d d 60am pd.'�to„�>.m�02 an Gam y�b Gmd Ob C CG�q.g��d AEo+CG3 A d�r O,�°O„,o,a”r�e4O;'A y..�,>�.man J 0 ,y,:-,y d U-�>d.0,qi#b'it'�2 Gh Ccc m-n`:.tom�"y�x j G�C�p-7 U::a71!,:„.,:5;r• C m 5 ro-o E∎*w�?V:.i.;bti� ',i ae T1 A y.y . b� Oh dU ,d Upp c'➢ a5 ,pU i 0{.G7 m c7-1 , S.a' mgWm a m m ' .�.m. g, G„ p�,Cm ma . iii1Hi m� otl3 o mp>, . 0 , *. : Y vo '' mU'O„, .-74<,; x m ; ;'y R �d °Nb y p, - k'� j d, :.m . g'-' y Fdp 7 oy4 ? 1 wdi m °a� � i I 5 '��° m �: 8 ” ° ..L,° 4)`' w.A9 °dz.o`m y mc~cOm .P.,. 8oa�d60 31Sr MP Nm O g' , ';‘,.-,P woA Nd 9 bU d 0. Z..mm .PY N 'A W I ,F p _ O,,, am m J 4 'gf,° o 4 �o� am q=F Ro �i H rP �t.�U, � y�AA%l'OmYg Ja m Emmybtt., g2 mm°mmmm> 7.-',">C^7 t .°oo C1 c'+4 ,=a'fqt- C^a 7.O .Cg . . , 0 nn�,A'yy.F.�1.1 ,qia G4m Z3 >Q'_d. >O9ddgAm�m>y„ 'p m ,,c '.- 5 . m -c t7 1 7 ° ,-{I-, «d 4 p)ow,Cy, L., FJdm'2 ,gdmr dO-'loOm ���c).4A mxanoa"by R,.,+ 3myCaU.o?'Co -y,--g.0 ,d 0 u 0 2',dro -,—,,, d` OTdO c" .„ -Q��°d ”^a c ClyA�' < �['. yQr] yy0P.>U D ' 000 '.- d� + " g °mw1'd „ ,o, �ym 4cmC-rom m w' r py oU,+w� U2t'U.? ,LD V > -.m ai-$ rt-,3yd .U� 7y O.GNbw%*t"..._' ,,idaocro∎ w ' -'1.1' ' -'4'A''24'.1--'11')-c . OU1C.m m„- po „7 :'OUm dCc ^m O-c„Ad 0AwSo,mr ad G70AN4cdo >~A mmR 7 I 1 A 3 1 F I: i j Y 3; 4 1 "- is i • • -1"-- •-�'�''k�° d }}# z�} 'fir `43,:1',,11 i' #' r '''. 4 �3, _ .;_rf •.f i.,e..'s: e ..;7 ,, t 41 St . Paul , Minn . , August 10, 1901. TO TI .MAYOR AND COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlemen:- We, Mary T. Hill and James J. Hill , of the City of St . Paul, grantees named in that certain resolution known as Board File No . 14199 , vacating upon our petition, that part of Walnut street , in the city of St.Paul , extending from the southerly line of Summit avenue , to the northwesterly line of Irvine avenue , extended across said Walnut street, in the city of St .Paul, heretofore passed by the common council of said city and approved by the mayor on August 17 ,1901, hereby accept all the provisions and conditions of said resolution, and agree to perform all the promises and comply with the conditions thereof. Ala / I /. ,. . , /I. at • ` The foregoing acceptance is hereby approved as to form and execution. ,/r Corporation Attorney. Dated at St .Paul,Minne sota, August 2 1901. THIS AGKET+NENT, Made and entered into this 23rd day of August, A.D. 1901, by and between Mary T . Hill and James J. Hill, of the City of St.Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, parties of the first part, and the City of St.Paul, a municipal corporation, party of the second part, WITNESSFTH, That 'WHEREAS, In and by the , terms of that certain resolution heretofore passed by the common council of the City of St .Paul, which saidresolution is known as Board File No. 14199 , approved August 17 , 1901, the party of the second part hereto, did, upon the petition of the parties of the first part hereto, vacate all that part of Walnut street, in the city of St .Paul, extending from the southerly line of Summit avenue to the northwesterly line of Irvine avenue, extended across said Walnut street, which said vacation by said party of the second part, was granted upon the following conditions, to-wit: 1st . "That there shall be , and is, granted and reserved to the public, for all time, the right to travel on foot, upon and over the portion of said Walnut street, ten (10) feet in width, extending along the northeasterly line thereof, and that the said Mary T. Hill and Janes J. Hill, at their own cost, and without any expense to the City, immediately upon the passage of this resolution, shall build a suitable stairway, ten (10) feet in width, to be used for the accommodation of foot passengers, along the northeasterly line of the present Walnut street between Summit avenue and Irvine avenue, as aforesaid; the said stairway to be constructed of stone, iron, or such other suitable and durable material as the commissioner of public works of the City of St.Paul shall direct, and to be built according to a plan or design therefor to be prepared and approved by said commissioner. 