1892 (6) •
"tiffs, '
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County of' Ramsey,
. ... -. ... ....----- ---being duly sworn,
de oses and says that the annexed printed copy of notice of
ae a —
was taken from
the SAINT PAUL AILY G J16 BE, a newspaper which, during OFFICIAL PUBLICATION
Vacation of Part of Alley in
the whole time of the publication of said notice,hereinafter stated, Bloch 36. West Side Land and
Cottage Company's Subdivis-
has been and is printed and published in the English language in i°" to Brown and Jackson's
Agdition to West St.Paul.
the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State of Minnesota, ST. PAUL,Aug.1Y,189..}
Whereas. A petition has been hied in this
office by order of the Assembly of said city,
as required by law,asking for the vac ition
and published and generally circulated in said county for more of all that portion of the alley in block aa,
West Side Laud and Cottage Company's Sub-
division to Brown and Jackson's Addition to
West St,. Paul,in the County of Ramsey and
than one year next, preceding the date of the first publication state of Minnesota. commencing at the
southwest corner of lot 5 of said block;
thence in_a direct line south to the north-
hereinafter named. That the. said notice was du rinted and westalonerof lot Ml of said block;eidalle to
the northeast order of line west said alley 17
` the.northeast corner of the west half of lot 17
of said block.thence northerly to the southeast
corner of the west half of lot 8 of said block;•published in said newspaper f r the period of thence easterly to the place of beginning;
And, whereas, 'the petitioners state that
they are a rating on said the owners of the
property fronting on said alley,aaad that the
successive-. On of each week reasonwh}said alley should be vacated is'
that heretofore the City of St.Paul had con-
demned for alley purposes the north twenty-
six feet of lots 17,18,10 and the west half of
commencing on v l i �� , the__-! �� lot 20 of said block,and that the land asked
/ to be vacated is no longer needed for au
alley,:and that the saute is now in possession
and used by the Board of School inspectors
day of T 8. .. , on which ay last mentioned of said city,and thereupon is situated a pub-'
lie school building,constructed of stone and-
brick,and which is impracticable to move;
now therefore
it was firs pub ished, and ending n .;.......... G2 the Notice is hereby given that said petition
will be heard and considered by the Assem-
/a blv of the City of St.Paul on Thursday.the
l 2'd day of September, A.ll. 18J'?, at 7:30
day of 18 .2, - o'clock p,m.,at the Council chamber in the
city hall.
By order of the Assembly.
on which day last mentioned it was last
.Y published, upon city clerk. ;
[ang13-5wi s-Satj
which days and times of publications aforesaid the said news- - -T ( — -
paper was regularly printed and published, and that during the
whole time of the said publication he was one of the printers
and publishers of the said newspaperIP
� / ,�.
Subscribed and sworn to vre me this
/de day of
N �(.._ A I
i Ja�� � . 1 1817*—
Printer's fee, $ ....
r vi i sow.. /,
Notary Public,Ramsey County,Minn.