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0 B'd F No. 7397-
71 Resolution for vacation of part of alley
- in the south half of Smith's Subdivisior G.. si
of block 6, Stinson's division of the City C CO
0 of St. Paul. Co
Whereas. There was heretofore p
D rented to the Board of.Aldermen, one CO 1,..the bodies of the common council of t
City of St. Paul, a petition of a majority (
of the resident property owners on the
line of the alley extending through the R
south half of Smith's Subdivision of block ry,
6, Stinson's division to the City of St.'
Paul; which petition presented and CO
brought forth the facts and reasons for._, C� �
such vacation, and was accompanied by gz e.
a plat of the part of the alley proposed to e..,,
be be vacated and the adjoining ground, and CO
was duly verified as required by law;and
Whereas, Said Board of Aldermen deem- f--'1
ing it expedient that the matter therein O
should be proceeded with, ordered said O
petition to be filed of record with the City eq.
Clerk and ordered said City Clerk to give ci..
notice by publication in the official paper
of the city for four weeks,.at least once CO
in each week, to the effect that said peti-
tion had been filed as aforesaid, and stat
ing in brief its object, and that said peri- r
tion would be heard and considered by
the Board of 1 97.in the the 18th day p
of May,the C rt o the council cham-
ber `�^
St. in the Court House, in the City ot
St. Paul, Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock p. N'
of said day, at which time and place s l I
Board of Aldermen would investigate aff 4):=
cor:eider the matter of said vacation and \(�
hear the testimony and evidence on the I"
part of the parties interested; and, Cd17� C�
Whereas, Said petition was in fact d CO h
filed, said notice duly giv'n and said r- 0
lution duly complied with in all parti N
]ars; and,
Whereas, Said petitioners have tende r.
a deed to the City of St. Paul of the a �•
20 feet of lot 3, Smith's Subdivision
block 6, Stinson's division of the City of CD
St. Paul, and delivered same to the city
clerk of said city, which conveys to said O
city for public use land in lieu of said por- —'4:
\ tion of said alley sought to be vacated
and said deed is dated May 27, 1897; and, cy, {
Whereas, At the time and place last
above designated for the investigation and CO j
onsideration of such proposed vacation
of said portion of alley, as aforesaid, the
Investigation and consideration thereof (�
t` was postponed until the first day of June, O
\ 1897,at 7:30 p. m., and, f�
Whereas, At the time and place last
aforesaid, for the investigation and con- N
ideration of such proposed vacation of O
said portion of alley, the Common Conn- �—{
cil after hearing all persons interested L_J
and being of the opinion that the same is
necessary and proper, and that the pre- L.
requi8ites therefor have been performed. Q C
Therefore, Be it Resolved, That said 0 Z
plat and said deed be and the same are
hereby accepted, and said deed and said
plat and these resolutions are hereby di-
rected to be recorded in the Register's e..;
office of Ramsey County, Minnesota; anC\
Resolved, That all that portion of the P.+
or;ginal alley in said block, as shown by 03
e, the original plat of said addition, located - CO
between lots 16, 17 and part of.lot 18, V
and lots 1, 2 and part of of 3, in said
Smith's Subdivision of block 6, Stinson's O
ca Division, the same being the westerly 96
"t feet of said alley, be and the same hereby R
Is discontinued and vacated.
Resolved, further, That the value of
said portion of said alley vacated be and
the same is hereby fixed at the sum of
five dollars.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June
1, 1€97.
Yeas—Aid. Allard, Bell, Donahower,
Kaldunski, Kenny, Larsen, Lindahl, San-
born, Shepard, Stutzman, Mr. President I
Adopted by the Assembly June 3, 1897.
Yeas—Messrs. Albrecht. Daly, Dix,
Kirke, Mabon, Reardon, Thompson, Mr.
Approved June 5, 1897.
i thorized and directed, shall connect vat
Milton street with the present so called
Merriam Park electric line, and be main-
tained and operated with the Merriam
Park electric line as one continuous line
without change of cars.