2nd. Said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of St.Paul, the stun of one dollar 01.00) , which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid by them to the City in consideration 41 40111- 4411101%k of said vacation 3rd. Said Mary T. Hill and James J. Hill shall file in the office of the city clerk, their written acceptance hereof, to be approved by the corporation attorney, including an agreement upon their part, to keep and abide by all the conditions and requirements herein contained; also included therein the grant to said City, for public use, of the right to maintain said stairs on the easterly ten (10) feet of said vacated street, for foot travel thereon, as herein provided;' And the said Mary T. Hill and James J. Hill having heretofore filed in the office of the city clerk their written acceptance of the terms and conditions of said resolution, which said acceptance has been approved by the corporation attorney of the party of the second part hereto . NOW,THERIREFORE, In consideration of the premises and of the vacation of said part of Walnut street, as hereinbefore described, the said parties of the first part hereby promise and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, to immediately construct and build, at their own proper cost, and without any expense to the City, a suitable stairway, ten (10) feet in width, to be used for the accommodation of foot passengers, along the northeasterly line of pY-----__ Walnut street, between Summit avenue and. Irvine avenue, as aforesaid; said stairway to be constructed of stone, iron, or such other suitable and durable material as the commissioner of public works of the city of St .Paul, shall direct, and in accordance with a plan or design therefor, to be prepared and approved by the said commissioner of public works. The parties of the first part hereto, expressly promise and agree, to and with the said party of the second part, to keep and abide by all the conditions and requirements contained in said resolution hereinbefore referred to, and known as Board File 14199 ; and said parties of the first part also agree to, and hereby grant unto the said party of the second part , the right to maintain said stairs on the easterly ten ( 10) feet of said vacated street, for the IP -4111, " . _A.-- use of the yJublic, for foot travel thereon, and to keep open and reserve unto the public, for all time, the right to travel on foot , upon and over the portion of said Walnut street, ten (10) feet in width, extending along the northeasterly line thereof. IN WITNESS 'v'HMEOF, The parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, and their seals to be affixed, the day and year first abov written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DF J VFJRED r In PGA Of: �- f 1 ._01-0, 4_ *-- . , •. , 0 if 44-7 vi /2/12?", STATE OF MINESOTA, : : ss . COUNTY OF RAivMSEY. : /1 A ,%rfr-------i-' -4 4 On this / day of `,f /7--day A.: 1901, personally appeared before me Mary T. Hill and Janes J. Hill, who being by me first duly sworn, did say that they are the parties mentioned in, and who executed the foregoing instrument and each of whom acknowledged the same to he their own free act and ed. r : ..( 7,- . s % o ary Publ c, . amsey County,Iiinnesota. ?.,67,-;,,:4,0 i /y41.---.,,_ /0 J,. el,,,c_JA.()S - ----1 N et-,t.k A(Cd- . `MI MIII 0 -db.