1899 (8)• • PC-ITV OF CITV TREASURER. c -- o ro \ a .: k _, Pte- 4 c _ , ., .,_ __. ,,,\ , , ,- _,\ , , . ' b-' ` _ � c4 L..„ ____, I n �_- N f .gip P i [ 1 9-3-98 5M CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, The attention of the is respectfulhyalled to the following Resolution of the Common Council, approved • -- --- -• �'otJ0CY42:4 ="4' 'O-Pi »E '- Poib ,'k __—.-400.'0'--- wO,Por*m o' g'g' '0 '-'4000b V"G, o4�«W -�xi '✓'^�p�?`G r p�07 y.y,..�ro"-...0 �y'7,.�1 611 aZ�,�wa�,;'0 malrrmm g0c°�a Ea,0aq,- ,m ? o°w moc �a o.G ip,xa 0��roatimPamoEPamho--m oo gym°, 'OW �y 'om,�,+mf,x0,..-- "m o 7 ,+ mre mI m ' p r�.- m o' nmmm"ma 7 0m U2 4 .-∎-q,O' ,»" 'c''4°- g :l'4m'tl' `"C ' °8. G. "°- r" ".my�q•WZm Gm'"(D4 �"-SEm,G -. � � .-G C7w; '"„''-n Ceram' P'a mm r.¢'RP gM GO"ONO000 '1T1 I9Gl " ▪mG4' mIg,be"- °t1 `1-,-0m e_0Z H-m2, -p' Wm ( 5t'Gm •G � .6.Z 42amr°nPWO¢d m ' T. ,,,�ro -- t ,+ t,:1, P?pocy"W ma 't7 mp,r'r. . m' 7 0o'm a ,a 0a, GO till .Pi am QgmfPim "m°m `cy� m 0 a ppD "" �o ! m- ,y"M r.",•. " G'm° ..E o m o°p v r.�p,m °m o...m o r.... ,.,O Q, o G p� 0'm o m..°,..o "� O' •,ga 0"m'4 Pio�«.�g o'cim4u1 •.'Psx'<,» hjOCm"OGlq:;P a�,�oaa�r• p7PEC2- *gr'0•�"p5.W5 'GOYPPcg "0�,d.-0 ,1. v' ,4 A,pr"ar'roa,°.s70y P a,,,ko q -goo: g.,-, .-t. GI.a ma"•°E°m ��g a2p T,;q;4'�m Mm aA2' 'tl0mOp�m7°4'4,„Og4 gr°m� P ?: n oz m,'13" W rb"... m 0e+ m .1"y� GPaFD*044em G.4'CSao, ,,,•*`Cm,m s-m '-o mm'0 Pia'-4, m; aoeimm0 `Go P,7P'i m 0.Z▪ 704/m-4rm,° R'Jm �Vo� oom--� �+0.'•ao.o" p'm .';p4 o.aNmo-O, 0 '""o� o..4:_gW251,7,ire :, "Cf*r�p Para .9: _ PM. I mo•m a1 omorta6 w°,� ,-W PP,5;10 -`''gip 0'. m0,°a,,Pte± �m'-m am o.o",o"a-ro 0' m.--,mm, Wmi°NGan Gm'" ''0m� PP'.-,r- n.� ##''..Xro- Cd pmmo.P� ]•1"°Z.o7M°m, omw"m pzap', a ,:,0,s a0•y9 .,'m5•m 0a° ,�,Pa�'.<am ..n m" �-, mxcp"mop�mm,q 0. „ -,0_O� —Gm K, m. .0. O.� �+yoyaom m G'0mp,m0-2,4--P' m m am_.o Co�',x'�uq �D rry o0 Vom p' -cleP',�GG rg'4Em` ., a wy" 7 �mf � 7-Pi'm11 Sao-m .rw'°'-"" 4 . ,,,<. ,'It-' o 'N', �m ro 'I " 0 9 P'o m c' 0 o b 0"4.;''p� , "" road P' m" P''.o rii 'm ._ 0.'� m 40 G 0, m„mr,r.� 17ro"m."-mw ro ,A .G 1e09 r'w m ogg'0,u"m0 m.s �.'m Q, °VV4 " mv0p00�m m 'm pr' " mGN m..."o.- 0.0,0 o'd o ?G mop mW o oP'" ar'- �mQ"CaW�yb Ga' m "o,.; ° �WOCO,o.,,f: • :IA O °Cry myompo ar+0 mC vT° p0-711°00�PP7 0, w! m 't�P5 wym k%,tm~0*r.`4 waRt@,0—2r'o ,F,P,ro�. w a7 0 gpt 7, p 0u201 oom m.: eW 0'.' 'C-'--''ma _70.-.0 r' 4, * m Ok7 , m.5,- G a a "'O"(?"o) °cP� w, gg- o m'-'50 �aa wo.�P)< ,.8M4PP,po 5-- ,h?. ,7'..MPo0"$T14 a,"opt-,a. a ,,P-1,° �w,,A„ 2,qm" O ma m ¢7 7 r pP m o m 1CO *C omm Nr a z7 7 p, .ycn m o p •P'� mnm omw moo a oap _.. D:t.,V,A.4. �mm..;°.ro2: 'e,p5,zm '4o� m"o a.-o a' ��td m �- ,10.00' �,m,� ~o 'o 7"w �7b- m7°w^"°g�mm zmat''�J�.ma^�y•-a ow Y f : ;' F ,--0".. H--. 6-01:17.11,74-r.'-ry7dP:.- 0.,.ro�1 (<D° 5 P` m,.z- y�7OGJGGmpam, C OpN 7'p.m'mi 7500 p�.G PP0 P000Gi`C o." Om77'm,"�7 , p0• -r.(i Q,�m OOPOGmo Nm a't O,ma�Tl � mmm. 7'7', omo777="�*.sm. m -m§ g., yU9 ammm�* Yg 7•N?I a,m7a7 mm "mmd m ,..a<< r*`d7', moron'- m7 (OFFICIAL.) �' ._ ...............-.. ,..,.�-... .. ./,1.-f._... •.__ A — -City Clerk. — • • ti • .fit I k . \„.,.,--------, \ r _ . _ libto. . ,..ltii I I i ; C V .. t x, ..... 0 f k1-1 J Q 'moo i , N\---\' O, hp t 0 s .____........... , _ , . _ 4 ....„ , 4 * , �, «. j _..,.. •1 1.- ; E to---. .--)-‘ —;_.„I � w rr..b .. �& t -..„....,:..... ..:7-....%,.,::,4.......,. ., + _,...„ ....,....,,,, 1 .... -2„.„,,....,--- --:-- ,_ 1".. . _ 1 -- ._ 1. W • • * VIP mr • . . • • St. Paul, Minnesota, Oct . 