1891 (8) OFFICE OF
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County of Ramsey.
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i seing duly-sworn,
deposes and says that the annexed printed copy of
notice of (7.0.717 , _ , ;
was taken from the
ST. PAUL GLOBE, a '//,'" .newspaper, which,
during the whole time of the p ,iication of said notice . •
hereinafter stated, has been and is printed and pub- Notice of Petition for Vacation.
Notice is hereby given that a petition
fished in the English language in the City of St. Paul, has been filed with the City Cl:rk, by
order of the Common Council, -Ahleh said
Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, and pub- petition Is,for the purpo-e of vacating
the following.Portion of the alley run-
lished and generally circulated in said County for more rtmith;iir.,tealesix„ctr tf.0-inls4a_
S. ,
than one year next preceding the date of the first pub- sqrrget., lygwueeen in.Leteheawyueorazi Paul,
lication hereinafter named, and during all said times fovr-t,:odlif3r iee:cotf coansieeihundred lrom and west
line of Drake street; the petitioner offer--
was a newspaper as defined in Section 1, Chapter 33, LITidiq 1,..-Vy clzoihterVairthgtV'tg
of the General Laws of Minnesota for 1893, as full lenwgth of lot 21, block 6, Placa s Ad-
dition, the F ii e to be dedicated to the
amended by Section 1, Chapter 121, of the General citvhifsnryttarllaetTorriTo=oll for the vur-
ose of improving the general business
Laws of Minnesota for 1895, and as amended by p
surroundings at this point, and for the
better protection of the prop-rty located
Chapter 285 of the General Laws of Minnesota for three is hereby given that said petl-
1897, and that the publishers of the said paper have , ti.I3oonar11(1,fbo‘narntli,,.ando considered by the
February, 1.9a1, at its regular meeting in
lik filed with the County Auditor of said Ramsey County
an affidavit in all respects complying with the ' gilll.
: the Council Chamber. in the Court I-10use
City all si!,;v:,sgt:t.,,,,,ihiccchLT:
said bnitter, and will hear the testimony
ments of Section 2 of said Chapter 33 of the General and earaVnee on the part of the par,ies
interested. ' .
Laws of 1893; that the said notice was duly printed ' ' City Cle.k.
and published in said newspaper in the Engli h lan-
-- . .-----. -.
once in each week sr the period of _
successive weeks, on. e./ ' ,',..a "eac9 eek, corn-
encing on the -N_ ' /
■ •y ofir'"/.
on which day last mention diV was first pe/s-
ri-- ,-
l'shed, ,,' •1, then on the / 0g/i-te•-17
.;-:- : an ending on /(e gil "P‘-----day of
AOC"' .•••• itiql on which day last
me oned it was las /sub ished; upon which days and
times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper was
regularly printed and published; and that, during the
whole time of the said publication, he was one of the
printers and publishers of the said newspaper.
• .,..
Subscribed and syrn e before me on
this „, 7 d a y cd•i /...
• /0 V t" '
Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn.
Bd F No. 13217—By Ald. Ulmer—
Whereas, There was presented to the
Common Council, on the eighteenth day
of December, 1900, the verified petition of
Henry Orme, wherein and whereby the
Council was requested to vacate that
part of the alley running through block
six (6) of Finch's Addition, from Drake
street to Warsaw street, between Lee
avenue and Armstrong avenue, in the
City of St. Paul, for a distance of one
- hundred thirty-two (132) feet easterly
from the west line of Drake street; and
. Whereas, Said petition.was signed by
the majority of the property owners on
either side of said alley running through
said block six (6); and
Whereas, The petitioner, Henry Orme,
agreed in and by said net'*+te• to dedi-
e cate to the city for alley-purposes, In
lieu of that part of the alley sought to
a be vacated, as aforesaid, a strip of land
twenty (20) feet wide through the full
d length of lot twenty-one (21), block six
(6), Finch's Addition. the west line of
e said lot coinciding with the west line of
e the alley strip proposed to be dedicated;-.
e and
Whereas, On the above mentioned date, I
i, such petition, with the accompanying 1
plat or blue print, showing the part of
i the alley sought to be vacated, and that I
part of lot twenty-one (21), offered in lieu.
thereof for alley purposes, was under or-
der of said Common Council filed of rec-
d ord with the City Clerk, who thereafter
gave notice by publication in the official
paper of the City of St. Paul, once each
d week for four successive weeks, to the
_ effect that such petition had been filed
as aforesaid, and stating in brief its ob_ i
Ject and designating therein the nine-
; teenth day of February, 1901, as the date < /� r(fp �- 0
upon which said petition would be con �lJ�l1 �' '_ t} ��rj
•• sidered, and it appearing that ten (10) c
' days have elapsed since the last pub-ica- t SQL''{I PAUL,
tion of said notice; and said petition hay- I
ing been dtfly considered; Ramsey County, MINNESOTA,
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, By the
Ccmmon Council of the City of St..Paul,
that that part of the, alley running —
through block six (6)• of Finch's Addi- -
tion, from Drake street to Warsaw / � '; i'f f!J Cierlt
street, between Lee avenue and Arm-
strong avenue, in the City of St. Paul, f! e_, C:'". ,f. .. ..1 r, r1BrEV1/
'beginning at the west line of Drake
street, and continuing westerly for a dis- (' t'''
truce of one hundred thirty-two (132)
feet, be and the same st hereby in all 1 1 e i yla{l]
things vacated; provide however, that 1 -;`•
the petitioner said Hey Orme, shad and
within ten (10) days from the passage t-u ,;.t 1,. <.1'
and publication of this resolution, con- I •
vey to the City of St. Paul, by warranty r': f
deed, in a form to be approved ��(� a+(°1•
Corporation Attorney, a pstri�e o by the ,
twenty (20) feet wide through the land %`I� and ;!r
length of lot twenty-one (21), block six ' ` '; -• ifiC!uil'lri j•
(6), Finch's coino ding,w with theswesteline
of the alley strip proposed•to be vacated;
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