- 0 c• 7-4----z--- • a Q nil *C-,4 o a Li I ;o a s) ,. o n. o -1 4 4 t3 I, ..:3 W. I q , D n, Ab (D r I , ,may. CA 1 1 CO I . f I C ' C C r e IP° STATE OF. MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY **N****ft* **** ►* **akft+rr +ts *ft*ft*+t+tft* wexx4** r+c*r* ) In the matter of the petition and proceedings ) to vacate Walnut Street from the Northwester- ) ly line of Irvine Avenue extended across Wal-} nut Street to the Southeasterly line of ) Summit Avenue . 4.** **************tt,t * ** f***** *** * * +t* ****+t****** The undersigned your petitioners, James J .Hi11 and Mary T.Hill, respectfully represent : That James J . Hill is the owner and in ttile possession of the following described premises situate, lying and being in Ramsey County, State of. Minnesota, to-wit : Lots one ( 1) and thirty (3O ) in Block sixty-nine of Dayton & Irvine ' s Addition to St .Paul in Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, ac- cording to the plat thereof filed of record in the office of the Register of )eels of said Ramsey County. Also a triangular piece of land described as follows: Beginn- ing at the point of intersection of the Southerly line of "alnut Street with the E-sterly of Summit Avenue, as i.ndica s ed on said plat of Dayton & Irvine ' s Addition filed as aforesaid; thence extending easterly upon said southerly line of Walnut Street as indicated cn said plat, one hundred ( 100) feet; thence extending northwesterly to the said line of Summit Avenue aforesaid,produced at a point twenty (20 ) feet northerly from the point of beginning ; thence southerly to the place of beginning . That said James J .HIll is also the owner of lot nine (9 ) in Block seventy (70 ) of said Dayton & Irvine ' s Addition aforesaid according to said recorded plat . That said Mary T.Hill is the owner of lots seven (7 ) and eight (8 ) in said block seventy (70) of said Dayton & Irvine ' s Addition afore- said, except the following described portion of said lot eight (8) dedi- cated for a portion of Walnut Street; beginning at the, northeast corner of Walnut Street and Summit Avenue, in Dayton & Irvine ' s Addition to St .Paul in said city of St .Paul; thence extending southeasterly on the north line of Walnut Street 100 feet; thence extending northwesterly to a point on the easterly line of Summit Avenue 20 feet northerly from the point of - „ ar,LC hart0.1:ztrtarct jf in?, if -tkis+tma ;311.trini3ed Joh TirtIrri.tzani, euelevA Jirivi“R to tL -4;11ortasad.+.ilca mort 'to 01:1(frill a N411t1.1a,)wItli0a 9A-,t 0: -7.cf bertwo a aa 1[qt-rig .b60-1-1!)a fth sti: ;Jets 't to J1ri 5rIct- ari+ 10 Cf. aeztt:J..t.tatt00 n')1 :+±.+tag- iio Le v•d o.-,7 :I.tavA .b.tsa ri :+sterisW 0.1:Alaj "to cj gl 01 .f5DPP-rt14"1 7.;Ifir1 tilom fltw ;:toa-t.art :+-tsci i)311 hew blart ..t,t.e. T-t.t t. eta x. 3r.,o tt _err :' 1w 1'9, -(+d Jil1J 0 abla noqg afia.tme-11. Otlem a sa.L)el tilt! + a crt:inf. 0 b ± tab a ber..6 t :2“Jriev.A ,tft+srttsg.- eta ,41;1.et0-11 •• ,t :t t* tCjW 1-0 1,)1±. 2 be ab r.031" to fvf..± ;3:Ur A :t Bert 711,t all,•+ 110,1.4 10 59m-uf ileac! e.sr! ..+1 bet: fay% 0 10 a a as 0/10-sig, _Cirf.5119:c; 0 01: 10 rto.t.:tshOlrT1100114 10*.t ti4 .+Art+ fw bfm-ttrizrilserft el-L+I.Toa oj arc_ + bt,rtis,-+ nr1"0 ;)1, nefil6 ae.0`. ify3r..e-,,as0L ;JOe1 or: ± ns-tai. a;:f,+ t jrj t a'lit a +.(1: brts + tir53 DLI:thni a 71 \;.I.JI14:-.*, fit rij- o i,vii aa ;pi 0 J.3 +1°1 .brfs f_C±Ar awfa fw..i t rupps alnetolz?..1- ail.: 'to y:lAcrt(rAidd zin. 1:...Ltzt:r 10 sa oTtJ.rtf H3t-t brIA INTIIAIT .f bfl;f6 ry.t 7-taRamonet r■tw vw At .taw bhs illw gt-AAw abla erf.+ tto f1sw net.tail -dug eld.Ina 0,1; ea-t.t p t t'PP.i.bfw "rf /7;1 •"; `:.'".;`'!",±13:fa :;±,G8 Zti.310- :afTsit J. oLfd". 4 on J'arE+ 9A+ bm.w..0i*-!-., ad I. 00'1- be srtq ic a . ts R.4,1::‘, t t •,q it LC irt et, s. riofp Fcsi :t 0 0.1 it; J.3 1-C.+ o't jC bkiff et.t tl sts %;:sw tiii4. .. ,..,.„,, 11,- .. • -- `SU"///7- • AVENUE `Y , v by O \ m o `\ N o s.D 1 C4 m I 1 0 I I • I I I . I I I I '0%10) bb� I . - \ 8 1 7 I G � S , .