19, 1899 . To the Common Council:- The undersigned, a majority of the property own- ers of the property abutting on Belle street , between Water street emtd and Ohio street, the same running through 198, 202 and 204 of Irvine ' s Addition to West St . Paul, and block 1 of Dawson' s Addition to West St . Paul, as is more particularly shown by the plat thereof hereto annexed and hereby made a part hereof, respectfully petition your honorable body to cause the said. Belie street to be vacated for twenty feet on each side thereof between said points , thereby re- ducing said street from eighty to forty feet in width. The reasons assigned by your petitioners for this peti- tion and request being that said Belle street is almost entirely a bus 'ness district and the property on said street extending to the street line , it is desired by your petitioners to have facility for railroad side-tracks to run in front of their premises , and upon that part of the portion of the blocks aforesaid through which Belle street runs; that one of your petitioners contemplates building ad- ditional warehouses . Wherefore your petitioners respectfully pray that the Common Council of the city of St. Paul vacate said Belie street be- tween the points mentioned in the manner provided by law, and your petitioners will ever pray . 4016 t • ,aloaen:ilti , Wag .t' .eeal ,et .tao • • -;I0O 0-ie !0/(1 9'0 10 Vt1Oyl. 1'3e'Y.ta 'ir318W :1')9wJed 049'Tf9 91. 1.9E no j:itSlrrd,3 '4'"'9jn1,1 g ' • ;^. 10 liqn bna SOS 'Bei ;j;ltnfl,r'c %Mae O- y•s'a ,:)a. " +,r. no! ,t + r bA 'nvawEI ?o I :4aold bne ,luAq to s W of riq *;! t bbA a• 9 t t vl 309-f9f. nwo:i 3 •Z.•T.3S.r9.J'1r31 **tom 31 33 ,.Ul3IT • f) • 9..7 , . not ? ' *9.1 14tIuTlbslaal r z 'barn d:fl•i3c? bii 101 betsariv 'o of Jee'1Ja C..LeE tit.;a Brit sa:ieo 01 1011 iid111011 ) j 't r� : 19•±grit ,3J.'Tto•j otaa r,l99wi3u io9131J ebtli .i3a. no J9'? .,' -34f ti blur nt $90 i:319 ;1110 , r3 .t91 :1 t.` 't.J i s°'9[IO' t 1 a 'look:, 1 3!Y'3t':3t3 31OU331 9tiT • a 'aF) fl . 19 ,V:00113 t991J•; 91.11,0' bl3a Sil'{1 sated '1934tj91. ? tbi9'•X i ± :)9•. • ;,l •“ '. 417-"`t , = • 1.:1� !at•tt- ::, 3;i' -r:i • :!'. ; ")i, • :�' ;d & 9t r .9r' ' t :n t. ' * .) F.; 6:1 S ': • s' ' ; t ;. ,'i:. a . . 9 ,1,J1 Ctaatilbtr3 $k)O..:A 3 ' ' ? r .)- ..1I.).i )''{t l. 7 -be jttnii::d ae1al1m'31nou �laaotS . ' $•j 140'i 0)00 '•3:i•' . %9P..aolfvfaw I9ii'1i ftb erit /aril /ell 0.LJTlaeta91 a'r9n3> t tie ; 1tiol4 e•tololei'^ -ad S:)e•ria 9L19E rlaa eJa,av l:ra4 . 1a 'to ■,;.t :o list °o 1. :inuv3 omo^ ^rrtetV f)ni 01/11 vd bobtvr'"i ( ^r4anar. ? it nt b9t1a"flc ,1 aO:''oi 34• 3 j t{ r t '19V9 it.. • :^.+ori-)' ! ' 94 Adir 11111 40000 4,r a.St RESOLVED, By the Assembly of the city of St . Paul , to which body of the Common Council of said city the attached petition for the vacation of twenty feet on each side of that portion of Belle street lying between Water street and Ohio street in said city of St . Paul, has been presented by the petitioner , that , t is deemed expedient that the matter set forth in said petition should be pro- ceeded with and that the City Clerk be , and he is hereby instructed and directed to file said petition of record in his office and to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city for four weeks at least once in each week , that such petition has been filed as aforesaid , and stating in brief its object , and that the said petition will be heard and considered by the As:en bly on a day and at a place aid time to be specified in said notice , not less than ten (10) days after the publication thereof. AND RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That that