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1896 (2)
p rt 4 „76, ,7,- RESOLVED By the BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF ST.PAUL, to which body of the Common Council the attached petition for the va- cation of the alley running easterly and westerly through Block sixty (60) of Kittson' s Addition to the City of St .Paul, Minnesota, was presented by the petitioners, that it is deemed expedient that the matter set forth in said petition shall be proceeded with. And it is ordered that the said petition be filed of record with the City Clerk, who shall give notice by publication in the offi- cial paper of the City for four weeks, at least once a week, to the .effect that such petition has been filed as aforesaid and stating An brief its object and that said petition will be heard and con- `sidered by the Committee on Streets of the said body of the Common Council on a day and at a place to be specified in said notice not less than ten days from the expiration of the publication of said notice. ,' ' f ; • '' ,/"ffC • . : /2 . To zr, '. LE THE 2 rzh e j©t h to orde_r d CO- vi01- , 1896 CO tending easterly and westerly through said b Ito Proadway Street in said City of St.Paul . The reasons for such vacation are as follows : The said alley stops at said Broadway Street, extending no further west than the easterly line of said street. The same is wholly occupied and has been occupied since the year 1880 by railroad tracks, depots, offices, platforms and other buildings and structures, and the same has never during the whole of said time been used by the public, and has by the common consent of the property owners of said block been used in the manner specified. And the further reason for asking the vacation at this time is that the St.Paul & Northern Pacific Railway Company is about to construct a large and very expensive addition to the present office building located upon said block, which additional structure it is necessary to build over and across said alley in order that the same may be used in connection with the present office building and the present track facilities located upon said block and blocks adjoining thereto. This petition is accompanied by a plat of said block and alley -1- t .S k 4.:12,. R.----7---,,.j-g;1:7";:,;-,;,., ,17.;',,„;,,-,1z9,,:af . 4 '— hj ,1 it s: . re �'— _. \\ xF y X` } } e Q4.. • I . �f/3n a I t`- n 3.1 'y'� ,,c1":' . ..r'1 i --1 � a n ..-.. A{ C - ZiLrxr�I � 330'T �n64 -^ s . ,1ZJrtuo'? Yetr sr o":11°6' . ..f33oa9nfi1Til teioaorialM `to 91.8,-!•._ .is a .��s?nsH 'Yo ' 3rww ot) rf ob trricw .;.Iub 3a-in zini9d tvin9`;.;at, .H aiwbri —lts.g a tJias`i ril9r lloT4 3ri3 3o alovic., o9 i 9_13 'to orro al 9rf 3sr{T:4t.xa iaoiJ t ec nio 9no't e c- 0 Frfalnia .) .? 'to one brU3 ,,:n.sgrnoD bso r .slJ'Y3 as n0i4i; 34 ui -- 1.el 1 \ ,4 tam e'Y O g s d oz,' cvv w. to bed F it o a d rig \, 4:A:-. \._._—44.-- '�_._._ +"' .6 8S.(I.A tertsr7• `to t�sb rifl`I 011 _._ ` II dug ;-is3 oil t',;3nUOD ZOEm.3A I .B3© 9rIrf1'l 1 • —oopo -shylwirr- the location of said office buildin7, now constructed, the location of said alley ard the location of some of the railroad tnveks upon said block, and is made in accordance with the require- , ronts of law for the purpose of ohtaininz the vacation as above Re:;poctfully yours, ET.PAUL & OPT.:IeRi,1 PACIFIC RAILW Y COITANY 777/ f/d_-e-aaZ-C !OFT PACIFIC RAILROAD (10MPANY. Py , (!/ QL07/ At'S gsetHz/0_4_2_ Receivers of the Horthern Pa ' fic • ' 1///47 St.Paul, Hinn . , June 10.th, 1696. TO TIT ITOITORA.13LIT TITS C07.1.IOl': COUNCIL OF T"E CITY OF S .PAUL. U:t`I.TTI,ErE1T:- We, the undersir. ned, are the owners of all of the property in Flock number sixty (60) of r ittson' s Addition to the City of St.Paul, in the Count:' of Ramsey and State of Tinneso4. a. As such owners we hereby respectfully petitior. the Common Council to order the vacation and discontinuance of that certain alley ex- -tending easterly and westerly `hror h said block from Pine street ,, to -roadway street in said City of St .Paul . The reasons for snob vacation are as follows: ?he said alley stors at said ^roadway Street, extending; no further west than the easrly line of said street. The same is wholly occupied` and has been occupied since the