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State of Jiinnesofa, )
County o f Ramsey, ) ss .
) •
City of St.Paul . )
I , `i'hos.A.Prendr�r ,ast,Cit1r Clerk o f said Cit-r, do hereby
certify that T have compared the attached printed copy of Board
}fie Pm.1904, beinp, a resolution vacating; al't of Park Avenue, be-
tween the northerly line of Pernsylvania Avenue and the southerly
line of lot 21, of Guerin's outlots to the City of St.Paul *h t
,wi ✓ rP
17F .1904-
ereas,The owners of the property abut-j
upon and along the lin a of Park avenue, n o e City of St. Paul,between the northerly n r 1 4r1 n a 1 t h er„o f on 1 121 �,t ll $ C► f t 1 C!?f Pennsylvania avenue and the southerly
f lot 21,of Guerin's Out Lots to the City
of St.Paul.if extended across Park avenue, to ermen o 1
an intersection with the south line of lot 22 of and as passed by t ne Bo and o f Al a err..
said out lots. have petitioned the Common
Council of the City of St.Paul to vacate all
that portion of Park avenue above described, L ry U .�
which said petition duly sets forth tae facts s d Iii t ti• Feb. / 1893 and by to e Assembl y
and reasons for said vacation,and was duly 1
accompanied by a plat thereof as proposed to
be vacated; and,
Whereas, The Common Council, upon the
presentation of said petition, deemed it erne- of sal d ( 1893!I t yr r e b.9, 1 893 and as approved by
went that the matter be proceeded with, and
ordered said petition to be Hied of record with Acting
the City Clerk,and notice to be given by pub-
lication as provided by law; and, the-Mayor a ao r o f s ii C• L, y ' J(,
Whereas,Due notice was given by publics- 11 1 1 +✓�r i'e IJ. 1 F), 1(Je7 `, and I
ton in the--official paper of said city for four 1'
weeks,commencing on the 30th day of Decem-
ber,A.D. 1892,to the effect that said petition
had been filed with the City Clerk, stating,in further ce rt I f'r that said c qp`,r 1 s a true
brief, its object,and that the same would be t'
heard and considered by the Common Council
of the City of St.Paul on Tuesday.the 7th deo
of February,A.D.1893,at 7:30 o'clock in the
afternoon of said day,at the Council Chamber and correct, I
cop o said o r ivin all an d of
in the City Hall of said city; and,
Whereas,At the time and place last afore-
said for the investigation and consideration of
such proposed vacation of said Park avenue, .the Who 1 e thereof.
the Common Council,after hearing all persons
interested, and being of the opinion that the
same is necessary and proper, and that the
prerequisites thereof have all been complied `At +
with: now,therefore,be it YY 1 t fe s s the seal o 1 the Ci ty o f
Resolved,That all of said Park avenue be-
tween the northerly line of Pennsylvania ave-
nue ana the southerly line of lot 21,of One•in'e
Out Lots to the City of St. Paul,if extended C 20th
easterly across Park avenue,to an intersection Sa in t✓ Paul, t T f February A.
with the south line of lot 22 of said out lots, in
the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, as the same i /
i appears of record In the office of the Register■ 1 Hy �,
of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey. D 9 . .
Minnesota,be and the same is hereby declared•
to be vacated and diocontinued,as asked for in '.
said petition and as herein above specified.;
Adopted by the Board of Alderman Feb. 7,
18'.18. e;
1 Yeas—Aid. Copeland, Conley, Dbrniden,,
Franklin, Hickman, Jensen, Montgomery., -
Warren,Zimmerman,Mr.President-410. •
Nays-0. x
President of the Board of ` men. ' i/s
Adopted l)y'the Assembly Feb.9; e l t y Ole rk.
Yeas—Messrs. Doran, Daly,Johnso---Light•
nor,Pike, Sandell, Van Siyke, Mr. President•'
• -8
Nays—Mr.Reardon—l. 1
President of the Assembly. ?
Approved Feb.11. 1833.
F. O. INGERSOLL,Acting Mayor.
Attest: THOS: A. PItENLtxcAST,City Clera.,
.pia otcmor rift' '• 1 ,, P, u1/4'2
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"T. PAUL, i,.I1 iii.
November 9th---1892.
GFNTLF,M T: --- •
The undersigned your petitioner represents that it is
the owner of all of the real estate adjacent to and abutting on the
line of Park Avenue in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, between the
northerly line of Pennsylvania Avenue in said. City and the south-
erly line of Lot J. of Guerin' s outlets to the City of St. Paul if
extended easterly acrioas Park Avenue to an intersection with the
south line of lot 22111. said Out lots, and that your petitioner is
in the actual po
e4sion and ocfupancy of said real estate using
the same for its ri1,ht of way and for side tracks and for yards
in connection with itw business as a common carrier. That said
i' pa rk Avenue had been opened and graded between said points, but
that account of other streets cre"ssing the right of yvay of your 1
petitioner , and w ich have been opened for public travel, and upon
which bridges have been constructed your petitioner believes that
the said Park Avenue between the points herein mentioned are no
longer needed as a public highway , and your petitioner is desirous,
and it is necessary in the con:xuct of its business to construct
buildings and extension of buildings upon lands crossed by said
street and untilise the same in the prosecution of its business. Y
That hereto: a tached Ss a plan showing that portion oP Park-.lve-
nue hereinabove particularly described; and your petitioner prays
#,, your honorable bodies that you will cause such steps to be taken
as 1,' 11 result in the vacation of that portion of Park Avenue
) herein a.bove� 'art ,
_ ■ s ,. e ei.. . - , ____. :_______„___). .