The said double track electric line,to be
"-, t.,,lled and operated as in this ordi-
State of Minnesota, )
County of Ramsey, ) S S
City of St.Paul. )
1, Matt Jensen, city clerk of said city, do hereby certify that
I have compared the attached printed copy of Bd. F. No. 7697, being a
resolution vacating a part of the alley in Smith' s Subdivision of Block
13'd F esoluti o. for vacation of part of alley'' 6, Stinson' s Division, located between lots 16, 17 7—
in the south half of Smith's Subdivision
of block 6, Stinson's division of the City
of St. Pau,, There was heretofore pre-
l. and part of lot 18, and lots 1 , 2 and part of lot
sented to the Board of Aldermen, one of
the bodies of the common council of the'
City of St. Paul, s, petition of a majority 3 the same being the westerly 96 feet of said
of the resident property owners on the - >
line of the alley extending through the
south half of Smith's Subdivision of block
66,,aStinswhichivision to the City of St. alley and accepting plat of said part of alley
brought forth the facts and reasons for
such vacation, and was accompanied by
a plat of the part of the alley proposed to vacated, and deed of the east 20 feet of lot 3,
be vacated and the adjoining ground, and '
was duly verified as required by law;and,
Whereas, Said Board of Aldermen deem-
ing it expedient that the matter therein Smith's Subdivision of Block 6 St ins on'
s Division
should be proceeded with ordered said
petition to be filed of record with the City
Clerk and ordered said City Clerk to give
notice by publication in the official paper o of the City ty o of St.Paul, with the original thereof
of the city for four weeks, at least once
in each week, to the effect that said peti-
tion had been filed as aforesaid, and stat-
ing the in brief its object, and that said peti- as on file in th e office of the city clerk o f said
tion would be heard and considered by
the Board of Aldermen on the 18th day
of May, A. D. 1897. in the council cham- the in the Court House, in the City of city, and as adopted by the Board of Aldermen of
St. Paul, Minnesota, at 7:30 o'clock p. m.,
of said day, at which time and place said
Board of Aldermen would investigate and
cot:sider the matter of said vacation and said city June 1, 1897, and as adopted by the
hear the testimony and evidence on the
part of the parties interested; and,
Whereas, Said petition was in fact duly and said reso-
filed, said notice duly given ssembly of said city June 3, 1897, and as approv-
lution duly complied with in all particu-
lars: and, Mayor
weed tosthe C petitioners have tendered re d by the o f said C 1 ty on June 5, 1897; and I
a deed to the City of St. Paul of the east June f 1
20 feet of lot 3, Smith's Subdivision of
block 6, Stinson's division of the City of
St. Paul, and delivered same to the city further certify that said copy is a true and c o rre t Ic
clerk of said city, which conveys to said
city for public use land in lieu of said por-
tion of said alley sought to be vacated
!a d said deed isthedated ime and 27, 1897; and, of said original and of the whole thereof.
above designated for the investigation and
consideration of such proposed vacation
of said portion of alley, as aforesaid, the Witness City
investigation and consideration thereof l tine S S the seal o f the C 1 t3 o f St. -
was postponed until the first day of June,
1897, at 7:30 p. m., and,
Whereas, At the time and place last Paul this 1lti1n day of June 1897.
aforesaid, for the investigation and con-
sideration of such proposed vacation of
said portion of alley, the Common Coun-
cil after hearing all persons interested
and being of the opinion that the same is
necessary and proper, and that the pre-
' -fequisitee-therefor'have ..
Therefore, Be it Resolved, That said /�' =1��
plat and said deed be and the same are
hereby accepted, and said deed and said
'plat and these resolutions are hereby di-
rected y C�r
to be recorded in the Register's 1%t 1 e r k.
office of Ramsey County, Minnesota; and, y
Resolved, That all that portion of the
or;ginal alley in said block, as shown by
the original plat of said addition, located
between lots 10, 17 and part of lot 18,
and lots•1, 2 and part di, lot 3, in said
Smith's Subdivision of block 6, Stinson's
Division, the same being the westerly 96
feet of said alley, be and the same hereby
is discontinued and vacated.
Resolved, further, That the value of
,paid portion of said alley vacated be and
the same is hereby fixed at the sum of
five dollars.
Adopted by the Board of Aldermen June
1, 1897.
Yeas—Ald. Allard, Bell, Donahower,
Kaldunski, Kenny, Larsen, Lindahl, San-
born, Shepard, Stutzman, Mr. President
Adopted by the Assembly June 3, 1897.
Yeas—Messrs. Albrecht, Daly, Dix,
Kirke, Mabon, Reardon, Thompson, Mr.
Approved June 5, 1397.
t- S� � a 9%
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Was to hit bi Olstaw f+i i IOW a '44 ,t
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-um* sa 1s 0404 .8 snit tats "lam to yJ
I Am OM ,S omit as Vie bias 10 101011 ed, W is
isms M .WW a .t %qo• ilss 3.6.$ /lam e
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- .$8 to via spit to Lass s 3 ss*StI
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f Late urf Alton tesrta, $8.