year 1660 by railroad tracks, depots, offices, platforms and other buildings and stri ctures, and the, same has never during the whole of said time been used by the public, and has by the common consent of the property owners of said block been used in the manner specified. And the further reason for the vacation at this time is that the St.Paul `u Northern Pacific Railway Company is about to construct a lnr -e and verb xrer. sive addition to the present office building7 located upon said block, which additional structure i ti s necessary to build over and across said alley in order ths1 the same may be used in correction with the present office building and the present track facilities located upon said block and blocks adjoining thereto. This petition is accompanied by a plat of said block and alley -1- T •i I , - .., „,001r;;Or 41. ilik . . ler , , 94 RI-701WED i'y the BOAFT) OF ATTETTIT OF TIT CITY OF ST.PAIIL, to .,7, - — e Common Council the attached petition for the va- cation of the alley r- rrirci. easterly and westerly thromth Flock sixty (Go) of Kittsones Addition to the City of t.Paul, :.'innesota, was presented by the petitionnrs, that it ir deemed expedient that the matter set forth 3n said petition shall be proceeded with. And, it is ordered that the said petition be fil -,,,:Li of record with he City Clerk, “no sh-,.11 -iv(' notice by nublicrition in the offi- `-'■ c ' al I nlier of ti- e City for four weeks, at least once a week, to the . effect 4.:', at si•ch petition has been filed as aforesaid and stating 01. I in brief its object and that said petition will be heard and con- sidered by tl-' ^or—iftoe ,,r, rtr.- et E. of the said body of tho Common Council on a day and at a place to be specified in said notice not less ti- ar ten days from the ex"irntion of the publication of said notice. tic„, i , ' 11 ( 1 4 s c...0.-- j 41 ( , o .--- I A e t 40/ tAie. A i i ,._ J !! 5 • • • • k. • 1. //elf e • N M 14 �t G e /e. iM &if-7 (A(49, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to law and the resolution of the Board of .Aldermen of the City of St.Paul, a body of the Common Council of said City, that a petition for the vacation of the alley running easterly and westerly between Pine Street and Broadway Street through Block sixty ( 60) of Kittson' s Addition to the City of St.Paul has been filed in this office, and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Committee on Streets, a w_r _I- mittee appointed by the said Board of Aldermen., on th.4 = day of 1896, in the Committee Room adjoining the Council Chamber in the Court House in the City of St .Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at _ 3. o' clockM. of said day, at which time and place said committee will investigate and consider the matter of said vacation and hear the testimony and evidence on the part of the parties interested. A copy of the resolution directing this publication and a copy of said petition are attached hereto and published herewith, excepting only the plat which accompanied said petition, which is not set forth in this notice. l l,, 'K •ity Clerk. Dated June /7k , A. D. 1896. • TN 4N 4cPN \ 4 N 1 , *it f",‘—‘ **8 N 4 r • \;, r _ I 1; a 4, .•,4,40441,004*•:,,. • 4 "state of "innesotta, d Ss. County of Ramsey. .T0 R.ANl?ALL, being first duly sworn:, cloth say:That he is the Comptroller of the It.I'aul & Northern Paei l'i.c Railway Company, a corporation organized under the laws of tie State of l:..ir.r.esota; that he has read the foregoing petition, =an,' t1-gat he signed the same in behalf of the 3t .Paul & Northern Pacific ; ;ilway Company; that h e is ore of the officers of that Company and that said petit for is true. • :'uhscribed and sworn o before me �r /(7�( ` 'e f, this /6 day of June, A.P. 1896. i (tom •G ' ' • ' otar;;: Pub lie, &ctP, . Ramsey County, Winneota. Ctato of '.Tinnesota, ss. County of Ramsey. Edwin_ U. c .tjenry, being first dui sworn, doth say :That he is one of the Receivers of the northern Pacific Rail- road Company and one of the signors of the foregoing petition; that said petition is true. Subscribed and sworn to before Ine • X/( this 4h day of June, A.P. 1E-96. votary Public , Ramsey Counts', innesota. • jr-4,2,LL., .2 3 , 3v - - - -' -`41111ipppr,- t