\: 1 1 4 Z I P,F,O,Q, _ .0 � 1 R C T 13 ' ' 3p 22 rt_ I I C h -c l� a \ 'fie A i , ■/,?/'?4.-744,.... i J.J.�II/LL 1 I. 1 • 1 1 1 VACATION or MLA/UT ST. 1 IIEs r/PT/ONOF/ANDTOBE Y</ITED. t; 9 /Q // Mal yorhar /of 8,B/k.70,221-cot asrd I I /,-mires /d -51 Pay/ � /ereiojo/e co re/eyed 7i1/he • I l'a/ �r s/ref 5ar osrs y d�q'rec ded of Boo. + I . _ of 92 ,7eed,x'�e Z8.2. 1 ■9/s° //ira, sor/roh ,f' Z War J i�,.b q/u, Qom( . /rlirrres %1d 74 Sf 1,,/y/,9q lefideen 7 Sos,7 6,asfer/rJ 1 //I e C�S�lyrsHii4 rive. n /"1s/e,/r/pae/e/)re o kaPre. 1 .*e. Zx Hded Across saga �/, ._Si '-xce,sA 70.91. or/iosr`o)C_sa%t • Sgr2' f /eo?' SA- here J'o'-e I ,ae-aiLea' on✓.Se t .5, /87/. ' 1 ' 1 Sdp✓eYeD _23K 1 TOW&E& ITZ, •CIVIL EKgINEERS ANO SJFZVYOF , "Sr•`PgLI L.• ,'/EASANT f//E . Ji/i✓E(/9o/--. — rlfr✓.'. "< • r. f 4 � x 11 4 T 0 . Y 4 h +�:."._ ._�.�.�. ��_�.iy:way�a:#L�" �• a�'�'�w...,:�'t ;�*�"Z", l�H��"i^i��.`�irl-1 • /U/!'e /'�'I///T/ je!/f 7/J/ b' 4'S� t.5 afi f /IO. /l/. s „ M/r AVENUE X\ '-' ,I -- I I I I 1 es 0 I' I I I I I 1 I I I i I I 1 6� ` I 1 I _ =�% I I I I 8 I 7 1 6 1 S 1 .._ 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1,_ JO '-' I I I I 1 1 1 1 /ip 1 1 I /4/4- J.J.Ih'I L L . ' rD '9�E -, 1 1 i GAT/ON of W LNUT ST. I .I2f5I,r/f T/ONO7/A,V 7a.&- k c iiv I 9 I / I ,, I/,a/porho„ f/a/ 8 B y0,IJ y/M Qaa' I/mike. add fo Sf/$u/ 4ere//ore coa�tyee,/o i*ie e4/rc_j _Ore/ r/iosts 6y deed recorded ig(1j00% I I S.2 of,Deeds p10_2f- 282 i ///SO Mot?so,/ion .*AZ NUT fT. r)X/y/on oas✓ — I/ri/es /a. /a S7`Zu/ /y/ny,6efiu'eri 65e Jor7feasler/y /line of.Sunr/rrd.-*e. and.* Nor//iwir/er4'/irn of//ir,e I 1 /VP. /f ex/ended across ,said Oki/m.1 •57` ekrept 7 a/�a r/ia/r _said?ar/ of ,W/rra7' .51 /eteldfore I VacaYea' orr -54,161: ., /871. 1 I 1 t 'EYED BY 1 S't'i 1 I 1 FOWBLE 4 y+ITZ. CIVIL ENclINEEFcs AND „SURVEYOf�S S1'.PA UL. ,4K ch#i G,/yai,- PLEASANT • >C GI I N O CU vt O � _ State of Minnesota ) County of Ramsey (ss City of St. Paul. ) I, Matt Jensen, City Clerk of the City of St. • Paul do hereby certify that I have com*ared the attached plat of that por- tio* ,af Walnut St. extending from the Southeasterly line of Sumrnitt Ave. to North theAWeaterly line of Irvine Ave., extended across said Walnut Street,with the original thereof as on file in this Office accompanying the petition, dated June 13th A. D. 1901, now on file in this Office, signed by Mary T. Hill and James J. Hill, asking for the vacation of that portion of Walnut Street in the said Cilg of St. Caul extended from the Southeasterly line of Sum mitt Ave. to the Northwesterly line of Irvine Ave., extended across said Walnut Streetjas shown by said plat asdindicated thereon. Said plat having been ordered filed of record, and the City Clerk instructed to give the necessary publication notise, by order of the Board of Alderman of said City, under date of June 18th, 1901, and the City Clerk having given notice as ordered for a hearing of said petition for the first day of August, 1901 at 4 o'clock P. M. before the Committee on Streets of said Body. I further certify that said copy of said plat, is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS the seal of the City of St. Paul this 20lhday of Sept..:, A. D. 1901, 41137 I ao ��` Bd h eas 14T�There . Whereas, There was heretofore pre seated to the Board of Aldermen, one of N. the branches of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the petition of Mary I T. Hill and James J. Hill, who are the e. I owners of the property abutting upon both sides of Walnut street, between Summit avenue and Irvine avenue, in the City of St. Paul, praying for the vacation of that portion of said Walnut street extending from the northwesterly line of Irvine avenue to the southeasterly line of Summit avenue, more particularly described and shown upon a plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts as to the dedication and the present use of said street and State of Minnesota the reasons for such vacation and show_ ing among other things that the charao- County O f Ramsey 8$• • ter of the ground included within the City of St. gjau1 lines of said street between the points above indicated is such that the said b street cannot be used for public travel except by pedestrians on the �tairway I, Jensen,ensen 1 City Clerk O1 o the City maintained thereon; and Whereas, The said Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter of St. raul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that therein referred to should be proceeded with and ordered said petition and ac- companying ,a w office plat to be filed of record in I Have compared the attached printed copy of the office of the City Clerk and ordered f y said Clerk to give notice; by publication, in the official paper of the city, to the °� ndCstating said brief ittsn object,band that B. P. 1419 +betn a resolution vacating J. said petition and the subject matter #14199, ,being would be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said that part of Walnut St ree y in the City. Oi Board of Aldermen at its regular stated mil meeting, to be held on the first day of August, 1901, at four o'clock in the after- noon of that day, at the Council Chamber + in said City of St. Paul, and thereupon St. Paul, extending ng fr`om the Sou heaster y said petition and plat were duly filed in �O�)rfj the office of the City Clerk of said City of St. Paul, and said notice was duly line of Summitt Ave• to the Westerly line of given and.published, and said petition A and plat and other matters connected therewith were duly referred by said Board of Aldermen to said committee for Irvine Ave, extended across said Walnut Street, hearing and investigation; and Whereas, The said Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen did meet at the Council Chamber in said city on the with the original thereof on file in this Of- day and at the hour above mentioned for the hearing thereof, and did investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation and then and there heard all Dice, and as adopted by the Board of A1.aier- testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and other persons interested in the matter of said proposed man Aug. 6th, 1901, and by the Assembly Aug. vacation and took proof of the matters + averred in said petition and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition e sliould be granted, reported its condo- 15th, 1901, and as approved by the Mayor Aug. slams to said Board of Aldermen, recom- mending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation. Now, Therefore, It is resolved by the 17th 1901; and I further certify that said Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that all that_part of Walnut street In the',i.::."Ctt:y orti� Paul, extending from the southeasterly line of Summit avenue copy is a true and correct copy of said originil to the northwesterly line of Irvine avenue extended across said Walnut street, bo and the same hereby is vacated, subject, however, to the following conditions. a,j' d 'i he whole thereof• (1) That there shall be and is granted and reserved to the public for all time the right to travel on foot upon and over the portion of said Walnut street,ten feet Witness the seal of the City o f St• Paul in width, extending along the northeast- erly line thereof, and that the said Mary this 20th cost Hill and James J. Hill a their city. this 20th day of Septe±ber A. D. 1901• cost and without any expense to the city, day immediately upon the passage of this resolution shall build a suitable stairway, ten feet in width, to be used for the ac commodation of foot passengers along; the