certain resolution 1 relating to the vacation of said street, adopted by the Assembly on October 19 , 1899 , be , and the s .me is hereby in all things re- pealed . OLEC. 7—/S17 FF fC, i 2 • 1 • • 46 • Alb • • State of Minnesota , ) :ss . County of Ramsey . ) A. P. Rosen being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is one of the petitioners whose names are subscribed to the foregoing petition, and thet the matters and things therein stated are true of his own knowledge . Subscribed and sworn to before me this /�J 9 ay of Octo- ber , A. D. 1899 . 'o ary •u. c , • .msey County , liinnesoTa. Opp • • • d" • 4.0.. 0- 44 • , aSniuiZ 1to sta,,? . aa: . vaarinfl ?o Vlunr; evvt 6rta a9soieb olowa •ilub 3ntad rigeoR .A bscP-oadita rta a4mart laol— aienot.ti 9 3 Lt 4:)- al 94 /lrf+ biia3a SA' 10 '1:fib 81(13 st.1 9.13Isd o: rriowa hita h9d1Ioanul .eesi vied • • • A'y >' No. 5071- Whereas, there was heretofore pres- ented to the Assembly, one of the bodies %M.�P , of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, the petition of a majority of the owners of property along that portion of Belle street lying between Water street of Minnesota, ) and Ohio street, in the City of St. Paul, Stiie $, petitioning for the vacation f a portion ( of said Belle street, to-wit(A strip on - each side thereof. twenty (20) feet in Count,` of Ralmsey. )aS width, between Water street and Ohio v d f street, the same running'through blocks '198, 202 and 204 of Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul, and block one (1) of Daw City o f S ti•Paul • ) son's Addition to West St. Paul,?which said petition presented and brought forth the facts and reasons'for such vacation, and was accompanied by a plat of the portion of the street proposed to, be vacated as hereinabove recited, and the Mat ground adjoining thereto, was duly veri- I, late t Jensen• City tiy C 1 e rk Ef fied, as required by law; and - Whereas, the said Assembly, deeming 7y it expedient that the matter therein re- cited should be proceeded with ordered the city o f S •..t caul do hereby certify that I f certify said petition to be filed of record by the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul, and ordered said City Clerk to give notice by have compared the attached printed copy of . publication in the official paper of said compared p py city to the effect that the said petition -lied as aforesaid, and stating File No. 5071, being a resolution vacating a -'rts-object, and that said petition . woutd heard and considered by the Assembly, on the first day of February, 1900, in the council chamber in'the Court certain portion of Belle atirf3fP?t1 to-wit: House in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at 7:80 o'clock p. m, on said day, at which time A strip on each side thereof twenty (20) feet and place the said Assembly would in- vestigate and consider the matter of such vacation, and would hear the testimony and evidence to be adduced on the part of the persons interested therein; and in width, between Water Street and Ohio street, Whereas, said petition was in fact duly filed, said notice was duly given, and said resolution was duly complied with in all the same running through blocks 198, 202 and 204 particulars: and Whereas, at the said time and place the said Assembly did investigate and con- sider the matter of the said. vacation, 1 t St Paul, and block and then and there heard all testimony of Irvine 's Addition to West, • and'evidence adduced/on the part of the persons interested, and then ,and there continued the said hearing of the matter of the