1895 (3) To the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota and to the Members thereof: Gentlemen:- The undersigned, a majority of the (mere of property on the line of the public alley hereinafter named, sought to be vacated and the majorii.y of the owners of prop,rty on the line of said alley resident within said City of St. Paul, including your petitioner the H. A. Muckle Mfg. Co. , which is a Minnesota corporation, hereby respectfully petition your body to vacate that portion of the alley shown on the plat hereto attached, marked Exhibit "A" which map is m .de a p- rt of this petition, which alley extends from St . Anthony Avenue to Gilbert Street through a g portion of Block 1 of Merri m Park Fourth Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, The portion of said alley sought to be vacated is located between Lots 1 One (1) Two ( 2) Twenty-One (21) Tw- nty-Two (22) and Twenty Three (23) and is marked or colored a yellowish green on said plat, the same extending from Gilbert Street south or southerly to a point 12 feet north of the south line extended as a continuous straight line of said Lots Two (2) and Twenty-One (21) all in said Block One (1) . Your petit- - , ioner Charles N. Bell is the owner of Lots Twenty Two (22) and Twenty Three (23) and your petitioner the H. A. Muckle Mfg. Co. , is the owner of Lots One (1) and Two (2) and is also interested in Lot Twenty One ( 21) and your petitioner Newington Gilbert is the owner of Lot Twenty One (21) all in said Block One (1) . The owners of said Lots Two and Twenty One desire to dedicate and intend to dedicate for public use in lies of said portion of said alley sought to be vacated, a public alley from Cleveland Avenue westerly to Cleora Avenue, consisting of the south 12 feet of said lots Two ( 2) and T enty One (21) and said ground sought to be and intended to he dedicated for such new alley is markei red on said plat. The reason for this petition is this: Said A . M1 ;kle Mfg. Co. , has made arrangements by which it will acquire title to Its 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 in said Block in addition to said Lots 1 and 2 now owned by said Company and said company intends to build and is building a large manufacturing plant on said property and the portion of • • sp Illr State of Minnesota, ss . -County of Ramsey .- I , Matt Jensen, City Clerk of the City of St. Paml, state and county aforesaid, do hereby certify that I have compared the within paper writing with the original resolution on file in this office, and that the same is a true and correct copy and transcript of said ori- ginal resolution, and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and seal of said City , at St. Paul, this Twen- ty-seventh day of February, A.D. 1896. /71 . // C' y Clerk. NOTICE OF HEARING FOR VACATION. -4. Of Port; ion of the Alley in Block One of Merriam Park Fourth Addition to Sr . Paul. Office City Clerk, St. Paul, Sit. _ _ 1395. Notice is hereby given that under the order of the Assembly of the Common council of said City, a petition, with map attached, has been filed of record with the City Clerk of said City, asking for the vacation of that portion of t e alley in Block One of Merriam Park Fourth Addition to St. Paul, Minnesota, whi •h extends from Gilbert Street on the North Southerly to a point Twelve feet north or northerly (12 ft. N. ) of the South line of Lot Two and Lot Twenty One of said Block One when said South line at Ilark is extended across said alley as a continuous straight line. Said portion of said alley sought to be vacated lies between Lots One and 'l' o rnd Lots Twenty-One and Twenty-Two of std Block One, and the owners of said Lots 2 rand 21 intend to dedicate to the public in lieu of said portion of said alley sought to be vacated, an alley, consisting and said Lot 21, all as shown by said petition and a plat attached thereto of .the south 12 feet of said Lot Two on file in the said City Clerk'e office. • The petitioners signing said petition represent 'there in that the P are a majority of all the owners of property on the line of said alley, resident within said City, and that the portion of said alley sought to be vacated is unnecessary for public use and that the vacation of same ie advisable and necessary for the improvement of the adjoining property, and that the said alley to be dedicated in lieu thereon, always will be much more servicable for public use than the portion of 95- id alley sought to be vacated, and contains more surface feet and is more valuable than the land cover:d by said portion of said alley sought to be vacated. Notice is also given that said petition will be heard and considered / ,rwa st'a`y /74_ by the Assembly of the City of St . Paul on ferny'- the day of r 1895, at Ei Lt O ' clock P.M. at the Council Chambers in the City Hall of said n-Uy of St. Paul. BY ORDER OF SAID ASSEMPLY. (.7 167/ City Clerk. • P • • • • • L. nk 41101111° POTICE OP ITEARI'7G ?OR VAC 'orT -- - - Of Por4ion or the Alley in Block One of Verriam Park Fourth Addition to St, Paul. Office City Clerk, St. P .1.1, 14awS Notice is hereby ..,iven that under the order of the Assembly of the Common council of said. City, a petition, with Nap attacned, has been filed of record with the City Clerk of said City, ,skin7, for ;.he vacation of that portion of t e alley in Plock One of Merriam 15Frk Fourth Audit ion to St. Pt,u1, loinneso e, whi h extends from Gilbe .t Str-let on the 'Torth Southerly to a point "welve fec4 north or northerly (12 ft. TI,) of the South line of Lot Two and Lot Twc-nty One of said Plonk One w14n said , t South line eR )(et is ex ,erided across said Oley a a continuous tv,rriojit4 . line. Said portion of said allay sot ;ht to ho vacated lies between Lots /One and 'ow° nld Lots TwJnty-Ons and Tw- nty-Two of snii Block One, and the owners of said Lots 2 and 21 intend to dedictte to the public in lieu of said portion of said alley sau.c!ht to be vacated, an alley, consisting - and said Lot 21 , all as shown by said petition,and a plat attached thereto or the solth 12 feet or sad Lot VNoAon "ile in the said City Clerk' s * ft 'offine. The netition :r, siTning said petition represent therein that they A a majority of all he owners of prrerty on the line or said alley, - resident within said City, and that the portion of said alley sought to he vacated is unnecesary for public use and that the vacation of same is advisable s,nd necessary for he improvJNent or the adjoinin-; proper , and that the said allay to be dedicated in li 'n2 thereo ', slwys will be much more servicable ror public use than the portion or 4- id alley sou4;ht to be vaca,ted, and contains more surface feet and is more valuable than the land covered by said 7-or;. ion of said alley swulht to be vacated. • Notice is also liven that said petition will 'le heard and considered L 4,1,4 144.1 by the Assembly of the City or "t. P! u1 on 144414414sor tile / day of 143-TS„--Aat Eig.h 0 ' t - . 0 mbirsn the City hall of s;lid Ci..y of St. Paul. Y ORDER OP SAID AScIEWLY. >21774› Ad