1895 CITY CLERK' S OFkICE . • ,,g5 . __ j) mti�,_.___. ,s9, The attention of the_ IIII is respectfully called to the following Resolution of the Common Council, approved . — I. VACATION OF PORTION OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK FIFTEEN (15), OF WHIT- ' NEY SMITH'S ADDITION TO ST. PAUL. City Clerk's Office, St. Paul, Minn., j July 17, 1895. Wheless, A petition has been filed of `record • in this office by order of the Board of Alder- men asking for the vacation of that portion of the alley in block fifteen (15), of Whitney & Smith's addition to St. Paul, which lies easterly and'northerly of the following line, to-wit: Commencing at a point on the north- erly line of said block fifteen (16), of said Whitney & Smith's addition (being the south side.of Fifth street), one hundred and thirty- one (131) feet from the easterly side of Sib- ley street, running thence in a southerly dl- 1 rection parallel with Sibley street to a point ten feet northerly from the center line of said block fifteen (15), running parallel to Fourth and Fifth streets, and running thence parallel-to said center line and ten feet j northerly therefrom to Wacouta street; said described portion being shown on the plat ac- ' companying said petition and attached thereto and being colored red on said plat. And, whereas, the petitioners making said petition represent that they are a'majority of all the owners of property on the line of said alley, and that the portion thereof sought to be vacated is unnecessary for public pur- poses, and vacating the same leaves the alley a uniform width of twenty feet, and that the vacation of the same-is advisable and neces- sary for the improvement of the adjoining property, Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that said petition has been filed as aforesaid, and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Board of Aldermen of the City of St. Paul on Tuesday, the 27th day of August, (OFFICIAL.) 1895, at 7:30 o'clock p. m. at the council cham- ber in the city hall of said City of St. Paul. By order of the Board of Aldermen. - City Clerk. MATT JENSEN, City Clerk. July17-24-31-aug7 - _ • 4/#9 .41 41-V1(14) *04' /14 1 irq 9t0 ' ,211°' tr-"/C ` y t Vacation of portion of the alley in Block fifteen (15) of Whitney & Smith' s Addition to St Paul. City Clerk' s Office, St .Paul, Minr., July � J. �-1895. Whereas a petition has been filed of record in this office by order of the Board of Aldermen, asking for the vacation of that portion of the alley in Block fifteen (15) of Whitney & Smith' s Addi- tion to St .Paul which lies easterly and northerly of the following line , to- wit : Commencing at a point on the northerly line of said block fifteen (15) of said Whitney & Smith' s Addition (being the south side of Fifth Street) one hundred and thirty one (131) feet from the easterly tide of Sibley Street, running thence in a south- erly direction parallel with Sibley Street to a point ten feet north- erly from the center line of said block fifteen (i5) running parallel to Fourth and Fifth Streets, and running thence parallel to said center line and ten feet northerly therefrom to Wacouta Street; said described portion being shown on the plat accompanying said petition and attached thereto and being colored red on said plat; And whereas the petitioners making said petition represent that they are a majority of all the owners of property on the line of said alley and that the portion thereof sought to be vacated is un- necessary for public purposes, and vacating the same leaves the alley a uniform width of twenty feet and that the vacation of the same is advisable and necessary for the improvement of the adjoining property: Now therefore , notice is hereby given that said petition has been filed as aforesaid, and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Board of Aldermen of the city of St Paul on Tues- r. u r , - . ..L ' � .r • 1 i L'_ ... ;. - ., - "1 f t • . .. .1. ? {; •{ ( + �- i `) G - ..,0 '4 ., •J ,.'.i !'i,t iJ lt. 9r ' 'i fF;< + '7_ f•3.. i fit{ili[ ''Y O1 L O. 1' . ;rr, .0. +; ci . J. J ,. .f J .. . ;t-. ..r _ a _ _tL is :) • `.;-, L. a Vacation of portion of the alley in Block: fifteen (1 5) of Whitney & Smith' s Addition to St Paul.. 4a City Clerk' s Office, St .Paul Minn. gyp .T1il.y 1895. oiU4� . Whereas a petition has been filed of record in this office by order of the Board of Aldermen, asking for the vacation of that portion of the alley in dock fifteen (15) or Whitney & Smith' s A t ii- tion to St .Paul which lies easterly anti northerly of the following line, to-wit : Commencing at a point on the northerly line of slid block fifteen (15) of sata Whitney & Smith' s Addition (being the south si;to of Fifth Street) one hundred and thirty one (131) feet from the easterly aide of Sibley