1894 I
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Count; of Rai!1 :: ', ss •
City of St •Paul.
I, Thos.A.Pronuergast, City Clerk of said city of St.Punl, do
hereby certify that I have corflpared the attached copy of plat of proposed
vacation of part of the Territorial road, with the original t orc^f as on
file in this office and as accompanying a petition dated November t% 1SO3 ,
and signed by W.N. Irish and others, asking for the vacation of all that
part of the nc"th half of Territorial road, lying between the west line
of Snelling Avenue and the rarest line produced of Hopkins ' ten acres, said
Hopkins ' ten ac-es being more particularly : escribed in look L of Deeds,
page 204, and also all that part of the sorth half of said road lT,ring be-
tween the east and west lines produced, of Lot 34, Kinrelr' s outlots ; said
copy \being this day filed in the Re i_ster of Deeds office in connection
with Board File No.2897, a resolution vacating said parts of said Terri-
torial Road.
I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy
of said original plat and of the whole thereof.
Witness the seal of the city of St.Paul this .cay of March
2r� •
City Clerk.
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