said 'vacation for further consid- one (1) o f Dawson's Addition t,o West, S t•Paul, eration thereof until 7:30 o'clock on the evening of Feb. 15, 1900, at the same place; and with the original thereof on file in this office Whereas, the.Assembly, having then further duly considered the matter, and the plat in the premises, is of the opihion that the prayer of said petition in the and as adopted by the Assembly of said City Feb. matter of the vacation aforesaid should ., be granted; Now, Therefore, Be it resolved, that the said portions of Belle street so described, 15 1900 and by the Board of Aldermen of said to-wit: A twenty-foot strip on each side 1 f by of said Belle street, between Water street and Ohio street, the same running through March 198, 202 and 204 of Irvine's Addi- City March 6 1900 and as approved by the Mayor tion to West St. Paul, and block one of / / by Dawson's.Addition to West St. Paul, be, and the same are hereby vacated; and March 8 1900. Be it further Resolved. that the amount to be paid into the city treasury by the 1 -Persons desiring such vacatio:., befcc- the said portion of said Belle street shall be deemed vacated, be, and it is hereby fixed And I further certify that said copy is a at the sum of ten dollars. Adopted by the Assembly. Feb. 15, 1900. Yeas-Messrs. Albrecht. Benson, Craig, Denny, Kirke, Nelson, Thompson, War- true and correct, copy of said original and of tk , ner, Mr. President-9. Py Nays-0. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, March 0, 1900. whole thereof. Yeas-Aid. Allard, Bantz. Bell, Blom- quiet, Kenny, Knauft, Murphy, Reeves, Sanborn, Shepard, Mr. President-11. Nays-0. Witness the seal of the City of St.Paul Approved March 8, 1900. a - ' this 26th day of September, 1900. / . . /., ' . //• . . . . . iity ;rk. i • • CX3 • • I1, :77 . n gt • ■ R tt (.1') iJ 4 ‘•••••N‘ r -- • • • • NOTICE OF IytEARING FOR VACA- TION 1 Of Twenty Feet on Each Side of That I ..-- Part of Belle Street Between Water wrb Street and„Ohio treet. - andoto the resolution of the Assemblyaof . the City of St. Paul, a body of the Com- mon Council of said City, that a.petition ' Street the of Belle st feet � � i street and Ohio street, the same running through lots 198, 202 and 204,of Irvine's 7 1.4... Addition to West St. Paul, and block 1 of ian Dix tw,...eow'•' Dawson's Addition to West St. Paul, as shown by plat annexed, has been filed in .4.A the office of the City Clerk of the City of St.Paul,Minn.,in and by which said pets- and request reasons That said Belle streets is almost entirely a business district, and the property on said street extending to the .+1/6A�T ^` street line, it is desired by the petitioners F` q to have facilities for railroad sidetracks to run in front of their premises, and `" / upon that part of the portion of the blocks aforesaid through which Belle '. street runs; that one of the petitioners �? contemplates building additional ware- —m ..a„ houses. Pursuant to law, and the said resolution � 4,a of the Assembly above referred to as adopted, the said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on s Y thtaoecbAsnbl on the dyofDeemer, ,-'?SOLVED,by the Assembly of the city of St. Paul, to which A. D. 1899, in the committee rooms ad- joining the Council Chamber in the Court Ramsey, Minn., t 4 o'clock p. County of Common Council of said city the attached pe t i t io the day, at which time and place the said aid Committee will investigate and consider the matter of such vacation, and hear the testimony and evidence on the part of that portion of Belle street lying between