Street, running thence in a south- erly direction parallel with Sibley Street to a point ten feet north- erly from the center line of eai:i block fifteen (15) running parallel to Fourth and Pifth Streets, and running thence parallel to watt center line and ten feet northerly therefrom to Wacouta Street; said leserthe:i portion being shown on the plat accompanying said yet it ion and attached thereto and being colored rod on sail plat: And whereas the petitioners making said petition represent that they are a mejority of all the owners of property on the line of said aney and that the portion thereof sought to he vacated is =- necessary for public purposes, and vaeat ing the eame leaves the alley a uniform width of twenty feet and that the vacation of the same is advisable and necessary for the improvement of the adjoining peopeity: Now therefore , notice is hereby given that sail petition has been filed as aforesaid, and that said petition will be heard and considered by the Board of Aldermen of the city of St Pat/ on Tuen- ;Lay the • :iay of August, 1895, at 7.30 o' clock P.M. at the coixr_c;ii chamber in the city hall of' will. city of.' St .Pe.711 . By order or. the Boar:t or Aldermen. City Clerk. v? 7 / Whereas thi petition of John Wann,ana Tani. l R. ':oyes, Charles P. Noyes and Edward H. Cutler, copartners as Noes pros. & Cutler, ao Crawford hiving ton and Thomas P. McCormick , for the vacation A of a portion of the alley in Block fifteen (lb) of Whitney and Smith6 Addition to St .Paul, has been presented to this body, and whereas this bo:iy deems it expedient that the matter of s o.id vacation shall be proceeded with, It is ordered that said petition be filet of record with the city clerk and that saia city clerk shall give notice by publication in the official paper in the city in the form anti manner provide/ by law, and that sa.ia petition he heard by thi e body at its regular meeting in the council chamber in the city hail in said city to be 3O held at o ' clock P.M. on Tuesday the day of August , l!?9%. J7!)C r 1 day the Z7 day of August , 1895, at 7.30 o' clock P. R. at the i council chamber ii.I'the city hail of said city of St .Paul. By order of the Board of Aldermen. I- ,, City Clerk. / r .,,,,„ f A,,, , yt,74, ,,, ,,,du,, , /7 21 V '1' t‘'''' .oa, Ig 70 / ear004,,dr. 7 orf s To the Honorable, the Common Council of the City of St .Paul. Your petitioners, John Wann and Daniel R. Noyes, Charles P. Noyes and Edward H. Cutler, copartners as Noyes Bros. & Cutler, Crawford Livingston and Thomas F. McCormick, respectfully represent and allege: 1. That your said petitioners are a majority of all the owners of I.rorerty on the line of the alley in Block fifteen (15) , Whitney and Smith' s Addition to said city of St .Paul, and are all residents within said city. 2. That your petitioners desire and ask your honorable body to vacate all that portion of said alley which lies easterly and north- erly of the following line , to-wit : Commencing at a point on the northerly line of said block fifteen of said Whitney and Smith' s Addition, (being the south side of Fifth Street) one hundred and thirty-one (131) feet from the easterly side of Sibley Street, run- ning thence in a southerly direction parallel with Sibley Street to a point ten feet northerly from the center line of said block fif- teen running parallel to Fifth and Fourth Streets, and running thence parallel to said cen ter line and ten feet northerly therefrom to Wacouta Street , said described portion being shown on the plat ac- companying this petition and attached hereto and being colored red on said plat . 3. That the facts and reason for the vacation of said portion of said alley are: that the same is unnecessary for public purposes, that vacating said portion leaves said alley of a uniform width of twenty feet, that the said portion unless vacated renders the land adjoining it unsuitable for building purposes and improvement by rea- son of the fact that it makes a curve in said alley and that all of the owners of land fronting upon said alley are willing and desirous that said portion of said alley should be vacated so that the ad- • • 1 ! • •P ' ' . • F ii C' ; S' .. • .. • .•o 1_ ..J 'I ! 1_ .}.ill tl' _t'c. f,ir.,., i_. f. ' 1 E 1 I ! 4 il(J:Iif r, r... a .11. ,..Fs. )ifr :e1.!. N '. , , r 1 i . , .E ; . 1.'' a • joining property may be improved by the construction of a permanent building thereon upon the line of such alley, and that the construc- tion of such a building upon a curved line is inadvisable. Wherefore your petitioners pray that the above described por- tion of said alley in Block fifteen (15) of Whitney and Smith' s Adi- t ion be vacated. Dated July /4 1895 . (2Z**I-4 (?te z 71,2 (24 „„z ;i7,9im i 44-4-4.¢v 4th. s ys.E4,.�c fk-ft-44.43,iszeif `M‘ri • VI / a. • ;