1892 (3) ,.4
Transcript o f Resolution.
State of Minnesota,
Counts:- o f Ramsey, ass.
City of Saint Paul . '
I , Thos. A. Prendergast, City Clerk of said City, do
hereby certify that I have compared the attached print ed c opy of
Assembly File No .486, being a resolution vacating portions of west
A'yF No.986— ' Crocus lull 1 etc. with the original there
Whereas,The majority of owners resident ! ! • , Fi
in the City of St.Paul,Minnesota. of the
property abutting upon and along the line of
Fairmount Place,and such of soch
owners of proper y abutting upon and alon g of as on f it e in thi s office and as passed
the line ot Crocus Place, and such majority
of such owners of property abutting upon
and along the line of the alley way herein-
after referred to have petitioned the tom- City
men Council of the City of St. Paul to vacate by the Board o f Al d amen of said i C 1 t�, on
said Fairmount Place; and also to vacate
that portion of said Crocus Place hereinafter T (,'
described and the vacated;and also ero hereinafter Marc h I st • , 1892 and b y the Assembly o
portion of the said alley hereinafter de- IVl of
scribed and vacated, which said petition,
duly sets forth the facts and seasons for said
vacation, and was duly accompanied by a
plat tnereof,as proposed to be vacated, and City l
Whereas,The Board of Aldermen of said said City February 23rd. I 1892 and app r ov ed,
City,upon the presentation of said petition e
deemed it expedient that the matter be pro-
'ceeded with and ordered said petition to be gg ``11 7 ('s�
flied of record with the City Clerk,and nO- by the Ma yor o f said City March 3rd.. , 1 392
tire to be given by publication,as pros ided
by law,and
Whereas.Hire Iffifiiie was glue"n-,y- pub("-
' cation in the official paper of said city for
four weeks,commencing ou the 26th day of and I further c art i f y th at, said c opy i s a
December,A.D.1811, to the effect that said
petition had been filed with the City Clerk,
stating in oriel its object and that the some
would be heard and considered by the Roard true and correct copy o f s a id o ri gin al a rd
' of Aldermen of the City of St.Paul ou Tues-
day,the 2d day of February.A.D.1892,at
7:39 o'clock in the afternoon of said day,at
tah council chamber in the City of St.Paul, of the who 1 e t her eo f.
Whereas.That at the time and place,last
aforesaid.for the investigation and consid-
eration of Aldermen, after herrin g all of such proposed vacation the
Board Witness the Seal o f the City of Saint
persons interested, and being of
-the ("pinion that the vacation of
the property hereinafter described is
inecessary and proper,and that the prerequi•,
sites therefor have all been duly and fully, Paul this 30th da�r o f Apr i1 A. D. 1892.
complied with;
Now Therefore, Resolred, That all that
portion of West Crocus Hill,as described on
the plat of West Crocus Hill of record in the '
'' office of the Register of Deeds,within the -
•boundaries of lot four(4)of West Crocus Hill ���•"B,"on file and of record in the office of the
■ said Register of Deeds,as the said lot is de-
scribed and bounded on said recorded plat r`
thereof;and also all that portion of the alley Cit shown on said plat of West CroensHill which C it y Cl C ark•
is included within the boundaries of lots
,'tour(4)and five(5)of said West Crocus bill
"B" according to the plat thereof as the
same appears of record in the office of the
Register of Deeds in and for the County ot
Ramsey,Minnesota,be.and the same is here-
' i< bydeclared to be vacated and discontinued
•as asked for in said petition,and as herein-
above specified.
Adopted by the Assembly Feb.23.1892.
R Yeas—Messrs. Banholzer, Elmquist, flare,
McCafferty,McNamee,Oppenhefnr,Van Slyke
President of the Assembly.
Adopted by the Board of Alderman March
Yeas—Ald-Bielenberg,Bott,Copeland,Dob- i
President of the Board of Aldermen.
Approved March 1,1892.
Attest: Taos.A.PR.ENDERGAST,City Clerk.
March 14.
I • r
State o f Minnes ota.
County of Ramsey, ss.
City of Saint Paul .
I, Thos.A.Prendergast, City Clerk of said City of Saint Paul ,
do hereby certify that I have compared the attached plat of west
Crocus Hill "B' with the original thereof as on file in this office
accompanying the petition dated July I0, I889 now on file in this
off ice, signed by A. K. Barnum and others, asking for the vacation
of those parts of Crocus Place , Fahmount Place and alley in west
Crocus Hill rearrangement of Highland Park Addition, as are shorn
by said. plat and indicated thereon by red color; said petition hav-
ing been ordered filed of record and the city clerk instructed to
give the necessary publication notice by order o f the Board of Ald-
ermen of said City December Ist . , I89I and the City Clerk having
given notice as ordered/ for a hearing on said petition for the 2nd.
day of February I892 at 7:30 o'clock P.M.
I further c ert ify that said cop;: o f said plat i s a true and
correct copy of said original and o f the whole thereof .