Water street the parties interested. A copy of said resolution above men- tioned is hereto attached and published herewith, as part of this notice. reet in the city of St. Paul, has, been presented by the Dated Oct. 24, 1899. MATT. JENSEN, CityClerk.. d; that it is deemed expedient that the matters set forth nblym-r n1o. . in said petition should be proceeded with, and it is ORDERED, That the City Clerk of the city of St . Paul be , and he is hereby ordered to file of record in his office said pe- tition, and to give notice by publication in the official paper of said city for four weeks at least once a week to the effect that such pet ` tion has been filed as aforesaid , and stating in brief its object , and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets of said body of the Comm,-n Council on the day and at a place to be specified in said notice , not less than ten (10) days after the publication of said notice . C - G _ / - / ,r '" " r s i jey if?I, 1 .(7) , 1y f 9frie."'-' 11•11■ (0, ,_,„ ._ _ 2.- 7 ..- . /6::/// • . „„, y=t rq ti j . h . . xI: t .'>' f;: 4.st 3:-,, iiw Yi. *.i. 4 .` 4:9,111:i' ::It"_.i:11•.:4':°- 4 .,(1 r • 'bbl _tt.' ) ''''''''' - -I:"''::: , .. : 1«1 ` Y.3:aw if='ewS 9d j:1.t ;‘,.1. ,t . i': 7_` .L9r. •' . ) .. _ .o'/ ,. t ':0 r ..+ + ;'1 It -`--•. 9 1 J :(d b3.1.1 f3 int ,i19.9d- tii t.L.ii 1 . .tP, 'to ,, '. F .J 9-.iY it +,) •t.' 4. 0 .;0 i-1:1:j , i.+111 .tel ' i8.t si 9tit Jt31t ':''th9 'Xs b9rrt')sh al it .tnri•? ; «1'3(S',' tt. t at tt bits •ti{t ;y bab9ea ,n ; ad o.luola n-k t L l' al T;t,v. : i t' , el Ling . .1;3. 'to ‘4,Vo grist to A-ts1.0 A(; •►'? 9'i.t 1 tt': ,I I`T:RrIAO -aT �h ,¢ ao`"?to alts rtt b-toos•t °o 9111 o1 clFrf.4b111 •.:deieii at _act bna Io `114-11 1Rtat'l ') e:iJ ill n7`.ta3l1.d,ri •;(t natto etft rS hioo ,n'ott - 1 t - ` i: s;': 9 ?1* )+ issw a Sono t :rill, '..tit aA9a:,r '343T io"., m.t.t .., b1Sa - -- - Y- id I3 , • i<<*.tq )F .. ' hita «,1114 ` ad 111rr n- ' tF+ 9X 1':,t3 ,Sri! hte ,-:.3 '3,.no . ,r,. . *. 1 ' , t 3 91+31 4 1 i jy ,, N -•f •E.. l . Y ._ - -._.... _ - ....`'.4 1 //_/' - 1 1 $ I • • > 2 7 v / 2- 3 _ 4< � - aC-e.4— .1 r x- E A r • ! i t 1 i FOR 4 85.•5-5-°9 213. a Ls DEpANEHTPUBllC WORKS , : o. CLAUSSEN °' - Dec.5th,1899 Hon.Chairman and Members Committee on Streets of Assembly, City of St.Paul . Gentlemen:- In accordance with resolution passed by your honor- able bo-ly, I have investigated the matter, of narrowing Belle street, be tween Water street and Ohio street, to a•width of forty feet, and vaca- ting twenty feet on each side of the said Belle street and respectfully beg to report; 1st. That from an engineering standpoint there is no objection. 2nd. That Belle street can be reached by teams only from Fairfiel0 and from Water street . 3rd. That practically no to traffic can he occasioned on Belle street except such as may be done by the petitioners asking for the vaca- tion. Respectfully submitted, g!)- City .Engineer. • $ ■ Lr 1-o 1 • . . r. ` \\ .tom A \ n O `~\ Y A rn 1 N rn imc 0 I �' cn —4 G.-...-.. -2--.. . -2 ~-j coa • ,V----77T: 47..,,A-frii // /4 iyii /P ' /y //. / , / >Nc ..-1;:\.1 cS• /' • '/ c. / :_s-_,.,,---, ,"1.`� - / i- r ,ate" /� ,. �\\�. ..,,(,. .4„,,,,,„, is� C}� "+/ ..- / 9 / ' 6--- i00 ADD• - . �' A^.a Sfreef 72o/o ..e, [t�roccgh .O!/,0.9irso�'s/Ao�. _,,,J �� •�s IIiiiii/ii// �i / _,..;-., _%..--7-;./7�- 4 O M �/ AV cA N % x11\ �� / � / `\- \ - 1 , /j i f 1 / ' , / I/ J/�— //�I ' // / • \� / � .1117,4 w,,,,,�,i•.,,,i`,l iii ,� ,. •,. ,/� (.• lJ ��/1/ CA •r+ �' v,f CO ,`, /ice A. ir • 4 r .t. NN\ )t. 4:14 , r. , , p 4 1.=t":1 AV, 1.1r ,r