northeasterly line of the present Wal, nut street, between Summit avenue and Irvine avenue, as aforesaid, the said stairway to be constructed of stone, irony • or such other suitable and durable ma_' ... terial as the Commissioner of Publios i a.Works of the City,of Sit. Paul shall di- V de -ea. rect and to be built according to a plan' • or design therefor to be prepared and approved by said Commissioner. (2) Said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of St. Paul the sum of one dollar, which is hereby fixed as the compensation to be paid by them to the city in consideration of said vacation. (3) Said Mary T. Hill and James J. Hill shall rile in the office of the City Clerk their written acceptance hereof, to be approved by the Corporation Attorney, including an agreement upon their part to keep and abide by all the conditions and requirements herein contained, also in- eluding iireecin the _grant to said city for public use of the right to maintain said stairs on the easterly ten feet of said vacated street for foot travel thereon as herein provided. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, Aug. 6, 1901. Aug. l , 1901. Adopted by the Assembly, Approved Aug. 17, 1901. r ' - ID • AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION. STATE OF MINNESOTA, • SS. Bd F. No. 14199- Whereas, There was heretofore pra_ Co my of Ramsey. rented to the Board of Aldermen, one of the ity ofea oP the Common Council oP Atwoircej dhe City oP St. Paul, the petition oP ,lfary j 03v iers ofd the propertyillabut ingr upon being duly sworn, both sides oP Walnut street, between Summit avenue and Irvine avenue, in deposes ano'says t/1t the ann printed copy of the City of. St. Paul, praying for the - vacation of that portion of said Walnut street extending from the northwesterly N notice of/- - line of Irvine avenue to the southeasterly line of Summit avenue, more particularly described and shown upon a plat annexed was taken from the to said petition, which said petition is sets forth the as required to the dedication ST. PAUL GLOBE, a •l - newspaper, which, and the present use of said street and during the whole time of th- . elication of said notice the among for such vacation that and a row- i ng other things that the chara_w hereinafter stated, h _ -seen and is printed and pub- ter of the ground included within-the lished in the English language in the City of St. Paul, above indicated is such that the said street cannot be used for public travel Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, and pub- except by pedestrians on the stairway, maintained thereon; and lished and generally circulated in said County for more Whereas, The said Board of Aldermen deemed it expedient that the matter than one year next preceding the date of the first pub- with and referred to should ti proceeded and and ordered said petition and ac- companying plat to be filed of record in lication hereinafter named, and during all said times the office of the City Clerk and ordered said Clerk to give notice, by publication, was a newspaper as defined in Section 2, Chapter 33, in the official paper of the city, to the effect that said petition had been filed in of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1893, as said stating petitiion andithe subjectanm tier thereof would be heard and considered amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the General by the Committee on Streets of said Board of Aldermen at its regular stated Laws of Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by meeting, to be held en the first day of August, 1901, at four o'clock in the after- Chapter 285 of the General Laws of Minnesota for noon nod of that City a of ,sat the Cuncil m n 1897, and that the publishers of the said paper have said petition and plat were duly filed in p