� being duly
sworn, deposes and sa s that the annexed printed copy of notice of
11 ikt -z0-,7 &e_-
v- Notice of Hearing for Vacation
was taken from THE DAILY PIONEER PRESS, a daily newspaper,
Of portion Subdiv alley of Block 6,hStn.
son's Division to City of St. Paul.
Office City Clerk.
St. Paul, Minn., April 12, 1897.
which,during the whole time of the publication of said notice herein- Notice is hereby given that under the '
order of the Board of Aldermen of the
Common Council of said city, a petition
• with map attached has been filed of
after stated, has been and is printed and published in the English record with the City Clerk of said city,
asking for the vacation of portion of the
alley of the South half of Smith's Sub-
division of Block 6, Stinson's Division to
ua a in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, State of.Min- the City alley St. Paul, Minn., ter said feet
� ' y f � y y� /.F tion of alley being the Westerly 96 feet
of the Alley in said block. Said portion
of said alley sought to be vacated lies
between lots 1 and 2, and 16 and 17, and
nesota, and published and generally circulated in said County for part of 3 and 18, of said block; jnd the
owners of nine lots in the westerly por-
tion of said block intend to dedicate to
the public in lieu of said portion of said
more than one year next preceding the date of the first publication alley sought to be vacated, an alley con-
sisting of the East 20 feet of lot 3, all as
shown by said petition and a plat at-
tached thereto on file in the said City
hereinafter named, and during all said times was a newspaper as Cti .
g The The petitioners signing said petition
represent therein that they are a major-
ity of all the owners of property on the
defined in Section 1, Chapter 33, of the General Laws of Minnesota city,o ndathat alley, portion resident within srid alley
sought to be vacated is unnecessary for
as amended by Section 1, Chapter 121,of the General Laws of 1895, ! public use, and that the a of same
is advisable and necessary for r the im.
for 1893 and that the publishers of the said paper have filed with nrnvemen oft the adjoining uoaperty.and
paueainof a Piint/ 04 auiiaacc
the County 4uditor of said Ramsey County an affidavit in all respects SiiHNOISSIwQWOC) A,L1117oa
Said 'paurelgo eq Ilia Lair •e l'agl padoq el li uagm
6apeangy inun auop eq use 8ulgtopi •iaod
complying with the requirements of Section 2 of A Chapter 33 of the
General Laws of 1893; that the said notice was duly printed and
published in said newspap in the English language, once in each
week, fort period of . ....V successive weeks, on
of e h week, commencing on the
/ 4 .. day of 189 , on
which da last mentioned it wa first published, and then on the
1 i ' 1,7 ( , , 7
and ending the — l ' — day of
1 Ke7 189.-...� which day on wca last mentioned it
was last published; upon which days and times of publication afore-
said the said newspaper was regularly printed and published; and
that, during the whole time of the said publication, he was one of the
printers and publishers of the said newspaper.
Subscrido, , d sworn to before me,this _ day of
(.-..if /
G "
.4 D.D. 1897.
(- otary Public, Ramsey County, Minn.
. w:t
i 11,. -
11111101 . arniek
, •
To The Fororable Common Council of the City of St . Paul .
. .• ,1-caLc.c._/----
The undersigned 046constitute the majority of the owners
of the South half of Smith 's euh-ljvision of Block G Stinson's di-
vis'ion to the City of St . Paul , hereby petition your honorable body
to cause, to bevacated the Westerlf9e feet of the alley in said
b2ock an in place of said portion or said alley at vacated
petitioners offer for public use and condemnation as an alley a
. ,
of lard PO feet in ri dth tft-the Easterly side of Lot 3 in
• said block and running from Thomas street back backeloc,alorr said '
. .
Lot 3 urtfl it intersects with the rnvacated portion of said
a.sg: cwn on the accompanying plat. The reason this vacation is
asked. for is that the corporation o': $t . Agnes churchorhich is the
owner of tine lots in the resterly portion of said block, are de-
44•4 ;-1‘, 6,
sirous of erecting a church on 4A- 4 1 - 2- 16 and 17 cf sa.id
block and the size cf said edifice will require that it shall occuly.
all of said lots 1- 2 - le and .17 and cover that pOrtion of the
alley- row existing in said block which is hereby asked to be vacat-
ed ard. your petitioners wi22 ever pray.
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