Witness the seal of the City of Saint Paul this 30th day of
April A.D.I892. `��..►�
City Cl erk.
t 10
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tfiinq ,rrt2 to ,' ,tit,) bine to );1» 10 -"3ifi etwrtithrte.TI.A.80- ItT
Jisew to Ja,kg beciosJov sit" bona(Imo EYV CI I 41144 xti,tevo 1,f,tioin4 oh
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.:1•PT NfOLOtO Ogrt' :1 ::4:.. i "'TIC" ''''• 1
btu writs m • I killiq x;ifie to -goo bisa i-s :rid' ...1.i .i.teo IS rimifi I
a tairtett4 ()loci* and to. brfs .1.„urriNi*f , hi SS / '"_ rq0 t) :00'1•1 Of)
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T.1.A fil A
.14 ro 1.0 - ti :)
To the Honorable the Common Council of the City of St. Paul:-
• We the undersigned residents and citizens of the City of St .
Paul and owners of the property' hereinafter described do most earn-
estly protest against the vacation and discontinuance of a street
or alleyway running between Fairmount Avenue and St . Albans Strettt
in West Crocus Hill B, and lying between Lot Nine (9) and Lot Sev-
en 4/-72-it
en (7) of said West Crocus Hill B.
Dated St . Paul, Minn. , Feb. C, 1892.
( /a i -k-u-4.1 - -I.d / - 0Z
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To the Common Council and to the Committee on streets of the
City of StPaul.
We the undersigned owners of property fronting on Fairmont Ave*
hereby protest against vacating that part of a street leading from
Fairmont Ave{. to SteAlbans street*
(7-4; a6ze_detzlx, cep- X, 442 . 44. 38 3 2_
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i. - I D.E.DSEo- e----,4..........0.00y,()IM O° JI
St Paul,Minn. , July 16th. 1889.
To the Common Council,
of the City of St Paul.
ka- - k
[ The Plat Commission have had before it the plat
ent /t�l c`'" West Crocus Mill, B" ,and have approved the same ; and
thZy•} ereby certify that the amount of land dedicated in said plat
(which is colored blue on the accompanyin,c, map,and is contained in
two. 'racts marked (1), A B C D, (2) E F G H) is equivalent in
amount to that colored red on the accompanying map, contained in
four trac is ,and indicated by the letters
(1) I JKL, (2) MT10 P QR, (3) S T VU
and (1 't4e north half bf that marked W X Y Z,
L _
which latter trays are e d in they •tic ompanying petition to be
Respectfully submitted,
/ Plat Commission.or -\%:(1 '
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Vacation of Parts of :Crocus
Place, Fairmount -Plate and
Alley in West Crocus hill Ile-
arrangement of Highland.
Park Addition.
ST.PAUL, Minn., Dec. 24, 1691.i
Whereas.a.petition has been filed of record
in this office;•ny order of the Board of Alder-
men of said-City of St.Paul,asking for the
_ vacation of those phrts of Crocus Place,Fair-
mount Place;and the alleywas'inWest Crocus
AFFIDAVIT O P L E3 T ,I C A litll to St.' Pain,ant of Highland Park Addi-
lion to St.Paul,ns are shown by the p1aL ac-
companyaugsaid,petition—slid portions dc-
aired to Ue;Heated being, arked on said plat
by red color,and
Whereas,the petitioners alate..thet theyare
the majority.uf tbe}•esitlent owners of nronpe
arty irontine_on CroonsPlace, Fsirmount
STATE OF MINNESOTA, Place,and the alleyway in West Crocus Hill
1 99 Rearrangement of Htghlatid'Park Addition
• of TY180 to St.Paull,and that they own also a and that
y, ity of the froutaeason for asking kingfn and that
- lbe object and reason for asking foI said ya-
cation is that by reason o€-She:dedication of
oxher'propertyao.public use,said property so pau
proposed to be vacated as aforesaid is of no
�_ �/��C value for Public nse.
/ Now th ublice,notice is hereby given that
.eing duly sworn, said petttrotrtivill be heard and'constdered'b9
on`Tuesday,"lheeT d d y oft February.A.Dl
dep - . - • nexrinted co of notice of 160.'3,at inU o'clock p.m, at the'conned copy Chamber iu the C[ty and
`� By order THOS. A.PRE DERGAST, ,
Or i jr Cit Clerk. _
Was taken from • I7ee2c-Jnn2-9-16 23.
the N`/ PAUL DAILY GLOBE, a newspaper which, during y
the whole time of the publication of said notice, hereinafter
stated, has been and is printed and published in the English
language in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, and State
of Minnesota, and published and generally circulated in said
county for more than one year next preceding the date of the
first pu • ation hereinafter named. That the said notice was -
duly p tee 'anndd/Tpublisheedd . . newspaper for the period of
,���--. succ s' v: an._. ._-_......_........__.._....
o ea ,. commencing 11F7/ 2 the 6
9 AP
day of 189/, on w." day last mentioned
it was first i , and ending o, __ ..._ the
_-- day of� 41 . ___._ . 18
on which day last mentioned was last u'.lishe. upon which
p p ch
days and times of publication aforesaid the said newspaper
was regularly printed and published, and that during the,whole
time of the said publication he was one of the printers and
publishers of the said newspaper
Subscribed .1'vo , bef. e, '�
dire -
day of
'.- .._A.D18
Printer's fee, $__.._ __.._..._._1, ler
/P4( ,/ ..."'we'' ,'
Notary Public,Ramsey Co.,Minn.
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