oc nel trt1M t n etst2
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11i1' ) Pit &q v/ ewe rn1 gala, t o *wig to soh tloar ;twegls Jrlq
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ellnase ttl,lraq.f! e64 to (X1810 f tab) moth*q a ea be
ems! 't Q fL artrioJ t !t) it 11,1' , f P 3 Mot t aft adndi. 4
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ti ,Lto thro Malmo ti M Est to snit
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o mad ystliart rtat414 hiss **tatty) hiss 1a II ,tot to *rill dtrme
Is vibes Bpi 1010 Mss to *is 'dlW *sit dtiw inners to b►Itt bomb
.NMI, ioctitPooa VItt b ta• to tiostAbIA ts bang !t(iJ
izettM ias si'!* • alt +a etas d`!dt Ytl3,o $ '4 t
.t moil eiow eM I. Ma ie nt; .trt o bias to Y,#p e
to ,-ab4 et* i .tI to TOO *di to LMa fight .* tkI
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' , k ‘ 1 1 ORDINANCE NO.
An Ordinance requiring and directing the St .Paul City Railway
Company to build, equip, construct, maintain and operate new lines
of Street Railway in the City of St . Paul , rinnesota.
ooOoo -
WHEREAS, By Ordinance No.1227, entitled "An Ordinance author-
izing the St .Paul City RailwayAto construct , equip, maintain and
operate street railway lines in the City of St .Paul, " approved
September 20th,1889 , the City of St .Paul did grant to the St .Paul
City Railway Company, its successors and assigns, the authority,
right and privilege to build, equip, maintain and operate street
railway lines with single and double tracks with all necessary
side tracks and switches , poles , wires, conduits and appliances,
over and along certain streets and avenues in the City of St.Paul,
which are particularly mentioned, described and setforth in said
Ordinance No. 1227, and
Whereas , by Section 18 of said Ordinance 1227, it is provided
as follows -"The Common Council reserves and shall possess the
right at any time and from time to time after January first, 1892,
to orc:.er the construction and completion by said St.Paul City Rail-
way Company, of any new lines of railway, or the extension of any
present or future lines of railway upon any and all streets in the
City of St .Paul , upon which sewers shall have been constructed and
all lines or extensions so ordered shall be constructed and in
operation within one (1 ) year after such orders are made.
PROVIDED, That when such new lines or extensions are con-
1,. y .W.Tr;:'. 18 s t 1 J 7,,i`' .r..7 o s7
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bnfi !'r 99 I I ea c'i;i H;- a rig ., _ t ISr,3> . rr I,
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structed, all the provisions of this ordinance shall apply thereto ,
Whereas, sewers have been constructed upon all of the streets
and avenues hereinafter mentioned in this ordinance,NOV( THEREFORE,
The Common Counc it of the City of Saint Paul do ordain, as follows+
Section l.That the St.Paul City Railway be and it is hereby
required and ordered to build, equip, construct , maintain and op-
erate a double line of street railway, as follows:
Commencing at the intersection of St .Clair and Milton streets
in the City of St .Paul, Minnesota, running thence north on Milton
street, to the intersection of Milton street and Grand avenue;
thence running east on Grand avenue to the intersection of Grand
avenue and St .Albans street ; thence running northerly on St.Albans
street to the intersection of St .Albans street and Rondo street ;
thence west on Rondo street to the intersection of Rondo street and
Fisk street; thence north on Fisk street to the intersection of
Fisk street and Fuller street ; thence east on Fuller street to
the intersection of Fuller street and Grotto street ; thence north
on Grotto street to the intersection of Grotto street and Minnehaha
street ; thence east on P"innehaha street to the intersection of
rinnehaha street and Dale street;
all in the City
of St .Paul , Minnesota: said double track line of said street rail-
way to be built , equipped, constructed, maintained, completed and
operated under the provisions of said ordinace No.1227.
Provided However, that in case the St.Paul City Railway Compar
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shall elect to build, and shall build within the time limited for
the construction of the line above described a double line of
street railway, as follows:
Common cing at the intersection of St.Clair and Milton streets
thence running north on Milton street to the intersection of Mil-
ton street and Grand avenue; thence east on Grand avenue to the
intersection of Grand avenue and St.Albans street ; thence north on
St .Albans street to the intersection of St .Albans street and
':innehaha street; thence east on f'innehaha street to the intersec-
tion of uirnehaha street and dale street; . - e
. _ - ' : . . n• .• under
the conditions and requirements above stated, then upon the com-
pletion of the line last described, the said City Railway Company
shall be released from the requirement t o build the line first a-
bove described.
Sec.2. That the City Clerk of the City of St .Paul be di-
rected to serve a copy of this ordinance upon the St.Paul City
Railway Company immediately after the passage and publicat ion
of this ordinance.
Sec.3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passa .e and publication.
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