p P the office of the City Clerk of said City of St. Paul, and said notice was duly filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County given and published„ and said petition - and plat and other matters connected an affidavit in all respects complying with the require- therewith were duly referred by said Board of Aldermen to said committee for . ments of Section 2 of said Chapter 33 of the General hearing and investigation; and h Whereas, The said Committee on Streets of Laws of 1893. thaA said ice s dui - rinted the said Council Chamber of erdin said dci meet at V c a the Council Chamber in said city on the day and at-the hour above mentioned for and publishe A in ai news pa er In e ng is lan- the hearing thereof, and did investigate and consider the matter of said proposed L vacation and then and there heard 811 gunge, ^1 , for the period O testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioners and other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation and took proof of the matters 4aleuaiag on the A ---- day Of, f /' averred in said petition and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted, reported its conclu- 190 / , on which day last mentioned it js first pub- eons to said Board of Aldermen, recom- mending the adoption of an appropriate • resolution declaring said vacation. lished, wir Now, Therefore, It is resolved by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, that all that part of Walnut street in the said City of St. Paul, extending from • • _ the southeasterly line of Summit avenue • • •• •- • s a • •n to the northwesterly line of Irvine avenue _ extended across said Walnut street, be - 190- , on which day last and the same hereby is vacated, subject, however, to the following conditions. mentioned it was last published; upon which days and (1) That there shall be and is granted''. and reserved to the public for all time' times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was the right n of on Walnut upon and over the portion of said Walnut street,ten feet in width, extending along the northeast- regularly printed and published; and that, during the erly line 'thereof, and that the said Mary T. Hill and James J. Hill at their own whole time of the said publication, he was one of the cost and without any expense to the city, P immediately upon the passage of this printers and publishers of the said newspaper. resolution shall build'be suitable stairway, i ten feet In width, to be used for the ac- co mmodation of foot passengers along s the northeasterly line of the present Wal_ / nut street, between Summit avenue and i o' / Irvine avenue, as aforesaid, the said 1 stairway to be constructed of stone, iron or such other suitable and durable ma- terial as the Commissioner of Public Subscribed and sworn to bef+ ,- me o`N Works of the City of St. Paul shall di- rect and to be built according to a plan/� j or design therefor to be prepared and this. 4 // ' ty o approved by said Commissioner. (2) Said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of St. Paul the sum of one dollar, which is hereby fixed as 190 the compensation to be paid by them to /.i/1 _ the city in consideration of said vacation. '', ' •' / Dill shall file in Hill of theeCity Clerk their written acceptance hereof, to • Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn. be approved by the Corporation Attorney, including an agreement upon their part to . keep and abide by all the conditions and requirements herein contained, also in- cluding therein the grant to said city'. for public use of the right to maintain said stairs on the easterly ten feet of said vacated street for foot travel thereon as herein provided. Adopted by 'the Board of Aldermen, Aug. 6, 1901. Adopted by the Assembly, Aug. 19, 1901. Approved Aug. 17, 1901. •